Day in the Life

Jun 7, 1877

Journal Entry

June 07, 1877 ~ Thursday

7. We gave Endowments to 153. Ordained 65 Elders J McAllister
sealed 26 couple, D. H. Cannon 16, J. D. T. McAllister sealed 5
children to Parents


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, David Henry
23 Apr 1838 - 24 Dec 1924
170 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
663 mentions

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Letter to Emma Smith Woodruff, 7 June 1877

St George Temple Dear Emma I Received the letters of Nellie and Asahels of May 28, also your Note I read over your Note near ten times before I could understand it. I did not know that it was the outside of an envelope that I had sent to you. I thought for some time you had written it yourself but It finelly flashed into my mind that I had said to you that I done my own composition and my own writing this is correct with the exception of while writing at the Desk with several of the clerks I sometimes hand one of my envelopes to McAllister on some on of the Brethren to direct a letter as I dictate it, and Brother McAllister wrote the Address on the envellope that you sent back to me I did not suppose that any body could take any

Letter to Emma Manella Woodruff, 7 June 1877

St George Temple Dear Daughter Nellie I Received your good letter of May 28 And I sent you one on the same day that yours was written Also one to Asahel, Clarrie, & owen, I was glad to hear that you and Clarrie had joined the Young Ladies society I hope it will be a benefit to you both. They have organized Female Relief Societies and young Ladies Society of late in Each ward of this City Br J. D. T. McAllister presides over this Stake of Zion with two councellors and I preside over the Temple and all the work therein and that is as much labouurs I want here I have to sign all the Recommends of the people who go to the Temple I am still getting better but my Lungs are quite weak and I pine more for good cold water than any thing Els, water here is warm in the summer time I have not time to write much to day for the company will soon be waiting for me write when you canen your Affectionate Father W Woodruff

Letter to Clara Martisha Woodruff Beebe, 7 June 1877

Dear Clarrie, sent you a little letter on the 28 May I hope you got it. I am glad you have joined the young Ladies society I hope you will be a good young Lady and learn all you can I want to have you be good and kind to your Mother and help her all you can, and be kind to all the children and get along the best you can I would like you to tell me what you are studying and what you read and how you get along what does Blanch do, and Owen this summer I hope you will get so as to write a litter [letter] to me before long I would be very glad to get a letter from You Your Affectionate Father W Woodruff. My Dear Son Owen I sent you a letter on the 28 May I would be vary Glad to hear from you and know how you are and what you rare doing Apples figs, pears & Apricotts are begining to get ripe we shall soon have a plenty of ripe fruit here I expect you will soon have ripe strawburies in your garden I want to have you be a good boy and help Mother, Nellie & Asahel all you can you get some of them to write to me, for you From your Affectionate Father W Woodruff

Letter to Abraham Owen Woodruff, 7 June 1877

Dear Clarrie, sent you a little letter on the 28 May I hope you got it. I am glad you have joined the young Ladies society I hope you will be a good young Lady and learn all you can I want to have you be good and kind to your Mother and help her all you can, and be kind to all the children and get along the best you can I would like you to tell me what you are studying and what you read and how you get along what does Blanch do, and Owen this summer I hope you will get so as to write a litter [letter] to me before long I would be very glad to get a letter from You Your Affectionate Father W Woodruff. My Dear Son Owen I sent you a letter on the 28 May I would be vary Glad to hear from you and know how you are and what you rare doing Apples figs, pears & Apricotts are begining to get ripe we shall soon have a plenty of ripe fruit here I expect you will soon have ripe strawburies in your garden I want to have you be a good boy and help Mother, Nellie & Asahel all you can you get some of them to write to me, for you From your Affectionate Father W Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford resigns as President of the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society after 15 years.

Jun 7, 1877