Day in the Life

Dec 18, 1848

Journal Entry

December 18, 1848 ~ Monday

18th I took cars rode to Boston to Cambridgeport And spent
the night with my family once more 50 [miles]


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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
and on the I returned to my family at Cambridgeport All the persapers and news of the day were full of important and stirring events of the wars and revolutions in Europe and startling developements ^in America^. Among those of America was the descovery of Go[l]d by the Mormons in upper California and the rush of the nation to the gold field like the rushing of a horse to battle. The cholera had again commenced in New York yet the gold panic was so much greater than the fever of the cholera that it was hardly noticed Among the letters which I obtained on my return to my family was one from Orson Hyde who

Dec 18, 1848