Day in the Life

Jul 16, 1849

Journal Entry

July 16, 1849 ~ Monday

16th I left Mr Eldridge & sho^o^ld shouldered my travelling bag & walked
and walked 7 miles to MCCorrells & waited 3 Hours for the stage to go
to St Johns when it came along it was loaded down & could not
take me. Here I was 42 miles from St Johns on foot & no
conveyance with a Heavy travelling bag with A vast burning
forest to go through I did not stop to meditate or complain
of my situation but swung my carpet bag over my shoulder
again & started on my journey on foot, in good spirits most
of the road was through dens forest rocky & poor soil many parts
of the forest was inhabited by bears & wolves. After travelling
a few miles I overtook an Irishman on foot we walked
together several miles A man came in a waggon & took
my bag & carried it 5 miles for me to Mr McGowins which
was great relief to me. On my Arivals at McGowens I
found my bag safe & got a chance to send [it] on 15 miles further
to Mr Tiltons, & was glad to get rid of the load if I had to
walk myself I took dinner here the Irishman left I saw
no more of him. I had now walked about 20 miles
at 1 oclok besides waiting 3 Hours for the stage I had 15 m
more to walk before I could stop for the night I found
the whole forest as I came along laid waste by the late fires
which swept fences, dwellings, barns, Mills, lumber yard
& evry thing els in its march & but few dwellings rema-
ining. Although I began to be vary weary & lame yet I
entered the dark forest before me And I found my last
15 miles A sore dreary road indeed And it seemed as though
I could not get through And when I did arive at Mr
Tiltons I was so lame I could scearcely walk at all & was
under the Necessity of going to bed without my supper I
washed myself in cold water from Head to foot to take
the soreness out of my cords & limbs & went to bed but
was to weary to sleep much I had walked this day 35 m
A thing I had not done before in 10 years


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Eldridge, John
bef. 1820-1850
4 mentions
Maine Mission
1 mention
2 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.



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July 16, 1849 ~ Monday 16th I left Mr Eldridge & sho^o^ld shouldered my travelling bag & walked and walked 7 miles to MCCorrells & waited 3 Hours for the stage to go to St Johns when it came along it was loaded down & could not take me. Here I was 42 miles from St Johns on foot & no conveyance with A Heavy travelling bag with A vast burning forest to go through I did not stop to meditate or complain of my situation but swung my carpet bag over my shoulder again & started on my journey on foot, in good spirits
~ Wilford Woodruff

Jul 16, 1849