19. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting at the Tabernacle Wm Preston, Albert K. Thurber, Walter
Cox & Theadore Turley spoke in the forenoon. E. D. Woolley Presidents
B. Young & H. C. Kimball in the afternoon President Young spoke upon
stealing and the criminals and rowdies in our Territories He was
glad the day had come when our officers would not stand & be
shot down by thieves. I preached in the Evening at President
Youngs school House followed By Brothe Ott & Lorenzo Young
have gained in your Organization but hold fast to it for
this is the kingdom of God and we are the friends of God
and you will find that much will grow out of this organiza-
tion But I will say without the inspirations & revelations of
God our acts are of no use. We are called the State Legislature
but when the time comes we shall be called the kingdom of God
Our Government is going to peaces and it will be like water
that is spilt upon the ground that cannot be gathered if we
do not take care of ourselves no one will take care of us
we are the best of any people on the Earth, and there is no
people as well off as this people on the Earth for light & the
knowledge of God. In 1857 we said to 7000 troops stop
and they stoped had there been but 500 like these troops here
we should have let them come in for they would not have
done any harm it is our business to take care of ourselves
if we see the Enemy coming it is our duty to prepare for
it. I can do better to never trade again in my life with a
wicked man. I will name one thing. I built a theatre here
myself. some wanted the Armey to come here I do not, and
since the Armey got up a Theatre for themselves we have been
crouded to the full. I will be richer in the End if the wicked
do not come nigh. I do not care whether you sit one
day or not, but I do not want you to loose any part of this
Government which you have organized, for the time will come
when these men will give laws to the Nations of the Earth
Joseph Smith organized this Government before in Nauvoo
and He said if we done our duty we should prevail
over all our Enemies. We should get all things ready &
when the time comes we should let the water onto the wheel
and start the machine in Motion
President Kimball made a short address said He remembered
well what Joseph Smith said upon the organization of this
kingdom He said if we done ^did^ what was right we should
be sustained by the power of God and the Holy Ghost. We have
to go step by step. The words of the prophet will be fulfilled upon
the Earth and many of us will live to see the kingdom of God
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We are the best of any people on the Earth, and there is no people as well off as this people on the Earth for light & the knowledge of God.
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