Day in the Life

Sep 1, 1898

Journal Entry

September 01, 1898 ~ Thursday

Thursday Sept 1st The following telegram was received at
President Woodruffs office, at Salt Lake City, Utah.

"San Francisco, Cal Sept 1st 1898.

To Prest. Joseph F. Smith,

President Woodruff's condition very
serious. It is the opinion of experts this may terminate his
mission. He is not sensible at this time. The attack was very
sudden, suppressed urine the cause. His advanced age
against him. Geo. Q. Cannon."

This caused much excitement and comments the word
being so sudden and unlooked for.


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2295 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4149 mentions


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Letter from Hans A. Pedersen, 1 September 1898
Logan, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother:— Yours of August 25th regarding a mission to Scandinavia to hand. In reply will say that I eccept the call and shall be redy to leave in February 1899, as desired. As to my feelings in regard to the call, I am pleased to state that my feelings are las they have alvays been, to do my very best whereever I am called to labor for the advamcemnent of Gods sause. This has been my fee lings in regard to calls in the past and I have the same desire now. Your Brother in the Gospel, H A Pedersen O.K. A. L. Skanchy Bp: for the Logan 6th w[ard].
Letter from Ola Olson, 1 September 1898
Millville Pres W. Woodruff Dear Brother! I am willing to accept of the call, and by the help of the Lord, will be ready to start at the appointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel Ola Olson John E. Roueche Bp.
Letter from Ferdinand F. Hintze, 1 September 1898
Constantinople, . President Wilford Woodruff and Counsellors, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. Dear Brethern, When I last reported to you I was at Sivas. I at once left for Zara to visit the Branch of our church there. I found them very faithful and filled with the love of the Gospel. They were, of course, very anxious to gather, and were very happy in the thought that the Lord would soon open up de liverence for them from bondage. They are not so hard up for food as are the saints in Aintab, but they are more in thraldom which makes life tiresome. The hope which the Gospel gives is their life. Elder Nishan Sheriman presides. He is a faithul man & much beloved of the saints. He is also respected of the outsiders & of the Government. The prospects there are not flattering, a few are investigating. They were very fortu nate in not having to go through the massacre. The saints fasted & prayed for seven days when they noticed prepa rations for slaughter & God heard their prayers & delivered the town from destruction, for which they are very thankful. They plad with me continually to ask the Brethern in Zion not to forget them, that they might also be gathered to some place where they could learn more of the ways of the Lord and help to build up His Kingdom. A circumstance happened while at Zara which impressed me with a new idea about traveling & preaching the Gospel in Turkey. I was for a little while mistaken for an English Consul. From the whole af-


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Sep 1, 1898