Day in the Life

Oct 9, 1846

Journal Entry

October 09, 1846 ~ Friday

^9th^ three to the office of Bishop. I wrote some
A hand pointing to the right in a letter [to] E. H. Davis of London I had a
touch of the Ague to day


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Autobiography 1857 Draft 1
together which commenced on the th day I began to walk about in 20 days from the time I was hurt and in 30 days from the time I was hurt I again commenced hard labour. And It has always appeared miraculous to me that with all the injuries and broken bones that I have had, I have not a lame limb about me but have been enabled ever since to endure the hardest manual labor, exposure, hardships and injuries have even walked 40, 50 & on one occasion 60 miles in a day. However if I over labor or take a severe cold I feel it more sensibly in my breast and left side than I did before my last injury. Thus I have occupied considerable space in referring to those peculiar circumstances which here attending me ^thus far^ during life and to sum the matter up it stands about thus. I have broaken both legs (one twice in two) both arms, both ancles, my breast bone, 3 ribs, have been drowned, froze, & scalded. have been in two water wheels under a full head of water, bitten by a mad dog and passed through a score of other hair breadth escapes. Yet the mercies of God have been over me, and my life has thus far been preseved upon the Earth for which blessing I feel to render the gratitude of my heart with thanksgiving to my Heavenly Father praying that the remainder of my days, may be spent in his service & the building up of his Kingdom (Page 9th * History) Having embraced the fullness of the Everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ and seeing in it great beauty, power, glory & salvation I had a great ^great^ desire to teach it to my ^the gospel fellow men, and this desire increased upon me and rested with great wait upon my mind but ^which^ I did not reveal this to any man ^person^. But one Sunday evening I retired into the woods alone by myself and called upon the Lord in earnest prayer to open my way to go and preach the gospel of Salvation to the children of men ^inhabitants of the Earth^. The Spirit of the Lord rested upon me & bore witness unto me that my prayer was heard & should be answered upon my head. I arose from my knees happy & walked some forty rods through a thick wood into an open road, as I entered the road there stood before me Judge Elias Higby an High Priest with whom I had been


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Wilford severely injured by falling tree while cutting logs to build his family a cabin: breaks breastbone, three ribs, suffers internal injuries.

Oct 9, 1846