22 I preached to a large congregation of Gentiles that were filled with unbelief hardness of heart & manifested
malace against me & the cause which I advocated but notwithstanding their indignation I bore my last tes-
timony unto them of the fulness of the everlasting gospel that God hath brought forth in these last days. Elder Townsend followed me in testimony amid the folly yof the multitude. In the afternoon we met with the church &
communed with them. May the Lord have mercy upon the Saints & deliver them from Babylon & her sins & plagues
I visited several saints in the evening & saw some of the world that manifested much hardness spent the night with Br Jesse Coombs. I herd Br Jonathan Burgess relate an interesting vision 3 miles
~ Monday
23 I took the parting hand with the Saints & walked in company with Elders Holmes & Townsend to Br Crock-
ett's from thence to the thuroughfare we crossed to the North Island & walked to the house of Br Ames 12 miles
~ Tuesday
24 I spent the day in visiting the Saints & the night with Br M. Luce distance of the day 4 m
~ Wednesday
25 I visited the Saints from house to house & prayed with them that they might be strengthend for earth
& hell is stired up against them & we have perils from & among fals brethren I receieved two
letters one from Camden & the other from Elder Ball in Holiston Elder Ball's letter contained intelligence
of Interest concerning Elder P. P. Pratt's labours in the city of New york that the work of God was rolling
on in power in the midst of opposition. I spent the night at Br Justus AmesValentine was at home {in [illegible shorthand]} 8 miles
~ Thursday
26 I spent the day in visting the Saints with Elder Holmes we had an interesting prayer meeting at Br M Luce the
spirit of God rested upon us while we were delivering this our last address to these Saints upon the
Islands of the sea for it was manifested unto us by revelation that it was our duty to take a western
mission & leave the Islands for a season for they had been faithfully warned, the line drawn, the saints
sought out, & the enemy combined in secret places against us & would take our lives if in their power.
We walked to Br Ames & spent the night we felt as though the powers of darkness was great amon[g] the gen-
tiles upon every side of us both on the Islands & maine land & that the people were deluged in unbelief. 5 mi
O how ignorant the gentiles are of the literal fulfillment of the word of God such as the gathering of Israel
the fall of Babylon & the reign of Christ notwithstanding their boasted knowledge
22 I preached to a large congregation of Gentiles that were filled with unbelief hardness of heart & manifested
malace against me & the cause which I advocated but notwithstanding their indignation I bore my last testimony unto them of the fulness of the everlasting gospel that God hath brought forth in these last days. Elder
Townsend followed me in testimony amid the folly of the multitude. In the afternoon we met with the church &
communed with them. May the Lord have mercy upon the saints & deliver them from Babylon & her sins & plagues
I visited several saints in the evening & saw some of the world that manifested much hardness spent the night with Br
Jesse Coombs I herd Br Jonathan Burgess relate an interesting vision 3 miles
~ Monday
23 I took the parting hand with the saints & walked in company with Elders Holmes & Townsend to Br Crockett's from thence to the thuroughfare we crossed to the north Island & walked to the house of Br Ames 12 miles
April 24, 1838 ~ Tuesday
24 I spent the day in visiting the saints & the night with Br M. Luce distance of the day 4 m
~ Wednesday
25 I visited the saints from house to house & prayed with them that they might be strengthend for earth
& hell is stired up against them & we have perils from & among fals brethren I receieved [FIGURE] two
letters one from Camden & the other from Elder Ball in Holiston Elder Ball's letter contained intelligence
of interest concerning Elder P. P. Pratt's labours in the City of Newyork that the work of God was rolling
on in Power in the midst of opposition. I spent the night at Br Justus AmesValentine was at home {in [illegible]} 8 miles
~ Thursday
26 I spent the day in visiting the saints with Elder Holmes we had an interesting Prayer meeting at Br M Luce the
spirit of God rested upon us while we were delivering this our last address to these saints upon the
Islands of the sea for it was manifested unto us by revelation that it was our duty to take a western
mission & leave the Islands for a season for they had been faithfully warned, the line drawn, the saints
sought out, & the enemy combined in secret places against us & would take our lives if in their power.
We walked to Br Ames & spent the night we felt as though the powers of darkness was great among the gen-tiles upon every side of us both on the Islands & maine land & that the people were deluged in unbelief. 5 mi
O how ignorant the gentiles are of the literal fulfillment of the word of God such as the gathering of Israel
the fall of Babylon & the reign of Christ notwithstanding their boasted knowledge
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," April 21, 1838 - April 26, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/490