Day in the Life

Jul 18, 1849

Journal Entry

July 18, 1849 ~ Wednesday

18th I learned this morning I could not go to Miramichi untill
the 20th I walked into the city to try to get some New York
papers to read. I called upon the Hon Mr Partlow M. P.
who loaned me the New York Journal of Commerce which
I read with much interest I then walked through the city
& found it to be a delightful situation upon the bank of the
river location level with all of the streets runing west
terminating 2 or 3 miles west of the city upon a High Mounta
in with a gradual ascent. I saw a company of 24 soldiers
excercise by fireing musket balls at a target some 500 balls were
fired at some 20 or 25 rods about 1/4 of them Hit A board twice
the size of a man. some Half dozen hit the bulls eye 8 inch in
diameter the balls fell into the St Johns river some half a mile
distant. I visited the grave yard, And A large catherdral build-
ing. I learned from the papers, that there had been 1300
deaths in one woek in Cincinnati & about the same No in
St Louis. I Attended A Prysbeterian meeting the priest
sprinkled A child & called it baptism It was an abomina
tion in the sight of God


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Jul 18, 1849