29th Sunday I met at the Tabernacle Orson Pratt was in the stand and
Quite unexpected to his Brethren he arose before his Brethren
and made a vary humble full confession Before the whole assembly for
his oposition to President Young and his Brethren and He said he wished
all the Church was present to hear it He quoted Joseph Smiths
revelation to prove that President Brigham Young was ^right^ and that all
was under obligation sto follow the Leader of the Church I never
herd Orson Pratt speak better or more to the satisfaction of the
People, than on this occasion. he would not partake of the
sacrament untill he had made a confession then he partook of it
I attended the evening meeting at the 14 ward I Preached & was
followed by Orson Pratt.
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"Elder Taylor said in one of his sermons that if we walk in the light of the Lord we should have revelations all the time." it is the light that is within you no man can live his religion without living in Revelation
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