Day in the Life

Jun 11, 1884

Journal Entry

June 11, 1884 ~ Wednesday

June 11, 1884 An arrow An arrow I arose this morning at 6 oclok
and found the Depiuteey Sheriff T. E. Ray with 7 men
on guard watching for the Theiieves to come out of the
house. The House that Br Grant & myself were in was
nearly in range of the Bullets of the guard so I watched
all the movement with a good Deal of interest. Br
Ricks had the women & children moved out of the
house at an Early hour. We got an Early Breakfast
and ready to leave the town for Good to start on our

return home As the Thieves had been broken of their
rest for several nights they did not get up untill 8 oc[loc]k
not dreaming of any danger Br Ricks son called
them to Breakfast they soon got up and washed them-
selves and about 8 oclok two of them started East to go to
Breakfast and when within 40 feet of the stable whare the
sheriff & posse posse was, the sheriff ordered them to
throw up their hands the two thieves instantly grasped their
pistols and turned to run back to the House at the same instant the
sheriff & posse commenced fireing upon them the leader
ownly took about 3 Jumps untill He fell beside a wood
pile and I thought He was shot dead, the other man
ran some 70 yards with a Doz balls following him and
Just before he reached the door a ball went through
his body and He fell insid[e] the door. The sheriff then
commanded the Thief that remained in the House to
come out and give himself up, but the Thief said you
are nothing but a Damed mob and if I give myself
up you will linch me. the sheriff said if He would
give himself up He should not be hurt so the man in
the House thinking the other two men were dying came out
and held up his hands and as He came by the dead man
at the wood pile He droped his pistol & arose and held
up his hands too not having been touched at all and
they both were secured. I then went to the room whare
wounded man lay in his goore shot through the body
he died in 50 Minuts He was buried the other 2 thieves taken
back to Montana and report said the Posse hung them

At the close of this scene of things we got aboard of our
waggon and left Rexburg and went to the river & cros[se]d
and went to the Town of parker and held a Meeting at
at 2:35. W. M. Parker prayed Brother Bybee spoke 12 m[inutes]
T E Ricks 18, H J Grant 26, W Woodruff 38 M
Wm M Parker was set apart as presiding Bishop of
the Parker ward By H. J. Grant mouth, was ordained
a Bishop before. we spent the night with Br Parker 18 M[iles]
George Monn was the name of the Man shot He had a wife
and family at Walace County Kansas


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
276 mentions
2 mentions
Ricks, Thomas Edwin
21 Jul 1828 - 28 Sep 1901
445 mentions


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Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 1 June 1884
Manchester May Dear Father I trust this letter will find you in good health as it leaves me at present. I recieved your verry welcome letter dated May the first just after posting the last letter I wrote you. As regards what I saw at the Falls, will say they landed us at Cliftan at 9 PM, this is on the Canada side and so we had a ride across the suspen- sion bridge; we remained in the cars all night. Early morn found us making our way up to the Fall a distance of one mile & 1/2. The air was so full of mist that we could not gain as good a view as if it had ben clear, still the great volumes of watter coming over the horse shoe falls presented a grand sight and one calculated to inspire a green Utah boy with awe. These falls are 1800 ft across with a fall of 160 ft, the sheat of watter is 23 ft thick in the thickest part. A young man from Arizona and I went down under the falls, it was a thrilling


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Jun 11, 1884