Day in the Life

Oct 11, 1887

Journal Entry

October 11, 1887 ~ Tuesday

11 I signed 23 Recommends I received 11 Letters 5 private
A hand pointing to the right 6 public wrote 10 Letters spent the day in council

Sat in council through the day we made the following Appropriation
To C. J. Kemp $300 and to Bui^l^d school or Meeting House $300
K G Mazer $500, To Mary E Lightner $100 cash & $200
Tithing annually To Jacob Hamblin family $800.


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Hamblin, Jacob
2 Apr 1819 - 30 Aug 1886
Maeser, Karl Gottfried
16 Jan 1828 - 15 Feb 1901
515 mentions

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Community - ZCMI Certificate of Election, 11 October 1887
tion, this 11th day of October A.D. 1887. Wilford Woodruff President. Thomas G. Webber Secretary.
Letter from George Teasdale, 11 October 1887
My beloved brother: I quietly sit down to have a chat with you like we have done in the good days gone bye. I was very much pleased to re- ceive your ever welcome favor of the 16th ult. and thank you for your kindly expressions and encouragement, as well as the news it contained. I am very glad to hear your health is so good surely the Lord is making you equal to the occasion and answering the prayers of the thous- ands that are offered up in your behalf. I am more than thankful to hear from you. Now I am going to tell you what I am doing and how I find things generally as conscisely as I can. When I am at home at 8:30^a.m.^ we have prayers in the room over the office, that has got the names of the prayer room. We read a chapter or two in the Bible and then we take turns in prayer. Afterwards breakfast attend to mail and such business as needed, go out occasionally for a breath of fresh air, dine, attend to correspondence and the general affairs of the mission and the reading of proof for "Star" when needed or anything in connection with the business. Before supper we gather in prayer room
Letter from William King, 11 October 1887
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letters of Aug 18th and Sept 19 were duly received and gave us great pleasure to hear from you and your good health and thus far were able by the blessings of God to elude the the grasp of all your enemies which may God grant you may ever be able to do in the future Our Semi anual Conference is Just over commen- cing on the six ending of the 9th we had a fair representation from all the Islands. The Branch Presidents spoke very spirited and the spirit of the Lord was with us and we had a very enjoyable time our numeracal strength is as follows home Elders 13 Wives 7 children and Babes 9 Native Elders 352 Priests 146 Teachers 106 Deacons 77 Members- Males 1039 Members-Female 1501 Total of officers & Members 3872 Children blessed 86 Total number of baptisms since last April 209 Deaths 66 cut of 15. A few have removed form their branches so they could not be reported we have ende^a^vored to report only those who can be found the Saints


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Oct 11, 1887