Day in the Life

Apr 5, 1859

Journal Entry

April 05, 1859 ~ Tuesday

5 Brother Wm WM. Wall called at this office last night. he made
an Affidavit concerning the order to kill the prisioners
the ground is frozen and there is a vary cold wind to day
The Eastern Mail came in to day Brought News up to the
close of the session, no action taken upon Utah affairs
in any way. The Homestead Bill killed in the senate The
Bill to distribute land for colleges &c vetoed by the president
Hon Mr Sickles a member from New York shot Mr Key
U. S. Attorney of the D. C. for the seduction of his wife
this is creationg much excitement at Washington. I
got several papers And a Note from Brother wright saying
He had got several hundred lbs of freight & wished $20
for his Family which I paid and took recept.


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He said many wondered if they were in their place if they are not they will be in the next world for evry body will be rewarded according to their deeds & if they cannot keep a celestial Law and are not able to abide a celestial Glory, they will have a glory according to the lay [law] they do keek [keep] and they will will have a fulness as much as they will be enable to Endure.
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Apr 5, 1859