Day in the Life

Apr 5, 1858

Journal Entry

April 05, 1858 ~ Monday

5th Wm Summerville took Sarah and Emma & children and
their things to provo. I spent a part of the day reading ^my history with G A Smith^
I met with the Twelve in the evening and Dedicated the City Hall and had a good time


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1039 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1447 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions


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we are all vacating our towns and cities and going into the southern settlements we shall evacuate the city of the Great Salt Lake if needs be into the hands of our enemies or burn our habitations and lay waste evry thing we possess inasmuch as our enemies are coming upon us and determined to destroy them us because we are deter- mined to worship God and acknowledge his hand in all things the rodes are lined with men, women and children, teams and waggons all moving south
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Discourse 1858-04-05
Elder Woodruff made a few remarks, he said that the scripture doctrine was now reversed, where it said that a prophet was not without honor save in own country, for the whole nation with the world to back them had risen up for the destruction of our leaders and to break up this Church and Kingdom. He felt that he would like to have some Angels or personages sent to occupy this Hall and the buildings in this City and throughout this Territory dedicated to the Lord, so that if our enemies came here to desecrate our habitations and our public buildings the Angels of the Almighty might be here to trouble them. He believed in the principle of dedicating this Hall to God. He felt that he wanted to dedicate his house and to pray that he might get the Holy Ghost upon him to such a degree that every ungodly man who should enter might be troubled. We have built and planted and occupied our possessions a considerable time in peace in these Valleys and his prayer was that the Lord might bless us and give continually his Holy Spirit, that we may learn to appreciate our blessings and privileges, and that we may so close to God as to realize that we are his friends, and though this people may be called to pass through straight places he was satisfied that it it was for the purpose of becoming more acquainted with the laws of God; to secure our salvation and exaltation; to open the way for the spread of the Gospel and the extension of the King and he felt that it was all right. This is a good room and is built with taste and at considerable expense, and if we do not occupy it we shall get a reward, and somebody has got to pay for these things; he believed it will cost a greater bill before we get through with it, and he felt satisfied that this very room will be one means of ripening the world for the harves[t] We have heretofore had towns, hamlets, cities counties and states to rise up against us, but never before had to stem thi[s] tide of the persecution of a whole nation, but our course is onward and we shall prevail over the combined powers of earth and hell, he was satisfied of this and he prayed that we might take hold of it like good soldiers.


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Apr 5, 1858