Day in the Life

Aug 2, 1894

Journal Entry

August 02, 1894 ~ Thursday

Aug 2. We held a Meeting with the Board of the Ogden
power company Also Wm W Cluff called & done
some business Also Brother Langford Also two Men
from Russia called upon me I wrote 1 Letter to Asahel


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Cluff, William Wallace
8 Mar 1832 - 21 Aug 1915
66 mentions


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Letter from Nelly Woodruff Thomas, 2 August 1894

Mr Wilford Woodruff. President of the Mormon Church. Dear Sir May I introduce to your far-away self, a grand-daughter of Mr Ozem Woodruff. (formerly of Avon) Tis many years since, he joined the majority. To the imaginative mind Heaven, must, in deed, be a large city. Opinions differ so radically, one finds it difficult, to decide, as to the possible destination, of those-gone before. Two years since, I passed a number of works, with my dear Auntie, Mrs Linn Woodruff Hatch in her pleasant West Avon-home. I became quite,

Letter from J. M. Campbell, 2 August 1894

PAISLEY . James Graham. Dear Sir, Referring to your letter to me of 18th ult regarding the above named, my Committee in- struct me to tahnk you for your kind attention in the matter, and to remit the sum of £ 1:1/', as a fee for your trouble, and exepense; and I now enclose a P. O. Order, from that amount. Should you hear anything regarding the relations desired, perhaps you will kindly let me know, I am, Yours truly, J. M. Campbell Inspector, President Wilford Woodruff, P. O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

$20 $25 $25 $25 95

Letter from William Gardner, 2 August 1894

New Zealand, . President Wilford Woodruff and members of the First Presidency. My dear brethren, I take pleasure in writing to you and reporting the condion and necessities of the Australasian Mission. The good work is progressing nicely, and the Elders are reporting satisfactory results. I am travelling continually, endeavoring to visit all the Maori districts, thus aiding the brethren laboring amongst the Natives, and visiting personally as many branches as possible. In addition to our Maori districts, we have now ten European districts in which Elders are especially assigned to labor in spreading the truth, and the work is being vigorously pushed amongst the Colonials. A new European district has been formed in the North, with the city of Auckland as headquarters, and Elders J. Johnson and Jedediah Goff are now located there. The Elders in Tasmania give a very encouraging report, having recently baptised a few members, and they are now calling for more help. In the Australian colonies of Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales, we have now eight elders at


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Aug 2, 1894