Oct 9. Prayer By W W Phelps. G. A. Smith spoke
40 Minutes, Hyram Dayton 20, L. Snow 25,
H C Kimball 1 Minutse President Young 2 Minutes
Afternoon Prayer By Joseph F. Smith J Vancott spoke
25 Minutes Joseph F. Smith spoke 27, President Young 21 M
President Young said
I wish to present a s
oubject that has
never been presented to the public to my knowledge In orda[in]ing
a man into the Quorum of the Twelve I have omited
to appoint one man to take the place of Another, or to take
his crown. one man cannot take the crown of another
Evry man must wear his own crown if he has one
Thomas B Marsh once was the President of the Quorum of
the Twelve I now occupy that place I certainly would
not like to take or wear Brother Marsh's crown
(G. A. Smith says Neither would I) Each one will have his
own crown if he has one at all, & not the crown of another
Evry man will be rewarded according to the life he lives
Joseph Fielding Smith has been ordained an Apostle
& is now Appointed one of the Quorum of the Twelve. he
will not take Amasa Lyman place or crown but
his own. HeBrother Joseph has been on Missions is a good man
& is worthy of a good crown. I have officiated in
ordaining sixteen of the Twelve Apostles. there is a crown
for Evry good man, and a Man will not have but one
& I do not want any mans but my own. He also spoke
upon the Emigration & then closed the Conference &
Blessed the Twelve & the whole Church & kingdom of God
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