Day in the Life

Jul 14, 1849

Journal Entry

July 14, 1849 ~ Saturday

14th Wind Dead a head we beat up the river got to the town
of Machias at 5 oclok after spending a few moments on shore
I went to the wharf & went on board of a 5 ton schooner
John Eldridge capt & owner we started for Beaver Harbor
in Penfield we had a good run & breeze all night distance
from Machias port to the Town 7 miles And vary crooked 7 m


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Eldridge, John
bef. 1820-1850
4 mentions
Maine Mission


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July 16, 1849 ~ Monday 16th I left Mr Eldridge & sho^o^ld shouldered my travelling bag & walked and walked 7 miles to MCCorrells & waited 3 Hours for the stage to go to St Johns when it came along it was loaded down & could not take me. Here I was 42 miles from St Johns on foot & no conveyance with A Heavy travelling bag with A vast burning forest to go through I did not stop to meditate or complain of my situation but swung my carpet bag over my shoulder again & started on my journey on foot, in good spirits
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 14 July 1849
Beaver Harbor, Bay of Funday, N. B. Sunday evening, . My Dear Phebe I seat myself on the top of a High, Romantic Mountain or Hill to comens a few moments once more with you. I am nearly surronded with majestic Hills, mountains, & dens forests, which have just been swept over with those terriffic fires which have devastated this part of the earth & left a mantle of Darkness & morning over the face thereof, before me on the east However I behold the majestic Bay of Funday spread out with its majestic & mighty Billows rolling for the Rocky bo[u]nd shore to fulfill the Law of its c^C^reator, by forming a tide in places of about 75 feet. for the last hour before the sitting sun I have stood upon an Eminance gazeing upon the grand scenery bef[o]re me, meditating upon the works of God with a degree of both delight & solemnity, & wished I could have had you by my side a few mome[n]ts to have gazed upon the scenery with me, but I was alone except my guardian Angel. After I found a small spot of evergreens a spared moment from the burning, I reposed to offered up my prayers ^for my wife, children, Saints, Israel^ according to the Holy Order of God. I seat myself in a little bedroom whare the family knoweth me not to con[v]ers a few moments with you. A pleasing duty indeed. I hope I shall be able to enjoy the same blessing at your Hand on my arr[i]val at Miramichi As I ha[v]e not heard a word since I left home from you & have not seen your face ownly though a glass darkly. I suppose you would like to know what I have been about since I last wrote you well I will tell you one whole week to a day of my time has been spent in a dreary manner by being shut up in a small Harbor 60 miles East of Fox Islands called Musketoe or winter Harbor bo[u]nd fast by smoke fog & calm with nothing to clear the heart or please the eye except to wander over the ragged rocks & forest, pick a few straw berries & wintergreens, see a few rough fisherman, ketch a few lobsters & fish, & live, eat, drink, & sleep, in

Jul 14, 1849