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Harold B. Lee Library

Collection Name Deseret News
Collection Description The Deseret News was the first newspaper published in the Utah Territory: the weekly edition began June 15, 1850; the semi-weekly edition was added October 8, 1865; and the daily edition began November 21, 1867.
Collection Number Deseret News 1860-09-26
Collection Box Volume 10
Collection Folder Number 30
Collection Page 2
Source Link Brigham Young University
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297 mentions
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43 mentions
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180 mentions
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212 mentions
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105 mentions
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119 mentions
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16 mentions
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15 mentions
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Orson Pratt
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1088 mentions
Sidney Rigdon
19 Feb 1793 - 14 Jul 1876
Joseph Smith (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Brigham Young
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3470 mentions
Apostle, Family


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View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

I always feel much pleasure in addressing a congregation of the Saints when I am inspir- ed by the Holy Ghost, for then I can be of benefit to those who hear.
~ Wilford Woodruff
If a person goes without food for twenty- four hours, we all know that that individual will become very hungry; and it is precisely so with those who hunger for the principles of eternal life. While we enjoy the Spirit of the Lord, we shall find that there is enough and an abundance to feed every human soul.
~ Wilford Woodruff
We are all dependent upon the Lord, upon his holy Spirit, and upon the testimony of the Lord Je- sus Christ for instruction, for light, and knowl- edge, such as is calculated to edify, encourage, sustain and aid us in magnifying our callings in this life.
~ Wilford Woodruff

We need not enter particularly into the great mysteries of the kingdom of God in or- der to be edified. A man may preach upon the first principles of the gospel, and he will find enough in them to instruct the people and edify himself in the things of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
The faithful have always had a positive knowledge that what they were doing was right and acceptable to the Almighty, and that they have been sustained in passing through scenes of trial by the gift and power of God. They have realized that it was better to sacri- fice their lives for His kingdom than to live and enjoy the riches and honors of this world for a season. This principle sustained the ancient Saints in all their affliction; it sustain- ed them in the den of lions, and in the fiery furnace, and although they frequently sealed their testimony with their blood, they were comforted and consoled in looking forward to the time when the earth would enjoy her Sab- baths, and the Saints enter into their rests.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I know that Joseph Smith was a good man, a Prophet, a Seer and a Revelator, and that he sealed his testimony with his blood that the nation that was worthy might receive their reward. There is no principle revealed in this generation but those which are known by the Almighty to be for the salvation of his creatures. The spirit of warfare that is mani- fested in these days has existed in all ages when the priesthood was upon the earth. There was always a war between light and darkness, God and the devil, saint and sinner, correct principles and false doctrines. We our- selves have a warfare with the evil propensities of our nature; we have already had to meet a warfare outwardly; in some instances there has been a physical contest, and our enemies have sought our destruction from the beginning. That warfare will continue until satan is bound and iniquity swept from the earth. We need not suppose that we shall have peace, for there will be no peace to the righteous until he reigns whose right it is to reign.
~ Wilford Woodruff
We have now got a warfare to endure; we must war against every evil principle until we can learn to do right in all things. This is the spirit we must learn to cultivate day by day; the knowledge we have of the gospel will assist us in doing this.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Our union and oneness of senti- ment constitutes one of the prominent beauties of the organization of the kingdom of God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
There was never any other gospel taught to the old prophets, excepting that which is now taught to you and to this generation; neither was there ever any of the children of men saved upon any other principle than that which is now presented to the people. The Church of Christ always had in it prophets, apostles and patriarchs; it was always blest with the gifts of inspiration, power to heal the sick and to perform such miracles as were necessary for the salvation of the Saints. If you were to meet with Father Adam, with Seth, Moses, Aaron, Christ or the Apostles, they would all teach the same prin- ciples that we have been taught; they would not vary one particle. This gospel is everlast- ing in its nature, and unchangeable in its character.
~ Wilford Woodruff
When a boy begins his edu- cation at school he begins at the first rudi- ments, and continues to progress step by step. It is so with the student in the study of the everlasting gospel. There were not many principles revealed to us when we first receiv- ed it, but they were developed to us as fast as we were capable of making use of them.
~ Wilford Woodruff
To me the principle of integrity is one of the greatest blessings we can possibly possess. He who proves true to himself, to his breth- ren, to his friends, and his God, will have the evidence within him that he is accepted; he will have the confidence of his God and of his friends. It is a great and a glorious principle; it is something that gives you that assurance in your friends that you can trust your prop- erty, your life, your all in the hands of your brethren.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I rejoice every day I live in beholding the signs of the times, in looking at the progress of the Church and kingdom of God upon the earth. The Lord has guided and governed us all the day long. We have every reason to be thankful for his goodness unto us, and we may rest assured that his blessings will be poured out upon us just as fast as we are ca- pable of receiving and making a right use of them.
~ Wilford Woodruff
to do right, to obey the commandments of God, to be charitable and kind, brings joy and peace and the Holy Ghost, and an eventual exaltation in our Father's kingdom.
~ Wilford Woodruff