Day in the Life

Oct 5, 1887

Journal Entry

October 05, 1887 ~ Wednesday

5 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I signed 33 Recommends I rece[ive]d 33
Letters 25 Public 8 private Teasdale Mary
Preston Jaques & J. P. Richards I wrote 6 Letters
Keys crossed An arrow We Met with the Twelve Apostles
and sat all day & night until 12 oclk In
trying to settle some Difficulties it was painful


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
727 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
170 mentions
Preston, William Bowker
24 Nov 1830 - 2 Aug 1908

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Letter from John W. Tate, 5 October 1887

Tooele City, Utah. Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah, Dear Brother. As I am accepted as a Missionary to the Southern States, I cheerfully comply with the call and will be prepared to start at the stated time. Your Brother &c John W. Tate Hugh S. Gowans Prest Tooele Stake.

Letter from Thomas Mabey Holt, 5 October 1887

South Jordan President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: In answer to your request of Sept 22nd, which came to hand Sept 23rd. I have no reasonable objections for not responding to the call made upon me, therefore, I am willing to go and will be ready to start on Tuesday 1st November 1887. Your Brother in the Gospel Thos M. Holt. Jesse Vincent 1st Counselor in the Bishopric OK

Letter from Charles Ora Card, 5 October 1887

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah U. S. A. Dear Brother Your much esteemed favor of the 15th ult. came to hand by our last relay of mail and I hasten to answer. When I observe the date of this letter it reminds me that on the morrow conference convenes in ^The^ Salt Lake Tabernacle and how much, wyou that are exiled at home and us that are abroad would enjoy the rich treat of another conference. This will be the third conference I have been deprived of in succession all I presume for a good purpose. One year ago now I was wending my way through the rugged interior of Brittish Collumbia. Since I last wrote you we have had a little increase or addition to our settlement. On the 29th of Last Month Bro John E Laymene, who had been back about 300 miles to meet his family arrived with his wife and 9 children, Bp Robt. Daine's wife and 4 children, Robt. Dains Jr, George Farrell (son of Bp Farrell) Morgan L Hinman, Henry L. Hinman and his son Morgan L. also Legrand Robison, all in fair health except the son of Bro Henry L. Hinman who had contracted

Letter from Horace Hall Cummings, October 1887

October Conference . President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother; The following is a report of the Mexican Mission as appeared from the records and reports within our reach at our Conference held in Ozumba, Oct. 5 and 6th, 1887; No. of Branches in the mission 7 [No. of] Males baptized in the [mission] 139 [No. of] Females [baptized in the mission] 96 [No. of] Children Blessed [in the mission] 99 Total number of Members and Children blessed 321 (N.B. Some of the children blessed have since been baptized so the total 354 members & children baptized blessed include only 321 souls. Some of the children blessed are of Catholic or Protestant parents.) Number males baptized since Oct 1886 12 [Number] females [baptized since Oct 1886] 9 Total baptised [since Oct 1886] 21. No. of males rebaptized for adultery and fornication since Oct [18]86 13 [No. of] females [rebaptized for adultery and fornication since Oct 1886] 3 Total rebaptized [for adultery and fornication since Oct 1886] 16 Total number of Elders ordained in the mission 14 [Total number of] Priests [ordained in the mission] 13 [Total number of] Teachers [ordained in the mission] 4 [Total number of] Deacons [ordained in the mission] 5 [Total number of] Officers [ordained in the mission] 36


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Oct 5, 1887