Day in the Life

Dec 20, 1848

Journal Entry

December 20, 1848 ~ Wednesday

20th I spent the day at home reading & writing. And I find
[FIGURE] Gold from the publications of the day that the signs of
the times
Are fulfilling many of the Ancient as well as
modern Revelations And Prophesies. Thrones are cast
down. all governments of the earth are tottering from their
foundations Anarchy & confuscion are begining to reign. Hatred
strife and war are begining to be poured out upon the childr[en]
of men. In the midst of this order of things, the Latter
Day Saints
discover vast quantities of Gold at the base of
the mountains of Israel in the valley of the sacramento in
upper Calafornia. And not ownly the people of the United
States but of other nations ketch the sound of Gold Gold &
tens of thousands are rushing forward evry way in their
power to get to the gold country as A Horse would rush to
Battle. But the Amount of Gold, silver, coper &c discoverd
in that country indicates that the worldd of the Lord spok
by Isaiah will be fulfilled, when He says that "for Brass He
will bring Gold for Iron I will bring silver, for wood brass
for stones Iron, &c [Isaiah 60:17] truly this is an age big with events
Companies Are forming in all most all parts of the United
States And ships in all our ports prepareing to take the
people to the Bay of San Francisco which is ownly 20 miles
from Capt Sutters Fort whare the Mormon gold digings commence
And It seems as though all the world thought of at the present
time was to obtain gold. Though the cholera has commen[ce]d
spreading in New York once more, yet the gold panic is
so much greater then the fear of the cholery that it is
hardy noticed.

Among the letters which I obtained yesterday was one from
O Hyde who informed me that Olover Cowdery had come
back to the Church had made satisfaction And was voted to
come in by the door of Baptism. He was the first man baptized
into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in this last
, under the Hands of Joseph Smith the prophet
but after being out of the Church eleven years He had now
returned again. And may the Lord bless him & Keep him
steadfast unto the end. The following is A Fac similee of
the Alphabet used in conveying intelligence by the magnetic telegraph
A - – B – - - - C - - - D – - - E - F - – - G – – - H - - - - I - - J – - – -
K – - – L — M – – N – - O - - P - - - - - Q - - – - R - - - S - - -
T – U - - – V - - - – W - – – X - – - - Y - - - - Z - - - - & - - -
1 - – – - 2 - - – - - 3 - - - – - 4 - - - - – 5 – – – 6 - - - - - - 7 – – - - 8 – - - - -
9 – - - – 0 ———
- – – - - — - – - - - - - - – - - - – – - - - - – - - - - - - - – - – -
{Remember the [illegible shorthand]ion of [illegible shorthand]}


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

118 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Sutter, John August
23 Feb 1803 - 18 Jun 1880
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Cowdery, Oliver
3 Oct 1806 - 3 Mar 1850
132 mentions
Hyde, Orson
8 Jan 1805 - 28 Nov 1878
698 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


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Letter from George Albert Smith and Ezra Taft Benson, 20 December 1848
Corbonca Elder Woodruff Dear Brother As an apology for our long silence, we write this letter, for no doubt you are aware, that there would be a great croud of buiseness on our hands, ^as^ soon has the Presidency, all left winter qurters, the people are scattered over so great an extent of territory, that it requires an immence labour, to communicate with them, and in a great measure it has been done through others, there his about 50 Branches organised, all doing well, has a general thing, except some slight touches of the big head, which his a natural conscequence, where men, forget the work of the Lord, and seek to build up them selves, on the 9th of December, all the Soldiers that had come from Calafornia and the Valley with their wives and famelies were feasted at the tabernace on a general collection of good things, provided by the Saints for the occation, it was certainly equal to the dinner provided for the pioneers at the pass which you now was hard to beat, after the Soldiers had all feasted, the weather being very cold, they praised the Lord in a dance, the after an hour spent in this way several apropreate addresses were made and all felt, first rate, the Seventys held a meeting on the Sunday and Monday following, which were well attended not withstanding the severe wether, unity and the good spirit prevaded these gatherings, they ajournd to the new tabernacle on Pigeon, on the last Saturday in December, Brother Egan an 12 others arrived here from the Salt Lack City, on Thursday, the 7th he left the city on the 13th of September ^October^. President Young arrived there on the 20 of September President Kimbal on the 24th, a conference had been held, on ^motion^ of Elder Pratt the Presedency as organised here was unanimosly acknowledged, also my father as Patriarck, Charles C. Rich as President in the Valley, John Young and Erastas Snow counsellors, arrangemengts were made ^for^ inclosing and additional field of

Dec 20, 1848