Day in the Life

Apr 3, 1880

Journal Entry

April 03, 1880 ~ Saturday

April 3rd Keys crossed I Paid cash Tithing to Bishop Hunter & got recept
for the same Sunset $3.00, Brigham City $2.00, St Gohn $3.90,
Snow Flake $5.00, Total $13.90. I met in council with the Twelve & Priesthood Meeting


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Letter to Lot Smith, 3 April 1880
Salt Lake City, Utah, Prest. Lot Smith Sunset Dear Bro Enclosed find receipt for your ward, for $300.00 also one to ^Bp^ John Hunt for $500.00/10 which please forward to him. We also return the order in favor of L. ^H^ Hatch, which cannot now be altered. I arrived home all safe last night in good health, give my love to all the saints in Sunset in haste I remain Your friend & Brother W Woodruff
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
[FIGURE] April 3. I paid cash tithing to Bishop Hunter & got received [receipt] for the same Sunset $3.00, Brigham City $2.00 St Joseph ^$^3.90 Snow Flake $5.00, Total $13.90. I met in council with the Twelve & attended the priesthood Meeting.


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Apr 3, 1880