Day in the Life

Sep 17, 1887

Journal Entry

September 17, 1887 ~ Saturday

17 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I received 10 Letters 5 Private & 5 public
I wrote 15 Letters 10 public 5 Private I wrote Udal &
Bushman for Lot Smith I signed 10 Recommends


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111 mentions
Bushman, John
abt. 1843-1926
Smith, Lot
15 May 1830 - 21 Jun 1892
365 mentions

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Letter from Ferdinand Jacobsen, 17 September 1887

Logan President Woodruff Dear Brother I received the call to go on a mission to Scandinavia and in reply will say, I am pleased to know that I am considered worthy to go, and shall with the blessings of the Lord endeavor to do my duty, I shall be ready and on hand the time you have specified. Your Brother in the cause of Christ. F Jacobsen Brother Jacobsen is a worthy Elder, always doing his duty in the ward. as such I can recommend him for a mission. F. Turner, Actg Bp Logan 6th. Ward OK

Letter to John Bushman, 17 September 1887

[188]7 Brother Bushman. St Joseph, Apache Co. Arizona Dear Brother: I have made careful enquiry concerning the settlement with Brother Lot Smith by the committee. I have been informed that you are the Chairman of the committee. It has been reported to me that twice the settlement with Lot that the sub committee are not satisfied and want to settle over again. I do not know how this is, but I think one settlement with him ought to be sufficient. I Fear also that the committee require him to vent his brand on his stock. This is very wrong inasmuch as he has the body of the herd, while brothers who only have a few head the brand could be vented on theirs. I have also been informed that the committee would not let

Letter to David King Udall, 17 September 1887

President David K. Udall St John's, Apache Co. Arizona. Dear Brother: I have made some enquiry about the settlement with Lot Smith's by the committee. I have been informed that Brother Bushman requires him to vent the brand on his cattle; this is all wrong. No man should vent the brand on his own cattle. His idea has been carried to me that the Sub Committee want to settle with him over again. My opinion is that one settlement with a man, do able with, as he has been, ought to be sufficient. I think Lot has been roughly handled. If there has been any property made in that Institu- tion, he has been the man most interested in making it. I was there for two years with him, and he did more work than any two men in the order. He cut the

Letter to Lewis Warren Shurtliff, 17 September 1887

Prest. L. W. Shurtliff Dear Brother: There is a subject that I wish to speak to you about. In Salt Lake City there is but one "Mormon" hotel and that is the Valley House, kept by Bro. Hall, who is a good Latter-day Saint. All the other hotels are kept by our enemies and of the "Loyal League" and they combine against the Valley House; call it "damned Mormon hotel," still many of our brethren come to Salt Lake and go to the Contin- ental and other hotels and feed our enemies, who fight against us. Now, Bro. Shurtliff, I wish you would use your influence as far as you can with those of your Stake who come to the city and put up at

Letter from Angus Taylor Wright, 17 September 1887

Ogden, Utah, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Your letter of the 14th., inst., notifying me of my call to New Zealand, is received. I will be ready on date named, and hope I will prove myself worthy of the confidence reposed in me^,^ by those who have ^been^ instrumental in presentinhg my name, and endorsing me to such an important Mission. Your Brother, Angus T. Wright. I endorse this call E Stratford. Bishop.

Letter from Otto Julius Swenson, 17 September 1887

Plain City Preseident Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Yours of the 14th is at hand, in answer to which I will say, I can be ready with the help of the Lord, on the 15th day of October as you request. Your Servant in the Gospel O. J. Swenson I can conscienciously recommend Brother Swinsen as being a suitable man to fill a mission abroad and am satisfied he will labor en- erjetically in the discharge of his duties as a missionary. Geo. W. Pramwell Jr Bp Plain City Ward OK

Letter from Elisha Peck, 17 September 1887

Lehi City Prest W Woodruff Dear Brother. Your notice of my being selected as a missionary to the Southern States was duly received, And my feelings are in regard to the same that I am willing to labour in that part of the Vineyard or any other place the Servants of God seet fit to appoint me, to the best of my ability, with the help of the Lord. Therefore I will endeavour to be ready & Start with the rest of my brethren from Salt Lake City Oct 10th Hoping that I will be able to do good & praying for the welfare of Zion I remain your Brother, E. Peck OK Lehi Sep 17 [18]87 I can fully recommend Bro Peck to fill the position to which he is called T R Cutler Bp

Letter from James Simpson Emett, 17 September 1887

Kanab Bro Wilford Woodruf as I have received a notice of a mishsion I will say in answer that while I feel entirely unqualified to do Justice to such a call I with all all respect and desires to be obedience to the call of the preasthod will make all Eforts to be there on time and know of nothing at present to hinder. Very respectifly James S. Emett I take pleasure in endorsing the name of James S Emett, as a missionary, and he has the faith, and blessings of the Saints here, in preparing to fill his mission. Your Brother L Mariger Acting Bishop OK

Letter from Alexander McRae, 17 September 1887

Salt Lake City . President W. Woodruff. Dear Bro. I verry earnestly desire to have a personal interview you with you, or some one you may appoint as soon as may be convenient and your safety will admit of, one item is in relative to a mortgage I gave to President John Taylor on my home. Bro. George Q. Cannon I think knows something about it. And there are other things that I would like to have a talk with you about. I wish to go to the Temple and would like to have a talk with you in relation to some things in connection with that, which I do not wish to reduce to writing. Hoping this may find you and any of the brethren that may be with you, in good health and in safe quarters and that I may have as early an answer as convenient, I remain your brother in the Gospel. Alexander McRae

Letter from John H. Timpson, 17 September 1887

Salt Lake City, President Wilford Woodruff Your notice dated 14 inst stating that I was selected to fill a mission to New Zealand was received today. I am thankful that I am counted worthy by those over me to go out into the world to preach the gospel, and if you think I should go, when you hear my circumstances I will make the effort and go, God being my helper. I received a note from the First seven Presidents of Seventies dated Aug 31st 1887. asking how I was fixed financially and how I felt concerning the perfor- mance of a mission. I replied, with the endorsement of Bishop F. Kesler and President Angus M. Cannon, to the effect, that I had a wife and two children depending on me for support. I have a home I call my own, but I am oweing several hundred dollars on it, about $400 before it is free, and my own in fact. I am now in the employ of J W Summerhays & Co. I have no source of revenue only the labor of my hands. I do not wish you to think that I am trying to excuse myself from going, but these are my circumstances. If you say go I believe the Lord will in some way open up the way and I will respond to the call Your brother in the Gospel John H Timpson Release this Brother for one year & notify him LJn

Daybook (July - November 1887 and April - October 1888)

Sept 17. signd rec 4 x 3 x received letters pub 3 x private letters 1111 [4] wrote letters pub 8 prvt 2


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford, as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, becomes the leader of the Church.

Sep 17, 1887