Day in the Life

Dec 18, 1846

Journal Entry

December 18, 1846 ~ Friday

18th I spent the day getting Br
John Sherman Fowler ready to go to
Missouri to get a load of Provisions
for the family's use in the evening
I went to the store to trade out my
bill of goods consisting of shugar
Molasses, salt, salaratus, cotton cloth
drilling, striped, shirting flannel cotton
batting shoe thread coffee, tea, a lantern
3 primmers calico and s amounting
in all to $ [blank]
returned home Mrs Woodruff took
out of her family box her portrait to
see the likeness of her little Joseph we
had buried


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Woodruff, Joseph
28 Jul 1845 - 12 Nov 1846
34 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions


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Church membership is 34,694.
Wilford organizes "adopted" family (40 heads of households) under covenant to abide rules.

Dec 18, 1846