Day in the Life

Aug 4, 1894

Journal Entry

August 04, 1894 ~ Saturday

4 I went down the creek with Ovando He caught
30 trout I used a hook & line a few moments &
cought 2 trout


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Beebe, Ovando Collins
14 May 1867 - 27 Dec 1928
194 mentions

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Letter from Johannes Graf, 4 August 1894
Santa Clara First Presidency Dear Brethern Your notice was dully received. And will state, first that its Some 4 years cince I receieved a cimler call, but was prospond as I hadent my papers its now nearly 2 years since I got them so I sent word and circumstances, Stating that my Bro was on a mission to Europe, and wont return till this faul, my assistances has been many cince his absence in diferent ways. Thare are many obstacels in the way but trust in God for all, and will be on hand in the spring If I can get that much time. Respectifully your Bro in the gospel John Graf John G. Hafen Bp. see over.
Letter from Jonah Evans, 4 August 1894
Pomeria Idaho Bro. Milford Woodruff Salt Lake Cy Utah Dear Brother The Pomeria Ward people are now preparing to build a meeting house there is 85000 brick nine mud and must be burned in about 2 weeks the building will be about 30 by 45 feet with a 14 foot ceiling. Can we expect some help from the Church to build the house, we have taken care of our own fun and have not asked the Church for any help for the last few years at least. Should you feel like helping us we would be pleased to


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Aug 4, 1894