Day in the Life

Sep 16, 1886

Journal Entry

September 16, 1886 ~ Thursday

156. I caught 6 trout and drove to Richfield & spent the night
with Brother A. K. Thurber distance 30 Miles


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Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
16 I fished a short time in the Morning & caught 6 trout & Drove to Esxellanta & dined with Sister Sylvester [FIGURE] I had a Bad Dream Last night I dreamed some one Be[a]ting me for a price I was arested & condemed to Death for trea[so]n It semed vry real
Daybook (2 July 1885 - 26 May 1887)
we then Drove to A K Thurbers at Richfield Distance of the day 30 M

Sep 16, 1886