Day in the Life

Dec 11, 1867

Journal Entry

December 11, 1867 ~ Wednesday

11th [FIGURE] I went down the Jordon with Ezra & Brower Pettet to
shoot some ducks Brother Ezra Pettet sen took two Boats
crossed the Hot spring lake & Brower went with me in the
waggon & met him there. we shot 6 ducks then drove
down the Jordon with the team some 5 Miles further I then
left my team with my Indian Boy Sarroquetts & we went
down 3 Miles near the Mouth of Jordon Ezra Pettet rowed

down with his Boat while going down he shot 3 geese we rowed
our Boats in to the rushes whare we could hide ourselves & as the ducks
would fly over or among us we would shot them on the wing we
staid till dark then rowed Back to our waggon drew our
Boats up on to dry land made up a fire cooked a duck pot
pie eat our supper made our Beds in the Boat & slept all night
the wind Blew vary hard we got up Before day light on the
12, & took our Boats & went Back to our shooting place on the
way down a flock of Geese came over us I shot into the
flock & hit them but the shot was to fine to kill them the
wind Blew vary hard most of the forenoon we shot till
the middle of the Afternoon then we went up to our waggon
loaded our Boats in to the waggon & returned home while
at the Hot spring lake Ezra Pettit took one Boat across to
Ethan Pettets & I carried the other to Ezra Pettets House
we counted our game & found we had 40 ducks & 3 geese


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Saroquetes
abt. 1852-1901
29 mentions
Family, Native American


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.



View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Dec 11, 1867