Day in the Life

Jun 27, 1879

Journal Entry

June 27, 1879 ~ Friday

27 We rode up silver creek on the south side 6 miles visited
Br Hatch farm, it rained vary hard while we were at his
house. the first shower of rain we had for a long time. we
Passed Judge Simpson going up the creek we came down on
the north side I received 2 letters from J Jakes & M Thatcher
Br Jaques informed me that Emeline A Young Macintosh
the Daughter of President Brigham Young & Emeline Y[ou]ng
^ An arrow An arrow^ had Entered suit in the District Court against the admin-
istrators of President Youngs Esstate, and the Trustee in trust
and several others of the heirs joined her to get Back all
the Property that Belonged to the Church which had been turned
over to the Trustee of the Church 12 [miles]


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Young, Emeline Free
28 Apr 1826 - 17 Aug 1875
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Hatch, Lorenzo Hill
4 Jan 1826 - 20 Apr 1910
447 mentions


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Daybook (28 February - 23 October 1879)
27 we rode up silver creek on the south side 6 Miles visited Br Hatches Farm it rained vary Hard while we were at his house the fi[rs]t shower of rain I had been in for a long time we passed Judge Simpson going up the creek we came down on the North side I receivd [FIGURE] 2 letters from J Jaques & M Thatcher Br Jaques informed me that Emeline A. Young Mackintosh Crosby The Daughter of President Young & Emeline Young had Entered suit in the court against the Administrators [FIGURE] of president Youngs Esstate & the Trustee in trust & others to get Back all the property that Belonged to the Church which had Been turned over to the Trustee

Jun 27, 1879