Day in the Life

Jun 30, 1849

Journal Entry

June 30, 1849 ~ Saturday

30th In company with Br Luce I rode to Brother Wm H. Wilson
South St George I spent the night with him 20 mi

I read the New York Soun which reports 100 & 126 deaths dai[ly]
SIn St Louis by cholera & 100 deaths in Cincinnati


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Luce, John Grant
20 Sep 1817 - 28 Mar 1881
12 mentions
Maine Mission
Wilson, William H.
25 Jan 1807 - 25 Nov 1867
14 mentions
Maine Mission


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Letter from Almon Whiting Babbitt, 30 January 1849
New York Wilford Woodruff Esq Dear Sir your Letter of the 25 Inst was duly Receivd & I will impart the information to Br Carthwight that you requested I shall leave here for Washington on friday next will remain in the city of Philadelphia over next Sabath Mr Tuttle from New Haven came to see me last Evening in Relation to Sidney Roberts whom he represents as acting out of character & bringing Reproach upon the church he wants you to call at his House in New Haven when you come down or at his office No 169 South st New York & he will give you full information Mr Tuttle is a friend & his wife belongs to the church & he feels all the Interests in our wellfare that every member feels do not forget to make him a order call My respects to sister Woodruff & all the friends & believe me as Ever your friend A. W. Babbitt

Jun 30, 1849