Day in the Life

Jul 31, 1894

Journal Entry

July 31, 1894 ~ Tuesday

July 31 1894
we spent Most of the day in reading a Letter of
General Clarkson to Wilford Woodruff of 61 pages
giving the History of the Passage of the Enabling Act
through Congress to Admit Utah into the Union as a
state Also in Attending to our Temporal Business


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Clarkson, James Sullivan
17 May 1842 - 30 May 1918


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Related Documents

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Letter from Otto Johnson, 31 July 1894
Grantsville, Utah. . President W. Woodruff, Dear Brother, Brother Otto Johnson, a member of our quorum, who was called to go on a mission in January 1893, but was excused on account of the death of his wife, who left him with two small children and no one to take care of them. He says that he is now ready or can be by the 15th of Sept. next. If you wish him to go this fall Please let him know as early as possible as he Lehas to arrange his affairs
Letter from George Teasdale, 31 July 1894
President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. My dear brother: I have generally kept you posted as to my labors and have written you more frequently than I have of late. The reason why I have not is because when I was in the city at last Conference I saw how much you were engaged and bourn down with the weight of the important business of the Church, that I have felt diffident, or not so free to write you, as I used to do. I have read of your travels and labors and have been thankful to know how greatly you are blessed and sustained in your duties. I was greatly pleased to read of the Temple workers excursion, it must have been an enjoyable time! Another reason why I have not written you, is because I have been so worried myself and I did not want to annoy you with the unpleasant features of this Mission. There are some things that I would rather tell you than write them. Business matters move slowly in this Mission. The pecu- liarity of our affairs and circumstances here, in a foreign country, speaking another language, and the people having manners and customs so different to our own, and then the form of government and its requirements, all have to be learned, subscribed to, and advocated. It


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Jul 31, 1894