Day in the Life

Feb 29, 1892

Journal Entry

February 29, 1892 ~ Monday

29 The last day of winter I received 4 Letters I had
an interview with Franklin S Richards who had Just
returned from Washington He gave me a History of ^Affairs^ out there


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Richards, Franklin Snyder
20 Jun 1849 - 7 Sep 1934


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Letter from Ulrich Stauffer, 29 February 1892

Willard . Prest W. Woodruffe Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Bro: Yours of the 24th inst received If no providential obstacles prevent I will get ready to start by the 28 of May, and attend at the Historian Office on the 27 to be set apart. Respectfully Your Brother Ulrich Stauffer George. Facer Bp O. K. J. F. S.

Letter from John Edvard Matson, 29 February 1892

President Wilford Woodruff dear Brother yours of Feb. 20th inst received and in answer will say your Call made on me to take a Mission to Scandinavia is agreeable with my feelings, and I believe the Lord will Open a way for me so as I can respond to your request and be ready to start from Salt Lake City the 7th of May 92 and be present at the Historians Office on May 6th. your brother in the Gospel Jno. E. Matson J. J. Johnson Bisp all right. J. F. S.

Letter from Lorenzo Wesley Roundy, 29 February 1892

Escalante Mr Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received a Notice fom you that my name has been suggested as a Missionary to the United States, to be in Salt Lake City by the 30 of March my Businiss is such that I could not get ready before this Fall I will be on hand any time after September 25 1892 Yours Respectfully Lorenzo W Roundy Put him down for Oct. 1892 & so inform him. J. F. S.

Letter from Orange H. Warner Jr., 29 February 1892

Benjamin . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter to Elder Erick A Lundel is before me, calling him for a Scandinavian mission. He say's our bishop yowrote you the morn- ing he received this in the evening He says while in his native home Westmonland Sweden he was quite sickly but since coming to Utah in 1888 he has had better health but is not able to do any hard work now. he was not a member of the church when

Letter from Orange Horatio Warner Jr., 29 February 1892

Benjamin . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter to Elder Erick A. Lundel is before me calling him for a Scandinavian mission. He Say's our bishop yorote you the morn- ing he received this in the evening He says while in his native home Westmanland Sweden he was quite sickly but since coming to Utah in 1888 he has had better health but is not able to do any hard work now. he was not a mempber of the church when

Letter from Jacob Tueller, 29 February 1892

36 Postgasse, Bern. Switzerland. To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dear Brethern: Having received a letter fom my family; stating that my brother, Godleb Tueller from Paris, received a call to go on a mission. I, thought it best to let you know, the circumstances that our family is in. Being on a mission myself, and two of my other brothers have been on missions previous, me to the Swiss and German mission, the other to the Logan Temple. My brother took upon them the responsibility to care for my family in my absence and to sustain me with money while out here. In case that my brother had to go on a mission now, it would be a great hard-ship for them to sustain the necessary money sento send him off, and provide him with money ^while^ out here, as money is very ^hard^ to get at present up our way. Not that I wish to have him stay home, but would suggest if he, could wait till I come back again, and then I could do my part to assist him in fulling his mission. over

Feb 29, 1892