Day in the Life

Sep 6, 1856

Journal Entry

September 06, 1856 ~ Saturday

6th A single key with teeth to the left I spent the fore part of the day in the office on History. I met
with Parley P. Pratt and a company of Missionary in the 70s Hall
P. P. Pratt W Woodruff Joseph Young, Z. Pulsipher A. P. Rockwood
& H. S. Eldridge Blessed 24 Missionaries 20 To England & 4
To the states we ordained 2 Elders & one seventy W Woodruff spoke
to the Missionaries a short time & exhorted them to keep a Journal
of their Ministry every day of their lives. He said I would advised
you to get all of your blessings written & preserve them. In writing your
Journal I do not care about your keeping an account of what you eat
or drink or whare you sleep unless you should be in a Desert, in the
wilderness or on a mountain & have nothing to Eat then if the beast of
the field or Fowls of Heaven come & Feed you as the ravens did Elisha [1 Kings 17:1-6]
then I would want you to record that, but I do feel to Enjoin it upon you
to make a record of Evry official ackt of your life. If you baptize, confirm
ordain or bless any person or administer to the sick write an account of
it if evry man will do this the Church can write an correct account of it
we are not apt to think of the importance of Events as they transpire with
us but we feel the importance of them afterwards. we are living in one of
the most important Generations that man ever lived on Earth & we should
write an ofaccount of those important transactions which are takeing place before
our Eyes in fulfillmen of the prophesies & the revelation of God there is a great
flood of prRevelations fulfilling in our day & as they are transpireing before
our eyes we want a record made of them if the power & blessings of

God are made manifest in your preservation from Danger & death
you should make a record of it keep an account of the dealings of
God with you daily. I have written all the blessings I have received
& I would not take gold for them. I am in the Historians office & I find
it vary difficult to get or find a record of Events as they past
along shuch as we want to make the History but if the Elders will take
pains to write their Official Acts so the Historian can get hold of
them it will be a benefit to the Church the History of this Church
will remain throught time & In Eternity *

Elder P. P. Pratt followed & backed up my testimony & said he had
reflected upon this subject for years to know what a man should write
& have come to the conclusion that a man should write his
official acts in the priesthood I have been sorry that I have not
kept more of a Journal than I have I wish I had written evry
mans name that I had ever baptized or administered unto it
is necesary for us to keep a Journal.

* W. Woodruff said if their was no other motive in view ownly to have
the privilege of reading over our Journals & for our children to read it
would pay for the time spent in writing it

I left while Elder Pratt was speaking & wento to the Council House &
attended the Agricultural Meeting see minutes of meeting in the D News
of Sept 10th. I spent the night at home was poorly in health I
suffer much in the rheumatisms


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Rockwood, Albert Perry
9 Jun 1805 - 26 Nov 1879
8 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Eldredge, Horace Sunderlin
6 Feb 1816 - 6 Sep 1888
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
550 mentions
Pulsipher, Zerah
24 Jun 1788 - 1 Jan 1872


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we are living in one of the most important Generations that man ever lived on Earth & we should write an ofaccount of those important transactions which are takeing place before our Eyes in fulfillmen of the prophesies & the revelation of God there is a great flood of Revelations fulfillig in our day & as they are transpiring before our eyes we want a record made of them if the power & blessings of
~ Wilford Woodruff
we are living in one of the most important Generations that man ever lived on Earth & we should write an ofaccount of those important transactions which are takeing place before our Eyes in fulfillmen of the prophesies & the revelation of God there is a great flood of Revelations fulfillig in our day & as they are transpiring before our eyes we want a record made of them if the power & blessings of
~ Wilford Woodruff
God are made manifest in your preservation from Danger & death you should make a record of it keep an account of the dealings of God with you daily I have written all the blessings I have received & I would not take gold for them.
~ Wilford Woodruff
W. Woodruff said if their was no other motive in view ownly to have the privilege of reading over our Journals & for our children to read it would pay for the time spent in writing it
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Religious - Blessing given to Thomas Bullock, 6 September 1856
under the hands of P. P. Pratt, W. Woodruff and Joseph Young. Pronounced by W. Woodruff. Brother Thomas Bullock in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by virtue of the holy priesthood we lay our hands on your head to set you apart unto your mission whereunto you have been called by the servants of the Lord, and we dedecate and consecrate you to go on this mission, even unto Eng- land to preach the gospel to the inhabitants of your native land and country, and we pray God to pour out his holy spirit upon you ^and^ that you may be filled with the gift and power of the holy ghost. We say unto you Bro. Thomas you have been faithful in many things that you have been called to do, and unto the servants of God even in the secret things of the kingdom of heaven, and in keeping the records of the Church, and in as much as you will be faithful and follow in the same steps you shall be blest and prospered. We bless you with every blessing pertaining to your mission, for these are the feelings of our heart, and we say the spirit of God shall rest upon you and quicken your understanding. Go in peace and trust in the name of the Lord and you shall be satisfied that this mission will prove for your good, we ask our father to preserve you in health and life, that you may dream dreams and see visions, and have revelations by day and by night. Your privileges have been great in your day and gene- ration, and you have a fund in store of knowledge which many of the children of men have been deprived of, and we say unto you make good
Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
On the I met with Parley P. Pratt and a company of Missionaries in the Seventies' Hall. Parley P. Pratt W. Woodruff Joseph Young Zera Pulsipher A. P. Rockwood and Horace S. Eldridge blessed 24 missionaries 20 of whom were going to England and 4 to the States. We also ordained 2 Elders and one Seventy.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church-wide reformation includes rebaptizing, restructuring and recommitment to principles and covenants. First "home missionaries" introduced (precursor to ministering program).
First baptisms administered in baptismal font; members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles rebaptized (4th rebaptism for Wilford).

Sep 6, 1856