Letter from William L. Parks, 21 May 1892
Annabella Utah
Pt. Wilford Woodruff
Dear Brother
in reply to yours of April 29 ult
calling me to a Southern Mission
will have to state my circumstances
as per advice with Bishop of this
ward. I have been in Utah 6 years
last March have depended on days
wages for a living thus far I have
no team but one cow but have
bought 3 town lots in this ward
and started to build a home
I have a wife and six small child
ren to support have with other
parties contracted for a sawmill
which we have to get on time
hoping to be able to get something
ahead sometime in short I have
always felt since I have been a mem
ber of this Church that I would
be called on a mission but did not
expect it so soon. instead of
being ahead I am behind but not
much I have nothing to sell in shape
of stock to help me out consequently
after consulting with my Bishop have
concluded to ask for a little time
1 or 2 years (I am only (33) thirty three
years old) to get staraitened out so I
can go without being a burden to
the ward (But the Lords will be done)
if I go next october I would have to have