Aprail 8. Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer by O Pratt, L Snow
spoke 18 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 20 {in the power of God} O Pratt 17, & gave a strong
testimony, C C Rich 11, E Snow 15 B Young 6 M, Joseph F Smith 10,
A Carrington 6, M Thatcher 6, D H Wells 17, F D Richards 17)
J Taylor 30 Minuts we then adjourned untill the 6 Oct next
In the Afternoon I met with the Board of trade in the Coun-
cil House and I listened to the Discussion of the members upon
various subjects I met in the Evening with the Priesthood
speeches made by Brother G Teasdale 20 M E Snow 60 M
J Taylor 30 Minutes
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