Day in the Life

Jul 24, 1849

Journal Entry

July 24, 1849 ~ Tuesday

24th A hand pointing to the right I wrote A letter to OMrs Woodruff Also finished
the Letter to O pratt & Mailed them I recieved the
European Times giving an account of the wars of Europe
Also A collision betwen the steemer Europe & A ship from
Boston the Boston ship sunk in 4 minutes 134 lives
lost. Br Russell got a letter from Capt McFerson
saying that 200 of the welsh saints & 100 of the
English died of cholera on the way to the bluffs but
I think it is exagerated from the Accounts I get
from the west I do not think one half that No is dead
^ Keys crossed A crown July 24th A great celebration in the city of the Great Salt Lake A liberty pole
erected 104 feet high, with A flag or ensign 60 feet long. 7000 feast at 2 tables 1 1/2 miles long^


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Russell, Joseph
17 Aug 1786 - 10 Mar 1855
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1088 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions


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Letter to Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 24 July 1849
Joseph Russells Miramichi I will continue my journal from my last letter which was written on the Sunday 15th inst. I stated that next day I exp[e]cted to be in St Johns, but I was disappo[i]nted. on Monday morning I took my carpet bag on my sholder walked 7 miles to the Stage road & waited 3 Hours for the Stage when it came along it was loaded down & would not take me Had left 5 other passengers back. Here I was on foot 42 miles from St Johns with my carpet bag in Hand & no conveyance for 3 days I did not stop long to meditate or complain of my situation but swung my carpet bag over my shoulder & started on my way which lay mostly through those dens burnt forest with but few inhabitants it was twelve miles to the next Stage Home After traveling 5 miles I o[v]ertook an Irishman for company on the same road the ownly benefit from his company might have been in case of an attack from Bears & wolves which inhabited the forest that I had to go through. I got a man that came along with a waggon to carry my Bag 5 miles to the Stage Home which was a great rele^i^af to me as I could not ride myself. I reached the Stage Home at 1 oclo[c]k making 19 miles walk. I Here got a chance to send my carpet Bag by a couple of Ladies to the next Stage Home 16 mils farther where I would Have to walk & stop at night if I went any further while I was taking dinner I lost the Irishman so I was left alone aga[i]n I started on my journey was already getting very bat[te]red & weary, but I fo[u]nd my last 16 miles was all I could possibly get through arived at dusk evry cord & sinew in my body was sore from Head to foot for I had walked about 35 miles & carried the carpet bag some 15 miles ^such^ a walk I ha[v]e not before taken for 10 years. I could not eat & went to bed sick 17th I arose this morning but could Hardly sta[n]d on my feet got some breakfast & started for St Johns 16 mils further after walking 1/2 a mile I got a ride to St Johns with a gentleman merchant, & it was a great blessing to me for I felt I could ne[v]er walk there. the last 40 miles I came through was all burnt over by the late fires sweeping mills, Hous[e]s Lumber yards & evry thing before it. I saw some of the forest still on fire. St Johns is quite a large bus[i]ness place. the steemer was to

Jul 24, 1849