Day in the Life

Dec 27, 1879

Journal Entry

December 27, 1879 ~ Saturday

27. I met in the quarterly conference of the Snowflake stake of Zion
at 10 oclok in the morning in the New Meeting House prayer
By L C Burnham, W. Woodruff made a few remarks. Bishop
Hunt represented Snow Flake ward, L C. Burnham represented
Savoy, And James C Owens, Rush Valley & Woodruff
B H Willholm represented Concho. Joseph Cordon represented
Walker, J B Jence represented Forest Dale Brother Cluffs branch


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Discourse 1879-12-27

Elder W. Woodruff expressed his joy in meeting with the saints in a conference capacity. Wished the brethren to lay aside the cares of the world and enjoy the con- ference.

Discourse 1879-12-27

Elder W. Woodruff said he was thankful to see so many of the priesthood together remembered when the whole Church did not number so many, this shows the growth of the Church. Spoke of the saying of H. C. Kimball in Salt Lake City when he prophecied that goods could be bought cheaper in Salt Lake than in New York City, the prophecy came to pass in the time of the gold excitement of California. Our lives has been spared to to build up Zion, and we should make the best use of our time that is possible. had been several times ^saved^ temporally by listening to the ^still^ small voice, we are always led aright when we give heed to it. had seen the Church in many trying circumstances but never saw the church go back for one moment. There is a great labor for the saints in building Temples and doing work for their dead, this work stirs all the hosts of hell, the wicked are stired up to oppose us. It would be better for a man notto to live ^long enough^ to apostatize, than to fall away. It matters not what the nations do so that the elders do their duties. Had a deep interest in the settleing of this country, the securing of the Lee Ferry was a good thing for the people. the buying up of some of the places in this country had been quite a help to the people. Was anxious to have St. John bought and those meadows on the river secured, and have the Saints settle at those places, expected to go to those points himself and help to secure them for the Saints. Advised the brethren not to take any steps politically or otherwise that would affect the interests of the people.

Discourse 1879-12-27

Elder W. Woodruff Said that those who meet togather often the Lord loveth. Refered to the history of the Church said it would be as interesting as any part of the worlds history 1000000 years hence. It is just as important that we perform and magnify our duties now as it was when Joseph Smith was on the earth. God will hold us accountable for what we do while in the flesh. This work will still go on no matter who lives or dies no man or set of men will stop it. Spoke of a pamphlet entitled "My First Mission" by George Q. Cannon gave a short account of it, and showed how the Lord blesses those who do what is required of them We all have power to do what the Lord requires of us. Encouraged the Saints to get their hearts set on building up the Kingdom of God, that all mankind will meet their record the other side of the veil. We have not come here to get cattle &c. but for a greater work, we should work for the Kingdom of God, and, no one else. We do not realize the changes that are at our doors, there will be a change in Zion. If we were united we would have power that none could withstand us. This earth is not our home, we will soon pass away, and we should prepare ourselves for the future. Zoion will lengthen her cords and strengthen her stakes till it will cover all North and South America [Isaiah 54:2] There is none of our sins but what costs us ten times more than they are worth. Our probation in the flesh is as important to us as any period either before or after. Our government will do no more than the Lord permits them to do, they will not be able to stop the Lords work, but they are trying to pass laws for our destruction Spoke of the destruction of the Jeareadites and Neph[i]tes their last battles and the amount of slain in those battles. The judgments of God will be poured out in these days upon the nations, there will be a great change. There will be no United States in the year 1890.

Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)

27. I met in the Quarterly Conference of the SnowFlake Stake of Zion at 10 oclok this Morning In there New Meeting House prayer by L C Burnham W W Made a few remarks Bishop Hunt Represented Snow Flake ward. L C Burnham represented Savoy & James C Owens represented Bush Valley, & Woodruff B. H. Willholm represented Concho, Joseph Cordon represented Walker, J. B. Jenson represented Forest Dale, Brother Cluffs Branch was represented as in a Bad state Held no Meeting. Br Lake then spoke 24 Minutes. We dined with Br Mann. Afternoon Br Lake Prayed. The statistics of the stake was then presented and read By Brother Fish, the Authorities of the Church were then presented and sustained. Lot Smith then spoke 40 M[inutes]. W Woodruff then spoke 40 M, Lorenzo Hatch 5 M. Hard wind & rain all night


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church membership 135,000; Utah Territory 143,963; population of 38 United States 50,190,000.
Wilford receives Wilderness Revelation regarding God's defense of the patriarchal law of marriage.

Dec 27, 1879