Day in the Life

Feb 7, 1898

Journal Entry

February 07, 1898 ~ Monday

Mon Feb. 7th I am feeling much better went to the office
was quite busy until 330 p.m. & then went home.


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Letter from Thomas Fraser, 7 February 1898

Gunnison Pre's Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother. In regard to the call to the Southern States I will except of it and will be there at the appointed time if there is nothing to prevent me If so I will let you know. Your Brother in the gosple Thos Fraser Christian A. Madsen Bishop

Letter from Charles M. Malin, 7 February 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Yours of Jan 31st duly received, stating in effect that my name had been sug- gested and accepted as a miss- ionary to Indian Territory Mission. Will say in reply, I accept, with pleasure, the call and will report in April, in Salt Lake City as directed. Your Brother in the Gospel, Chas. M. Malin. Wm Sargent Bp

Letter from Louis Hansen Petersen, 7 February 1898

Ephraim, . Bro. Wilford Woodruff. Your letter of Jan. 26th, have been received, and after carefull consideration I have decided to go and will be ready on the date named in your letter. Your Brother in the Gospel, Louis Peterson. C. R. Darius Bishop of Ephraim South Ward.

Letter from J. H. Ward, 7 February 1898

Salt Lake City, To the First Presidency Dear Brothers During this winter I have been unable to collect much from the people and have been obliged to depend upon my own exertions and the sale of personal property in order to keep the paper going. So far I have not failed a single week to publish the paper At present I am in great need of about Fifteen Dollars Tithing Order If you would kindly grant me this special favor, I think I could pull through; untilas it will not be long until the people will get to work and I will be able to make some collections With thankfullness for the past Your Brother J. H. Ward.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 7 February 1898

President W. Woodruff Box B Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother, Your favor of 12th June in the matter of the Rawson divorce and we return you the papers you sent us and [try] to explain that while Bro. Rawson signed the papers immediately after we recieved them, we did not [have] any opportunity to get sister Rawson's signature ^for some time^ and when we did see her she refused to sign. The part's having been divorced through the District court and owing lately having rearranged their difficulties it appears that Bro. Rawson applied to the court, got at license and again married his former wife, for which action he has been disfellowshipped Your Brother in the Gospel T E Ricks

Letter from Johan Conrad Walz and Fredrick Pfost, 7 February 1898

Rexburg Idaho Office of the First Presidency: Dear Brethren As we your brethren recived a call to go to Germany on a mission, we feel to askt your advise, Myself and Elder Fred Pfost are brother in laws and our circumstances, are somewhat hard, for both of us to leave the same time, as we need each other support, but we are willing to go if finance would permit, both of us will have to borow money to go with at present, but we think one of us can get ready and go, at the apoindet time, the writers circumstances are a little more favorable. Elder Fred Pfost would be more able after another harviest please let us know at an early date. We remain your brethren in the Gospel. Conrad Walz Rexburg P. O. Fred Pfost Rexburg P. O. I should say let one go at a time, and one

Letter to Ephraim Hesmer Nye, 7 February 1898

Prest. E. H. Nye, 915 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco. Dear Brother: Bro. Spence is sending you a draft to pay the fare of my granddaughter, Mrs. W. H. Byron, from San Franicisco here. I will be greatly obliged if you will attend to procuring the transportation of my granddaughter and her nurse, and rendering them any assistance in your power. I remain, Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from George C. Redden, 7 February 1898

Hoytsville . President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, As my name has been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Northern States, can say, with pleasure I accepte the call, and will be their on the day appointed for me to leave the City, or before that time to be set apart and receive nessecary instructions con- se[r]ning missionary labor. Your Brother in the Gospel. Geo. C. Redden. Wm Sargent Bp

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid to Bulah A Beatie $25 25

Feb 7, 1898