Day in the Life

Jun 28, 1858

Journal Entry

June 28, 1858 ~ Monday

Luke Johnson & Benyon spent the night with me & left this
morning & took with him our pet lamb we had a small
tradgedy enacted in the tavern Joining me this morning
The two reporters Filmore for the New York Herrald
& Simonton of the New York times commencd a quar-
rel upon the subject of slavery Fillmore stabed sSimon-
ton in the side with the small blade of a large pocket
knife & made a wound about 1 1/2 inches deep then
Fillmore went to his room for his pistol when
one Becket took the pistol from him & shut him in
his room which closed the contest. the wound
is not dangerous. I spent a short time in the
Presidents office the remainder of the day in the Histo-
rians office
Gov Cummings arived in Provo in the


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Jun 28, 1858