Day in the Life

Jul 22, 1857

Journal Entry

July 22, 1857 ~ Wednesday

22nd I took my family in my waggon & started for the mouth of
the big Cotton wood canyon to attend the great picknick party
of President Young & company at the Head waters of the Big Cotton wood


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
of the Big Cottonwood Kanyon to attend the great Picknick party of President Young and company at the head waters of the Big Cottonwood to celebrate the 24^th^ of July in commemoration of the enetry of the Pioneers into the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. On the first night we camped in the Big Cottonwood where the brethren were cutting Granite for the Temple. Brother Rich and George A Smith Amasa Lyman and many others camped with me. The whole road was lined with waggons for miles and they camped wherever they could drive out of the road. We arose next morning before 3 o'clock and started on our road. The Twelve followed the Presidency and the guards. The string of waggons reached for many miles. We arrived at the Campground at about 132 o'clock and the last waggon did not arrive till near midnight. The whole company munbered [numbered] 2587 persons with 468 carriages and waggons; 1028 horses and mules 332 oxen and cows. Flags were raised upon the highest peacks that surrounded us and the stars and stripes were placed upon the highest trees. The surrounding scenes of mountains valleys lakes woods and medows made the sight the most interesting I ever beheld. We had prayers at night and an address from President Young. There were five bands of music in attendance. On the 24th in keeping up the aniversary of the enterance of the Pioneers into the valleys we had music singing prayers addresses and each one enjoyed himself the best he could. Many trout were caught in the Lake. The


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Jul 22, 1857