Day in the Life

Jul 6, 1896

Journal Entry

July 06, 1896 ~ Monday

July 6, 1896

I spent the day in the office the Literary & Scientific
met at 10 o'clock in the office Wilford
Woodruff was Apointed a Member of the board
I had an interview with many to day


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Letter from George Christian Jensen, 6 July 1896
Logan, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro: I have received your call to labor in the Swiss and German Mission and gladly accept it. The time, stated in your last letter, so far as I can at present foretell, is quite suitable to me. Your Brother, Geo. Jenson. O.K. A L Skanchy Bp: Logan 6th ward
Letter from James Warren Johnson, 6 July 1896
Provo City, . Presidency, Dear Brethren: As I am here from Vernal, Utah preparing to take my mission to the Southern States, I would be pleased to have you write and tell me how soon I am expected there to prepare to leave on the 16th of this Inst. also I would like to know which Route we will travel, an early reply will be appre- ciated. I am as ever your Brother in the Gospel, Warren Johnson. Address, Provo, city Utah.


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Jul 6, 1896