Day in the Life

Apr 11, 1898

Journal Entry

April 11, 1898 ~ Monday

Monday April 11th At the office this morning, quite busy in
meeting with several of the brethren who called before riturning home &
did not leave untill 530 pm. I attended a family birthday gathering at
the residence of Bro John McDonald this evening until 1030 pmoclock.


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Letter from David Spilsbury, 11 April 1898

Spilsbury Toquerville, Utah. April 11th 1898. Pres't Woodruff, Dear Bro. I received your letter appointing me to the Eastern States, to leave Salt Lake May 28th In reply will say, if all is well and the Lord will bless me (and I know He will if I do that which is required of me), I will be there at the appointed time At first I felt that I would have to ask for a few months time in which to prepare, but after much reflection, and earnest supplication, I have concluded to go at the appointed time to do all that I possibly can and let the rest go; for I have

Letter from Hans Poulsen Rasmussen, 11 April 1898

MOLEN, Utah, Prs: Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I am sorry that I have to inform you that the young man Martinus Larson there is caled to go on a mission to the Northeren States is not able to go, when he reseived his call I told him to think that matter over and see what he could do. a while after came to me and told me that he would go on that mission, and handed me a letter to that efect. I asked him if he had the money so he could go, he told me yes he thought that would be alright, and as his Father and Brothers are considred pretty well of and that he had some himself. I signed the letter with him, we got for him from the Ward some over $50 which I thought was pretty well as this is a very small Ward, and the majority of the People are poor, but of course it would not be enogh, it have always been my desire to run in excuses for my Brethren, and I would do it in this case if I could.

Letter from Oliver W. Gale, 11 April 1898

Beaver City Presedant Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your call and except the same and will be ready at the time set if there are nothing else occures betwene now and then if there is I will let you know. Your Brother In The Gosple Oliver W. Gale. Bishop- absent- W. S. Falton 1st Counselor

Letter from Samuel Alma Greenwood, 11 April 1898

Fillmore, . Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, In reply to your communication, assigning me a mission in Great Britain will state that I am perfectly satisfied with the call and will be willing to leave at the assigned date. I have always realized and considered that someday I would be obligated to fill a mission and now that the opportunity has presented it's self am wiling to take advantage of the same. I am young and inexper- ienced and practically unacquainted with the principles of the Gospel, but I know that if I am humble and sincere and place myself in the hands of God as an instrument with which to spread his Gospel among the nations of the earth hHe will crown my efforts with success.

Letter from Neil Donald Forsyth, 11 April 1898

Pinto . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: In reply to yours of Mar. 25th I would say: that though I am not very well situated to take a mission, I will endeavor to comply with your request and be on hand at the appointed time. Your Bro. in the Gospel N. D. Forsyth Jr. R. C. Knell, Bp


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Apr 11, 1898