Day in the Life

Jul 27, 1894

Journal Entry

July 27, 1894 ~ Friday

27 Spent the day in the office had an interview with
Mrs Abbot & her Husband she had a gift from
childhood of a power like Electricity she weighed
about 90 lbs she could lift several Men at the same
time she could place a child on the floor & no
man was strong Enough to lift it up. She Exhibited
her strength at Saltair for one week


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Letter from Elias Smith Kimball, 27 July 1894

Chattanooga, Tenn. President Wilford Woodruff & Brethren, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: It is now two months since our arrival in the Mission, since which time everything has been moving along nicely, with the exception of the arrests of the brethren in Birmingham, Ala. and Columbia S. C. on the trumped of charges of vagrency, and the sickness of Elders Allen of Ala. Thackery of Miss. and Hoyes of S. C. Elder Thackery was released to go home at his own request: the other brethren are rapidly recovering through the faith and prayers of the Saints, their names having been sent to the Salt Lake and Logan Temples. The brethren who were arrested in Ala. paid their fines, $625 each, and left the city being requested to do so by the Mayor. Those in S. C. appealed their case, won it, made many friends and shamed their enemies. The health of the Elders generally is

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 27 July 1894

Rexburg, Idaho, Prest. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, We have pleasure in recommending to you Brother G. B. Wintle of Riverside Ward who has informed us of his willingness to go on a foreign mission. He is an elder 28 years of age, his post office address is Blackfoot, Bingham County Idaho. With kind regards I am Your Brother in the Gospel T E. Ricks I do not understand this, but if Prest. Ricks has been enquired of concerning bro. Wintle, then all we need to do is to give bro. W. due notice. J. F. S.

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 27 July 1894

17 1/2 Oak Str. San Francisco, . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Having been set apart for my mission to California, at the Historian's Office, Friday, January 20th last, I started, accompanied by my daughter Ottilie, for my destination, Monday, January 23, and arrived at San Francisco, Wed- nesday, January 25. Elders John L. Dalton and Ezekiel L. Blo- gett recieved us at the landing with whom I shortly after proceeded to the Midwinter Fair Grounds to present my letter of introduction to Mr. Badlam, Secretary of the Executive Committee. It gives me much pleasure to report to you the uniform kindness with which Mr. Badlam has trus ted me in consequence of which all preliminary arrange- ments for our educational exhibit was greatly facilita- ted. The Exhibit. A place ^space, 15 x 17 ft^ on the North Gallery of the Liberal Art-Buil- ding, had been assigned us, by th and we proceeded at once to dedicate that place in a quiet and undemon- strative manner. One of the brethren of the San Fran- ciso Branch managed to put up the fixings under contract, since in a few days no one ready to

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 24 July 1894

17 1/2 Oak Str. San Francisco, . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Having been set apart for my mission to California, at the Historian's Office, Friday, January 20th, last, I started, accompanied by my daughter Ottilie, for my destination, Monday, January 23, and arrived at San Francisco, Wed- nesday, January 25. Elders John L. Dalton and Ezekiel L. Blod- gett recived me us at the landing with whom I shortly after proceeded to the Midwinter Fair Grounds to present my letter of introduction to Mr. Badlam, Secretary of the MidExecutive Committee. It gives me much pleasure to report to you the uniform kindness with which Mr. Badlam has trea- ted me in consequence of which all preliminary arrange- ments for our educational exhibit were greatly facilita- ted. The Exhibit. A place ^space, 15 x 17 ft^ on the North Gallery of the Liberal Art Buil- ding, had been assigned us, by th and we proceeded at once to dedicate that place in a quiet and undemon- strative manner. One of the bretheren of the San Fran- cisco Branch was engaged to put up the fixings under contract, and in a few days we were ready to


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Jul 27, 1894