George Albert Smith born June 26, 1817
Died Sept. 1, 1875.
Aged 58 years, 2 Months & 5 dayes
Blessed are the dead whdo die
in the Lord
Sept 1, 1875 President George A Smith died this
morning at Eight oclok and forty minutes. Thus time and
death are thinging the ranks of the first Presidency and
Twelve Apostles, and first Elders of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. No man knoweth
whose turn will come next, many of us will soon pass
a way. No man has Ever lived in the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints and Died who has left
a cleaner or brighter record for both time and
Eternity than the Apostle G. A. Smith. No man has
been more diligent, virtuous, honest, or valiant
in the Testimony of Jesus Christ than He in the last
dispensation and fulness of times. He was an Apostle
fore ordained from before the foundation of the world
to come forth in the last dispensation & fulness of times
and assist in laying the foundation of the Church and
kingdom of God in the last days and assist in building
it up, and He has well & faithfully fulfilled his mission
He drew the first load of stone for the building of the first
temple ever built by the commandment of God in the last days
I spent a part of the day in the Endowment House
we baptized for the dead 181. W Woodruff sealed at
the Altar for the dead 40 couple. I then went to the
House of President George A Smith and met with
President Yng there Young there and George A Smiths
instructions concerning his burial written before He
was sick was then read, and it was decided to keep
his body untill Sunday and to have the funeral in the
New Tabernacle I received 3 letters from David
& Robert & Wilford Scholes.
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No man has Ever lived in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Died who has left a cleaner or brighter record for both time and Eternity then the Apostle G. A. Smith. No man has been more diligent, virtuous, honest, or valiant in the Testimony of Jesus Christ than He in the last dispensation and fulness of times. He was an Apostle fore ordained from before the foundation of the world to come forth in the last dispensation & fulness of times and assist in laying the foundation of the Church and kingdom of God in the last days and assist in building it up, and He has well & faithfully fulfilled his mission
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