Day in the Life

Jan 2, 1856

Journal Entry

January 02, 1856 ~ Wednesday

2nd I spent the day in Joint session. All the officers of the
Territory were Elected the Judges, & Notary Public of the co[u]nties
The commissioners, Treasurers, Auditors, Marshalls, surveyors &
Attorney Generals, The Chancellors & Regency of the University
of Deserett
. I was appointed as one of the Regency.


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Letter from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 2 January 1856
G. S. L. Citty My Dearest Willford The children have all written you or mostly so that you will get all the news by them but I thought I would just tell you how we spent our new years and would like to know how you spent yours. Well Capt. Hooper made a party consisting mostly of his store con associates with their ladies. I was invited to dine with them consequently did so after supper they all decided to go to the social hall and spend the eve. So Capt. Hoop er and Lady would not take no for an answer to my going with them and so I went with all the children urging me to do so—but the children wiser than me staid at home and attended to their cyphering—thus we spent our New years day. we all decided yesterday to wait for our Newyears dinner untill you come home which I hope will be soon. We are all as well as usual—Father is uncommonly well and harty this winter I think the mostso that I ever knew him. It is a great exertion for Willford to write but he has at last accomplished it in writing to you. We heared that the Legislature would colose the 19th of this month if so you will be home in about three weeks. Well if you feell like getting 1 or 2 of the &cs and see any one or two that will answer ^your purpose^ please do so I do not wish to prevent it any way. L. Hardy has got him another wife Harriot Blair. Dont let me stand in your way in regard to that. We are having cold weather in nega here now I must close as the mail soon closes. The children are much pleased with receiving and answering your letters also myself Yours as ever so good by may God bless you Phebe W. Woodruff
Political/Government - Minutes of the Legislative Council of Utah Territory, 1854-1856
Legislative Assembly {shorthand} 10 {shorthand} {shorthand} distributing {shorthand} {shorthand} 50 copies {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} H C Kimball & McBride {shorthand} {shorthand} [interfered] {shorthand}
Political/Government - Minutes of the Legislative Council of Utah Territory, 1854-1856
H C Kimball {shorthand} {shorthand} 12 {shorthand} {shorthand} 12 & {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} Capt Hooper {shorthand} situation {shorthand} {shorthand} {shorthand} Father Morley {shorthand} subject Read the 10 chapter of Hebrews A Bill {shorthand} {shorthand} Colton Madock & [illegible] {shorthand} Ar {shorthand} {shorthand} [canyons] &c {shorthand} {shorthand} [illegible]


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford serves on Board of Directors of Deseret Agriculture and Manufacturing Society.

Jan 2, 1856