26th I spent the morning in the office on my history at
half past 10 an express arived to Gov Young by Barlow we
wento to see President Young met him coming to the office
in his carriage he brought us down to the Historian office
we met in the office viz president Young G. A. Smith
W Woodruff A. Lyman C. C. Rich A. Carrington
Cummings, Bentley Campbell & D. Carter the corresponden[ce]
betwen Gov Cummings & Johnson was opened and
read Gov Cummings said their was no organized troops
in the Territory. Johnson said that it would be 30 days
before he should attemp to come in said he should not
any further hender any Egress or ingress of postal or
mail arangements but should soon send the mail in
One paper was sent the 9th of May April but contaned
nothing of importance. President Young said I can read
them just as easy
The paper reports that the London
times sends out a correspondence with the army also the
Herrald and times were sending out writers they are
sending out some 8000 men or preparing to send them
the paper also inform us that two peace commissioners will be
sent to Utah {President Young says that if Bovier comes in he ought to be put under the sod.} Several
peaces were read from the paper. I received a letter from
C. W. Wandle. aI wrote a Letter to him in reply. BPresident Young
and G A. Smith Rode out and returned to the office
in the afternoon. Mr Cooper called also, and said that
he was in the Musketoe country 9 months and that he found
it a good country and would rather live theire than to
in any other country. President Young said to Mr Cooper
what could Mr Kenny mean or think of us to send
to us as he has, does he think we are fools The United States
would give millions of dollars to have us go to that country
for then they could lay their hands upon us. I would not go
to that country if it was covered 15 inches deep with gold
and we owned it all. we are here and here we will stay
in this Territory. He conversed one hour upon our faith
policy and intentions. He said that President Buchaneran was
not a man to plan or lay wires or chaulk out the way for
the prosperity of the Nation. If the whole Nation was
bouiled down into one man and he possessed the knowledge
of the whole I could teach him the principle of Law and
Government for I know more than the whole of them
President Buchanan has manifested the greatest folly of
in his official acts of any man that ever occupied the
Presidential chair. I know ^w^hat the United States wish
to do with us they wish to kill us but they [will] not accomplish
their design if they drive us to far then wo be unto them
they will soon go to peaces. we had a hard rainy night
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