VOL. 2
W. W.
January 1st 1838,
December 31st 1839.
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VOL. 1
^I confirmed 35, esstablished 8 preaching Places, Planted 3 churches^
IN 1835, I travled 3248 Miles. Baptized 43 persons. Held 170 meetings. procured
20 subscribers for the Latter Day Saints' Messenger & Advocate and 2 for the
reprinted Star. Also 70 signers to the Petition to the Governor^ur^ of Missouri for redress
of wrongs done the church by the Jackson County mob. Wrote 18 letters. Ordained
2 teachers and 1 deacon. Held 3 debates. AND had 3 mobs rise against ME.
IN 1834 I travled 1238 miles
IN 1836 I travled 6557 miles. Held 153 meetings. Attended 4 conferences, and
held 4 debates. Baptized 27 Persons. Ordained 2 Elders 3 Priest 1 Teacher
and 2 Deacons. Blest 19 children, and healed 4 Persons by the laying on of hands
in the name of JESUS Christ. ^confirmed 27, esstablished 2 Preachi[n]g places planted 1 church^ Procured 22 subscribers for the M & Ad, and $70
dollars for the same. {I gave [illegible shorthand] dollars} Also procured $91 dollars for building the house of the
LORD in Kirtland. Wrote 34 Letters and receieved 7 letters, and had 3 mobs rise against me
In 1837, I attended the solemn assembly. I met 20 times with the quorum of the seventies. I traveled in
Upper Canida & in six of the United States also visited three Islands of the sea making a distance in all of 2350
miles. I held 108 meetings I Baptized 201 persons, 3 were sea captains & 3 relatives I was a partner in Baptizeiing 9 others
I attended 2 conferences & jointly Ordained 9 Elders 9 Priest 11 Teachers and 5 Deacons. I procured 23 subscrib-
ers for the Elders Journal and sold 8 Books of Mormon. There was 5 cases of healing under my hands. I
Blessed 2 children. I wrote 30 Letters & receieved 13. Confirmed 30. Planted 3 churches
My parents were born and bred in the town of Farmington Hartford County Connecticut
My father Aphek Woodruff was the son of Eldad Woodruff My mother Bulah Thompson
was the daughter of Lot Thompson all of Farmington Con[necticut] The occupation of my father was
a miller from his youth. I was born in the North part of the town of EFarmington (now called
Avon) Hartford County Connecticut on the 1st of March AD 1807. I was the third son of my
father and the last born of my mother who Died June 11th 1808. My father married Azubah Hart
for his second wife NOV 9th 1810. I followed the occupation of my father viz a miller untill the spring of 1832
at which time I moved to the town of Richland Oswego County N Y. and purchased a farm in company
with my eldest brother Azmon Woodruff and we resided together untill the spring of 1834. I was early
taught by my step mother and other friends, also by the word & Spirit of God that the Church of Christ was
in the wilderness that there had been a falling away from pure & undefiled religion before God and that
a great change was at hand. At the age of 23 I resolved by the grace of God assisting me to be led by the
word & Spirit of God into that truth that maketh free thereby. On hearing the fulness of the everlasting
gospel proclaimed by the Latter Day Saints I immediately embraced its truths with a glad heart and
after being baptized and receieveding the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost by
Elder Zerah Pulsipher I was ordained a Teacher under his hands on the 2nd of Jan 1834, in Richland Oswego Co N Y.
On the 5th of Nov 1834, I was ordained a Priest under the hands of Elder Simeon Carter by the direction of the
High Council in Clay County Missouri. On the 28th of June 1835 I was ordained an Elder in the Church of Latter
Day Saints under the hands of Elder Warren Parrish at Eagle Creek Benton County Tennessee: and in the
same house on the 31st day of May 1836 I was ordained unto the High Prisesthood and as a member
of the Second Seventy under the hands of Elders David W. Patten & Warren Parrish, this by the direction
of the Presidency of the Church in Kirtland Ohio. On the 3rd of Jan 1837, I was ordained a member
of the puorum [quorum] of the first seventy Elders as special witnesses to all nations under the hands of President
Zebedee Coltrin, in the house of the LORD in Kirtland Ohio. The above ordinations were by the spirit
of Prophecy and Revoelation. On the 4th of April 1837, I receieved the ordinance of washing under the
hands of President Joseph Young: and the ordinance of anointing under the hands of President Zebedee
Coltrin in the house of the Lord in Kirtland. On the 6th of April I received the ordinance of the washing
of feet under the hands of Elder Heber Kimball during the solumn assembly in the house of the Lord
On the 13th of April 1837, I was Joined in the bonds of matrimony to Phebe W. Carter born in Scarborough
Cumberland County Maine the 8th of March 1807. The ceremony was solemnized by President
Frederick G. Williams in the house of President Joseph Smith Jr in Kirtland Ohio we were blessed by
the Patriarch Joseph Smith sen. On the 15th of April I received a Patriarchal Blessing under the hands
of Joseph Smith sen the Patriarch of the Church of Latter Day Saints. Phebe W Carter received
a Patriarchal Blessing under the hands of Joseph Smith sen on the 10th of Nov AD 1836. These
Blessings are recorded in the Latter Day Saints Church Records also in the 1st VOL of Willford
Woodruff's JOURNAL. On the 26th day of April 1839 on the corner stone of the house of the Lord I was
at far west Missouri I was ordained under the hands of the Twelve to take the Bishopprick and
Apostleship of one of the Twelve that had fallen & to become one of the quorum of the Twelve
Apostles & special witnesses to lall nations both gentile & Jew.
~ Monday
JAN. 1st 1838. I Willford am now standing upon one of the Islands of the sea in defence
of the truth and for the word of GOD and the testimony of JESUS CHRIST. I am in North America
North Lat 44 West Long 68 46 South Fox Islands Vinalhaven Maine. I am labouring in the ministry
alone at this time. I am blessed, however, with the company of Mrs Phebe W Woodruff my companion &
friend: O may the LORD bless us in all rightoousness. O may the God of Abram Isaac & Jacob stand
by me and give me many souls as seals of my ministry during this year. May HE enable me to go and
come at his bidding & keep his commandments in all things. I have been declairing the word of God
faithfully through these Islands for many dayes and the Spirit of GOD is like fire, in a dry stubble,
among the people. Prejudice is rolling away like a torrent & GOD is manifesting his work in mighty
I spent this NEW YEARS DAY in the following manner. I visited the Saints & neighbours
& found the solemnities of Eternity resting upon the people some crying what shall I do to be saved
I met a congregation at Capt Charles Brown at 2 PM. I led three persons down into the sea and
Baptized them which were two sea captains and one lady viz CAPT Charles Brown, CAPT.
Jesse Coombs & his wife we had an interesting time in the confermation. After meeting in
company with Mrs Woodruff I rode in a wherry by watter to Brother Thomas Arey's 2nd & spent
the evening with a number of the Saints in reading, singing, and Prayer. distance of the day 7 miles
~ Tuesday
2nd Rode by water with Mrs Woodruff to Capt Benjamin Coombs, spent the day at his house
I receieved a present from the Saints of $10. I spent the night at Mr Coombs
~ Wednesday
3rd I spent the day at Capt Coombs in writing my Journals. I also wrote a Letter to Elder
Don C Smith in Kirtland. I sent him five subscribers for the Elders Journal viz Abram Carver,
Thomas Arey 1st Thomas Arey 2nd, Ebenezar Arey, Jabez Myrick, & I enclosed in the letter
$15 dollars to be divided in the following manner $1 credited to each of the above subscribers
$1 to John M Sellers & the other $9 dollars to pay my Due Bill to William Marks in the
hands of W A. Cowdery
I also wrote a Letter to Elder Milton Holmes. Spent the night at Capt B Coombs
~ Thursday
Jan 4. I wrote a Letter to Aphek Woodruff in farmington Con[necticut]
~ Friday
5. I wrote a Letter to Asahel Woodruff. I rode in a wherry across the Bay in company
with Mrs Woodruff & spent the night with Mr Thomas Arey 1st wrote a letter to Aphia Woodman
~ Saturday
6. I returned in the wherry to Capt Coombs & receieved two letters one from A H Woodruff &
the other from Sarah B Foss. I wrote a letter to Elder A O Smoot. Spent the night at capt Coombs
~ Sunday
7. Sunday I walked to the schoolhouse NO. 3 and Preached to a large congregation. I attended a prayer
meeting at night at Brother Charles Brown, & spent the night with Br Jesse Coombs distance 5 mil[es]
~ Monday
8. I sent five letters to South Vinalhaven Post Office by Br Jesse Coombs spent the night with Br Burgess 2 [miles]
~ Tuesday
9. I walked to Mr John Smith's & spent the night at his house I wrote a letter to Br Justus Ames 2 [miles]
~ Wednesday
10. I walked to Mr Joseph Sylvester's & spent the night at his house distance 1 mile
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
12 I Preached at Mr Anthony Coombs & spent the night at his house I spent the 11th day at David Smiths
~ Saturday
123 I walked to Br Burgess, to Br Brown's to Mr John Smiths from thence to Joseph Sylvesters & crossed
to the North Island to visit the Saints & also an Elder of the Church of Latter Day Saints who had come
to labour with me in the ministry by the name of JOSEPH BALL I visited Br Sterrett walked from thence to
Brother J Ames. I there found Elder Ball I had a plesent interview with him. He had Baptized six persons
viz Malatire Luce Ruth Luce, Stephen Luce Esq Nathaniel Thomas Susan Thomas & Nancy Kent I spent the
night at Br Ames distance of the day 12 miles
~ Sunday
134 Sunday I held a meeting in company with Elder Ball at Br Ames. We had an interesting time in communing
with the Saints. After meeting we walked to Br Stephen Luce from thence to Mr Ephraim Luce we prayed with
his sick child, from thence to Maltire Luce and spent the night 4 miles
~ Monday
15 I walked to Br Stearrett's I wrote a letter {for Brother Malatire Luce} We held a meeting at Br Stearrett's Elder Ball took the
leed of the meeting, and while he was speaking to our edification a canon or swivvle was discharged
near the house on the sea shore and was soon followed by the discharge of small arms he soon closed
and I arose the Spirit of God rested upon me I declared the word of God to the people in great
plainness my words were at times mixed with the report of musketry that were echoing outside of
of the house. I was plain in declairing to the people the judgments of God I shook my garments in the
presens of the people & informed them that I was clear of their Blood. I asked if any wished to receieve the
gospel & two arose to Be Baptized We closed the meeting after the evening had borne its report to heaven
We blessed three children of Br Stearrett's and spent the night with him {distance} 4 miles
~ Tuesday
156 We met a company upon the beach near Br Starrett's to administer in the ordinance of Baptism
after singing a hymn I led a man down into the water and Baptized him & as on the night before
so on this occasion our ears were saluted with the report of fire arms. O when will the earth rest
from wickedness and pollution men learn righteousness & satan know the length of his chain. We
walked to the east schoolhouse to hold a meeting Elder Ball arose & opened the meeting & commenced
preaching a mob of the baser sort soon appeared & began to disturb the meeting by walking across
the house & talking, whistleing, singing, dancing, &c I followed Br Ball and closed amid much con-
fusion we walked to Mr David McMullen's & spent the night distance 3 miles
~ Wednesday
167 We walked to Br M Luce's & to Br Ames we learned that Notices were posted up in noted places
warning us to leave the town but we concluded it best to obey GOD rather than man so we
continued in our Masters business. Walked to Br Nathaniel Thomas'es & held an interesting
prayer meeting two offered themselves for Baptism. We receieved the 2nd No of the Elders Journal
it did our souls good. I conversed untill 2 oclock with Br & Sister Thomas distance 5 miles
~ Thursday
18 Walked to Br Malatire Luce Elder Ball Baptized three persons, & we held a prayer Meeting at night 3 [miles]
~ Friday
19 Walked to Br Justus Ames & to John Kents crossed the Thoroughfare walked to {Cap} Isaac Crocketts
& held a meeting at his house I arose to speak & the power of God rested upon me I Prophesied of the judgm-
ents of God & spoke in tongues & interpeted the same Elder Ball spoke to us in the Spirit of God. two
offered themselves for Baptism we spent the night at Mr Croecketts distance 8 miles
~ Saturday
220 Early in the morning I Baptized two persons viz Capt Isaac Crockett & William Merchant. We then
walked to Mr John Smith's whare I again met Mrs Woodruff We spent the night at Mr Smiths Distance 8 m[iles]
~ Sunday
201 Sunday met a large congregation in No 2 for a meeting Elder Ball addressed the people I followed him
{The spirit of God rested upon me to a great degree [with power] on the people} We held a prayer meeting at Br Charles Brown's I spent {the night with} J Arey 2 m
~ Monday
22 I visited Br Thomas Arey 2nd he had broken his leg yet he was resigned to his affliction after praying
with him we walked to Capt Benjamin Coombs & spent the day in writing 3 miles
~ Tuesday
23 Walked to Mr Joshua Calderwood & spent the day 1 mile
~ Wednesday
24 Walked to Br Thomas Arey's 2nd Preached at night at Mr J Calderwood {distance of the day} 4 miles
~ Thursday
25 Spent the day in visiting the Saints and attended a prayer meeting at Br Sullers 3 miles
~ Friday
26 I accompainied Elder Ball & Br C Brown on to green Island bar & we dug a quantity of clams which
we made in to a clam chowder & it was a delicious feast. We spent the night at Mr Ebenezer Arey's. 3 m
~ Saturday
27 Walked to Capt Benj Coombs & spent the day in writing I wrote a letter to EFather Ezra Carter
~ Sunday
28 Preached on Sunday in No 2 schoolhouse & returned to Capt Benj[amin] Coombs & spent the night 3 miles
~ Monday
29 Walked to Mr John Smith from thence to Joseph Sylvesters with Mrs Woodruff from thence in com-
pany with Elder Ball to Br William Merchant's & we found him, his wife & Sister Crocket in a per-
ilous situation there hath a lying spirit gone out into the world & it hath entered into the Priest of Baal as
well as the multitude & Mr Douglass the Methodist Priest had visited the three mentioned persons & report-
ed that I utterly denied the Bible & said it could not be depended upon, this with many other fals reports
set them against me in spirit but after teaching them concerning the evil spirits &c we had prayers Brs
Valentine Ames & I Crocket were with us we had a googd time Brother & Sister Merchant & Sister Crocket
became more camlm & began to be deliverd from the devil. Spent the night at Br Merchant's distance 10 mile
~ Tuesday
30 Walked to Widow Hopkins & spent the night We preached to several strangers 3 miles
~ Wednesday
31 Walked to Br Crocket's I had a serious interview with Mr Douglass he stated things that were utterly fals he
rejected our testimony in every respect & is striving to overthrow the Saints Preached at Br Crockets 3 miles
~ Thursday
Feb 1st
I repaired in company with Elder Ball to a stream of water we their clensed our feet with pure water
and bore testimony unto God through Jesus Christ against Mr Douglass the Methodest Priest for
rejecteding our testimony & offending our little ones this is the third witness borne to heaven
against that man O God reward him according to thy Mercy, Judgment, Justice, & Truth. We call
upon Br & Sister Merchant & found them possessing a good spirit walked to Capt Watson Hopkins
& Preached {Christ and him crucified} at his house, although many entertained fears that we should be mod'd [mobbed] we
had a good time & still meeting spent the night at his house distance of the day 3 miles
We saw a sign in the heavens it had the appearence of a full Moon about ten feet under the sun
~ Friday
2. Left Capt Hopkins & as we walked by the schoolhouse NO 5th the children came out and hooted &
mocked at us as they did at Elisha when they said go up thou bald head. [2 Kings 2:23-24] As with the Parent so with
the child. We walked to Joseph Sylvester's I here found Mrs Woodruff we spent the night 5 miles
~ Saturday
3. Walked to Br Burgess & spent the night 2 miles
~ Sunday
4 Sunday I met with the Saints at Br Charles Brown & broke bread unto them this is the first
time I have communed with the Saints oin south Vinalhaven we had a good time. We walked to
Joseph Sylvesters and spent the night. I blesed their son by the name of Wilford W Sylvester 5 m[iles]
~ Monday
5 Mrs Woodruff & myself in company with Elder Ball, Sylvester & David Smith took a whirry,
to go to North Island we started at Seal Bay & landed at Deacon James Thomas on North Island
we dined at Mr Thomas I had an interview with Mr Thomas Fry We walked to Br Justus Ames
found the Saints strong in the faith. I receieved a vary interesting letter from Elder J H Hale
it contained interesting News from kirtland & Zion. Spent the night at Br Ames distance 8 mile
~ Tuesday
6 Spent the day at Br Ames in writing
I wrote a letter to Elder J H Hale & Don C Smith I
sent him one subscriber for the Journal Sarah Glover & $2 dollars, $1 for Sarah Glover &
$1 for Anthony Coombs jr I appointed two conferences in the letter
I walked to Pere
Babbage Esq & spent the evening. Held a meeting at Br Ames
~ Wednesday
Feb 7th Spent the day at Br Ames in writing
~ Thursday
8 Spent the day in visiting friends and held a prayer meeting at Br Sterrett's returned to Br Ames 7 m[iles]
~ Friday
I wrote a letter to Sister Rhoda Scamman and sent her $5 dollars spent the night at Br Ames
~ Saturday
10 I spent the day at Brother Ames in writing
~ Sunday
11 Sunday walked to Br M Luce and preached at his house then returned to Br Ames & held a prayer meeting 4 mil
~ Monday
12 I spent the day at Br Ames
~ Tuesday
13 We walked to Mr Kents crossed the thoroughfare we had a tedious walk to Mr James Crocketts
in consequence of our assisting a man in carrying his trunk's for 2 1/2 miles through the snow after
his neighbours had left him alone in trouble like the man that fell among thieves: [Luke 10:30-37] when we reached the
Mail boat we were quite exhausted. We crossed the bay to Camden, & then walked to Br Ebenezer Ames 20 miles
~ Wednesday
14. We spent the day at Br Ames {We heard that Kirtland was in difficulty}
~ Thursday
15. We walked to the Simonton district and had a happy interview with Br James Townsend direct from the
Saco church our harts were made glad. We preached in the schoolhouse I spent the night with Mr Brown 3 miles
~ Friday
16th I left the Simonton district in company with Elder Ball & J. Townsend, we repaired to a grove and held
a council and the Holy Ghost said seperate unto me James to the ministry se we ordained Brother James
Townsend unto the office of an Elder we had a good time & the Spirit of God rested upon us although we were
alone in a grove surrounded by a snow storm: we then walked to Br Ames we had an interesting time in the evening
in speaking our feelings to each other distance of the day 3 miles
~ Saturday
17 I took the parting hand with Elder Ball as he was about to return to the Island, and then started in company
with Elder J. Townsend for sSearsmont the roads were drifted with snow & the people were fearful we could
not get through, but we went forward in the Lord the winds were high & the air was filled with snow, we broke
the roads for 7 miles 3 of it was across a pond we arived at Searsmont at 2 oclok PM & spent the night at Mr
Hues Richards & was kindly entertained by him 7 miles
~ Sunday
18 Sunday the wether more plesent I Preached on the Book of Mormon we dined at Levi Gray's Elder Townsend
and myself had an interesting time in secret prayer in a snow bank I preached again upon the gospel the Spirit of
God rested [upon] me we spent the night at Joseph Hardy's 3 miles
~ Monday
Feb 19th An uncommon blustering day the iair is full of snow and roads blocked up we spent the day in
visiting the people they appeared believing. We started to go to our appointment at the schoolhouse
and we had to wallow about a mile through the snow drifts without a roads I froze one of my ears during
the time. After Preaching to the people we returned to Mr Robert Baily's and spent the night {distance} 4 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
20 Elder Thoownsend is 30 years of age this day. we visited Deacon Cox & other neighbours I Preached at night
at Mr. Bailey's on the reigin of Christ and was bless'd while speaking spent the night at Mr Baileys 2 m
~ Wednesday
21. Spent the day visiting friends we preached at night in the schoolhouse I preached at night inupon the
parable of the vineyard by the Prophet Zenas [Jacob 5] I had an interesting time in speaking and after we closed
the meeting at half past 8 oclock I walked out of the house & cast my eyes towards the heavens & a
glorious scene presented itself to our view [FIGURE 1 [FIGURE 1] I light commenced in the NE. & spread to the
W. & soon rolled up over head & also in the south & it centered in the heavens & rolled forth fire
blood & smoke like contending armies: the whole heavens was illuminated with blood & fire for the
space of half an hour & shook like a fouwl upon the wing it seemed at times as though the veil was
about to rend in twain {and the throne of God to appear} it appeared as though the elements were contending with each
other. We were travling through deep snow drifts most of the time during this sceneery. This
is one of the signs in the heavens in the last days spoken of by the ancient as well as modern
Prophets. O may God hasten the day when the scenerry will be wound up. spent the night {with} J. Kimble 2 m
~ Thursday
22. Took the parting hand with the friends in Searsmont & walked to Belfast pop[ulation] 4000 & after
being rejected by eight households we were kindly receieved & entertained by Mr Thomas Tapply 15 m
~ Friday
23 visited the village of Belfast & many of the principle men we procured a place for preaching
& according to appointment we met several hundred citizens in the brick schoolhouse I preached
to them ion the gospel they manifested a desire to hear further upon the subject & they wished to
purchased the Book of Mormon. We spent the night with Mr Tapply. During the day we repaired to
to the sea shore & clensed our feet with pure water & bore testimony against eight housholds before
God who had rejected us or turned us from their dDoors the evening before 3 miles
~ Saturday
Feb 24 We walked from Belfast to Northport and was kindly entertained at Mr Benjamin Stephens
I wrote
two letters one to Sister Townsend & the other to Elder Milton Holmes. I preached at early candlelight in the
schoolhouse at Northport upon the Book of Mormon spent the night at Mr Stephen's distance 4 miles
~ Sunday
25 Sunday preached at the schoolhouse In the forenoon Elder Townsend Preached I followed him this was his first discours
I preached again at night to a large congregation who listened with profound attention the people treated us
with great respect and kindness. We spent the night with Capt Jeremiah Knowlton's 2 miles
~ Monday
26 left Northport in good feelings & spirit, & walked to Belfast from thence to Frankfort and was kindly receieved
for the night by Mr James Tibbetts. Distance of the day 20 miles
~ Tuesday
27 Elder Townsend preached at Mr Tibbetts I followed him. I also preached in the school house at night & delt with
the people in great plainness we spent the night with Mr Tibbetts {who is of the blood of Ephraim and full of faith}
~ Wednesday
28 Walked to Hampden attended a protracted meeting of the Baptist. We spent the night with Mr Elisha Grant who
married sister Eliza Luce who had manifested her faith by her works I found her strong in the faith. 10 mi
~ Thursday
March 1st This is my birth Day I am 31 years of age. We left Hampden and walked to the city of Bangor pop 10,000
we visited Mr Haywood the city clerk & Gen Isaac Hodsdon & other citizens & appointed a meeting in the City Hall
we met according to appointment I preached upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon & left another
appointment we spent the night at the Mansion House Sandfords Inn. Distance of the day 8 miles
~ Friday
2 We spent the fore part of the day in wandering over the city of Bangor we were the first Elders of the Church of
Latter Day Saints that had visited the city or lifted a warning voice to the people we were as great strangers in
the citys of the Gentiles as Abram, Isaac, & Jacob, were in their day {It was truly a gloomy day to our souls} we attended a court in
the City Hall in the afternoon. We met a congregation of citizens at the hour of appointment I Preached upon the
first principles of the gospel {of Christ} and the people listened with attention we spent the night at the Merchants Exchange {[illegible shorthand] house}
~ Saturday
3rd {I purchased Phebe a pair of silver spoons which cost six dollars and 8 cents.}
{I could exclaim when I left the city of Banger like David: The Lord has delivered
my soul from the hands of wicked men|shorthand} We left the city of Bangor and walked to Hamden and Preached at night in the schoolhouse at
the lower conner we spent the night at Mr Elisha Grants. Distance of the day 6 miles
~ Sunday
4 Sunday Preached two discourses in the Univeralest chapel spent the night with Mr Grant {The fear of man bringeth a snare. [Proverbs 29:25] Learn wisdom}
~ Monday
March 5th we left Mr Grants & walked from Hampden to Buxport from thence to the Penobscot {road with Timothy} Farnham 25 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
6 walked to Castene & took passage on board the Two friends with Capt Carlton we were becalmed on the way &
Capt Carlton with Brother Townsend & myself entered the small boat in order to row to the shore distance
was 5 miles after rowing about half way the wind arose & the vessel that we had left overtook us and we
again went on board of her & reached Capt Carlton's house at 8 oclock PM & spent the night with him {distance} 35 m
~ Wednesday
7 Preached in the schoolhouse & spent the night with Capt Carlton ^at the Isl of Holt^ 3 miles
~ Thursday
8th Left the Isle of Hold went on board of the Mail boat Clinton Capt Sawyer at 2 oclock & reached north fox Island
at 4 oclock we then walked to Brother Sterretts from thence to Br M Luce. I here had the glorious privilege
of again meeting with the Saints for prayer & Praise to God my companion with the number after meeting
Mrs Woodruff presented five letters to me. One was from my Parents in farmington Ct one from Brother
Asahel In & two from Elder Milton Holmes in Mass & the last from Elder Robbins from Kirtland these
letters contained much news esspecially the one from Kirtland int informed me that trouble had come upon
them, numbers had been cut off from the Church for transgression their is divisions among the people the
printing office is burned to the ground with all its contents of Books worth about $1500 dollars. Warren Parrish
and others that had been cut off from the Church were Joining with the world to injure the influence of the
Saints Joseph & Sidney had gone to the far west with their family & the faithful are to follow them for kirtland
will be scorged. often have I herd Joseph Prophecy of these things for a year past. O God deliver the honest
in heart & faithful I pray.
I spent the night with Br Luce distance of the day 18 m
~ Friday
9 I spent the day in writing
4 I wrote two letters one to the
Bishop & Presidency in Zion & the
the other to Elder M Holmes in Mass we spent the night at father Luce
~ Saturday
I wrote two Letters one to Brother Asahel H. Woodruff & the other to sister Sarah B. Foss
~ Sunday
11 Sunday I attended a meeting at Brother Justus Ames and a prayer meeting at night return'd to M. Luce 4 m
~ Monday
12 I Met the church at Father Luce in the evening to lay before them the situation of the Church in
Kirtland we had a good meeting & these things did not move the faith of the Saints they were ready to meet it
~ Tuesday
13 spent the day writing in this Journal & held a meeting at Mr Benj[amin] Stones
~ Wednesday
March 14th Walked to the post office & returned to Father Luce's & spent the night distance of the day 10 m
~ Thursday
15 I held a prayer meeting at Mr Ebenezar Carver's & spent the night at father Luce. Distance 4 miles
~ Friday
16 I walked to Br Starretts & spent the night I found them in affliction I prayed with them {and laid on hands} 3 miles
~ Saturday
17 I spent the day in visiting friends & the night with Br M. Luce. Distance 6 miles
~ Sunday
18 Sunday I Preached at Father Luce's & also in the evening
~ Monday
19 walked in company with Mother Luce & Mrs Woodruff to Benjamin Stone from thence to wid[ow] Veril's also to
Mr Ebenezer Carver's we spent the night at his house I receieved a letter from Sister Hale
Distance 4 miles
~ Tuesday
20 walked to Mr David McMullen & spent the night at his house 2 miles
~ Wednesday
201 Walked to Brother David Stones & spent the night at his house Elder J. Ball left the Island this day to return
to his friends in the city of Boston. I am now left to labour again alone upon these Islands
~ Thursday
22 We walked to Br Starrett. In the afternoon Br Starrett & myself at a low tide went on to a bar to dig some
calams. Sister Stone & Mrs Woodruff came out to see us dig the clams & while we were busily engaged in this
employment the tide arose & flowed between us & the shore & we were under the necessity of wadeing acrooss the
water ourselves & carrying the women to the shore in an arm chair, and after concluding we should not forget the
place we returned to the house with our clams. We had a prayer meeting at night at Br Sterrett 2 miles
~ Friday
23 Spent the day at Mr Benjamin Kents & the night at Br Starretts 2 miles
~ Saturday
24 I wrote a letter to
Br & Sister J. H. Hale at Kirtland. There is great excitement throughout the U. S. A.
concerning the death of Mr CILLEY a representative in congress from Thomaston state of Maine who was killed
in a duel on the 24 of Feb by Mr GRAVES of Kentucky also a member of the same body. Mr Cilley was
shot through the heart with a rifle on the fourth fire at the distance of eighty yards. Congress is in uproar
& finally the whole nation is in trouble the hand of God is resting upon her because of the wickedness of
the people. Bloody wars & sore distress are at the doors of America & the faces will all soon gather blackness
because they have polluted this goodly land & all the judgments will soon come upon you O ye proud gentiles
that the Bible & Book of Mormon declare against you
~ Sunday
25 Sunday Preached at Br Starrett's & had an interesting Prayer meeting at night
~ Monday
March 26 Walked to Mr John Smith from thence to Br Ames & spent the night I was quite Ill the diestroyer
made a severe attact upon me & I had a sick night distance of the day 3
~ Tuesday
27 I arose quite Ill & spent the day at Br Ames. I walked at night to Mr John Kents & Preached at his house 3
~ Wednesday
I receieved three letters two from our friends in Scarborough & one from Elder
Jonathan H. Hale from Kirtland. Br Hale letter was Dated March 6th & it was a letter of great interest it contained
an account of the Saints leaveing kirtland for the land of Zion & of the judgments of God that were comeing
upon Kirtland & also upon the whole land he sent me the counsel of the Presidency of our quorum which was to
teach the Saints upon the Islands of the sea to immediately sell their property & prepare themselves to go
to the land of Zion which is a place of safety & deliverance that they may escape the just judgments of God
that are at the doors. I also perused the late papers of the day found that all things indicate that great trouble
is at the doors & that the Lord is nigh at hand, both the signs in heaven & on earth are visible in fulfillment
of the word of God. I walked to Br Ames & spent the night was still quite unwell distance 4 miles
~ Thursday
29 I arose quite weak my Bowel complaint continued spent the day at Br Ames was not able to attend
the meeting spent an ill night. The LORD is manifesting his work in great condeseentsion & mercy to the Blood
of Ephraim & honest in heart upon these Islands of the sea both by dreams & vissions, signs, healings &
wonders. One remarkable circcumstance that happened on this day I will mention as follows Mr
Ebenezar Carver had been earnestly investigating the subject of the gospel as we set it forth & while desireing that
he might know the truth of it he walked to the sea shore desireing that he might have some sign and while the
word of God was for him to meditate upon that there sohould no sign be given but the sign of the Prophet Jonas [Matthew 12:39-40]
on a sudden their was a large fish arose on the water in the sea at a distance from him & suddenly sunk
out of sight he much desired to again see the sight immediately the fish again arose on the top of the water
accompanied with another fish of the same specie & size & one of them swam on a strait line on the top
of the water towards Mr Carver as he stood upon the beach when the fish came as near his feet as the water
would permit him the fish looked at the man with a penetrating eye as though he had a message for him he
then returned to his mate in the ocean & swam out of sight & Mr Carver returned meditating upon this
strange sight & sign & the wonderful condeseentscion of the Lord. It is worthy of remark that this was at a
season of the year when fish of that size is not known upon these shores or coast & they never at any season
of the year are known to come ashore as in this case. Mr Carver had dreams at night to confirm him that these
things was a sign to him. Great & marvelous are the works of the Lord
~ Friday
30 I was still sick in the morning I had Prayers & was much better {after my wife laid hands on me and asked the Lord to heal me} I walked to
Br Malatire Luce & spent the night I warned Br Luce to prepare himself & family for Zion 3 miles
~ Saturday
31 Walked to Mr Ebenezar W. Carvers found his wife confined to her bed with a fever I Prayed for her & she was
healed. I spent the night at his house distance of the day 3 miles
~ Sunday
April 1. Sunday I preached to a large congregation at Mr Carvers the spirit of God rested upon me & I was strengthend
in body & mind after meeting I baptized Mrs Mary Carver in the same place whare the fish before spoken of
came to Mr Carver. We had an interesting Prayer meeting in the afternoon many were believing the solem-
nities of eternity rested upon the People. I walked to Br Ames & spent the night 3 miles
~ Monday
2 I spent the day at Br Ames in writing
~ Tuesday
3 I walked to Br Nathaniel Thomas's & returned & spent the afternoon at Mr Josigah drDevrage & the night at Br Ames 3 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
4 This was an interesting day to my feelings for I have laboured hard for the temporal as well as spiritual salvation
of the Saints upon these Islands I have faithfully exhorted them to sell their property & gather with the Saints
to Zion according to the commandments of God that they may stand in Holy places while judgment works, &
Brother Justus Ames has this day sold his farm & others are striving to follow his example for we see perilous
times have come. I walked to Br Thomas'es with Mrs Woodruff & spent the day & returned at night 2 mi
~ Thursday
5th [FIGURE] The worst difficulties in the saints warfare are perils among & from fals Brethren. I walked to Mr
John kents store & Post office & he presented me with a letter containing two sheets from Mr Warren Parrish
at Kirtland Ohio who had been an Elder in the Church of Latter Day Saints & had travled with me in the ministry
many miles, he had now made ship reck of faith was cut of[f] from the Church & he with some others in like circum
stances are now making every exertion against us & the cause, & the letter alluded to was teeming with falshood against Joseph &
the Church. O Warren Parrish how art thou fallen thy former letters will stare thee in the face make thee blush & pierce thy soul. The
letter is believed by our opposers & causes persecution to rage. I had a prayer meeting at Br Ames 4 miles
~ Friday
April 6th This is the day for the annual solemn assembly of the Saints in Zion or her stakes may God bless
the Saints in every condition walked to Br Maltire Luce & spent the night 3 miles
~ Saturday
7 I walked to Mr Ephraim Luce from thence to Br Stephen Luce & after reading singing & prayer I
Baptized two persons Mr Ephraim Luce & Margarett Crockett I confirmed them by the laying on of hands
Sister Harriet Luce was healed of sickness by the laying on of hands in the name of the Lord I then walked
to Mr Ebenezer Carver's & notwithstanding the spirit of the Devil was stired up in the hearts of the people anew
caused by the letters of Warren Parrish yet I preached the word of God to the people & Baptized Mrs
Abigal Carver she was rising of 70 years of age & had not been to a neighbours house for six years but on this
occasion she went with fortitude & boldness to the sea shore & was baptized & returned strengthend in
body and mind. I left them in the spirit of God & walked to Br Justus Ames & spent the night 8 miles
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I Preached at Br Ames we thad an interesting prayer meeting Also, Sister Eliza Grant was present
~ Monday
9 spent the day at Br Ames {picking wool with Phebe}
~ Tuesday
10 I held a counsel with the brethren at Br Ames
~ Wednesday
11 spent the day at Br Ames. I was privileged on this day of once more striking hands with some of my beloved
Brethren from wholm I had long been seperated Viz Elders Milton Holmes & James Townsend and
Priest Abner Rogers they had come to attend the conference with me upon these Islands of the sea we
spent the night at Br Ames. How sweet it is for Brethren in tribulation to meet together & bear each others burthens
~ Thursday
12 walked in company with Br's Holmes, Townsend, & Rogers to Br Stephen Luce & Ephraim Luce & held
a meeting at night at Br Maltire Luce & had a good time & gained a victory over the power of the devil
for he has come to fox Islands having great wrath the devil fell upon one sister as if to devour her at once
but by prayer & faith she was saved from his grasp. I returned to Br Ames & spent the night 6 miles
~ Friday
Minutes of a conference of Elders met agreeable to appointment at the house of Brother Justus Ames on
North Fox Island Vinalhaven Maine on the 13th of April 1838. Elders present Willford Woodruff, Milton
Holmes, & James Townsend also Priest Abner Rogers. Elder Willford Woodruff was called to the chair
and Brother Stephen Luce was chosen secretary. The chairman opened meeting by prayer & represented
the North fox Island branch containing 25 members in good standing also 3 members in Camden. Elder M Holmes
represented the New Rowley Branch containing 11 members in good standing. The chairman made some remarks
concerning the order of the call to the ministry after which Brother's Nathaniel Thomas & Stephen Luce was reccom-
mend to be ordained to such offices as the spirit should direct and after receiving the full vote of the Church
they were ordained under the hands of Elder's W Woodruff & M Holmes. Nathaniel Thomas was ordained
to the office of a Priest and Brother Stephen Luce to the office of a Teacher. We then recieved several interes-
ting exertations from the Brethren in the ministry which was followed by the testimony of a goodly number of brethren &
sisters & after adjurning untill the next day at 1 oclock PM Elder M Holmes closed by prayer
~ Saturday
14th Met agreeable to adjurnment and Elder James Townsend delivered a discourse upon the first principles of the gospel
& was followed by Priest Abner Rogers.
~ Sunday
15th We again met according to appointment on Sabbath morning & herd a
vary able & edefying discours delivered by Elder Milton Holmes from Luke 17 ch 26 to 31 verses was followed by Elder Woodruff
after an intermission of half an hour we again met together and addressed the Church Elder Holmes addressed the
saints clothed with much of the spirit & broke bread unto them we felt strengthend & found it good to meet together
after meeting we walked to Br Starretts & I baptized one person viz Sister Sarah Stone we had a good time in the
confermation we then walked to Brother Malatire Luce & had an interesting prayer meeting we were clothed with
the spirit of God & had a victory over our enemies. I returned in company with several Saints from the south
Island to Br Ames & spendt the night distance of the day 8 miles
{This day I have passed through trying scenes the Lord will have a tried people. The letters of press with their false reports have stirred on the people and also some of the Saints are denying the faith.
Valentine Ames is the only [one] on North Island. There is several on South Island very weak in the faith but the Lord has supported me through these trials and blessed be his name|shorthand} I will trust in the Lord forever
~ Monday
16 I wrote a letter for Sister Pease. I took the parting hand with Elders Holmes & Townsend & Priest Thomas they went
over to the South Island to prepare the church for the conference & to strengthen the weak for when persecution
comes many faint by the way. O may God have mercy upon Judah, Israel, Jacob, Zion & Jerrusalem. The Brethren
got quite weatt with the spray from the sea while crossing the thoroughfare. I spent the day at Br Ames. I
assisted Mrs Woodruff in aranging her trunk & other things that she might be prepared to leave the Islands on the
morrow to return to Scarborough we spent the night together at Br Ames {for the last time}
~ Tuesday
April 17th
[FIGURE] I walked in company with Mrs Woodruff to the thoroughfare & assisted her in going on board
the mail boat bound for Camden that she might there take the steem boat Bangor to Portland
she went on board the mail boat at 8 oclock AM. in company with Sisters Whitley & Pease & Brother
Ebenezer Ames with some other company. I here parted with Phebe & retired from the abodes of
men & commended her to God. O Lord preserve her from harm, accident, & danger, & give her health
and peace I pray may she return in safety to her friends. After I saw the vessel with her canvass
spread bear my companion away oe'r the billows of the deep I returned alone to Brother Ames
meditating upon a pilgraim's life. I had an interview with Brother Rogers he informed me he was
about to return to his family & church in New Rowley I walked with him a mile on his way as he
was going to take boat to leave the Island we knelt down by the way side & commended each other
unto God & took the parting hand. O who knows the feelings of men that are called to testify against
the wickedness of the people & stand in defence of the word of God & bear perils together of
many kinds & the worst of all such as come from fals brethrer or those that make shipwreck
of faith shsuch as Warren Parrish & John Boyington & others that have done me much evil
by sending letters from Kirtland to these Islands protesting against & condemning the faith
once delivered to the Saints which we advocate & which they once strongly advocated themselves
but the Lord reward them. I returned to Br Ames distance 6 miles
~ Wednesday
18 I walked to John Kents & returned to Br Ames 4 miles
~ Thursday
19 I walked to Mr John Smiths & crossed to the neck on the South Island in a boat after loosing my way &
wandering a while I took a road & walked to Br Charles Browns fromt thence to Br Sullers & attended a
Meeting Br Holmes Preached I followed him I returned to Br Browns & spent the night distance 13 miles
I walked to the top of the granite rock whare Elder Hale & myself have visited freequently. I again bowed
down & probably for the last time upon this place & offered up my prayers unto the Lord
~ Friday
20 I met in council with the Church & Elders I taught the Church plainly & warned them to flee to Zion I spent
the night with Br Thomas Ary 2 miles
~ Saturday
April 21. I wrote two letters one to Mrs Woodruff & the other to Elder Nathaniel Holmes & spent the ^night with Capt Benj[amin] Coombs 2 miles^
~ Sunday
22 I preached to a large congregation of Gentiles that were filled with unbelief hardness of heart & manifested
malace against me & the cause which I advocated but notwithstanding their indignation I bore my last tes-
timony unto them of the fulness of the everlasting gospel that God hath brought forth in these last days. Elder
Townsend followed me in testimony amid the folly yof the multitude. In the afternoon we met with the church &
communed with them. May the Lord have mercy upon the Saints & deliver them from Babylon & her sins & plagues
I visited several saints in the evening & saw some of the world that manifested much hardness spent the night with Br
Jesse Coombs. I herd Br Jonathan Burgess relate an interesting vision 3 miles
~ Monday
23 I took the parting hand with the Saints & walked in company with Elders Holmes & Townsend to Br Crock-
ett's from thence to the thuroughfare we crossed to the North Island & walked to the house of Br Ames 12 miles
~ Tuesday
24 I spent the day in visiting the Saints & the night with Br M. Luce distance of the day 4 m
~ Wednesday
25 I visited the Saints from house to house & prayed with them that they might be strengthend for earth
& hell is stired up against them & we have perils from & among fals brethren I receieved
letters one from Camden & the other from Elder Ball in Holiston Elder Ball's letter contained intelligence
of Interest concerning Elder P. P. Pratt's labours in the city of New york that the work of God was rolling
on in power in the midst of opposition. I spent the night at Br Justus Ames Valentine was at home {in [illegible shorthand]} 8 miles
~ Thursday
26 I spent the day in visting the Saints with Elder Holmes we had an interesting prayer meeting at Br M Luce the
spirit of God rested upon us while we were delivering this our last address to these Saints upon the
Islands of the sea for it was manifested unto us by revelation that it was our duty to take a western
mission & leave the Islands for a season for they had been faithfully warned, the line drawn, the saints
sought out, & the enemy combined in secret places against us & would take our lives if in their power.
We walked to Br Ames & spent the night we felt as though the powers of darkness was great amon[g] the gen-
tiles upon every side of us both on the Islands & maine land & that the people were deluged in unbelief. 5 mi
O how ignorant the gentiles are of the literal fulfillment of the word of God such as the gathering of Israel
the fall of Babylon & the reign of Christ notwithstanding their boasted knowledge
~ Friday
April 27. We purposed to leave the Island but satan hindered us we spent the night with Br M Luce 3 miles
~ Saturday
28 We took the parting hand with the Saints at Br Malatiah Luce & left the Island in the morning in an
open sail boat in company with Priest Thomas & Br M Luce the wind being agains us we had to row
hard for 6 miles against wind & water & tide we then changed our course to the SW, & hoisted one sail this
with the help of our ores oares gave us more speed & after rowing & sailing 20 miles we landed at
Owls Head about noon we here took the parting hand with the Brethren & walked to Thomaston & continued
our journey through Warren, WaldoBorough & spent the night at Damariscota Mills distance 40 miles
~ Sunday
29 {Sunday} we arose in the morning & persued our journey we passed through Sheepscott, Wisscassett, Bath,
Brunswick & spent the night in Freeport. We both suffered much during this day's walk with blistered
feet & weary limbs but we felt it was for Christ's sake & the gospels & did not wish to to murmer 40 m[iles]
~ Monday
30 we arose in the morning quite sore & lame yet we walked to North Yarmouth, Stephens plains, to
Portland, & Scarborough & arived at Father Carters at 4 oclock PM distance of the day 30 mil
we suffered considerable during this day's walk for our feet were badly blistered. I had the
happy privilege of again meeting my friends & spending a night beneath a father's roof in company
with my companion whome I found in good health & spirits with the rest of the household
~ Tuesday
MAY 1st I spent the day at father Carters in writing this journal
~ Wednesday
I wrote a letter to Br Asahel Woodruff
~ Thursday
I wrote a letter to My Parents in Farmington Con
~ Friday
4 I rode to Saco & spent the day at Mr Luther Scamman's a Brother in law from thence I rode
in company with Elder M Holmes to Buxton & again spent the night in company with Elder
James Townsend, at his house he informed me of the state of affairs in kirtland which
information he receieved from Kirtland by Mr David Woodman who had just returned from
that place. He informed us that a steam Boat passed through the streets or town of kirtland in
open day which was seen by some & herd by many. It created some alarm & is looked upon
as a sign or warning to the people. Distance 12 miles
~ Saturday
May 5 We rode to Sister Sarah Foss walked from thence to father Carter's & spent the night 10 miles
~ Sunday
6 Sunday spent the day at fathers Carters
~ Monday
7 I took the parting hand with Mrs Woodruff & Father Carter & family & left in company with
Elder Milton Holmes we travled to Saco 5 miles, to Kenebunk 9, to Wells 4, to York 13, then proceded
4 miles further & spent the night. Distance of the day 35 miles
~ Tuesday
8th We walked to the navy yard at Portsmouth N. H. & spent several hours visiting it which was an interes-
ting sight we had a view of the war ships, the cannon, the balls, the shot &c we visited one frigate of 60
guns & one ship a man of war of 120 guns. I paced her upper deck & found her to be 14 rods in length &
3 rods in wedth at midship & about 90 feet in hight we also visited the building containing her spars & rig-
ging. I should judge her anchors would weigh two tons each. O how many inventions man hath sought out
to shed the blood of his fellow man. We then walked to Newburyport (Essex County) ^{[illegible shorthand]}^ Massachusetts 20 miles
from thence to Georgetown formerly New Rowley Essex County Mass & spent the night at father Nathaniel Holmes 35 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
9th We walked to Rowley to Mr Burbanks I theire perused a letter from Viana Jaques from the city far west it
contained many important things concerning the Saints. We returned to Br Holmes & had an interview with
Elder Joseph Ball. We spent the night at father Holmes. Distance 4 miles
~ Thursday
10th I took the parting hand with Milton, father Holmes & family & walked in company with Elder Ball to Salem pop[ulation]
15000 17 miles after visiting this town whare numbers were executed after being accused of witchery this
in the early days of the settlement, we then walked to Lynn 5 miles pop 10000 we spent the night with Mr
John Alley we had an interesting time together he conversed freely with me & wished laike a father to give me some
advisce which he did & it met a welcome reception which was as follows, to always keep the outward as well
as the inward form in the spirit of God & to be dictated & approbated of him in all that we do. Distance 22 mile
~ Friday
11th [FIGURE] {[remember]} This is a day to be remembered by me because of the great variety of events that transpired with
me, no day of my life was ever attended with more of a change of circumstances & places which my
eyes beheld & ears herd & heart felt than on this day. I arose in the morning refreshed by sleep & took breakfast
with father Alley. Sister Alley was rather low in her mind but I endeavoured to comforte her in the
gospel. We took a farewell of them & walked to Chelsea from thence to Charleston we here visited
the Bunker hill Monument & walked upon the entrenchment that was flung up by our brave fathers during
the night before that memorable battle that was fought upon Bunker Hill but the roar of cannon & clash
of arms had long since ceased & the green turf was now trod in safety & the sound from the populous
city of Boston was now echoing through the air while our fathers sleep in peace. We had a view of
the Navy yard as we passed along from thence we entered the city of Boston being the first day
my eyes ever beheld its welth or fmy footsteps ever trod its streets I spent several hours in visiting
this city which contained a pop of about 100,000 inhabitants & also as near beatiful & well furnished
market probably as any in America. We visited the state house which was splendid. I walked to the
cupalo & had a fair view of the whole city. I walked around the commons which was enclosed
with an Iron railing of about 2 1/2 miles in length I visited the Tremont House the most noted public
house in the city, & also the shiping. We dined at Mr Thayre's in Belknap street upon a rich salmon
we visited several of the Saints in the city during the day. We also visit south Boston & had a fair
view of the splendid Mount Washington House a place of entertainment for gentlemen who
wish to retire from the bustle & noise of the city. I next walked over the long bridge to Cambridge
from thence to Cambridge point I went to the goal [jail] in order to have an interview & to comfort Elder
Albert P. Rockwoowd who had been cast into prison by his enemies for debts in order to trouble and
distress him, when I arived at the prison the Jailor permitted me to enter into the room whare he
was & it was truly a happy meeting for althoug we were strangers after the flesh yet we were
united in the spirit. This was the first time I ever entered into a prison to see an Elder of Israel
but after the keeper of the prison doors had turned the key upon us & left us together to
comfort each other in the midst of Iron grates & bars I began to inquire into the state of his mind
and it gladdened my soul to find him strong in the GOD of Abram Daniel & Eligah he was rejoicing
in God contented in his mind & strong in the faith once deliverd to the Saints. Brother Rockwood had
the Bible, Book of Mormon, P. P. Pratts voice of warning & the Evening & Morning star as his companions
which he constantly read. We conversed together about three hours in this solitary abode & our
souls were made glad. He informed me of many things that had transpired while he was there in
gaol [jail] & among the variety he made mention of the goal taking fire a few days previous to my visiting
him, he said this looked sumthing like a dark hour the fire was roaring over his head while a scene of
uproar confusion & distress was upon every hand engines were rapidly playing around the building water
pouring into every room the people hallowing in the streets the prisoners crying for mercy to thbe streets let out
lest they be consumed in the fire one of the number was strugling in the agonies of death while others were
cursing & swearing &c. Br Rockwood said he felt composed through the confused scenery untill the fire was extin-
guished & silence once more was known in the gaol. Elder Rockwood was writing his life while in this state of
confinement he sent a roll of the same by me to his wife in Holliston, at half past 8 oclock P.M. the Jailor
came & unlocked the prison doors & I took the parting hand with this worthy Brother while he manifested
much Joy for my visit. Well whose soul would not be cheered to have a friend visit them while cast into
prison. I left him in good spirits & bent my way back again to the city of Boston while crossing the
long bridge on my return I herd the cry of fire, the ringing of Bells, the ratling of the engines, I soon beheld
the flames begin to illuminate the city it was however extinguished in half an hour by the flood of water
that was poured in upon the fire from the engines. I then crossed into the city & being alone & a stranger
& in the darkness of the night I lost my way in the midst of the city, but after wandering a wile I called
into Myrtle street No 9 & I there found Elder Ball with a company of Saints in a room occupied by Sister
Vose all were patiently waiting for me, it was a happy meeting. Notwithstanding it was late in the evening
I spent a season in teaching them the things of God I then left these sisters who are patient in tribulation & wal-
ked with Elder Ball into Butoph street No 12 whare Elder Ball resides with his Mother we here spent
the night which ended this day of variety [FIGURES] Distance of the day 25 miles
~ Saturday
May 12th
I spent the fore part of the day in visiting different parts of the city. I saw many curiosities and
vanities from different parts of the world. I visited south Boston in the afternoon & spent
a part of the day in writing. We again met the sisters of the Church at the house of Sister Vose
in Myrtle street No 9 to speak unto them the words of life we had an interesting time & felt refreshed
by the spirit of God. I then returned & spent the night with Elder Ball. distance of the day 6 miles
~ Sunday
13th Sunday after hearing of several distressing steamboat disasters which shows that the destroyer
is riding upon the waters [Doctrine and Covenants 61] I read an account this morning in the Boston daily news of a great destruction
in Europe by water the letter was dated Berlin the substance of the account was that the waters
had rolled beyound there bounds & overflown the order & in less than 15 minutes rising of 70
towns were wholey inundated & destroyed, surely the word of God is fullfilling the sea troudled
& waves roaring. I spent a short time in the morning in visiting the Roman Catholic church they
were attending their morning meeting when I entered the house. After visiting the house & beholding
their Priest Images & mockery & see them use their Holy water I left the house disgusted with their
religion. I met with Elder Ball & the Saints in the fore part of the day at Sister Vose's room
to convers upon the things of the Kingdom. We again met with them also a small congregation
of citizens at the same place at 3 oclock PM. & I spoke unto them from Peter 1 ch 20, 21. the
Saints appeared edefyed & the minds of some enquiring a certain physician by the name of Salmon
S Wilder manifested great firmness in the cause. After meeting I walked to Mr Thayre's in Belknap
street & took supper with Sisters Vose & Holman. We again met the Saints in the evening & had
an interesting time in speaking of the goodness of God & breaking bread unto the Saints the spirit
of God rested upon us & our souls were edefyed & the sisters manifested their faith & strength
in the work of God in which they were enjaged & notwithstanding some had taken great advantage
of their liberality yet they had not lost confidence in God or his servants & their charity was
manifested towards us we took the parting hand with these saints of God & again spent the night with
Brother Balls friends 3 miles
~ Monday
May 14th We left the city of Boston & walked to Cambridge passed through Brighton, Newton, Needham & Framingham
from thence to Deacon John Haven's in the edge of Holliston & spent the night beneath his roof in company with
several of the Saints. Sister Rockwood was present we found her enjoying her mind & appeared reconciled
to the will of God while her husband was in prison. When we arived at Deacon Haven's I had the privilege of
reading P. P. Pratt's Pamphlet in answer to Mr LaRowy Sunderland pieces in the Zions Watchman against the Book
of Mormon & Parley's voice of warning I never was more edefied in reading a pamphlet than on this occasion he
does justice in exposing the lies of Mr Sunderland & also utters an important prophecy upon the head of Mr
Sunderland & also against the paper styled Zions Watchman distance of the day 30 miles
~ Tuesday
15 We walked from Brother Joseph Palmer to Holliston & spent the day at Br Newel Nurs & preached at night at
his house we enjoyed ourselves well with the Saints distance 6 miles
~ Wednesday
16 Walked to Br Palmer's & preached at night at his house the spirit of God rested upon me & we had a good time
after meeting we walked to Elder Nurs & spent the night distance of the day 10 m
~ Thursday
17 Took the parting hand with the houshold of Elder Nurs & walked from Holliston to Franklin, to Wrentham,
to Pawtucket & to Providence [FIGURE] RI this is the first time I was ever in the state of Rhode island this the sixteenth
state I have visited in my peregrinations [FIGURE] sixteen states. Distance from Holliston to Providence 32 miles. We went on
board the steemer Rhode island at half past 4 oclock PM. for New York City we called at North point distance 140
~ Friday
18 We passed by Levy Island also through Hurl gate we had a view of Blackwells Island & of the New prison at
6 oclock had a view of Williamsburg & Brooklin. I had a splended view of the shiping at New York the spars
stood as thick as a forest for miles we landed at the Battery & castle garden at 7 AM. distance 100 mile
the whole distance from Providence to N Y 209 miles. This is the firs time mine eyes beheld the great city
of New York the largest city in America, & the fourth upon the globe pop 300000 we spent several
hours in traveling in the midst of this great city in search of some of the Saints, we finally found a Brother
David W. Rogers & his household who were Saints dwelling in Greenwich street corner of Spring street
No 515 we were truly rejoiced to find a Saint in the midst of such a city. We dined with these friends
from thence we walked to Hamersly street No 26. I there found Elder Orson Pratt & his family I was
truly edefyed to again meet with this Brother. I also found another family of Saints residing in the same
house viz Lucian R. Foster. I spent the remainder of the day conversing with Brother Pratt upon the
things of the kingdom. We met at early candle light in Varrick street to hold a meeting & the congregation
was principly composed of Saints as there had been about one hundred baptized & many of them
were present. Elder Eligah Fordham was with us also. I was called upon to preach to the people
I arose & addressed the Saints & the Spirit of God rested upon me & I was much Edefyed.
The Saints were noble & strong in God. We spent the night with Brother Rogers in Greenwich street
~ Saturday
May 19th I walked to Elder Orson Pratts & took breakfast with Brother Foster. I prepared 1 doz of Parley's
Pamphlets & forwarded them to our friends abroad. I had a plesent walk with Elders O. Pratt
& E. Fordham. I also visited Mr Pratt & his family a native of Englang but had now become a citizen
of N Y his wife & daughter were Saints & both sick we prayed with them & la^i^d hands upon them
& they receieved a blessing. They reside in Watts street.
We purchased a card of Gillotts steel pens
represented as being the best in use. We next visited Brother Parker in King street No 327, we then
returned to Br Fosters in Hamersly street No 26. I accompanied Brother & Sister Foster in the
evening to market & it was a peculiar scene to me. It put me in mind of the merchannddize
of Babylon that the Revelator John spoke of. [Revelation 18] The market was one universal mass of human
beings crowded together perchasing food from the maket which contained every variety of
both meet, fish & vegitable. The scenery was interesting to pass through the streets which was
Illuminated for miles by gas & other lights I returned with Brother Foster & spent the night distance of the day 6 m
~ Sunday
20th Sunday I accuompanied the Brethren to the place of meeting in Varick street between Vandall
& Carlton which is the stated place of Preaching for the Saints. Elder Pratt called upon me to preach
to the people I arose & spoke to them from the parable of the olive tree byin the Book of Mormon
by the Prophet Zenas the spirit of God rested upon us. [Jacob 5] At noon we dined with Brother
Harderbrook in Carlton street. Brother David W. Rogers dined with us. Brother Rogers was an interesting
man he had been a Methodist for several years but had been looking for greater things than the
churches of the day possessed. Brother Rogers was a Teacher among the Saints he was a true & literal
desendant of John Rogers who was burnt at the stake he was the six generation from John Rogers. we vis-
ited a woman sick with the palsy we prayed for her we again returned to the place of meeting. Elder
O. Pratt delivered us a vary interesting discours from Nephi vision in the third chapter of the first Book of
Nephi. The Lords supper was then administered unto us. There was one man from Phelidelphia attended
meeting during this meetingday & was much believing & offered himself for baptism. After meeting in co-
mpany with Brother's Fordham & Rogers I walked to father Pratt's the Englishman's we prayed with
his wife & Daughter who was still ill. we supped with them & after supper I again walked to the
place of meeting & during this walk I was in company with Priest Addison Everett bording at corn-
er of Spring & Renwick street. this was also an interesting Brother my heart burned within me
while walking arm in arm through the city at hearing a relation from him of the leading of his
mind by the spirit of God, & I felt to rejoice that the city of New York was producing such Saints
this Brother was of the literal desendant of thride Ephraim they had always had the name of Ephraim in the
family of all their progenitors & down to the present day. Brother Everett about a year since had an
interview with forty Lamanite chiefs in this city while on their return from Washington to their
homes. When he first entered the room whare they were sitting they grasped his hand in friendship as
though they were inspired to know who he was. Brother Everett gave them an account of the Book
of Mormon & informed them that the fulness of the gospel would soon go to them they apparently
receieved the intelligence with the greatest degree of interest. he told them to receive it & teach their
tribes to do so when it come unto them; the chiefs promised to do so & wished him to come among
them & teach them these things. we arived at the place of meeting which closed this interesting su-
bject. Elder O. Pratt preached a highly edefying discours to us from the 102 Psalm the Lord
should build up Zion & appear in his glory. When he closed I followed him we also herd remarks made
from Elder Ball & several others bore testimony to the truth clothed with the spirit of God. meeting was dis-
smissed & I took the parting hand with those beloved Saints of God whos bosoms were burning with light, spir[it]
& the love of Christ we returned with Brother Foster & spent the night. Mr Willcox of the
city of Phelidelphia offers to open his doors for the Saints & wishes them to come & warn that
people also. Elder Eligah Fordham resides in New York City Cherry Street No 327
~ Monday
May 21st I wrote a letter to the saints upon the Islands directed to Brother Nathaniel Thomas
we dined with Brother Foster & after taking the parting hand with Elder O. Pratt & family & the
Saints in the city, Elder Fordham accompanied us to the North river & there parted with Elder
Ball & myself & we went on board the steem boat Hilander bound for Newburg at 5 oclock PM.
we had a view of Stony Point lighthouse as we past along the river we arived at Newburg at 9 oclock
we tarried on board during the night fare 75 cts distance 60 miles
~ Tuesday
22 Left the Highlander & walked through Newburg to Middletown from thence to Westtown we
took supper at Mr John Abers whare we found Sister Elizabeth More an interesting Saint. spent
the night at S. M Cooks Eagle Hotel distance of the day 35 miles
~ Wednesday
23 We spent the day in westtown we dined in company with Sister More at Mr Henry C.
Halsey's a merchant in the place. We held a meeting in the place at early candle light in the
academy, & notwithstanding it was vary rainy we had a full house. I preached to the people
from Gal 1st ch 8 v. I gave out an appointment for preaching the next night. spent the night at the Eagle Tavern
~ Thursday
24 The morning rainy the temporal & spiritual horizon both rather dark we took breakfast at the
tavern & walked to Mr Abers we wrote a Letter to the Saints in Boston we took supper with Stephen
Francisco we met at the Academy according to appointment & we had a crouded congregation I preached
upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon the Spirit of God rested upon me & I had liberty after meeting
we accompanied Mr Charles W. Reeves home & spent the night with him
~ Friday
25 I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff in Scarborough. It was still rainy. We preached in the Acadeymy
at night Elder Ball spoke upon the gospel I followed him. We spent the night with Mr Reevs I was troubled with
sore eyes which was brought upon me by reading & writing by a candlelight
~ Saturday
May 26 I returned to Mr Abers & spent a part of the day in reading, Prayer, & meditation we walked in the
afternoon to Greenville & spent the night at Mr Benjamin Abers whare we were kindly recieved & entertained 4 mile
~ Sunday
27 Sunday we preached at Mr Abers upon the first principles of the gospel spent the night at Mr Abers
~ Monday
28 Spent the day at Mr Abers & preached at his house at early candlelight to a large congregation who herd
with attention while I spoke upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon
~ Tuesday
29 Spent the day at Mr Abers & Preached at night at his house upon the coming & reign of Christ
~ Wednesday
30 Walked from Mr Abers to Mr Ebenezer Elstons at Waterloo we held a meeting at evening in the school
house by request of Mr Isaiah Scott a preacher of the Christian order we had a full house & herd
with attention while Elder Ball spoke unto them & I followed him Mr Scott manifested much interest
in our principles they being new to him he purchased a voice of warning of us we spent the night with
Mr Ebenezar Elston. Distance 4 miles
~ Thursday
31st This is the last day of May & a beautiful & serene morning. After taking breakfast with Mr Elston I took
a walk in company with Elder Ball into the state of [FIGURE] NEW JERSEY It was a pleasant walk indeed. we
passed the schoolhouse whare sat the youth with his mind occupied in study that he might be prepared to take the
place of his parents in the rising generation. This view brought fresh to my memory the days of my youth &
vanity. We next passed the farmhouse crowned with the fruits of a dairy which was so large that it required
a hors mill to churn the butter. the hors was upon the tread wheel for that purpose as we passed along.
smaller wheels are often in use whare the dairies are not so large & they are often turned by a sheep, a dog, or
a boy; others are larger still & carried by water. After walking a distan[c]e in the state above named we took
a by path & rose a high hill; the road was strewed with a great variety of flowers the honey suckle &c. we soon came
to the top of the hill whare we had a beautiful view of the surrounding country we sat down under the shade of a
chesnut & took a survey of the distant fields of Grain which presented a pleasing prospect, & while the birds tuned
their melodious notes we bowed our knees in prayer to the Author of every blessing. What reflections occupy the
mind of man amid the speed of time. This is the first time my feet ever pressed the soil of New jersey, this adds
another state to the list that I have visited in my Peregrinations [FIGURE] seventeen states. O time how swift thou art
one year ago this morning I left Kirtland in company with Elder Hale to go to the Islands of the sea the Lord hath
prospered our way & blessed be his name. Whare will another May day find me O, LORD thou knowest.
After being refreshed by the breeze I drew my pen & wrote these lines & then returned to E. Elstons house
& felt refreshed by our morning's walk. We dined at Mr Elstons & walked to Westtown & appointed a meeting
at candle light it was expected that we should meet with some disturbance from a company of men lead
by two drunken Doctors who were parrading in the street with their drums fifes & other instruments of
musick, but they attended the meeting in silence I preached to the people from Jer 31 ch 22 v. Elder Ball followed
me we delt with the people in plainness we spent the night with Mr Walter Clark distance 8 miles
~ Friday
June 1st I preached at the Academy & spent the night with Mr Clark
~ Saturday
2nd Preached at the Academy & spent the night with Mr Clark
~ Sunday
3 Sunday I left numbers in Westtown believing & walked to Mr Benjamin Abers & preached in the
afternoon & spent the night at Mr Abers. Distance 4 miles
~ Monday
4th spent the day at Mr Abers & preached at his house at early candle light the spirit of God rested
upon us & we deliverd unto them our farewell address & last warning
~ Tuesday
5th We left Mr Abers walked to Westtown we had another meeting at the Academy I
preached to them in the spirit of God & warned them to repent & obey the gospel we
returned to Mr Clarks who was the teacher of the Academy & a member of the presbyterian
church he had kindly opened his doors to recieve us & was believing the gospel he made up his
mind after we returned to his house to obey the gospel in company with his wife on the following
day. But O, what power Satan has over the minds of men for during the night Sa[tan] tempted him
& he gave way to the temptation & was ready to say to us in the morning go thy way for this time. 4
~ Wednesday
6th Mr Clark gave up the idea of receieving the gospel; truly the path is to[o] strait for the gentiles
we walked to Mr John Abers & spent the day Sister More was present we preached our farewell
discourse at night in the Academy I closed by relating an anacdote to the people which included
the days from the days from Joseph to the reign of Christ from that time to the end of the world
~ Thursday
June 7th Spent the day in Westtown I took the parting hand with John Aber & his family & Sister More
in the evening & spent the night with Mr Clark
~ Friday
8 We left Mr Clarks in Westtown & walked to Philips Mills from thence to Newburg here I took the parting
hand with Elder Ball he took the steem boat for N Y. & I crossed the ferry to Fishkill landing I then wa-
lked to Mattawan & spent the night with Selah Lane a brother in the Church & holding the office of a priest
I was truly thankful to find a place to lay my head as I was much fatigued & weary with my Journey distance 37 [miles]
~ Saturday
9 I arose & felt sore in body I spent the day in Mattawan. I visited Mr Peter H. Skank's plantation summer house &
expensive garden the orange tree was bending with fruit. I dined with Mr Pane Stillwell his wife was a Saint.
Mattawan abounds with Priests & religion of many kinds also with cotton factories sin & abominations and per-
secutions against the Saints. I preached at night at the house of Brother Selah Lane's in Mattawon, Fishkill Doutchess
County N Y. the people gave good attention I spent the night with Brother Lane
~ Sunday
10 Sunday I left Mattawon & walked to Fishkill to Mr Lanes & preached at his house after meeting I walked to Stor-
msville from thence to Green haven & spent the night I slept in a store house containing paints which made me
stomach sick & broke my night's rest distance of the day 20 miles
~ Monday
11 Walked to Bulls bridge to New preston & to Bradleysville through a mountaineous & rough country Distance 37 m
~ Tuesday
12 Walked to Litchfield from thence to Burlington & to Farmington Connecticut I^t^ was amid many meditations that
I was again permitted to visit my own native land whare I had spent many youthful days with Parents, Breth
ren, & an ownly sister, but now some of us are seperated far apart. I was with peculiar sen[s]attions that mine
eyes did roam over farmington meadows, the river, the canal, the hills & dales, during this walk to my fathers
house & when I arived there my medeitations were turned into greater Joy by being permitted to take my
Father, Mother, & Sister Eunice once more by the hand in friendship & behold each other face to face & what
added to this interesti[ng] interview was Brother Ozem Woodruff was among the number I baptized him the
year before & after spending a season in conversing together we all sat down around our fathers table
& suped together of the bounties of earth & I felt much refreshed & after bowing our knees together around
the family alter of a fathers house to worship the God of Israel, I took an evenings walk with Sister Eunice & found
her mind searching for light & truth. I spent the night at fathers house distance of the day 24 miles
~ Wednesday
June 13th I spent the day at my fathers house I herd some most interesting letters read from Brother
Asahel H. Woodruff Directed to Fathers family, Eunice &c. O Asahel may the LORD never suffer thy talents
to be buried or spent upon the honours wealth glories, or vanities of this world, but may they yet be in lively
exercise in advocating the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ me thinks the spirit of Inspiration whispers
that this will be the case [FIGURES] We were visited with an uncommon thunder storm during this
this day the voice of thunder & the voice of lightning was vary great buildings & some of the beast of the field
were destroyed in its march. In the midst of the rain the heavens, air, & earth, was clothed with a bright yellow
hue which was above the brightness of the sun & it lasted for about half an hour
~ Thursday
14th I spent the day at fathers house in conversing upon the things of the kingdom of God
~ Friday
15. Spent the day at Fathers house. I receieved I letter from Elder Ball in the city of N Y. It contained
an important extract of a letter from Elder Thomas B. Marsh in the city far west directed to Elders O. & P. P.
Pratt in the city of N Y. It contained glorious news from the land of Zion It indicated such prosperity as looked for
~ Saturday
16 I spent the day at my fathers house
~ Sunday
17 Sunday I attended meeting at the Methodist meeting house. I herd Mr Clark preach I applyed to him for the
privilege of preaching in their meeting house at night but I did not obtain the favor & I appointed a meeting
at My fathers house at candlelight the congregation came together & filled the house to overflowing
many could not get in. I preached upon the scattering & gathering of Israel. the room was extreemly warm &
I suffered with the heat {My father reproved me for reading my words. O Wilford remember this and improve}
~ Monday
18 I walked in company with Sister Eunice to Mr Chancey Hills. Miss Mary Ann Hills was at home & took
supper with us {Mary Ann appeared gloomy. I think she will not marry Samuel [Hales/Hills]} We then walked to Capt Richard Cowles from thence to Gen
George Cowles here I had spent two years of my youth they all appeared pleased to see me we then returned home. 3 [miles]
~ Tuesday
19 I spent the day at fathers house & preached at fcandlelight upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon & I was
blessed with the spirit of God & I was enabled to boldly declair the things the Prophets have foretold
~ Wednesday
20th I had an interview with cousin Seth Woodruff the son of Ozem Woodruff he had become a young
man of about 16. he left us & returned home. I took a walk alone in the old mill lane as the sun was
setting in the western horizon. It brought fresh to my recollection the days of my youth when I was wont to travel
this road with PHILO, ASAHEL & others but time wiat'ess for no man. after taking this walk I returned to fathers
house & Preached to the citizens of farmington the congregation was principly composed of rich men I had the spirit
of preaching & I warned them not to trust in uncertain riches. [1 Timothy 6:17] I spoke upon the second coming & reign of Christ Job 19 ch.
I thank the Lord for giving me the privilege of preaching the fullness of the gospel to the inhabitants of Farmington &
to friends & relatives {The Lord often causes the pride of the rich and proud learned to be brought at the feet of weak things}
~ Thursday
21 I spent this day also at Fathers house
~ Friday
22 I left my fathers & walked through Farmington meadows into Avon, while walking toupon the bank of the canal
I found a valuable honey bee tree I called upon Uncle Adna Hart & spent most of the day with him. I had an interview
with Aunt Hannah Woodruff at Adna Harts she was in a distressed situation being possessed with a devel &
bound fast in his chains I conversed & prayed with her. In the evening I left Abna's & walked to Woodfords
Mills formerly owned by my Father It caused feeling of no ordinary kind to be permitted to again visit these
mills & walk the road & view the house & farm whare I was born & spent my infancy, childhood, & youth, their
is a cord of keene sensation touched when ones eyes are permitted to surveighy the place of his nativity after being
seperated for a laps of years. from this view I continued my journey into west street & spent the night with
Uncle Thadeus Thompson a brother to my Mother. Distance of this interesting day 7 miles
~ Saturday
23 I spent the day visiting my relatives & acquaintances I called upon Grandmother Thompson & Abie Thompson &
had a plasant visit with them. I called upon Michael Woodruff & family, little Joseph Hart Also Michael Barber
I Dined with Mr Carlos Day at Roger Woodford's Cousin Eldad Woodruff was present. I next called upon Uncle
Titus Woodruff I here conversed with two aged widow's of about 90 years of age viz Mrs Thomas & Mrs Allen. I then
visited Capt Francis & Erastus Woodruff I saw Silus & Adna Woodruff. I called upon Julius Fuller I here found
Uncle Ozem Woodruff I saw Cousin Caltha Herd. I had an interview with Cousin Horace Woodruff I had not seen
him before for 7 or 8 years he has been residing with his brother in law Benjamin Withenbury in Ashtabula, Andover Co[unty]
Ohio Romanta Barber & other friends reside near by the same place. I lastly called upon Uncle Thadeus^Alson^ Thomp-
son & spent the night with him. Distance of the day 4 miles
~ Sunday
June 24th Sunday I called upon William Cowles to see a sick child of Brother Ozem Woodruff. I preached
in the lovly street schoolhouse in the forenoon I preached upon the reign of Christ from Job 19th 23 to 28
I also preached in the afternoon at the same place it being the last time I ever preached to my friends in
that place I dissmissed the meeting & bid them farewell & walked in company with Brother Ozem
Woodruff to Adna Harts I also preached at his house to a congregation of neighbours & relatives
upon the authenticity of the Book of Mormon. I spent the night at Adna Harts & in the evening we
Prayed with Sister Hannah Woodruff who was bound by the enemy distance 6 miles
~ Monday
25 I took the parting hand with Uncle Adna & his family & took the canal boat for Farmington in
company with Aunt Anna Cosset we arived at father's house in the morning & took breakfast &
spent the day in a vary agreeable manner in conversing upon the things of the kingdom of God 5 miles
~ Tuesday
I wrote a letter in company with Sister [FIGURE] Eunice to Brother [FIGURE] Asahel this is a privilege
we never before enjoyed. I also wrote a letter to cousin Betsey Cossett at the same date
~ Wednesday
27 I spent the day at fathers house
~ Thursday
28 I spent the day at fathers house {doing his work}
~ Friday
29 I had a pleasant walk with Sister Eunice upon the canal. We walked to Mr Simeon Heararts & had an inter
view with Cousin AchghhAchsah Woodruff I made some exhertions to obtain the Hall to preach in but
the people fearing their foundation would fall because of light & truth refused to give me the privilege
But O Babylon thou canst not break the scriptures nor stop the work of God for I say in the name
of the LORD the standard of truth shall be set up in Farmington & tho honest in heart will come to
it for light & truth is mighty & must prevail & none can stay the hand of God & wo be unto the gentiles
~ Saturday
30 I spent the day at Fathers house. These are days of great suspens to me I am now looking for my father
& his household to enter into the new & everlasting covenant & to partake of the blessings of the
kingdom of the kingdom of God yet Satan striveth to hender them & rageth against us all beca
use a blessing is near. O Lord preserve us from his grasp I pray that we may have a victory & that
we may have an answer to our prayers & that the Revelations of Jesus Christ may be fulfilled to my Joy
~ Sunday
JULY 1st 1838. On this seventh month the first day of the month and the first day of the week
which is called Sunday some of the most important events transpired with me that I ever witness-
ed since I had a being, events worthy to be recorded upon the ARCHIEVES OF HEAVEN o or to
be engraven with an iron pen & laid upin a rock forever upon the EARTH. For I know that my Redeemer
liveth & he hath this day given me with my friends a victory over the Devil that tries the souls of men that dwell
upon the face of the earth. My Father Aphek Woodruff, the son of Eldad Woodruff, which was the son of Josiah
Woodruff, is a man that hath been seeking religion & the favor of God & light & truth for many years at times, & for
more than 20 years have a numerous circle of friends made his case a subject of prayer & pled with God in his
behalf. But as oft as my father hath strugled for a victory over sin & its influence heretofore Satan hath temp-
ted him & hindered him from gaining the victory. But since I had be[c]ame a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints &
entered the New & Everlasting Covenant & had a dispensation of the gospel committed unto me, I felt a deeper interest
than ever in the salvation of the soul of my Father. I had now come to declare a message to my father & his houshold
& teach them words whareby they might be saved. I began to cry unto God for my father & his houshold & the Lord
showed me in a night vision that a great victory was nigh, but the devil fell upon the whole household with great
wrath & tempations some of the time one was ready to fall back & rejiect the gospel & then again annother. his
power rested upon me at the same time as if to devour me at once but after being confined to my bed for several
hours under his grasp, in the name of Jesus Christ I with my friends birst the powers of darknes. I went & stood befo
re the people & declaired the gospel of Jesus Christ, & shout O Heavens and rejoice O earth for the victory the Lord
hath given us for after preaching the gospel to the peopl, I immediately assembled upon the bank of Farmington river
whare there was much water & lead six of my friends into the waters of Baptism five of them were my relatives
viz my Father, my Mother, & my ownly Sister Eunice, aunt Anna Cossett, & Cousin Seth Woodruff & the other was
Mr Dwight Webster a methodist class leader. We returned from the water rejoiceing & confirmed them by the laying
on of hands at my fathers house. I organized this small branch of the Church being 9 in number 8 of which were my relatives
I ordained Brother Dwight Webster to the office of a Priest. I communed with these Saints, & unbosomed my feelings unto
them which closed the scenes of this interesting day which have come to pass in fullfilment of my patriarchal blessing under the hands
of the Patriarch JOSEPH
See Journal Vol 1st April 15, 1837.
Great and marvelous are thy works O LORD GOD ALMIGHTY [Revelation 15:3]
Written upon what came to pass on the in fulfillment of Revelation
O GOD my heart inspire my pen direct while I record this scene of thy
mercy this blessing of thy love a blessing promised me by the testimony
of JESUS CHRIST. Could I claim it yes by faith all things are possible even that
my parents & friends could in the new covenant with me stand. Without shame
I stood the gospel to declare. It was a sword to pierce the hearts of my friends.
The day had come: they felt that God had sent they must obey. O'er the thresh-
hold of my father's house I walked accompanied by my friends, towa-
rds the appointed place we bent our way untill upon the rivers bank we
stood. All nature spread her fields of pleasing green. The canal
bold in her bed lay ready her inland commerce to convey. The sun
shed forth her golden beams to gladden earth while the silver
stream was rolling at my feet as if to say I am ready for thee
amid this scenery with feelings better imagined than described
I cast my eyes upon the audiance while we sung praises to the
God of Israel. Who would not have bowed the knee while offe-
ring the sacrifice of the heart and imploreing the blessings of hea-
ven that the spirit of God the candidates & the waters might
pervade. As from our knees we arose I entered the wattery element
and asked who was ashamed of the bed whare Jesus lay. Many
eyes were turned to behold this scene and deep solemnity veiled
their faces while I took my Father by the hand, my Father did I
say yes HE covenanted to walk with God and for the remission
of his sins I Baptized him. Feeling the victory won my Mother
followed his steps and by obediance was sealed a Saint a member
of the kingdom. Eunice my sister my ownly sister was ready, her
noble soul by Ephraim's spirit inspired her garb of pride had rent
and broke the gentiles chain, fearless of the world's despiseing
she freely recieved the watery bed her Master to imitate while her
firm example should say celestial glory is my boast the garb of
Saints my pride
For the consolation of Israel Anna long had look'd and rejoiced
that she could now the ancient path persue, upon the scene her
daughters gazed as if to say Great God prepare us likewise thy
will to do. Seth in his early youth was not to young his God to se-
rve, he desired to follow the example of his father, mother, and brother
that they might be one. Ozem, Hannah, and John, the parents & brother
of Seth were baptized on the 12 of July 1837 as my Journal declares
Dwight though not of consanguine blood to me desired baptism
at my hands for by the blood of Christ we were united,
thrice the cross he strove to pass & as oft the spirit pressed his
honest soul & he submitted to obey. Thus ended this scene of
wonder shall I say? yes and of mercy to, for heaven counten-
ance'd the deed for it was Gods command an ordinance of the
gospel. TO be permitted to stand in ones own native land and the gosp
el of JESUS CHRIST to declare in the last dispensation & while
dividing the word through the power of the priesthood to his kindred
his townsman to behold the pride of the great, the rich, the lea-
rned, by the spirit of God humbled at his feet then to exper-
ience the living reality of a Father, a Mother an ownly sister
meekly with other kindred receiving the ordinances of the
house of God at the hand of their son and brother is to me
at least a scene of Interest. As we retired from the rolling
stream to a Father's roof my spirit was ready to say forget this
not O my soul regard it as the mercy of thy God while thou dost
pay thy vows thy covenants fulfill. While upon the head of these
Saints my hands were lade I implored the mercy of God for the
Holy Ghost upon them to rest & guide them right. The bread and wi-
ne was bles'd & we partook to remember him who died for us. O, Eternal
God these Saints inspire, protect, support, & defend untill in Zion they stand
and with celestial glory crowned an heir with GOD AND CHRIST
List of the names of the Church
of Latter Day Saints Baptized & organized in
Farmington Connecticut, , by Willford Woodruff
~ Monday
July 2nd I took the parting hand with Brother DWebster & I bid him God speed & he returned to his friends
I also took the parting hand with Sister Anna Cossett & her two daughters Betsey & Anna, may the
Lord bless them. I enjoyed a plesant walk with Sister Eunice at the setting sun we walked upon
the canal We viewed the river & plesant fields and partook of some buries [berries] by the way side this is the
last walk I have enjoyed with my sister. After evening prayers with the family Father retired to rest &
I spent a season in compnversation with Mother & we felt sensibly the weight of the powers of temptation
that try the souls of men but out of them all the Lord delivers his Saints. I also spent a short time
with Sister Eunice before retireing. We mingled our sympathy's tears & prayers together before a Throne
of grace, truly how strong is the cord of consanguinity of& of the Blood of Christ united in binding the
hearts of Saints together. And how blessings brighten as they take there flight this was the last night
I spent beneath my fathers roof May the Lord protect thy household & bring thee safe to Zion
~ Tuesday
3rd I arose in the morning refreshed by sleep & after once more partaking of the bounties of earth together
we bowed our knees before the Lord & offered up our morning sacrafice before a throne of Grace. I then
took the parting hand with my Father Mother & Sister Eunice & also my native land once more I bid
farewell. I then walked to Mr Whitmers & took conveyance into Hartford. I then walked to Tolland
from thence to Stafford & spent the night distance of the day 36 miles
~ Wednesday
4th I walked to Holland to Stubbridge from thence to Worcester. I walked 40 miles this fourth of
July & the thermometer stood at 90 degrees in the shade & 104 in the sun. I spent the night at the U. S. A. Hotel. 40
~ Thursday
5 I took the rail car at Worcester at 6 oclock & reached Boston at 8 oclock distance 46 miles I had an
interview with Elder Ball at Butoph street No 12 & spent the day with him in the city of Boston
I had an interview with Sister Vose Murtle street No 9. I took the steem boat Portland at 7 oclock PM. she
left the wharf & started for the city of Portland we passed through a heavy thunder storm in the fore
part of the night at 12 oclock we were half way to Portland the whole distance of this day 106 miles
~ Friday
6th In the morning we saw a Spanish flag of distress at sea we approached her & found her to be a wreck
of a Spanish brig they had been wrecked about 10 days all the crew was on board & no lives lost We
took her in tow of the steem boat Portland & towed her into Portland her main most & for top mast had gone
by the board & she was damaged otherwise when they were addressed with (Parley vo franc mon shire.)
they could answer (we mon shire) & English to. We arived at Portland at 8 oclock A.M. I took breakfast
with my brother in law Ezra Carter & after visiting some of the Book stores & Purchasing an [FIGURE] ALBUM
for Mrs Woodruff I walked out to Scarborough & had the privilege of again greeting my companion
& friends in peace & prosperity & I spent the night with Mrs Woodruff at father Carters distance of the day 70 m[iles]
~ Saturday
July 7th I wrote a Letter to Elder Milton Holmes
~ Sunday to ~ Friday
8 From the 8th to the 13th day of the month I spent with my companion at Father Carters my time was principally
taken up in writing in my Journal
13 I had an interview with Mr James Wilcox from Avon Connecticut a son of Asa Willcox Mr James Wilcox
was a Presbyterian Minister but he had now left his ministry & his present business was selling patent's for tan-
ning leather.
I receieved an interesting letter from Kirtland from Elder Jonathan H. Hale it contained
much news of Importance & among the good things it says that Brother Joseph is in Missouri & that the Lord is with
him & that they recieve the word of the Lord ^{almost}^ daily
~ Saturday
JULY 14th The events of this day & the merciful providences of GOD with us are of such a
nature that we deem ^them^ worthy of a place in our Journal to remind us at least that the LORD makes
the bed of his Saints in their sickness & that amid ther deepest wounds of affliction & sorrow
Pain or distress it is safe to trust in HIM. Mrs Woodruff was called at an early hour this
morning to pass through that scene of sickness which is common among women in every age of
the world. But after praying with her & laying hands upon her & imploring the mercy of God in her
behalf she was spedily blessed with the birth of a fine daughter which was her first born. Her
name is [FIGURE] SARAH EMMA WOODRUFF. She was born JULY 14th 1838 at half past five
oclock in the morning. O Lord prepare her for thyself! Make her worthy to stand among the Daughters of ZION.
Our daughter Sarah Emma in half an hour after she was born performed a journey in the arms of Sister
Sarah Foss through the garret, chambers, & lower rooms, & principly through the whole house. Is not this an omen
of her being an extensive traveller in her day let time determin. Mrs Woodruff was comfortable through the day
more so than could have been expected.
Happy is that people whose God is the Lord [Psalms 144:15]
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I spent the day at Father Carters. Mrs Woodruff continues to be comfortable and gains strength
~ Monday
16 Phebe is unusually favored for one in her circumstances this is the third day of her confinement & she has walked
from her bedroom into the adjoining rooms & then returned without injury. I spent the day mowing grass for
Sister Sarah Foss it being rather new business I felt weary at night
~ Tuesday
17 I spent the day mowing for Sister Foss I spent the night at Fathers Carters with Mrs Woodruff
~ Wednesday
18 I spent the day haying for Sister Foss I felt some unwell caused by hard labour
~ Thursday
19 I spent the day at Fathers Carters writing in my first Journal
~ Friday
20 I received a letter from Elder Ball from Vinalhaven giving an account of the state of the Church in tha[t] place {Some
have denied the faith. Others [Warren Parrish] and Benton have written letters to them to destroy my influence. This way the priests of Baal have almost thrown me|shorthand} some of them were preparing
for Zion they wished me to call and visit them which may God grant soon
R I wrote a letter to the Church
on fox Islands directed to Priest Thomas who is a worthy Saint
~ Saturday
For the first time in my life I wrote a letter to Sister Eunice Woodruff
~ Sunday
I wrote a Letter to Elder Thomas B. Marsh in Far West Caldwell County Missouri I gave him
an account of the churches in the east, & of six persons that I baptized in Farmington Connecticut. I Also
forwarded three new subscribers for the Elders Journal viz Dwight Webster, Betsey Cossett, & James M. Tibbets
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
23 & 24 I laboured for Sister Foss making hay
~ Wednesday
25 I laboured for Sister Foss & spent the night at father Carters. I dreamed many enemies were seeking my life & while
they were striving to destroy me Samuel Deming presented me with the following words & wished me to tell
what they meant viz "Go unto Babylon arise go quickly for thou shalt go unto the dead"
~ Thursday
26 I made hay for Sister foss & spent the night at father Carters. I dreamed my enemies while reproaching me presented
Ibefore before me a large stamp bearing this inscription HELP THE CHURCH BUILD THE HOUSE
~ Friday
July 27 I laboured for Sister Foss
~ Saturday
28. I spent the day at father Carters in writing
~ Sunday
29 I rode to Buxton in company with Sister Foss I spent the day with Elder James Townsend I had a plesent
interview with him I returned & spent the night at fathers Carters 16 [miles]
~ Monday
I received a letter from Elder Milton Holmes I forwarded him two pamphlets by Mail. I took the
parting hand with Mrs Woodruff & Father Carters family to go to visit fox Islands for the last time, for the
purpose of assisting as many of the Saints as are ready to prepare their teams waggons & teams to go to the
land of Zion. O my God prosper my way give me favor with the Saints enable a goodly number of them to go to
the land of Zion deliver me from the hands of my enemies bless my wife & the babe which thou has given us, while
I am absent enable me to return to again greet them in health I ask these blessings in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
I walked to Portland and spent the night with Ezra Carter jr distance of the day 10 miles
~ Tuesday
31. I left Portland & walked to North Yarmouth 11 miles, to freeport, to Brunswick to Bath &
spent the night with Mr Crooker the public surveigher distance 33 miles
~ Wednesday
Aug 1st I walked to Wiscassett, to Demascoty mills, to Nobleborough to Walderborough 30.
~ Thursday
2. I walked to East Thomaston. I dined with Mrs Andrew Luce. I visited Mr Spalden and Benjn
Knowlton several came to see me & inpuire into the things of the kingdom & wished me to pray
with them I did so all was calme in town no spirit against me many wish to hear preaching I
next walked to Camden harbour called & took supper with Mr Cobourn Tylor I received no
opposition in Camden at this time I walked to Brother Ebenezer Ames all appeared glad to see me
I then walked to Goose river I here had an unexpected & interesting interview with Brother
Nathaniel Thomas & had the happy privilege of once more striking hands with this faithful Saint
we took a walk together to the Simonton district & spent the night with Mr Pease Sister Pease
rejoiced to see me return as many had prophesyed that I would never return. Distance 30 miles
~ Friday
3rd I visited Mr Whitley I found sister Whitley strong in the faith. I preached at night in the schoolhouse
and spent the night with Mr William Broonwn distance of the day 5 miles
~ Saturday
Aug 4th I visited the people from house to house & taught in the family circle. I spent the night at Mr Pease. 4 [miles]
~ Sunday
5. Sunday I preached two discourses in the town house in Camden to a large congregation but the
people do not realize it to be a day of warning and not of many words this is the last time I shall
lift up my voice unto this people, and when the wars and troubles come upon this eastern country
they will find the servents of God have told them the truth. I spent the night at Mr Simonton's
~ Monday
6 I walked to east Thomaston & preached in the methodist meeting house to a large congregation
of citizens who gave good attention. I spent the night at Joseph Spaldin's. Distance 8 miles
~ Tuesday
7 I left Thomaston wharf on board a sail boat in company with Brother Thomas & Mr Spaldin for
fox Islands. We arived at Brother Sterretts in the afternoon after spending a short time with them
I walked to Brother Ephraim Luce & to Br Stephen Luce & spent the night distance of the day 18 mile
I found Br & Sister Luce strong in the faith.
I received a letter from Elder Thomas B. Marsh
from Zion in answer to the one I wrot to the Bishop & Presidency & Saints in Zion they
are both published in the 3rd No. of the Elders Journal
~ Wednesday
8 I went to John Kents & found a letter for me from A. O. Smoot in Zion
it contained
many interesting items. It gave an account of their procedings on the 4th of July 1838, the
laying of the corner stone of the house of the Lord in Caldwell County Mo in the presence of
three thousand Saints. I then walked to Brother Justus Ames, & to Brother Maltire Luce {distance} 6 m
~ Thursday
9 I walked to Mr Ebenezer Carvers from thence to Br Ephraim Luce I here met the Saints for a prayer meeting
& to council together Brother Justus Ames soon came in and brought with him the Elders Journal it was
the third No. printed but the first that was published in far west it was Dated July 1838. It contained ma-
ny important Items. It spread before the world all the procedings of the Saints in the west such as the
clensing of the Church, their councils & procedings & the names of those that were cut off from the
Church & had made shipwreck of faith &c. Brother Ames presented me also with a letter from Elder
Thomas B. Marsh containing important intelligence to myself as well as others. The letter was dated July 14th
1838. After meeting I walked to Brother Ames & spent the night {But sleep departed from me as I spent the night in deep meditation.} Distance 5
A Coppy of a letter Written by Elder Thomas B. Marsh Directed to Elder Willford Woodruff Dated July 14, 1838
Elder W. Woodruff,
Sir; a fiew days since Prest. Joseph Smith jr and some others were assembled to
attend to some Church business when it was thought proper to select those who was designed of the
LORD to fill the places of those of the twelve who had fallen away namely Wm E Mclellin,
Lyman E. Johnson, Luke Johnson, and John F. Bointon. The persons selected were John E. Page, John
Taylor, Willford Woodruff and Wilard Richards. On the following day five of the twelve with
President Rigdon and some others met and resolved that President Rigdon write to Br Richards who
is now in England and inform him of his appointment, and that P. P. Pratt write to Orson Pratt and
inform him that the LORD has commanded that the [FIGURE] 12 assemble in this place as soon as possible
and that I should write to yourself. Know then Brother Woodruff by this that you are appointed to fill
the place of one of the twelve apostles; and that it is agreeable to the word of the LORD given vary
lately that you should come spedily to far west. And on the 26 of April next to take your leave
of the Saints here and depart for other climes acrosts the mighty deep! Yours in the love of God
Thomas B. Marsh
Wilford Woodruff
Far West July 14th 1838
~ Friday
Aug 10. I left Br Ames in company with Priest Thomas for the purpose of visiting the South Island
notwithstanding the threats of the people to mob, tar, feather, and kill me if I came there again
yet I was determined to visit the Saints once more upon that Island of the sea. I had a short inter-
view with Mr Douglass the methodist Preacher, at John kents store his vary countenance indicated
the wrath of his heart against me. We crossed the thoroughfare and landed upon the South
Island with Jabez Brown. We walked to Br Crockett's, to Br Merchant's from thence to Br Charles
Brown, to Capt Benj[amin] Coombs we took supper with him We called upon Mr Burgess and family they had
made shipwreck of faith and cared for none of these things. We next called upon Br Jesse Coombs we found
them strong in faith we spent the night with them distance of the day 10 miles
~ Saturday
Aug 11. I took the parting hand with these Saints and probably for the last time unless they flee to the land of
Zion We bid them farewell & walked to the north end of the Island via Br Crocketts & Merchants but the wrath
of my enemies is great towards me through this Island we called upon Mr James Crocket to convey us across
the thuroughfare to North Island but he partaking of the same spirit would not do it. But the Lord knowing
how to deliver his Saints put int in to the hearts of the sons of our enemies to bring a boat to carry us across
to the north Island. I went to Br Justus Ames & found them in a bad situation, they had been much tem-
pted and tryed because some of their children were against them & would not go with them to Zion
and so they gave it up themselves & concluded to stay in Babylon a while and resk the consequences his
children had a hard spirit but they will all see their folly when it is to late. I walked to Brother Stephen
Luce and spent the night distance 11 miles
~ Sunday
12. Sunday I met with the Saints at Br Ephraim Luce & gave the Saints my farewell address which is the last
time I shall meet with the Saints upon these Islands of the sea; the spirit of God rested upon me and I had
an interesting time it was a day of decision with the saints some concluded to go to Zion & some concluded
to stay Justus Ames concluded to stay because some of his children were against him I expect he will stay
untill hes drove out by the Judgments of God. after meeting was closed I went home with Br Ames and
while the sun was sitting in the western horizon, I retired aside from the adbodes of men by the sea shore
alone by myself and clensed my feet with pure water and bore testimony before GOD against the in-
habitants of those Islands of the sea for rejecting my testimony while in their midst and were excedingly mad
against me. I spent the night at Br Ames this is the last night i ever spent or shall spend upon those Islands of the sea. 4 [miles]
~ Monday
13 I took the parting hand with Br Ames family, and Brother Ames accompanied me in his sail boat out of the
northern harbour to go to Camden, the morning was delightful and serene. We sailed to father Maltire Luce's
wharf and took the parting hand with him and his family. We again took our boat in company with Brother N.
Thomas we left the Islands, for the last time, at Br Luces wharf, and I thank the Lord for once more delivering
me from the hands of wicked and ungodly men who seek my destruction while their angor is kindled against
me. We sailed across^t^ the penobscot bay and went up the goose river. We here took the parting hand
with Br Ames who returned home while walked to James Andrews, who is ingaged in making
the baggage waggons for Brother Nathaniel Thomas & the Saints to Journey to the land of Zion with
Brother Thomas possesses the true spirit of Christ and of understanding in this matter ("Truly how
hardly shall they that have riches enter into the Kingdom of God" [Luke 18:24]) for while one and another that hath
this worlds goods have been drawing back not wishing to go with the poor lest they should be under
the necessity of assisting them with some of their money, while this hath been the case with some it hath
been otherwise with Brother Nathaniel Thomas he possessing some of this worlds goods and seeing his
poor Brethren hath need of some of this worlds goods also is now stepping forward with cheerfulness
in the integrity of his soul to their assistance. he is now engaging about one thousand dollars worth
of horses, and waggons, & tents &c; to convey the poor to the land of Zion. O my God bless him and
his posterity forever I [FIGURE] pray surely it is more blessed to give than to receieve. we saw two of the
waggons I soon discovered one fault about them ie they were ownly 8 feet in length while they ought to have
been 11 feet. We walked to Mr Peas and spent the night distance of the day 18 miles
~ Tuesday
14th I walked to Searsmont and found the people rather cold. I held a meeting with them and had
a full house I spent the night with Mr Mark L. Kimble. Distance of the day 12 miles
~ Wednesday
15. I left Searsmont and walked to Simonton district and spent the night with Mr Pease 12 miles
~ Thursday
16. I walked to Mr James Andrews, & found Brother Thomas we returned to Mr Pease and
rode to Camden harbour & bought several set of double harness, & spent the night at Mr Pease. 10 [miles]
~ Friday
17. I left the Simonton district & started with a horse & waggon for Scarborough I rode acrosst
the toll bridge west of Nobleborough & put ^up^ for the night distance 26 m
~ Saturday
18. I found the horse was not sound that I was travelling with as the gentile warrented him
to be, he had the heaves and horse ale and was not able to perform his Journey. Consequently I returned
back to Camden, we exchanged the horse with a man for another which was good 26 m
~ Sunday
Aug 19. I once more took the parting hand with the Saints & friend in the Simonton district & started for
Scarborough I bid the town of Camden Adieu for the last time. I rode to Warren 8 miles to Walderborough 8,
to Nobleborough 8, to Newcastle or Sheepscut 6, to Wiscossett 6 to Bath 10. I crossed Bath ferry & continued on
Wheelers Inn 4, and spent the night the whole distance that my horse carried me this day over a
rough road was 50 miles distance 50 m
~ Monday
20. I rode to Brunswick 4 miles, to freeport ^9,^ to North Yarmouth 9, to Portland 11, to Scarborough 10 miles I
arived at father Carters house at 3 oclock PM & had the happy privilege of greeting my wife and child
& other friends in peace and health. And on my return I felt as though I had taken my last gentile
mission in America untill their was a great overturn which I view as being near the door
on my return home I received a letter from Brother Asahel H. Woodruff under Date of July 23, 1838
the contents of which were of the highest interest to my feelings it caused raptures of Joy to vibrate
my soul, while tears of consolation flowed from my eyes. I now find my brother earnestly enquireing what
he shall do to be saved, & searching deep for light & truth with a desire to embrace it May the Lord assist
him to obtain it.
I also receieved an interesting letter from Sister Eunice under date of Aug 11.
I spent the night at father Carters with my family. Distance of the day 42 miles
~ Tuesday
I wrote two letters one to Elder Milton Holmes, & the other to Mr Salmon S. Wilder of the
city of Boston I spent the day at father Carters {Mrs. Woodruff has some trials on account of leaving her parents and going west. May the Lord give her the [illegible shorthand]}
~ Wednesday
22 I walked to Elder James Townsend in Buxton I had a plesent interview with him & returned to father
Carter's & spent the tnight. Ilus Carter was also at home. Distance of the day 18 miles
~ Thursday
23 I spent the day at father Cartaers in writing
~ Friday
I wrote two letters one to Priest Dwight Webster and the other to
Sister Eunice Woodruff
~ Saturday
I wrote a lengthy letter to Brother Asahel H. Woodruff in answer to his interesting letter under date
of July 22nd 1838 written at Terre Haute Indiana
~ Sunday
26 Sunday I had an interview with Brother & Sister Townsend
~ Monday
I wrote a letter to Priest Nathaniel Thomas
~ Tuesday
Aug[ust] 28. I spent the day in writing I made a family record for Brother Joseph Fabyan Carter {[illegible shorthand] and son}
~ Wednesday
29. I wrote an acrostic for Shuah C. Carter. [FIGURES]
~ Thursday
30. I rode in company with Mrs Woodruff to Brother Luther Scamman's & spent the night distance 4 miles
~ Friday
31st The last day of summer. I rode in company with Mrs Woodruff & Sister Rhoda F. Scamman to the
Beach on the sea shore. We spent an hour riding upon this beautiful beach which extended along the shore
for about seven miles in length and one hundred rods in wedth at low water; this beach is composed of fine
white sand, almost dead level & vary easy & plesent to ride or walk upon. The sun shone brilliant upon the
face of nature. The canvass of the gallant ships were filled with the morning breeze as they sailed upon
the deep, wave after wave were reaching the extent of their bounds upon the shore & sinking back
into there own gravity, these together with a cloud of various sea fousls that were hovering around and
lighting upon the water rendered this morning's excursion vary plesent to our feelings, and aferter picking
up a quantity of sea shells to carry to the land of Zion for domestic uses, & in memory of the place, we
cut up a babary bush from whence babary tallow is obtained & then rode from the beach & returned to Mr
Scamman's from thence we rode to Brother Edward Milliken's from thence to Mr Samuel Lowels, & to
Aaron Mckinney's & after spending several hours with them, we returned home in company with
Father & Mother Carter the whole distance of the day [FIGURE] {O Lord grant that I may from this day tend me and my wife and child and lead in the love of God love} to each {one and all know our} duty {[2 words of illegible shorthand]} 20 miles
~ Saturday
Sept 1st The first day of fall. Time tarrieth not, let man haste to be wise I spent the day at father Carters
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I spent the day at Father Carters
~ Monday
3rd I spent the day at Sister Sarah Foss
~ Tuesday
4. I spent the day visiting in Father Carters Neighbourhood in company with Mrs Woodruff
~ Wednesday
5. I spent the day at father Carters making a Box to put our goods in to go to the land of
Zion in far west. the Box was 3 ft 2 inch`s in length 2 ft 5 inch in highth 2 ft 8 inch in wedth
~ Thursday
6th I packed about 300 lbs of Goods into the box above spoken of I desire that I may arive safe
with them to the land of Zion
I received a letter from Priest Nathaniel Thomas
~ Friday
7th I packed 70 lbs of goods into a barrel
I wrote a letter to Priest Nathaniel Thomas
~ Saturday
Sept 8th For the first time in my life I obtained the Journal & travels of Lorenzo Dow I spent a
part of the day in reading it I found it to be highly interesting he puts me in mind of the travels of
the Mormons as the gentiles call us It brings fresh to mind many of my own travels & labours in the ministry
It is true that Lorenzo dDow was eccentric in his manners life & procedings but he appears to have as much
light as any in his day & generation & there is no doubt in my mind but that he was persecuted for doing good
~ Sunday
9th Sunday I spent most of the day Iat Sister Sarah Foss I made her a family Record viz of Calvin Foss's
progenitors for five generations past Also Sisters Sarah's progenitors for five generations on father Carters side
she being my Sister in Law. There is great excitement through the country on the subject of the Election the
people are electionereing through the streets notwithstanding it is Sunday. I had an interview with my Bro-
ther in Law Ezra Carter.
Satan is stired up to try to heinder myself and wife from going to Zion
may the Lord rebuke him
I wrote a Letter to Sister Eliza Grant & spent the night at Father Carters
our child has a severe attack of the Hooping cough but the Lord is able to support her on the Journey to Zion I pray
the Lord to spare her life for our sake's if it ifs his will if not to help us to be resigned Isaiah tells us about
going to Zion in the last days and about the prosperity & glorious state thereof and Jer 31 ch 8 sayes they shall be
gathered from the co^a^sts of the earth & with them the woman with child and her that travaileth with child together &
a great company shall return thither I expect in few days to lead a company to Zion in like circumstances may
God bless us all on the way O the ignorance, blindness, & darknes of the gentiles, concerning the fulfillment of the Bible
~ Monday
10 [FIGURES] This is a day of Interest on many accounts. The election for Governor & other state offices
of Maine is to be decided this day
Also the camp of the Saints was to start from the Islands of the sea for
Zion this day however they may be detained from starting a few days in order to add to their numbers. I rode
to the place of election with Ilus & Fabyan Carter my Brothers in law. As I was a legal voter in the state
of Maine I cast in my vote which was the Democratic Republican Ticket viz for Governor JOHN FAIRFIELD
Representative to congress ALBERT SMITH. For Senators NATANIEL S. LITTLEFIELD, CHARLES HOLDEN,
OTIS C. CROSS, & JOHN C. HUMPHREYS. For County Treasurers MARK HARRIS. Regester of Deeds
SAMUEL BAKER. The above vote I cast on this 10th day of Sept 1838 in Scarborough, Cumberland County, Maine
After returning from the Election
I recieved an interesting Letter from Mother Woodruff
under date of Sept 7th which was written at Simsbury Connecticut while she was on a visit to Si[s]ter
Anna Cossett's. She informed me they were all strong in faith of the New covenant & Sister Eunice
firmly contending for the truth & others of my relatives were believing in the cause of the Latter Day Saints
what Joy such intelligence brings to my soul. O how mysterious are the ways of God! I spent the
night at father Carters. Distance 8 miles
~ Tuesday
11th I perused the Portland Argus & saw the returnes of the Election of Cumberland County the
republicans had a majority over the federalist of about 100. I expect the electionereing excitement
will pass off in few day & sumthing els will occupy the minds of men. [FIGURE] I learn from experienc
that the Saint must watch & pray lest he enter into tempation & in order to overcome the
devil we must continually be on our watch tower. the Saint in any age of the world cannot
pass through their allotted portion of existance on flowery beds of ease in this life. I am now daily making
preperations to leave the state of Maine and all my relatives and friends in Scarborough to lead a company
of Saints from the Islands of the sea to the land of Zion in the far west I shall be accompanied by
my wife & child. It is the greatest trial Phebe has ever been called to pass through to take the parting
hand of her Parents, Brethren & sisters, & neighbours & perhaps for the last time, & go a journey of
two thousand miles late in the fall & start with a babe of two mont[h]s old which is in the first stage
of the hooping cough & to add to this to leave a kind father's house of plenty & go to a new country &
settelle among strangers after the flesh. These kind reader are the meditations that are daily running
with the rapidity of lighting through the mind of my bosom friend & companion & to add the insinuation
of friends against such a course of procedings, and all the temptations that the devil is capable of
inventing are crouded into the mind in order to hinder the will of God being done. Thus standing in the
midst of such a position nothing but a Saint could stand the shock nothing but a God could support the
sinking soul. I speak not of myself but my companion and when she suffers I suffer also. The above has
been a code of experience my wife hath been passing through from time to time for weeks that are
past and gone and at times it seemed as though all earth & hell were combined to crush her troubled soul
I began to cry unto God that she might be supported under these & all other trials, & I soon found that the same
spirit which had inspired her to imbrace the fullness of the gospel & forssake her friends & go a journey of 1000
miles to enjoy the society of the Saints & had united her heart & hand with my own & caused her to accom-
pany me to the Islands of the sea, was with HER STILL. Yes PHEBE possesses to much firmness, & faith in God
& confidence in God to put her hand to the plough & look back or to wholey give way to such trials & any other howev[er]
great. She is determined, like Ruth, to forsake her kindred & country for Christ's sake & my own & the cause
in which she is ingaged, & as I behold this principle beaming in her daily walk, heart & countenance it bindes my
whole soul to her in love stronger than death or the bars of a castle, yes that love that none partakes of except
those in like circumstances, and that man that will not love his wife with all his heart after she has made such a
sacrifice for his sake is not worthoy of a companion or a standing in human society. And O ye ungodly gentiles
that would laugh at a man for considering such a wife the greatest temporal blessing that heaven could bestow
ye are more fit for the society of Demons than a virtuous woman.
The devel has never tempted
me to scease from doing the will of God by gathering to Zion or to scease travling & preaching the gospel, by prese
nting before my my friends & telling me to stay & enjoy their society for in doing thus I might ruing both myself
& friends I would sooner say to him get the[e] behind me Satan for I would go to the land of Zion or where ever
God sent if I had to forsake as many fathers, mothers, brothers, & sisters as could stand between Maine &
Missouri & subsist upon boiled herbs on the way.
Father & Mother Carter with all the Brothers
and sisters appertaining to the household, have been uncommonly attentive, kind, & generous to us both during
the last year that we have been with them, although they do not see the propriety of our gathering with the
Saints to Zion in order to escape the judgments of God, yet my prayer to God is that they may not loose their
reward for their uncommon kindness towards us but may yet have their eyes open to understand the
commandments of God concerning Zion in the last days & flee unto it for reffuge themselves & obtain a
righteous inheritance there while the judgments of God are resting upon the gentiles & may they also have
part in the first resurrection & finally obtain a celestial Glory which is my prayer through JESUS CHRIST
~ Wednesday
Sept 12th I spent the day at father Carters in packing up the last remains of our goods I carried
the most of our goods to Sister Sarah Foss's whare the Saints or camp will spend the night when
they arive. Icabod C. Foss was expecting to go to Zion with us he is a son of Sister Sarah Foss but
old Mr Foss opposed him to such a degree that it was thought best for him to tarry.
~ Thursday
13 we have had a hard rain during the day. Besides many favoredrs bestowed upon us from father
Carter he gave Phebe one hundred dollars for which sum we both signed an article or writing
that we were satisfied & would hold no further claim to any of his real estate or personal property
~ Friday
14th I accompanied Father Carter & Brother Fabyan, with Abial Carter & Timothy Roth & some others in a
fish boat out into the bay for a fishing tour. the morning was plesasent after the storm but a high
sea we dug a quantity of clams for bait & launched forth into the deep, after beeating two miles
we hove to, cast anchor & caught a small quantity of fish mostly Haddock; we then sailed to a
point of Land & built up a fire hung on a pot, fried out some pork & dressed 6 Haddock & one Hake
& put them into the pot we sliced in some popatoes & put in a quantity of crackers & by adding some
seasoning & boiling it untill it was thoroughly cooked it formed as rich a dish as would be necessary
to set before a King. this kind of a dish is what seaman or fisherman call a [FIGURE] chouder we all sat
down & ate uncommonly hearty, useing clam shells for knives, forks, & spoons. after finishing our feast
we again went out about a mile from shore & spent several hours more in fishing. we caught a
great variety of fish such as cod, pollock, Hake, Haddock, Mackerel, Cunner, Flounders, Sculpin, pout,
& Skate, &c. We hoisted sail & started for home about the siting of the sun we arived at father
Carters about 8 oclock PM & spent the night. oOur babe passed a sick night with the Hooping cough. 20 m[iles]
~ Saturday
15 My mind is in some suspens because the camp does not arive from the Islands neither do I hear any thin[g]
from them by letter the time has past for them to have arived however I am looking for them daily
I spent part of the day in writing while most of the household have gone to the beach for a mornings
ride. I have this morning receieved the returns of the late Election throughout the state of Maine. Mr Fairfield the
democratic candidate is elected Governovr over Mr Kent by about 4000 majority
~ Sunday
Sept 16 Sunday I rode in company with Brother Fabyan Carter to Buxton & spent the day with Elder Towns-
end we returned to Scarborough I spent the night at Sister Sarah Foss's distance of the day 20 miles
~ Monday
17 I spent the day at Father Carters reading the life of Lorenzo Dow
~ Tuesday
I receieved a letter from Brother Nathaniel Thomas dated Sept 12 they had not yet started they
had been delayed in waiting for some that were not ready
I wrote a letter to Brother Thomas
I also wrote a letter to
Elder Milton Holmes I spent the night at father Carters. WE have a
total eclipse of the sun this day commencing about 3 oclock PM & visible
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
19 Spent the day at Fathers Carters. Also the 20
~ Friday
I receieved a letter from Priest Thomas he informed me the camp would be ready to start
in few days. he wished me to pray to God to deliver them & enable them to go out of Babylon. Truly
we all need patience & faith in God, for it is a day of temptation, trials, & trouble for the devil is exced
ing mad because the Saints are beginning to gather out from the midst of the gentiles & go unto the land
of Zion. I wrode to Buxton to see Elder James Townsend to get him to go to the land of Zion with us
& after having an interview with him he concluded to go with us I called upon Mr William Harman
& bargined for a two horse waggon on conditions. I returned & spent the night at father Carters {Distance} 20 m[iles]
~ Saturday
22 The soun is crossing the line about these days. we are visited with a storm of rain to day the weather is warm
I am still at father Carters & much desirous to see the camp of the Saints. Our babe is recovering from
the Hooping cough. may its life be preserved I Pray if it is the will of the Lord
~ Sunday
23 Sunday I spent the day at Father Carters
~ Monday
24 I saw a report in the Portland Transcrip against the Mormons -[Saints]- in Davis County Mo
which arose on the day of the election in consequence of our Brethren enjoying their privilege
as American citizens by casting their vote & that numbers were rising up among the gentiles of
the different counties to go over to Davis County to mob the Saints all these reports & stories
have a tendency to dampen & discourage the minds & feelings of many [of] the Saints that are gatheri-
ng to Zion. But none of these things moove me I am determined to overcome, keep the faith & go to Zion
~ Tuesday
Sept 25. O Lord give me faith, grace, & patience to endure what is lade upon ^me^ without murmering or
complaining, help me to be resigned to thy will in all things. The report that I spoke of yesterday concerning
the Mormon's in Mo as the Saints are called, is going the rounds to day among our friends & neighbo-
urs; this one is saying it wont do to go & that is isaying it will not do to go for you will be killed
&c. But O, fools, slow at heart to believe that God is as able to protect his Saints in these
last days from the hands of the gentiles as HE was anciently to deliver Israel from the Egyptians
Those things are the smallest part of my trials & suspens that is resting upon my mind at this
thime. My trials are as great about these days as at any time since I have been a member of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If any inquires what my trials are, should they ask if I was
doubting the cause in which I am ingaged, I can answer in truth NO, God forbid I never was a stronger
Mormon -[Saint]- than about these days. What is the matter then, I'll tell you: The Lord has commanded
me to go to Zion spedily & while I am setting myself myself about it the devel with all his agents are
using their combined exertions & power to hinder me. I have been waiting for the Saints from the
Islands of the sea to accompany them to that land untill it is vary late. the fall rains are upon us, cold
weather will soon encircle us, the minds of the Saints are depressed & cast down around me. we have
a dreary journey of two thousands miles before us with no other expectation but to camp upon the ground
I have a sick infant of two month's old to take with us & a wife whose spirits at times mare much
depressed under such anguos [anguish] ^severe^ trials But thank God she stands the shock like a brave soldier which
is great consolation to my soul. The above are some of the trials that are resting upon me. But I
can say get the[e] behind me Satan for I say in the name of Jesus Christ that I will stand in the land
whare God has commanded me to gather unto before another spring rolls over my head if it is on
foot & alone & I beg my bread by the way. So now rage on thou foul monster untill thou art stoped
in thy mad career at the end of they chain given thee by the angel of God & see who will gain the
I spent the day at father Carters gathering apples I saved some apple seeds from his
orcherd to plant in Zion
~ Wednesday
Sept 26th I rode to Elder James Townsend. I procured a two horse waggon of Mr William Harmon {for Sister
Sarah Foss} & drew it to Sister Sarah Foss's Elder Townsend returned with me distance of the day 20 m[iles]
~ Thursday
27th It is a dark cold rainy day & gloomy also, & what makes it more so the camp of the Saints do not get
a long from the east yet, & I have not herd any thing from them for several days. But may the Lord give me
patience that I may be resigned in all things. Notwithstanding the cold rain I harnessed up my horse & carri-
ed Brother Townsend home, & assisted him in packing up his houshold goods to the amount of about 600 lbs
I took the goods in my waggon & carried them to Sister Sarah Foss's house that we might be ready when the camp
came along: Elder Townsend has been cast down in his mind for several days & could scarcely get faith enough to
prepare himself & family to start for Zion thinking the way did not look as clear & bright as he wished to see it.
But I have encouraged him from day to day; as we must walk by faith not by sight, untill he is now preparing him-
self & family to go, may the Lord bless him. [2 Corinthians 5:7] We must all have our faith tried before we are prepared for a celestial
kingdom & "faith without works is dead being alone" [James 2:17] I do not know when my faith will begin to be tried if it has
not already been esspecially of late; But I thank the LORD that HE has thus far enabled me to keep the faith & withs-
tand every opposition. I desire to be humble unto the end. I spent the night at father Carters. Phebe appears resign-
ed to the will of the Lord in all her troubles & tribulations. It is great consolation to my soul to see her determined to
maintain her integrity unto the end. How good it is to have a help meet in every time of need. Distance 20 mil
~ Friday
28th Glory to God I have this morning taken a letter out of the office from our Beloved Brother Nathaniel Thomas in Camden
the letter was
Dated Camden Sept 26. he says "we are almost ready we shall start tomorrow morning. tell
Brother Townsend to hold himself ready to go with us &c" May the Lord bless them & hasten them on their journey I
pray. Their is more lying reports & stories in circulation against the Sainst to day when will the gentiles scease lying about us
~ Saturday
29 I rode to Brother Townsend's & assisted him in packing up the rest of his goods & took them & the rest of
his family & brought them to Sister Sarah Foss's house 20 miles
~ Sunday
30 Sunday Mr Whitley arived at Scarborough from Camden this day he had been one week on the
way. his waggon cover was not in order for travling we went to work & nailed it down all around &
painted it thoroughly & put it in good order. We are waiting for the rest to come. I did not sleep much at night
~ Monday
Oct 1st It is unusally warm for the season. I conveyed Sister Rhoda Scamans home in a waggon we
are still waiting in great anxiety for the camp to arive. O how slow they moove 10 miles
~ Tuesday
2nd Elder Townsend has this morning started for the east to look up the camp of the Saints to see
whare they are & what they are about that they do not get along
I wrote a letter to Mr
William Simonton for Mr Whitley. I spent the day in diging potatoes for father Carter
~ Wednesday
3rd ^{Abram}^ Glory be to God at 2 oclock PM the camp of Saints hove in sight. I immediately accompinied
them to Sister Fooss house, & a busy scene insued. The names of the company were as follows from
South fox Islands Brother Charles Brown, wife & children from North Island Priest Nathaniel
Thomas, wife & 3 children, Brother's Ephraim Luce, wife & 5 children Cyrus Sterrett wife & 3 children
Ebenezer Carver wife & 5 children. From Camden Daniel Whitley wife & 4 children. From Scarborough
Elder Willford Woodruff wife & 1 child & Elder James Townsend wife & 4 children & a young man from
the Island by the name of Alonzo Thurstin. The whole number of the camp was 45 persons we had
10 waggons & 19 horses. We immediately commenced nailing & painting the waggons covers & preparing
them against stormy wether I disco^v^erd they needed a leader & order among them I laboured with them
untill in the night & then returned to father Carters & spent the night with my family It was a trying
time to Phebe as she was to part with all her relatives. But the Lord will support her in every trial
I wrote two Letters one to Elder T. B Marsh in Zion & the other to Elder M. Holms
May the Lord enable us to reach Zion in peace & prosperity & spedily I pray
~ Thursday
4th We spent most of the day in painting & preparing our waggons for the Journey at about 2
oclock in the afternoon I took the parting hand ^
^ with Father & Mother Carter & their household
tears were shed but Mrs Woodruff manifested great fortitude in parting with her friends after
bidding them farewell and also parting with Sister Sarah Foss & many neighbours that were present I
made a commencement of leading this camp of the Saints on their long journey. This camp of the
Saints consisted of the following persons From South fox Island Brother Charles Brown & family
From North fox Island Priest Nathaniel Thomas & family, Brother Ephraim Luce & family Cyrus Sterrett
& family, Ebenezer Carver & family & a young man by the name of Alonzo Thurstin. From Camden
Daniel Whitley & family, from Scarborough Elder James Townsend & family, & Elder Willford Woodruff
& family this camp consisted of 8 families the whole numbering 53 persons we had 10 waggons & 19
horses & after being set in order we rode to Saco 4 miles to Kenebunk 9 miles & camped for the night by a saw
mill. as the camp is not fully organized their is some bustle among us. It was for a moment a trial to my feelings
to take my tender wife with an infant at her breast into a cold tent to sleep upon the ground but after we became
reconciled to it there was a door opened for her to go into a house to spend the night & as she had a young child she
excepted the invitation. I lay down upon the bed that I had spread in the tent & after lying two hours I got up
to stand on guard & I sat up the remainder of the night built up a fire & wrote thes lines by it Distance of the day 13 m[iles]
~ Friday
Oct 5th We started 8 oclock & drove to Wells 8 miles to York 14, to Portsmouth 7, to Rye 5 miles & camped for the night
& at Mr John Drake we had a beautiful day to Journey. Expenses of the day $5.30 Distance of the day 34 miles
~ Saturday
6th We all arose bright in the morning & rode to Hampton 5 miles to Newburyport 10 miles to Georgetown 10 miles & spent
the night at Elder Nathaniel Holmes Elder Milton Holmes was at his father's house I truly felt to rejoice to once
more take these brethren by the hand we receieved every kindness & accomidations that heart coould wish I
with my family spent the night with Mr Samuel Holmes distance of the day 26 miles
~ Sunday
7th Sunday we spent the day at Br Holmes I met in council with Elders Nathaniel & Milton Holmes & James Tow-
nsend in the morning we next met all the members of the camp & organized ourselves into a company that
we might have order in the camp. I was chosen as their leader & Elder M Holmes as comesary Ebenezar
Carver as assistant our counsel was W. Woodruff M. Holmes N. Tholmas & E Carver. We then met
together with all the Saints & I once more was permitted to break bread unto them. I accompanied Br N
Holmes in the evening to visit Sister Dow who had fallen & injured her hip & we prayed with her & lade hands
upon her. We then returned to Mr Samuel Holmes & spent the night distance 4 mile
~ Monday
8th We took the parting hand with Elder N. Holmes & family & again started on our journey accompanied by
Elder Milton Holmes one with whom I had journied much before we rode to Andover 10 miles to Widow Wrights
& camped in a beautiful meadow distance of the day 15 miles
~ Tuesday
Oct 9th We travled to Groton 18 miles to Townsend 10 to Ashby 2 miles & camped for the night at Mr
Calvin Hodgman & found the people exceding kind which has been the case thus far on the journey
our babe is now in good health & vary quiet & rides in her swing cradle with great ease distance 30 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
10 We rode to Ashburnham to Mr Bemas Inn & put up for the night & had a storm {Distance} 26
~ Thursday
11 Rode to Fitzwilliams to Richmond & put up for the night with Mr Buffun {Distance} 11
~ Friday
12 It was a rainy dull day we rode to Winchester to Brattleborough & camped {Distance} 18
~ Saturday
13th This was a serious day to me I arose in the morning with a severe cold & commenced walking up the
foot of the green mountains I was soon attacked with a painful dissease resembling the collery
I stoped into a house while going up the mountains for about two hours during which time I was constantly
vomiting & purging after which I went to bed in my waggon & Elder Holmes drove my horse for me
I called upon the elders to lay hands upon me they did so & I was healed. we put up for the night at Mr
Stephen Averetts Inn. Distance of the day all the way up the green mountains 18
~ Sunday
14th Sunday I arose in the morning better in health we had rain during the day we reached the foot of
ofthe green mountain about dark & spent the night in Benington at Diltons Inn. Distance of the day 22
~ Monday
15 It is rainy & a gloomy day we travled 12 miles through the mud & water & spent the night in Housack 12
~ Tuesday
16 Some of our company had been absent 3 nights to mend their waggons came up to day. We crossed
waterford bridge over North river & camped for the night at Mr Hegenson {Distance of the day} 18
~ Wednesday
17 We crossed the Mohawk river ferry travled to Schennectady & camped at Mr Vanvost {Distance} 16
~ Thursday
18 We rode to Amsterdam here Br Thomas stoped to get a new Iron Axletree to his waggon {Distance} 25
~ Friday
19 A rainy morning again we rode 5 miles to Mr William H Printup & put [up] for the day & night we had a
busy time the woman were washing & cooking the children runing & crying & the men preparing
their waggons &c {distance} 5 mile
~ Saturday
20 We rode to Manhan & camped for the night at Mr Wm Smith {distance} 25
~ Sunday
21 {Trouble in the camp [2 words of illegible shorthand]} Rode to frankford & spent the night {distance} 20
~ Monday
22 Rode to Utica to Westmorland spent [the night] at Benjamin Benjamins travled through rain & mud 21
~ Tuesday
Oct 23 We sent a paper home to Maine. Rode 15 miles & camped {distance} 15 miles
~ Wednesday
24 Rode to mome & spent the night [FIGURE] Orwel myself wife & child was sick {distance} 15
[sideways text]
^On the 24 Oct T B Marsh made his Affidavit^
[end of sideways text]
~ Thursday
25 Rode to Sayryacuse to Camalias & spent the night. Brother Brown broke an axletree yesterday
he broke an other we seem to be impeded in our progress we had a hail storm to day 20 m
~ Friday
26 [FIGURES] This was a trying day to me I broke open my barrel Phebe was much tried rode 10 miles 10
~ Saturday
27 We have troublesome times in the camp several of the children are vary sick one of Br Thomas
children is at the point of death we travel ^slow^ & have many hindrences. We rode to the free bridge
& camped 2 miles west of it we had a vary bad road about 4 miles near the bridge 12
~ Sunday
28 {Sunday} We travled through Phelps a beautiful township of land & to Manchester & spent the
night at the house of Joseph Sawyier within six miles of Palmira whare the Book of Mormon was found 20
~ Monday
29 A cold day we had some snow our babe was still sick we rode to Canandagua to east &
west Broomfield to Lima & spent the night {Distance} 25
~ Tuesday
30 we travled to Avon to La roy & to the centre of Stafford & spent the night at the Inn 26
~ Wednesday
31 A cold winter's day snow 2 inch deep our horses draged the waggons all day through mud
& water we passed through Batavia and Rukville and spent the night 21
~ Thursday
Nov 1st We had a bad road for 15 miles we travled to williamsville & spent the night within 5 miles of
Buffalo. Distance of the day 20
~ Friday
2nd We rode into Buffalo & spent several hours in the city Elder M Holmes took the steam boat Erie for
Fairport we left Buffalo & travled to Hamburg & put up for the night at the farmers hotel {Distance} 19
~ Saturday
3rd Here we parted with some of our company. Brother Cyrus Sterrett & his family & Mr Whitley & family
stoped & returned to Buffalo to spend the winter as the expenses was so great it was thought we
could not all get to Zion this winter so they stoped to labour & Br Thomas let them have a span of horses
& a waggon to help them up in the spring. After taking the parting hand with these friends we rode through
the rain to Evens & spent the night with David Cook {distance} 17 miles
~ Sunday
Nov 4th Sunday we travled through the Catearaugus swamp had a view of the lamanite settlment
we had a vary bad road we travled through Fredonia & put up for the night at the Inn of Mr Standly
near the Church of Latter Day Saints at Pomphret under the care of Elder Benjamin Brown's {Distance} 20 [miles]
~ Monday
5 I had an interview with Elder Brown Sister Brown sent Phebe a small present. he sent $1 by me
to get the papers for himself he let me have the 4th No of the Journal our interview was interesting Elder
Brown had Baptized 18 in the pomphret church during the past season. We travled to Portland & while
on the road we were called to pass through a trying scene. Brother Nathaniel Thomas has had two
sick children for sever^a^l days & this afternoon one of them Clara Newel began to fail they immedia-
tely stoped into a house near the village of Westfield Chatauqua Co N Y & the child Died at 3 oclock PM
on the 5th Day of Nov 1838 we immediately removed the corps one mile to westfield village to Mr J L Sprague's
Inn whare we made preperations for burying the dead Brother & Sister Thomas bore this affliction
with uncommon fortitude {Distance of the day} 15
~ Tuesday
C. N. T. We spent the morning in b
yurying CLARA NEWEL THOMAS who was aged 5 years 9 months &
16 days after attending to these duties we harnessed our horses & proceded on our journey it was
a cold morning we had to travel through mud & snow. we travled out of the state of N Y into the
state of Pensylvania we past through North East & put up for the night at Wm B Dickson's {an ungenerous man} 17
~ Wednesday
7th We had a snow storm during the night Our company seemed much discouraged about getting along. I fell
through a horse stable onto the horses but without much injury. We started on our journey & it commenced
raining from the N E we drove 7 miles in the mud, rain water & wind I suffered much in travling through this
beating storm we put up for the day & night at an Inn 7 m
~ Thursday
8th We travled to Erie Penn[sylvania] from thence to Mill creek & put up for the night at Andrew Nickelson 13
~ Friday
9 A dubious looking morning for the air is full of snow & a cold winters day this is tedious journing for
horses, men, women & children. How or when we shall get to Zion the Lord ownly knows the Lord is sending
snows upon the earth. We travled through snow & mud to an Inn 3 miles east of Elk Creek & spent the night
which was freezing cold 5 miles
~ Saturday
Nov 10th We crossed Elk Creek by fording the stream Br Luce got his horses mired in mud but we drew him out
& went on & passed through springfield & put up for the night at the Inn of a good man from Vermont 10 [miles]
~ Sunday
11 {Sunday}, we travled to Conneaute from thence to Ashtabula Ohio & spent the night at Mr Adna Scovill's 22
~ Monday
12 We spent the fore part of the day in preparing our horses or getting them shod we travled to Mr Sweets Inn 11
~ Tuesday
13 We travled to painsville to Concord spent the night at A Hundy's I had many reflections in passing through
Painsville as this is the place whare the Saints have been much persecuted I had a trial of mind in consequence
of there being a prospect of leaving Elder Holmes in kirtland without visiting him thes are days not to be forgotten 16
~ Wednesday
14th Elder Townsend finally concluded to walk to Kirtland to visit M Holmes we continued our journey to Shardon
many people stared at us as we passed through the village we continued on about 2 miles & put up for the
night at the house of Mr Truman Gilbert he was a gentleman & treated us well we got through this part of the
country well without any trouble or disturbance 11
~ Thursday
15 It was a rainy day we did not journey at all this day
~ Friday
16 We travled to Mantauway & spent the night at the Inn of Lewis Turners Elders Holmes & Townsend were with us
Br Holmes had seen several letters (while in Kirtland) that were sent from far west representing that there was
great trouble among the Saints caused by the inhabitants of M[iss]o[uri] comeing against them to war & persecuting
them Elder Milton Holmes has now made up his mind not to go any further with us but to tarry in kirtland or
in the regions round about untill spring. we have had many interesting seasons together but I know not when
we shall meet again or what we shall be called to pass through before that time {Distance of the day} 16
~ Saturday
17 We took the parting hand with M. Holmes & rode to Ravanna from thence to Franklin Portage Co Ohio
& spent the night with Mr Sewiel Morgan I learned from Mr Morgan that I am now in the vicinity of
our farmington neighbours the sons of Abner & Baldwin Hart the Goff's Elisha Miller & family live in Bath
Madina Co Ohio about 8 miles from New Portage 20
~ Sunday
I wrote a letter to the sons of Abner & Baldwin Hart we travled through a cold snow storm to Middlebury
from thence to New Portage we found 2 or 3 Saints left of that branch of the Church we all spent the night
with Brother Levi way & Elder John Harrington 15 miles
~ Monday
Nov 19th A cold morning we left Br Way's & travled to the Inn of J. W. G. & spent the night 8 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
20 We have made arangments this morning to seperate Brother Thomas & Townsend think some of
stoping by the way to winter while Brothers E. Luce & C. Brown & myself will continue our journey
together. our company is truly getting small. one of my horses is vary sick for the night truly the Lord
ownly can open my way to continue my Journey after getting our waggon mended we travled to an Inn
within 7 miles of woster & spent the night. my horse is much better & performs his Journey well our 12 [miles]
21company is now reduced to three families we feel united in spirit & are determined to Journey
in the name of the Lord we had a comfortable room at the Inn by ourselves for the night & while
sitting by the fireside Sister Lydia Luce a faithful Saint & full of faith related a dream that she had
on the night of the 19th the dream was of consequence & full of meaning it was as follows She saw
the moon in the North of a silver colour she saw a small sun in the south & while looking at the strange
appearance of the heavens there appeared a ring of Blood in the west & there soon appeared several
other rings of Blood of a larger size all encircling each other being a ring in a ring & there soon appeared
a ladder of fire in the heavens & it fell to the earth & broke in two pieces one part of the ladder had an
Iron plate fassened to the end of it with sumthing fassended to it & I Willford Woodruff went & picked
it up & read it & behold it contained the XV Chapter of Isaiah read the chapter for yourselves &
learn wisdom
~ Wednesday
21st Travled to Woster to Washington & spent the night at the Inn of Robison a bad man {Distance} 22
~ Thursday
22 Travled to Loudenville from thence to Amity Knox County & spent the night at the Inn of David Jackson
we are continually hearing of the mormon war as it is called but it would be more proper to call it the gentile
persecutions against the Saints for the inhabitants of Missouri are persecuting & putting to death the
Saints because of their religion {Distance} 20
~ Friday
23 Phebe was attacked with a severe head ake which terminated in the brain fever. We travled to
Mount Vernon to Centerbury & spent [the night] at the Inn of H Jones 22
~ Saturday
24 We passed through Sunbury & spent the night at the Inn of Mr Osbury in Blendon 22
~ Sunday
Nov 25 Sunday we spent the day at the In[n] resting ourselves & beasts we have had several days of warm
plesent weather & good roads but this morning it snows some & is cold. Mrs Woodruff is quit[e] sick the
pain & fever is increasing in her head. we do not at all times know what lies before ^us^ Lord prepare her to
pass through all her trials I pray
O I wrote a Letter to Brother Asahel H Woodruff in Terre haute
it was the last letter I ever wrote to Brother Asahel & he did not obtain that for he was in Eternity
while I was pening those lines
~ Monday
26 We travled to COLUMBUS the capitol of Ohio this is the first time I ever visited this place here we
came on to the National rode & rod[e] 9 miles & put up for the night at the National Hotel 20 [miles]
~ Tuesday
27 Phebe is vary sick the jar of the waggon affects her head much & causes her to suffer. We rod[e] [t]o Jefferson here
we left the National road & travled to London to Charleston & spent the night 23
~ Wednesday
28 Phebe spent a sick night I was fearful she would not be able to Journey But we started & travled to Charleston
& to Xenia a county seat we spent the night at the Hotel Phebe is vary sick & is failing 21
~ Thursday
29 We travled to Dayton from thence we crossed the Miami river at the ford & put up for the night at the Inn of
E Weaver a villen he treated us Ill besides his wood & water was sca[r]ce & at the hi[gh]est place price {distance} 16 miles
~ Friday
2830 We travled to Andrew Clemen's & spent the night Phebe still grosws week Brother Brown is also sick & we are all feeble
these are days of trial ofto me I pray the Lord to assist us 14
~ Saturday
Dec 1st I lost my penknife at Mr Clemens the ownly pocket knife that I had used for about 3 yiears it was a present
from Elder Benjamin Clapp. This is the first day of winter the weather is plesent But O the winter of sorrow trying
to roll over my soul our whole company is much afflicted. We pased Br Thomas by the way side mending his waggon that
had broke down Brother Townsend is quite sick I had not passed this afflicted company but few miles before I was
called to stop my horses for the purpose to all appearance to Behold my wife my companion give up the [FIGURE] GHOST to
breathe her last while lying in the waggon in the midst of the street, but while two of our sister were standing
around her bedside to behold the scene the Lord was vary merciful & notwithstand[ing] to all human appearance her breath
had left her body it again returned & she began to revive I then drove the horses a few rods further & put up for the
night at an inn in Eaton I spent the night taking care of Phebe & the babe O I pray the Lord to spare the life of my wife 10 miles
~ Sunday
Dec 2nd Sunday our circumstances were of such a nature we were oblieged to remove from the Inn whare we
spent the night Phebe feels as though she had but a breath of life left in her body I carried her into the waggon & drove 2
miles at the house of Mr Makinzie & put up for the present at least untill Phebe recovers her health in some degree
or departs this life we went into a house by ourselves which was much better than to be crouded by other families how
long we shall tarry here the Lord ownly knows. Brother Thomas passed us again to day Brother Townsend was
quite sick after geting my wife & things into the house & my horses put out I confined myself to the taking
care of my wife which to human appearance is at the gate of death she called me to her bedside in the evening
& said she felt as though a few moments more would end her existance in this life & manifested
great confidence in the cause she had embraced & exhorted us to confidence & in God & to keep his
commandments & to appearance was a dying but she again revived as on the day before I prayed
with her & lade hands upon her & commended [her] unto God she revived & slept some during the night 2 [miles]
~ Monday
3rd I spent the day taking care of my companion who is still alive these are days of trial but may the Lord
scantify [sanctify] them to my good I pray
~ Tuesday
4th Phebe is still vary feeble & low I returned to Eaton to get some necessarys for her I felt the power of
the destroyer resting upon me in the fore part of the day. in the evening Phebe for the first time during her sickness
began to lay hold on faith for her recovery her faith was strong in God we laid hold on faith together repented
of all our sins & confessed them before God & covenanted to keep his commandments I had some oil that
was consecrated for my anointing while in kirtland I again consecrated it befor God for anointing the sick I
bowed myself down before the Lord & prayed with my companion & anointed her [with] oil in the name of the
Lord I laid my hands upon her in the name of JESUS CHRIST and rebuked the fever the destroyier
the deadly malidy that was praying upon hesr soystem & thank God we both obtained a great blessing in
so doing & according to her faith her fever left her & praised be the name of GOD for we will ever keep
his commandments & trust in him Praise the Lord O my soul for all of his wonderful acts
~ Wednesday
5th I spent the day in reading meditation & prayer
~ Thursday
Dec 6th The voice of the Spirit of the Lord was unto us arise & be going & through the mercy of God Phebe
was enabled to rise & walk & continue her journey. after being confined here 4 days our whole bill was
ownly $6.62 the man treated us kindly may the Lord bless him we travled to Richmond Ia & put up for the
nighit in an Inn Phebe had to journey by faith not by sight [2 Corinthians 5:7] 14 mile
~ Friday
7th We left Richmond on the national road & travled to centerville from thence through several flourishing little
villages on the national road in the woods looking as though they had sprung up in the night like Jonah's go^a^rd [Jonah 4] we put
up for the night at the Inn of Wm. D Harden the National road was smoothe & good. the whole distance 21 [miles]
~ Saturday
8 We travled to Louisville Henry County Ia we here again found Br Thomas & family & Brother Townsend &
family stoped to winter Brother Townsend was sick we stoped & spent about 2 hours with them & prayed with them
& took the parting hand & continued our Journey to Knightstown and spent the night 17
~ Sunday
9 {Sunday}, We travled to Greenfield & to Cumberland & spent the night. it is cold weather 21
~ Monday
10 We travled to Indianapolis the capitol of the state from thence to plainfield. Distance 23
~ Tuesday
11 The road was dry smooth & dusty & the weather wearm we travled to Menhaten & spent the night at at an Inn whare
I suddenly herd of the DEATH OF BROTHER ASAHEL H. WOODRUFF, who DIED at Terre Haute
Indiania on the 18th of Oct 1838 at 3 oclock in the morning [FIGURES] I also read in the Wabash
Courier published at Terre Haute an account of the Administrator's sale of the property of Brother ASAHEL
It was sold on the 4th of Dec for about $3000 dollars Mr Robert A Smith was his Administrator. O Brother Asahel
thou art gone I shall warn thee no more nor see thy face in the flesh untill the resurrection. How uncertain is life. How
sudden thy earthly hop[e]s have fled!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [FIGURE] I also read in the same paper an account of the horrid butchery
of eighteen Latter Day Saints in Davis County Mo by the wicked mob. O Lord hasten the day for the reign of righteousness. 31
~ Wednesday
12 I rode to Terre haute Ia on the beautiful national road through the delightful scenery of that country I drove to Asahel H. Woodruffs Wabash
Bookstore & instead of finding Br Asahel there he was in his [FIGURE] grave & his store occupied by his Administrator & Clerk viz R A
Smith & Martin Ray I had an interview with his clerk Martin Ray I made Inquiries concerning Brother Asahels sickness
& Death but defered attending to his business untill the following day. It was with difficulty that we could get entertain
ment in the city for the night but finally we obtained an empty house & went into it & spent the nigh. Distance 27
DIED at Terre Haute I.a.
Oct 18th 1838
AGED 24 Years
And is he gone, has asahel fled away, from lif[e]'s fair scenes to the regions of the DEAD
Yes he is gone by Deaths relentless hand. Had youth, or beauty, friends or virtue, power to save
He now might be mingling with his friends, and not sleeping in the silent GRAVE
There is nothing calculated to sooner lead the mind to serious & solumn meditations &
to bring fresh to our memory the events of our past lives than to visit the tomb of
those that are made dear to us by the ties of nature, of friendship, or of the blood of CHRIST.
Brother Asahel was a young man of the most brilliant talents, firm & independant in
independant in his principles. I had not been privileged with a personal interview with him
for about seven years but had corresponded together by letter. Asahel had a peculiar art in
letter writing which gave much interest to all the productions of his pen. We both had
long anticipated much upon an interview with each other, but my hopses were suddenly blasted. I
did not hear of his death untill the day previous to my arival at his dwelling. But I say the will
of the Lord be done all is right I feel resigned
O death thy stroke is sure. At an early hour thy
victim's fallen, & blasted the fond hopses of a father
a mother & an ownly sister. Eunice be still & know
that GOD hath spoken, & thy Brother called, Asahel
lived for thee: for thee he plan'd, he toiled, & hoped, & airy
castles built for thy future joy, but now he's gone. His
grave remains to be wattered ownly by the Dews of hea-
ven unless upon the Wabash banks a friend should chan-
ce to roam & drop an accidental tear. O Asahel among
strangers thy lot was cast among thouem thou hast fallen
& found a grave. No friend to see thy grief or share thy joy
or drop a tear with thee. Willford & Phebe alone marked
thy silent bed & ownly could take a pebble in memory
of thy noble soul. A pebble did I say, ah thy books, thy Journals,
thy letters, & all the productions of thoy pen, are standing
monuments of thy worth & of more value to thy friends
than the gold of Opher or the rubies of Peru. In the morn
of thy days thou hast fallen yet the events of thy youth will
be active in the memory of thy friends while memory lives
Me thinks the spirit steals across my breast & says be still
& learn to be resigned & feel that with thy brother all is well
that what was not accomplished with him in time, will be
finished when upon COLOB'S walls he stands clothed with
Immortality. God is just, all is right. In the morn of his
days Asahel is called from the scenes of time that his
noble soul fromay see, feel, & view those glories whoich are
hid behind the vale the covering of eternity. Farewell
Asahel farewell. No more will thy voice the ears of thy friends
salute or thy pen their hearts unlock. while here in time, truth
unsuled before the[e] now are living realities, while Willford's testi-
mony to thee in its true light can now be wedeighed. Upon thee
nature hath bestowed her bounty but not in vain though
buried from human view, then sleep untill the trump
shall sound to call the[e] forth in eternal things to act.
Eunice dry thy startling tear & give thy brother up. The
Lord hath taken him to save his soul that earthly snares
should not his feet enwrap & his fall secure. It speaks in
language loud be ye also ready, for in such an hour as
ye think not the Son of man cometh. [Matthew 24:44] How solumn to
part with friends yet it seetweetens death to know our
friend is God & the rest of Saints our home. Then sleep
Asahel sleep let naught thy dust disturd untill rean
imated by the Arkangels trump & in immortals gate
to meet thy friends & walk in paths of eternal light &
truth & comprehend all knowledge & wisdoms space
& natuers laws that ever live in vast DOMAIN
~ Thursday
Dec 13th This was a solemn Day to me I spent most of the day in inquiring into & attending to the business & affairs
of Brother ASAHEL H. WOODRUFF Deceased. Messrs R. A. Smith & Martin Ray the Administrator & clerk of Broth[er]
Asahel informed me that Brother Asahel Died at 3 oclock in the morning on the 18th of Oct 1838 & that he was
sick 10 days & deprived of his reason 4 days before his death. his mind while delireous was principly upon his business
but occasionally spoke of his friends. His disease was the congestive fever on the brain Martin Ray had been in
his employ two months was with him through all his sickness & death they informed me that they considered
him some absent minded or his mind deeply exercised upon some subject unbeknown to them for several months
before his death. they were not as well acquainted with this matter as I was myself for I was intimately
corresponding with him by letter & I know from his communications that his mind was deeply interested
in the subject of the gospel of Jesus Christ or the fulness of it & the cause of the Church of Latter Day
Saints. They also informed me that he was moral in his life temperat in practice Beloved & honoured as
a citizen & his loss deeply felt. His entire stock of Books with all personal property was sold at the Administrator
sale on the 4th of Dec amountaing to about $3000 dollars. All of his private letters, Journals, writing, papers
Account Books & his pocket watch, penknife, pencil, letter stamp, bosom pin, silver thimble, & some other small things
were reserved, & I took them into my possession to preserve for his Mother & ownly Sister & friends untill I can
have an opportunity to convey them unto them. While looking over Asahels letters I found all that I sent him
carefully filed with other communications from his friends After attending to the above affairs I visited my
Brother [FIGURE] grave
A. H. W. accompanied ownly by my wife & Mr Ray I viewed it, & it looked lonely indeed. I never more fully
sensed the vanity of earth & the impropriety of trusting to the honours of this world for happiness than on this occasoion
I took some pebbles from his grave in memory of the spot & retired with this peculiar reflection resting upon my mind
That I had paid my last visit to my eldest Brother without spending a night beneath his rofof
That I had paid my last visit to my youngest Brother & ownly permitted to view his GRAVE
I returned to his Book store & wrote a Letter to our Parents in Farmington Con
giving an account of Asahels
Death &c. I took the parting hand with Mr Smith & Ray & left Terre Haute & crassed the Wabash River into the state of
Illinois & travled 9 miles & put up for the night 9 miles
~ Friday
Dec 14th We travled to Paris Illinois from thence we crossed a part of the grand prairie to the distance of 15 miles the weather
was plesent & warm the roads smooth & dusty I saw the prairies on fire we spent the night at the Inn of Isaac Kellar 25 [miles]
~ Saturday
15 We crossed an 18 mile prairie & put up for the night at the house of John Camel on the east fork of the Ocaw river
standing on the idengical [identical] spot whare I camped with the Saints in the spring of 1834 after crossing the river
in two canoes 23 m
~ Sunday
16 Sunday I sent a paper to our friends in Scarborough. We travled through a 14 mile prarie & a 12 mile prairie with a snow
storm & we put up for the night at R. P. Ren 26
~ Monday
17 Travled 12 miles & put up for the night 12
~ Tuesday
18 We travled through several small villages prairies the largest was 7 miles we put up for the night at the house
of David Millers it was a cold day. Distance 26
~ Wednesday
19 What strange things happen at times we travled 2 miles to Rochester Sangamon County Illinois here we unexpect
edly found Mr Ebenezar Carver & family they left us at Utica N Y & took the canal & lake they had stoped
here in Rochester to spend the winter. We called in to visit them a few moments not expecting to tarry but
an hour as it were but after calling in we concluded to spend the night & during the evening I had an interview
with Elder Arnold Stephens I was informed that we could not cross the Illinois River in consequence of the
Ice. I also learned that the Saints in Zion far west were suffering the severest persecutions & privations
& we could not travel through that country & with all these combination of circumstances we concluded
to stop for a season whare we were as doors were open unto us in the regions of Rochester & that to among the Sain-
ts that had taken up there abode in the place for a season.
I wrote a letter to Sister Eunice 2 miles
~ Thursday
20th I spent the day in preparing a dwelling to moove into for a season as we all concluded to stop for a while. I procured a
house 3 miles north of Rochester in a grove of woods on the borders of a prairie on the farm of widow Branch to spend the winter
in it was a double house & Brother Joseph Coone is living in one part of it
~ Friday
21 We spent the day in searching for dwellings for Brothers Brown & Luce & their families
~ Monday
31 This is the last day of Dec & of 1838. During the last 10 days I have been engaged in preparing our dwelling & procuring food
for my family it being the first of my house keeping. In looking over my Journal of 1838 I find the account as on the following page
IN 1838
I travled on three Islands of the sea & in twelve of the United States making a distance in all of five thousand three hundred & fifty one miles | 5351 miles |
I held ninety six meetings | 96 |
I baptized seventeen persons five of which were my kinsfolk my father & mother & ownly sister were among the number | 17 baptized |
I ordained one Elder, two priest & one teacher | 4 ordained |
I blessed four children | 4 blessed |
I held two conferences | 2 conferences |
I procured nine subscribers for the Elders Journal | 9 subscribers |
There was two persons healed under my hands | 2 |
I wrote fourty one Letters | 41 letters |
I received twenty six Letters | 26 letters |
I confirmed | 22 Persons |
I esstablished 4 preaching places & planted 1 church nunbering 9 members |
~ Tuesday
JAN. 1st 1839. As I am now labouring with my hands for a temporal support for a season I shall not keep
a daily Journal for a short time but merely note such things as I may deem necessary. During the last two days
I have been repairing a grist mill 10 [miles]
~ Sunday
I wrote a letter to Father Carter of Maine. I have spent this month at hard labour I have not as
yet seen any of the brethren from far west to know how they get along
~ Sunday
Feb 3rd
I wrote two letters one to Sister Eunice & the other to Elder A. O. Smoot in far west Mo. I now learn
that persecution still rages in Zion Joseph the Prophet with all the presidency & many of the Elders are in
bonds & imprisionments & counted among transgressers
~ Monday
I wrote a letter to Brother's Azmon & Thompson Woodruff I spoke of Asahels death &c
~ Friday
I received a letter from Father Carter of Maine Dated Feb 7th. It has been exceding dry & warm during
this month I have laboured hard for the last few days choping & spliting rails 10
~ Friday
March 1st This is my birth day I am 32 years of age I spent the day choping & spliting rails with Brother Albert
Smith it is friday
~ Monday
4th I receieved a letter from
my Mother Dated Feb 8th 1839
~ Thursday
7th I made preperations to attend the conference in Springfield
~ Friday
Springfield Ill Friday March 8th 1839
Minutes of a conference of Elders Priest &c held in Springfield in the brick meeting house occupied by the Campbellites
commencing on the day of the date above. At about 11 oclock the house was called to order by Edwin P. Merriam the
Presiding Elder of the Springfield branch who lead the house to the choice of a moderater. Elder Jonathan Dunham was
chosen to act as moderator & Elder Edwin P Merriam as clerk. Elder Wilford Woodruff opened the conference by prayer
The conference was composed of eight of the quorum of seventies 6 Elders 3 Priests 3 Teachers 1 Deacon & 3 members
The moderator then requested the Brethren present to give in there views their feelings & determinations in
regard to things pertaining to the kingdom of God & if they had any hardness or grievances against any of the
Brethren or sisters in the Church of Christ to make it manifest. Most of the brethren then present arose sepera-
tely & gave their statements as requested above & all declared that they had nothing lade up against any
one but all desired the wellfare & prosperity of Christ Kingdom on the earth. Elder Woodruff then gave an add
ress to the conference laying before them many things which he had experianced & teaching also many things which
are of the greatest importance to those who are going forth to labour in the Lords vineyard &c. Br Joseph Mc
Causland was recommended for ordination from the branch in Jacksonville & was ordained an Elder under the
hands of Elders W. Woodruff J. Dunham & D. Carter. Br James Higby was presented from this branch but some
objections were raised against him therefore the subject was waved. Br Brewster was then presented for ordination
after some inquiries were made & some objections raised the minds of the conference was called by a vote & all but 3
who were present were in favor of his receeiving an ordination.
Voted to adjourn till tomorrow morning
at 8 oclock. Preaching in the evening to a respectable congregation by Elder Woodruff.
~ Saturday
Saturday morning met &
opened the meeting by singing & prayer by the Moderator. the people soon began to collect to hear preaching conse
quently the meeting was adjourned untill 6 oclock in the evening to be held in the room of Br Reuben Daniels. Preaching
in the forenoon by Elder Arnold Stephens. Preaching in the Afternoon by Elder W. Woodruff. Saturday evening the
conference met according to adjornurnment at the room of Br Daniels sung an hymn called upon the Lord in prayr in
behalf of Br Starks who had sent to the brethren to pray for him for he was vary sick that he might be healed
We lade hands on Br Stephen Mecham who was unwell. Also on Br Nathan CStaker who was also Ill. Priest Jonathan
fisher was presented for ordination from this branch. Voted that Br Fisher be ordained an Elder. Br Joshua Mehcham
was presented for the ordination of a Priest & passed. Br Samuel Mulner was also recommended for the office of
an Elder & Passed. these three just named candidates was then ordained to their respective offices under the hands
of Elder Woodruff & others. The question of Br Brewster was again brought up before the conference & after
a lengthy discussion upon the subject untill near break of day it was found some 3 or 4 could not be made willing
that he should receive an ordination the question was therefore waved for the present Voted to adjorn.
Ewdwin P Merriam clerk of said conference
Concerning the case of Brother Brewster I was one that opposed his ordination & I was much surprised that both
the chairman & clerk did not do the same instead of urging it forward Ffor Br Brewster maintained the same
principle & possessed the same spirit for which he was cut off from the Church in kirtland by the high
council & even in this case he came forward & demanded the High & Holy priesthood at our hands in the
in the name of Jesus Christ I did not consider this to be the way that Aaron took the ministry upon himself
consequently I opposed it & the Spirit of God opposed it also & after a struggle truth prevailed
~ Wednesday
March 13th I being pressed in spirit to go to Quincy Adams County Illinois to visit the body of the Church which
had fled to that place to find an asylum for a season from the perilous persecutions that they were receiving
by the Inhabitants of the state of Missouri. it being about 1020 miles from Rochester Quincy stands on the bank
of the Missisippi River. I accordingly set out for this purpose accompanied by my wife & child & also
Brother & Sister Stephens. We Rode to Springfield & dined with Brother Whittle froom thence we rode
to Brother John Herret's & spent the night we had a plesent interview together. Distance 32 mil[es]
~ Thursday
14th Rode to Jacksonsville visited some of the Saints & rode to Exeter & dined with Brother Phineas Young from
thence to Brother Samuel Fowler & spent the night. Sister Fowler was formerly the wife of Brother
Seth Hitchcock who died with the cholera in Mo in 1834 as a member of our tent. Distance 25
~ Friday
15th We spent the night after travling 27 miles with Mr Platt 27
~ Saturday
16th MOST INTERESTING DAY I rode to Mr Cleavelands & once more had the happy privilege of
greeting Sister Emma Smith who had taken up her abode for a season with her children in the house
of Sister Cleavland. we dined with Sister Smith she had passed through a scene of affliction since I
last saw her & even now Joseph her husband is in prision with other Saints through the power of persecution
we next rode to Quincy 4 miles & here an interesting scene presented itself to my view I first called at a
house which was occupied by Father & Mother Smith &the patriarch of the Church & also Samuel & Carlos
& their families. I then went out into the street & the Saints that I have formerly been acquainted with met
me on every hand such as [Petty], Clapp, Allexander & A. O. Smoot & their families from the south, & B. Young
John Tailer, J. P Green, R Cahoon, B Andresws A & S Milliken with most all of the other Kirtland Saints & soon
Br Jonathan H. Hale comes along with a shovel on his back & says how do you do Brother Woodruff & in fact I
saw so many of my old friends I hardly knew who to go home with first finally I concluded to go & spend the night
with Brother Hale & we had an interesting time together in talking about our travels together upon the Islands of the
sea & also Br Hale gave me an account of his sufferings & those of his family & all the Saints in Moissouri during
the past winter for they have suffered much from the inhaditants of Missouri who have turned mob with Governour
Bogs at their head they came upon the Saints from time to time in battle aray they shot the Saints down
like wi[l]d beasts & butchered others in cool blood & nocked the brains out of some after they [had] taken them prisioners
the soldiers shot down the cattle cows & hogs of the Saints for the purpose of destroying them. The Saints
at times stood in thieir own defence & some of their enemies fell befor them & In consequence of which the
Governour Issued orders for the final extermination of the Saints out of the state & sent a general after his own heart
to execut his orders forthwith & this is the cause of there leeving the state & coming to Quincy. the whole city
far west had to surrender to the melitia the Presidency with about 60 others was cast into prision & cha
ins. they are all delivered excepting eleven persons the mob used ever[y] exertion to take the life of Joseph
& others but through the mercy of God there lives were in the hands of God & not there enemies. Elder
David W. Patten one of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
chosen to bear the keys of this last kingdom was one of the marters of the persecution in Missouri
in the winter of 1838 he sealed his testimony with his Blood. He died strong in that faith that he
had boldly declared through the U. S. A. for the last 7 years of his life &c. Distance 20 m[iles]
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I held a counscil in the morning with Elders B. Young & J. Taylor of the Twelve we then met with
the C[h]urch in Quincy. B. Young took the lead of the meeting & gave much important instruction there
was a Letter read from the committy in Far West praying the Brethren in Quincy to send teams & money
for the removing of fifty families of poor Saints from far west to Quincy there was a contribution
taken up for the purpose about $50 dollars & a number of teams to go. We then communed together &
the meeting closed & a council followed. I was called upon to state to the conuncil the procedings of the
conference in Springfield & after laying before them the procedings of that conference the council of
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] the Church in Quincy voted that Elder Jonathan Dunham be reproved for calling a conference in Springfield
but more esspecially for cherishing & fellowshiping that wrong spirit of Brewsters they also voted that
that Elder Dunham make confession & satisfaction to the Church in Springfield before he procede on his
Journey. The council then adjourned untill early candle light at which time they met & continued
untill midnight & then adjourned. I returned to Br Hales & spent the night
~ Monday
March 18th I spent the day in Quincy visiting the Saints I visited the family of Br Lyman Wight
Sister Wight was well & her children Brother Wight was still in prison in Liberty Clay Co Mo
with Joseph, Hiram, & others I also obtained my trunk that had been in the hands of Sister
Wight for a number of years it contained some of my Journals that I wrote in New Hartford
Con I visited a number of families that had camped on the bank of the river they were in a
suffering condition with cold, rain & mud & some the want of food. I visited the Brothers
Higbys &c after spending the day in this manner & holding a council with two of the
Twelve whare It was decided that the twelve immediately moove their families to Quincy
that we might be together in council. I again spent the night with Br Hale 5 miles
~ Tuesday
19th I spent the day in Quincy it rained hard
I wrote a letter to Elder M. Holmes
~ Wednesday
20th We left Quincy in the rain to return home at Rochester we had not proceded far before
our horses got stalled in the mud & broke the waggon tongue we soon got out mended up &
went on we rode 14 miles & spent the night [with] a friend Clark 14 [miles]
~ Thursday
201st rode to New Liberty from thence to Kingston & called on Br Wilber from thence to Philips
ferry croosed by moon light & spent the night with Mr Perry a friendly man to the Saints 37 m
~ Friday
212nd rode to Exeter called on Brother Fowler. found a sick man healed that we lade hands upon
as we went up. We called upon Phineas Young & rode to Brother Herret's & spent the night 37
~ Saturday
223rd Rode to Springfield I [c]alled the Church together in order for a council they came together
at candle light at the room of Br Daniels. the house was called to order. Elder Willford Woodruff
was called to the chair & Elder Edwin P. Merriam clerk I opened the meeting by prayer & address
ed the Church in great plainness one hour as Elder Dunham had transgressed openly before the
Church I rebuked him openly & protested against the spirit he possessed & maintained during the
Springfield Conference ie the Brewster spirit Elder Simeon Carter followed me & maintained the
principle with me & so did the others that spoke Elder Jonathan Dunham arose & confessed his fault
& asked forgiveness & also Br Brewster & some others & we forgave them all. I next made a requ
est of the Church to make a collection in the behalf of the poor Saints in Far West or for their remo
val & their was about $70 dollars donated for this purpose & a messenger immediately sent to
Quincy with the money for that purpose we then closed our council, & I spent the night with Br
Whittle the Distance of the day 24 [miles]
~ Sunday
24th Sunday I returned to my dwelling in Rochester.
~ Monday
I wrote to Br Nathaniel Thomas 8 mil
~ Monday
April 1st I have spent several days drawing rails & settleing my business in order to move to Quincy
~ Wednesday
My life from my childhood hath ever been attended with a continued succ
ession of the greatest dangers & misfortunes almost that are incident to human life. I was this morning also
delivered by the mercy of God out of great dangers while riding upon the running part of a waggon without
the box the bolt droped out of the reach or cupling pole & I was sitting upon the bolster over the foremost
wheels & the waggon parted & I was immediately closed or shut up between the bolster & tuongue the
horses being frightend they ran with me & dragged me upon the ground for several minutes I was soon
enabled to run the horses into a fence & stoped them untill I could extricate myself from the difficulty
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
April 8th I took the parting hand with the Saints in Rochester & left for Quincy with my family I passed through
Springfield [and] Jacksonsville, crossed the river at Philips ferry we arived in Quincy on the 16th being 8 days
on the road during which time I was severely afflicted with sore eyes the whole distance 120 miles
~ Wednesday
17th I settled my family in Quincy & prepared myself to accompany the twelve to fulfill a certain revelatio
n & commandment of the Lord which required us to take our leave of the Saints at far west
on the 26th day of April 1839 for the nations of the earth [Doctrine and Covenants 118:4-5]
~ Thursday
April 18th 1839. I left Quincy in company with three of the Twelve viz Brigham Young Orson pratt
& John Taylor also George A Smith & father Cutler for the purpose of visiting far west. We travled to the
ferry oposite of Marion City & crossed the river & spent the night at the bluff distance of the day 324 miles
~ Friday
19 Rode to Clinton & spent the night {distance of the day} 34 mile
~ Saturday
20th rode 30 miles & camped.
~ Sunday
21st {[We]} passed throuth Huntsville crossed a 9 mile prairie the ro[a]ds were full
of the Saints that were fleeing from Missouri to Illinois for they were driven from their houses & lands by the
state with Governour Boggs at their head & that to against all law rights & the constitution 630 [miles]
~ Monday
22 Passed through Kettsville & rode 30 miles & camped.
~ Tuesday
23rd Rode to a groove 6 east of Tenys groove 5831 m
~ Wednesday
24th We spent the day at the groove
~ Thursday
25th We Rode to far west & spent the night at the house of Br Morrison Phelps Br Phelps was still in prision. 30
~ Friday
April 26th 1839. The events of this day are worthy of record for a Revelation of God & commandment
is this day fulfilled & that to under circumstances which to all human appearance could not have been done
The Lord had given a commandment to the Twelve to assemble upon the building spot of the house of the Lord
in far west Caldwell Co Mo on the 26th day of April & there take the parting hand with the Saints to go to
the nations of the earth. [Doctrine and Covenants 118:4-5] (See Aug 10th 1838) But persecution had arisen to such an highth that about ten
thousand souls of the Saints had been driven from the state, & the city far west almost made desolate &
lade waste; while at the same time the presidency Joseph & his council with other Elders were in prision
& they had been under the sentance of death several times because of their religion & they would have been put
to death had not the Lord saved them for their lives were in his hands & notwithstanding the lives of those
men were preserved yet there were about thirty five souls martered & put to death David W. Patten one
of the Twelve Apostles were among the marterd. And not ownly so but the Missourians had sworn that
the revelation above alluded to should not be fulfilled. It was in the midst of these imbaressments that
we mooved forward to the building spot of the house of the Lord in the city of far west & held a council &
fulfilled the revelation & commandment & took our leave of the Saints & rode 32 miles & camped 32 miles
At a council held at Far West by the Twelve, High Priests, Elders, & Priests on the
The following resolutions were adopted
Resolved that the following persons should be no more fellowshiped in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints but excommunicated from the same, viz Isaac Russel, Mary Russel, John Goodson & wife, Jacob
Scott senr & wife, Isaac Scott, Jacob Scott jun Ann Scott, Sister Walton, Robert Walton, Sister Cavanaugh,
Ann Wanlass, William Dawson Sen & wife, George Nelson, Joseph Nelson & wife & Mother, Wm Warnock & wife,
Jotham Magnard, Nelson Magnard, George Miller, Br Griggs & wife, George Walters, Luman Gibbs, Simeon Gardner,
& Freeborn Gardner.
The council then proceded to the building spot of the Lords house when the
following business was transacted. Part of a Hymn was sung on the mission of the Twelve. Elder Cutler the Master
workman of the house then recommenced laying the foundation of the LORD'S house agreeable to revelation by rooling
up a large stone near the south east corner. [Doctrine and Covenants 115:11] The following of the Twelve were present Brigham Young, Heber C.
Kimble, Orson Pratt, John E. Page, & John Taylor, who proceded to ordain (on the chief corner stone of the building)
Willford Woodruff & George A. Smith, (who had been previously nominated by the first Presidency, accepted by the
Tlwelve; & acknowledged by the Church) to the office of the Twelve to fill the place of those who had fallen.
Darwin Chase & Norman Shearer (who had Just been liberated from Richmond prison whare they had been confined
for the cause of Jesus Christ) were then ordained to the office of the seventies. The Thwelve then offered up vocal
prayer in the following order Brigham Young, Heber C Kimble, Orson Pratt, John E. Page, John Taylor, Willford Woodruff
& George A. Smith, after which we sung Adamondi awohmon, & then the Twelve took (the parting hand) their leave of
the following Saints agreeable to revelation. [Doctrine and Covenants 118:4-5] Alpheus Butler, Elias Smith, Norman Shearer, Wm Berton, Stephen
Markham, Shedrick Roundy, Wm C. Clark, John W. Clark, Hezekiah Peck, Darwin Chase, Richard Howard, Mary Ann
peck, Artimisha Grainger, Martha Peck, Sarah Granger, Theadore Turley, Hiram Clark & Daniel Shearer.
Elder Alpheus Cutler then placed the stone before alluded to in its regular position after which in consequence of the
peculiar situation of the Saints he thought it wisdom to adjourn untill some future time when the Lord should
open the way expressing his determination then to procede with the building [FIGURES] See Sept 25th 1838
Written upon the Death of Elder David W. Patten who was martered in Missouri in 1838, for the
word of GOD & the testimony of Jesus Christ. He was the first marter of the quorum of the Twelve Apostles
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints chosen to build up the kingdon of GOD & prepare for the coming of Christ
Hear O earth, Israel thy dark slunber break as the American
gentile trembles at the thought that an angel again should visit
the earth & the aboundance of light & truth reveal, which
lays babylons mighty towers in desolations vault, while
Zion proves a refuges for the Saint that is prepared for
the second comeing of Jesus Christ. The fulness of times arived
a youth of the loins of ancient Joseph cries to God, the veil
of eternity rends in twain, to earth an angel bends his way
& comforts a Joseph's heart while light & truth enwraps
his soul. Truth startels from the dust to do its work, like the
unicorn Ephraims horns appear in the rolling of the kingdom
of God, to rend the garb of ignorance & superstitions reign, to
make room for the Church of Christ as out of the wildern-
ess she comes to stand upon the earth in human view
with all her perfect body. Twelve apostles of Jesus Christ
were chosen, & DAVID PATTEN whose life with Christ was
hid in God among them stood, & being clothed with the spirit of
his mission he went forth in defence of the word of God. his
voice was herd, from Maine to Missouri he blew the gospel trump
At his command the blind did see, the lame did leap, the
sick were healed, & light & truth prevaled. plain
in his precept faith his constant shileld, he feared no
power of earth. By the power of the Holy Ghost oft
the priesthood he confered. Willford received it from
under his hand while the spirit bore testimony of
its truth, but David's earthly mission was of short
duration. seven years closes his apostleship among men
& wafts his faithful soul to a glory celestial. David
hath fallen, did he fall alone. No about thirty of the Saint
because of their religion hath found one common grave
& with them American liberty is buried, & cast a dark
stain upon the eagles breast. Because American sons
have her sons oppressed. Missouri is the first her coun
trys laws to disgrace. among her bloody deeds shee's
pierced an Apostle's breast with lead & stolen a valua
ble life, & exterminated ten thousand Saints from
the state. Blessed b[e] David who Died in faith, in peace, with
Heber by his side he gave up the GHOST
~ Saturday to ~ Thursday
April 27th We had entered into a covenant to see the poor Saints all mooved out of Missouri into Illinois
that they might be delivered from under the hand of such vile persecution & we have spared no pains
to accomplish this object untill the Lord hath given us the desires of our hearts in this thing & we
have now the last company of the poor with us that can be removed. Br Parley P Pratt one of the Twelve
& Morris Phelps are still in prision & of course we shall be under the necessity of leaving them for a
season. early this morning we commenced our Journey from this groove in upper Missouri to return to
Quincy Ill the company consisted of seven of the twelve & a number of the committy & several other
families of the Saints. We continued our Journey & crossed the Missisippi River on the steam ferry
at Quincy on the 2nd Day of May & spent the night with my family in Quincy being 6 Days on the rode from the
[FIGURE] R grove to Quincy & travled 163 miles. Distance 163 miles
~ Friday
May 3rd This was an interesting day to my soul. I left Quincy in company with five others of the Twelve & rode
four miles out of town to Mr Cleaveland's to visit Brother Joseph Smith jr & his family. we arived at his house
& once more had the happy privilege of taking Brother Joseph by the hand two years had rolled away since I had
seen his face he greeted us with great Joy. he had just received deliverance from prision & the hand of his enemies
& returned to the bosom of his family & friends & also Hiram his brother & Lyman Wight & two other brethren they
had been confined in prison about six months & had been under the sentence of death three times but yet there lives
were in the hands of God & could not be taken by their enemies & they were now at home & we in their midst
rejoicing together Joseph was frank open & familiar as usual. Sister Emma was truly happy the Bishops of the Church
were present also & after spending the day rejoicing together we returned to Quincy 8 miles
~ Saturday
4th ^See May 29, whare this Council is recorded^
May 4th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] A general conference commenced this morning on the Prysbeterian camp ground 2 miles north of
Quincy. Joseph Smith jr was president of the conference it was an interesting time much business of consequence
was accomplished during the day. it truly gave us great Joy to once more sit in conference with Br Joseph. Brothers
Albert Smith, Isaac Ouderkark & J. H. Hale spent the night with me in Quincy 4 miles
~ Sunday
May 5th Sunday I attended conference we had a vary interesting day Joseph address the congregation &
also Sidney & was followed by the Twelve. At the close of the day a collection was taken up for the poor
I wrote a letter to Br Nathaniel Thomas
~ Monday
6th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] I met with the quorum of the Seventies in the morning & after some council their was about sixty
ordained Elders & members of the Seventies. I then met Brother Joseph in company with the Twelve &
Bishops at the house of Bishop Partridge we again had an interesting time with Brother Joseph this was the end of
the conference. Several of the Brethren attended this conference that was wounded by the Missouri mob one of which
I will mention which was Brother ISAAC LEANY who was in company with about twenty others at Hawns mill
in upper Missouri when a large armed mob fell upon them with loaded rifles & other weapons & shot down seventeen
of the Saints & murdered them in cool blood. Brother Leany flead from the midst of this seanery & while fleeing
the mob poured forth a shower of balls upon him which peierced his body through & through he showed me
eleven ball holes in his body their was 27 in his shirt, 7 in his pantaloons & his coat literally cut to rags.
one ball entered his body at one armpit & came out at the other another entered the back & came out at
the breast a ball passed through each hip through each leg & each arm all this was while he was running for life
& as strange as it may appear all those wounds with one broken rib did not lessen his speed in the least but he entirely
out run his enemies & saved his life. We can ownly acknowledge it to be by the power & mercy of God
Brother Joseph Young was among the number he also fled & although the balls flew around him like hailstones
yet he was not wounded. How marvelous are the ways of the Lord
~ Tuesday
7th Spent the day in conversation with the Twelve
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
8th Spent the day in writing this Journal & also the 9th
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
10th & 11th was spent in writing
~ Sunday
12th Sunday I met in council with the twelve & the q^u^orum's of the seventies we had an interesting meeting some impor
tant things or business was transacted this day It was voted this day that none of the seventies go out to preach unless
they get a recommend from their presidency & they go out under their direction. also a committy was chosen to see to
the families of the Seventies that go out & preach. Also a committy of five was chosen to labour with Elder
Lyman Wight for presenting the subject of poleiticks through the public press in a manner that was derogatory to the
charatcter of the church & closing up what public feeling there was manifest in our favor
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
13th & 14th I spent in preparing myself to move to Commerce or Montrose in the Ioway Teritory. I
wrote a
Letter to Elder Milton Holmes by the direcction of the Twelve informing him of his appointment to England
~ Wednesday
15 I moved my family from the place that I have been residing in in Quincy & commenced my journey for
Montrose it comenced raining & I ownly drove to the committy house & spent the night
~ Thursday
16 Brother Brigham Young & myself left the committy house & with our families we rode 15 miles & camped 15 [miles]
~ Friday
17 Travled 15 miles & camped in the bottom of an open prairie 15
~ Saturday
18 We Travled to Commerce & called upon Brother Joseph & his family I also saw Brothers Clark Turley &
Ripley. Br Ripley was surveying out a city plot which included Joseph's farm Notwithstanding the Saints are
driven from city to city & from place to place yet they are not discouraged but are determined to build a city
wharever their lot is cast showing themselves to be industrious & determined to maintain the kingdom of God. I
next visited President Rigdon & Hyrum Smith & Elder George Robison & several other brethren Commerce is
beautiful for situation though there is but two or three dwellings in the town as yet. I then crossed the Missisip
pi river in the ferry boat owned by George Robison we landed at Montrose in the [FIGURE] IAOWAY This is the
first time I ever visited this Territory. Montrose was built for a garrison in 1834 by the U S A for the army it con-
tains about 12 blocks of buildings making about 75 rooms in all. I moved into Doct Galland office in company with
Elder Nobles for the night the distance of the day 10
~ Sunday
19th Sunday I remained at home resting my body & mind
~ Monday
20 I moved my family & affects about 20 rods into a room in front of the public square a room in front occupied
by Elder Eligah Fordham I occipied it by permission of Mr Kilbourn. I also assisted Br Fordham in moving his goods
Montrose is now inhabited by all classes of people about one half are now members of the Church the remainder of
the people are a mixture of all classes the most of them are eastern men there is however a small number of
Missourians there is a man by the name of Camel who is a desperado regardless of all law & consequences which
makes much trouble in the place Doct Garla GALLAND & Mr Kilbourn are the principle owners of the place
~ Tuesday
May 21st I spent this day vary pleasently I rode out on a land excursion in viewing the territory for several miles in th
the regions around Montrose our company consisted of seven persons viz the first Presidency Joseph, Sidney, & Hiram
three of the Twelve Brigham George & Willford one of the Seventy Br Bates Nobles & also Brother Elias Higby making
the eight person Brother Nobles prepared a dinner for the company. we travled over the most beautiful
country I ever saw mostly prairie but some timber Br Joseph's horse ran with him with great speed on the
prairie about a quarter of a mile before he stoped him. The company returned across the river to Commerce about
4 oclock PM. It was about 1 1/2 mile across the Missisippi river from Commerce to Montrose. at about the close of
the day a circumstance hapned that was not so plesenasant Br Josephs B Nobles was plowing a peace for a garden that
he had got of Mr Kilbourn & before he had finished the peace of ground Campbell & his clan came down with
their cloubsuds & took his horses by the bits & ordered him off from the ground Campbell had no right there it was
ownly a mob spirit Br Nobles left the ground to keep the pieace 10 miles
~ Wednesday
I wrote a long letter to my parents & sister in Connecticut I wrote a short poem in it upon
the death of Br Asahel [FIGURE]
Behold the signs of the times a mob man by the name of rocky mountain
(or he is called such) commenced pulling down a long barn in Montrose at the garrisson. the people or Mr Boothe
issued a warrent against him & he armed himself drew his pistol upon the officer & would not be taken
the sheriff summons a number of men to assist him in taking the man but they refused to serve. he next
summonds myself & Bishop Riply I immediately mounted a horse & followed the criminal into the woods
we overtook him in a thicket of bushes & compelled him to surrender he was taken to court & fined
~ Thursday
23rd Elder Brigham Young moved into the room with me in Commerce
~ Friday
24th Five of the quorum of the Twelve were at my house we took a walk into the prairie visited about 20
mounds saw the grave of a Lamanite Chief returned home & spent the night
~ Saturday
25th I crossed the river with the Twelve to Commersce Ill. & spent the day in council with Joseph
we had a vary important & Interesting time. We received much council from Joseph. Brother Wm
Smith was restored to his quorum. The council held untill night we returned to Montrose & spent
the night at home {distance of the day} 5 miles
~ Sunday
May 26 Sunday I crossed the river to Commerce & attended meeting at the house of Brother Joseph's Elder
O. Pratt preached & was followed by Elder John Taylor we returned home & spent the night {distance} 5 mil[es]
~ Monday
27th I spent the day in writing
~ Tuesday
28 Elder Brigham Young mooved from my room four rods south. AThe man called Rocky mountain aided
by another man again commenced pulling down the long barn they commit about $200 dollars damage
before they left it Mr Boothe went to Fort Madison to obtain a warrant & an officer to take him
~ Wednesday
29th I coppied the minutes of the general council held in Quincy Ill on the 4th of May 1839 {[3 words of illegible shorthand]}
^See May 4, when this
Council was held.^
Minutes of a general conference held by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at the presbyterians
camp ground near Quincy Adams County Illinois on Saturday the 4th of May 1839
At eleven oclock the meeting was called to order and President Joseph Smith jr appointed chairman
A hymn was then sung when President Smith made a few odbservations on the state of his own peculiar feelings
after having been so long seperated from his brethren &c &c & then proceded to open the meeting by prayer
when after some preliminary remarks by Elder J. P. Green & President Rigdon concerning a certain peace of
purchase of land in the Iaway Territory made for the Church by the Presidency. The following resolutions
were unanimously adopted. 1st Reso[l]ved that Almuand Babbit, Erastus Snow, & Robert B. Thomson be appointed a
travieling committy to gather up & obtain all the libellious reports & publications which have been circulated against
our Church as well as the historical matter connected with said Church which they can possibly obtain.
2nd Resolved that Bishop Knights be appointed or received into the Church in full Bishopric. 3rd Resolved that this con
ference does entirely sanction the purchase lately made for the Church in the Iaway Territory as also the agency
thereof. 4th Resolved that Elder Granger be appointed to go to kirtland & take the charge and oversight of the house
of the Lord and preside over the general affairs of the Church in that place. 5th Resolved that the advice of this
conference to the brethren living in the eastern states is for them to move to kirtland and vicinity thereof and again
settle that place as a stake of Zion provided that they may feel so inclined in prefforence of going further west
6th Resolved that George A Smith be ordained to the place of Thomas B Marsh as one of the twelve ^acknowled[ged] as one of the Twelve Apostles^
7th Resolved that this conference are entirely satisfied with and do give their sanction to the procedings
of the conference of the Twelve and their friends held on the Temple spot at Far West
Missouri on friday the 26th of April last. 8th Resolved that we also sanction the act of the
council held same date at same place in cutting off from the communion of said Church certain
persons mentioned in the minutes thereof. 9th Resolved that Elder Orson Hide & Wm Smith
be allowed the privilege of appearing personally before the next general conference of the Church to give
an account of their conduct & that in the ^mean^ time they be both suspended from exercising the functions
of their office. 10th Resolved that the conference do sanction the mission intended by the Twelve
to England and that they will do all in their power to enable them to go. 11th Resolved that that the subject
of Elder Rigdon's going to Washington be adjourned untill tomorrow. 12th Resolved that the next general
conference be held on the first Saturday in October next at Commerce at the house of Elder Rigdon
13th That we now adjourn untill tomorrow at 10 oclock. Joseph Smith jr President. J. Mulholland Clerk
Saturunday the fifth met according to adjournment at 10 AM. meeting or conference opened as usual by prayer
singing &c. when it was resolved that this conference do send a delegate to the city of Washington to lay
our case before the general Government and that President Rigdon be appointed to that office.
2nd Resolved that Almond Babbit be sent to Springfield Ill clothed with authority & required to set to rights
the Church in that place in every way which may become necessary according to the order of the Church
of Jesus Christ.
3rd Resolved that Col Lyman Wight be appointed to receive the affidabits which
are to be sent to the city of Washington, after which the afternoon was spent in hearing inst
ruction from the Presidency & those of the Twleve present when at 5 oclock P.M. conference
adjurned according to the resolution of Saturday viz untill the first Saturday in October next
at Commerce Illinois
Joseph Smith jr Chairman
James Mulholland Clerk
~ Thursday
May 30th The spirit of mobocracy increases in Montrose & the Ioway &c I spent the day gardning & choping wood
~ Friday
31 I spent the day writing. I purchased a cow of Mr Stebbins waith a calf a week old & paid $22 dollars for the same
~ Saturday
June 1
I wrote a lengthy letter to Brother Joseph F Carter
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday the spirit of the mob or of a lawless bandity was manifest this morning. one was walking
in foront of our houses with his drawn sword while others were riding on horsback with flags
strung upon poles crying out the mormons are despised, &c & also threatning the lives of others
~ Friday
7th I spent the week with my family in Montrose nothing of great Interest transpired during the time
~ Saturday
8th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] I Received a Recommend from the first Presidency to go to the Nations of the Earth that reads as follows
To the Saints Scattered abroad, to the Nations of Europe, and to the World
Be it known unto you that Elder Willford Woodruff is fully authorized to preach the
gospel of Jesus Christ & his testimony can be relied on. he is a man of unexceptionable character
and received his authority & priesthood from under the hands of the Residincy authorities of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was called by actual revelation from fromGod
therefore God will bless him and bear record by his power thereby confirming his word & ministry
thus testifieth your humble servents
Quincy Ill
June 3rd 1839
~ Monday
June 10th I
wrote a letter to Br Seth Utley at Chalk level Benton County Tenn[essee]
~ Sunday
16th Sunday President S. Rigdon Preached in Montrose, Lee County Ioway Territory
to a large Congregation, from Acts 20 ch 220, 21 v.
~ Monday
I wrote a letter to Elder M. Holmes. I am spending these days at home with my family
& preparing to go on my mission to England.
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] i ON the first of June there was a conference held
in Quincy principly for the benefit of the Seventies Joseph was president of the meeting, & the
Seventies learned that it was not the will of God that they should appoint or have a committy
or committies to take care of their poor &c. but that Bishops were the authorities that God had
appointed for that purpose & that they should procede according to that order & they did so
& gave up the committy which they had appointed
~ Thursday
20th I am quite out of health this day. I had an interview with five of the quorum of
the Twelve. We feel & believe that it is the most important period & age of the world
of any since man was upon the earth. We read with much interest the history of Israel
in travling from Egypt to Canaan & search with Interest the prophesies of Isaiah & all
the prophets in the Bible the stick of Judah. But if possible there is feelings of greater
interest vibrating our bosoms on reading the Book of Mormon the stick of Joseph in the hands
of Ephraim to behold the faith manifest of Lehi, Nephi, Alma, Mormon, & Moroni &
many others I might name who obtained a promise of the Lord by faith that blessings
should rest upon there seed [FIGURES] JOSE[P]H. The Lamanites in the last days. And we now
behold the Lamanites in these last days still wandering about
among the gentiles cast down & dejected with nothing more than a blanket upon their naked
bodies & without the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ or a knowledge of there forefathers. But
blessed be God for he hath promised them a blessing in these last days even the blessings of the Everlasting
gospel & it is now to spedily come upon them as not many days hence will show.
~ Tuesday
June 25 I spent the day in Montros with the Twelve there being six of the quorum present. Orson
Hide was one of the number, & a more humble & penitant man I never saw, & well he might be for
in the time of the persecution in Zion or far west, he deserted the cause, denyed the faith & betrayed
his brethren, & assisted Thomas B. Marsh (the presiden[t] of the Twelve Apostles) in jeperdizing the
lives of Joseph & his council & the whole church in Zion & the blood of the whole of them would
have been shed if they had not been spared by the immediate hand of God. Brother Hide for several
months past has had a deep scense of his high handed wickedness & the horrors of hell has roll'd
oer his soul even to the wasting of his flesh & he has now humbled himself in the dust desire
ing to return to the Church. The manner that O. Hide & T. B Marsh Jeopardized the Church
was by bearing fals testimony against the presidency & the Church before the authorities of the
state of Missouri which was a leading cause of the Governour's calling out thirty thousand
of the Militia against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints & when the Militia came
out against the Church Col George M. Hinkle (an Elder in church & the one that led the Saints as
they went out to stand in their own defence) sold the presidency & the whole Church into the hands
of the Malitia which were determined on taking our lives. yea Hinkle proved one of the worst of
traitors that ever occupied a standing on earth yet the Lord deliverd his Saints & Blessed be his name
~ Wednesday
26 I crossed the river with the Twelve to Commerce & spent the day in council with the Twelve & two of
the Presidency Joseph was not present the subject of Br Hide was discused. President Rigdon expressed
his opinion vary plain & forc^e^ably. he said he feared that if Br Hide returned to his quorum that when
the next trial came he would desert the church as he had done before but said if it was the will
of God he was willing that Br Hide should return to his quorum.
Interesting remarks
were made from Ephe 1 ch 17, 18 verses. But more esspecially from St. John XIV ch 15 to 31 vers the
other Comforter. Note the 23 v. &c.
~ Thursday
June 27th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] I spent the day in Commerce in council with the Presidency & Twelve we had an interesting
day Joseph was president of the council Brother Orson Hide was restored to the Church and the
quorum of the Twelve in full fellowship by a full vote of the council, after making an humble
confession & acknowledgement of his sins &c. [FIGURES] Among the vast number of the keys
of the kingdom of God Joseph presented the following one to the Twelve for there benefit in there
experience & travels in the flesh which is as follows. In order to detect the devel when he transforms
himself nigh unto an angel of light. When an angel of God appears unto man face to face in personage
& reaches out his hand unto the man ^& he^ takes hold of the angels hand & feels a substance the same as one
man would in shaking hands with another he may then know that it is an angel of God, & he should
place all confidence in him. Such personages or angels are Saints with there resurrected Bodies,
but if a personaged appears unto man & offers him his hand & the man takes hold of it & he feels
nothing or does not sens any substance he may know it is the devel, for when a Saint whose body
is not resurrecteedd appears unto man in the flesh he will not offer him his hand for this is against
the law given him & in keeping in mind these things we may dete[c]t the devil that he deceiieved us not. [Doctrine and Covenants 129]
~ Friday
28 Spent the day at home in writing. yesterday I let the Bishops have my forty acre lot in
far west Mo I deeded the lot to a man by the name of Blefens in payment of the landing point
four miles south of the garrison in Montrose
~ Sunday
Wrote a letter to Sister Lydia Luce. Sunday met in Montrose & broake bread
with the Church. three of the Twelve were present & bore testimony
~ Monday
July 1st
I wrote a letter to Sister Sarah Milliken & made some boxes &c.
~ Tuesday
2nd THIS was an interesting day. The first Presidency Joseph & his council came across the river to
Montrose to spend the day with the Twelve to bless them & their families before they left for other
Nations. In the fore part of the day we rode four miles down the river to see the place called Blesens
point whare the Saints expected to build a town. Joseph pronounced it good & we returned. the whole
company dined at my dwelling consisting of about Twelve persons after dinner we all assembled at
Elder Brigham Young house for meeting. President Hiram Smith opened the meeting by prayer after
which the Presidency lade their hands upon mey head & sealed a blessing upon me President Rigdon being
speaker they also sealed a blessing upon the head of Elder's George A Smith & Turley. Also upon the head
of Sister Young Sister Tailor & my wife. If we were faithful we had the promise of again returning to the
bosom of our families & being blesed on our mission & having many souls as seals of our ministry. After
the blessings were bestowed Brother Hiram Smith arose & gave The Twelve some interesting advice
and council considering it best to say nothing but repentance to this generation or at least to preach the first
principles of the gospel as that was as much as this generation could endure & many other things he said of
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] Then Joseph arose & presented some precious things of the kingdom unto us in the power of the
Holy Ghost, yea precious principles that ought to be engraven upon our hearts & practiced in our lives, some of which
are as follows. Ever keep in exercise the principles of mercy & be ready to forgive our brother on the first
intimations of repentance & asking forgiveness & should we even forgive our brother or our enemy before
they ask it our heavenly father would be equally as merciful unto us, & also we ought to be willing to
repent of & confess all of our own sins & keep nothing back, & let the Twelve be humble & not be exalted
& beware of pride & not seek to excell one above another but act for each others good & honerably make
mention of each other's name in our prayrs before the Lord & before our fellow men, & not backbite & devour
our brother. Why will not mam [man] learn wisdom by precept & example at this late age of the world & not be
oblieged to learn every thing we know by sad experiance. Must the new ones that are chosen to fill the
places of those that are fallen of the quorum of the Twelve, begin to exhalt themselves untill they get so high
that they will tumble over & have a great fall & go wallowing through the mud, mire, & darkness Judas
like to the buffating's of Satan as several of the Twelve have done, or will they learn wisdom & be wise. (O
God give them wisder [wisdom] & keep them humble I pray). When the Twelve or any other witness of Jesus Christ
stands befor the congregations of the earth & they preach in the power & demonstration of the Holy Ghsost &
the people are asstonished & confounded at the doctrin & say that that man has preached a powerful discours
a great sermon then let that man or those men take care that they do not asscribe the glory unto themselves
but be careful that they are humble & asscribe the praise & glory to God & the Lamb for it is by the power of the
Holy priesthood & the Holy Ghost that they have power thus to speak. What art thou O man but dust & from
wholm dost thou received thy power & blessings but from God, then O ye Twelve notice this [FIGURE] key & be wise
for Christ sake & your own souls sake. Ye are not sent out to be taught but to teach let every man be sober
be vigilent & let all his words be seasoned with grace & keep in mind that it is a day of warning & not of many
words. Act honest before God & man beware of gentile sophestry such as bowing & scraping unto men in wholm
you have no confidence. be honest open & frank in all your intercourse with mankind
O ye Twelve and all Saints, profit by this important key [FIGURE] that in all your trials, troubles, &
temptations, afflictions bonds imprisionment & death see to it that you do not betray heaven, that
you do not betray Jesus Christ, that you do not betray your Brethren, & that you do not betray the revela
tions of God whether in the bible, Book of Mormon, or Doctrine & Covenants or any of the word of God.
yea in all your kicking, & floundering see to it that you do not this thing lest innocent blood be found
in your skirts & you go down to hell. We may ever know by this sign that there is danger of our
being led to a fall & aposticy, when we give way to the devil so as to neglect the first known duty
but whatever you do do not betray your Friend
~ Thursday
July 4th I spent this day of Independance in assisting Brother's Young & Taylor in preparing a peace
for the first paper or NO of the tTimes & Seasons published in Commerce
~ Saturday
I received a letter from Sister Eunice dated June 15th I spent the day in aranging my
trunk, clothes, Books &c. to prepare for my mission to England
~ Sunday
7th Sunday this is an important day & worthy of record because of the important scenes
which transpir'd afs follows. I crossed the Missisippi river in the ferry boat with Mrs Woodruff
in company with two of the Twelve & about one hundred Saints which went to Commerce
from Montrose to attend a meeting that the Twelve might deliver their farewell address before they
left for England. when we arived at the place of meeting Elder John E. Page was speaking he occupied
the stand in the forepart of the day & spoke much upon the proof of the book of Mormon in the
afternoon brother John Taylor spoke & bore testoimony also of the things of God. I followed
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] him in testimony & rejoiced in having the privilege of once more addressing the body of the church
Brother Orson Hide followed me & he had the spirit of the Lord. Brother Brigham Young next
fspoke & also bore testimony in the Spirit. We was then addressed by President S. Rigdon & his
address was peculiarly adapted to the circumstances of the Twelve taking their leave of all
they hold dear on earth & go forth from their own nation & stand before the kings & rulers of the natio-
ns of the earth to bear testimony unto them of the fulness of the everlasting gospel of Jesus
Christ his address was of such a nature in appealing to our affections, in parting with our wives, and
children, & the peculiarity of our mission, the perils that we might meet with, & the blessings that
we should receive, &c. that tears was brought from many eyes. Joseph addressed us in few
words & says remember brethren that if you are imprisiond Brother Joseph has been imprisiond
before you, if you are placed whare you can ownly see your Brethren through the grates
of a window while in Irons because of the gospel of Jesus Christ remember Brother Joseph
has been in like circumstances also after other similar remarks the meeting closed & three
persons were Baptized & confirmed which ended the duties of the day.
REFLETCTIONS Surely this is an important day to behold a quorum of Twelve Apostles of the
Lamb of God organized in these last days to go forth unto all the nations of the earth to prune
the vineyard once more for the last time that the Saints may be prepared for the second [coming]
of Christ, & that Israel may be gatherd & babylon fall & the earth once more clensed from
its pollutions & wickedness swept from the face thereof
May the Lord enable us the
Twelve ever to be meek & humble & to lie passive in theis [his] hands as the clay is in the hands of the potter
& may we ever realize that while we are in the service of God & doing his will, that though we
may be surrounds by mobs & threatened with death that the Lord is our deliverer & that he will
support us in every time of trouble & trial
~ Monday
July 8th I spent in writing.
~ Tuesday
9th. I regulated my trunks & set my house in order for
my Journey.
I wrote a letter to Elder John Herret & sent him the Prospectus
~ Wednesday
10th I crossed the River saw some lamanites. I spent the day in Montrose Commerce
with Joseph & some of the Twelve in aranging a selection of Hymns for the Church 5 [miles]
~ Thursday
11. I rode out with Phebe & Brother & Sister Smoot 4 miles west of montrose across
a beautiful prairie to a plantation of Brother Hawleys. he was breaking prairie & had
a fair prospect of having a plantation of the first order distance 8 m
~ Friday
12 I crossed the river with Brother Taylor in a canoe to upper Commerce assisted in looking
over the proof sheet of the first number of the Times & Seasons. We then had an interview
with the presidency & also with Elder Kimble We went into the River & had a bathe. We was
called upon to visit the sick & administer unto them by the laying on of hands. We found quite a
number that arwere sick several received a blessings & while administering in spiritual things
Joseph called upon the Twelve to call & visit father Smith ^is 68 years of age this day^ & lay hands upon him that he
might be healed for he was sick & nigh unto death we lade hands upon him & he received ^6 sick^
a blessing the thought struck me that the Lord would add unto his life fifteen years, &
to close the scenes of this day, we received the glorious intelligence of the happy ideliverence
of PARLEY P. PRATT from Prision whare he had been confined seven
months for the cause of God. Brother Morris phelps was also delivered with Parley. they
delivered themselves on the fourth day of July about the setting of the soun by running over the
Jailor & esscaping out of th[e]ir hands by mounting some horses that were prepared for that purpose
by Orson Pratt, Sister Phelps & others. they were closely persued by the mob & narrowly escaped
by leaving behind them their horses saddles bridles & hats & arived in Quincy on the 10th of July
making six days on the road. they are now all liberated but two persons viz King Follet &
Luman Gibbs. King Follet got out of Prision with Parley but was retaken. may the remainder soon
be deliverd I Pray. But Blessed be the Lord God for his mercy in delivering the Saints from prision {distance of the day} 8
~ Saturday
July 13th I spent the day in writing
~ Friday
19th I have been called upon to visit the sick many times during the last few days & admi
nister unto them by the laying on of hands for theiir is many of the Saints that are sick. I crossed
the river this morning with Elder Taylor. We visited father Joseph Smith sen & found him
still vary sick we prayed with him & layed hands upon him & he received a blessing, & after
travling about two miles further, I had the happy privilege of once more taking Elder PARLE-
Y P. PRATT by the [FIGURES] hand, & also O Pratt & Heber Kimble. Br Parley had
just arived at Commerce from Joal [Jail] in Boon County Mo whare he had been confined about 8
months for the cause of Jesus Christ. I was truly glad to see him. in a short time Joseph &
Hiram & others soon rode up to see Parley & in fine it was a happy meeting I returned
home to Montrose feeling thankful to God for his deliverance
~ Saturday
20 I spent the day
~ Monday
22 Joseph was in Montrose & it was a day of Gods power there was many sick among
the Saints on both sides of the river & Joseph went through the midst of them taking
them by the hand & in a loud voice commanding them in the name of Jesus Christ to
arise from their beds & be made whole & they leaped from their beds made whole by the
power of God Elder Eligah Fordham was one among the number & he with the rest of the
sick rose from his bed & followed Joseph from house to house & it was truly a time of rejoicing
~ Thursday
25th [FIGURES] On this day for the first time in my life I have an attack'd of the chills
& fefer [fever] & I find it a distressing dissease a number of the quorum of the Twelve are taken
Ill the enemy is striving to bind us down that we shall not go into the vineyard
~ Monday
29 My chills & fefver still continues I took a course of Thompsonian medicine to clens my
system I took 3 emetics & steamed 15 minutes I thought this would do for one day. I was vary sick
~ Saturday
Aug 3rd I Received a paper from Brother Ilus F Carter in the city of New York
~ Sunday
4th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Sundy I attended a meeting of prayer & fasting in Commerce Joseph gave us good advice
~ Tuesday
6th I still have the fever ague every other day. I in company with Mrs Woodruff rode
on horsback 4 miles west across the prairie into Brother Hawleys settlement to see our
babe Sarah E at Brother Smoots whare we had sent her for her health & also to look out
a location for a building sppot for my family while I am gone to England as the friends in that
neighbourhood offer to take care of my family while I am gone. And after spending a
few hours with them I took the parting hand with them & among the rest our little Sarah
shook hands with me I shall not see her any more untill I return from England. may
the LORD bless her I pray & preserve her in health untill I return that I may see
her in the flesh 6 m[iles]
~ Wednesday
7th I spent the day in preparing to leave home to go on my long mission to England. I make
a sacrafice of my all for Christ sake to do his work. It is no small trial of faith to leave
my family & my all & to start on a mission of four thousand miles to preach the gospel
to the nations of the earth & that to without money purs or scrip with the power of desease
resting upon me even a shock of the fever & ague every other day but yet I do this freely
for Christ sake trusting in hism for the recompence of reward May the Lord give me
grace according [to] my day & a safe return to my family which favor I ask in the name of JESUS CHRIST
~ Thursday
Oct ^Aug^ 8th 1839 [FIGURES] Early on this important morning I
took my departure from the embraces of my companion to go on my mission She parted
with me with that fortitude that becometh a Saint realizing the call & responsibility of her comp-
anion. Phebe farewell. Be of good cheer Remember me in your prayers esspecially as the
sun sets in the western horizon I leave these pages for your careful perusal while I am
gone. I shall see thy face again in the flesh. I am gone to obey the command of JESUS CHRIST
The time had come for me to take my departure from my family to carry the gospel of Jesus
Christ to the nations of Europe in fulfillment of the commands of God. Accordingly I left a parting
blessing with my wife & took my fare well of her & other Saints on the morn of the 8th day
of Oct ^Aug^ 1839 & left Montrose & crossed the Missisippi river for the purpose of commencing
my mishsion of about six thousand miles & I started without purs or scrip and that to with
the fever & ague resting upon me every other day. I left in company with Elder John
Taylor. we were the first of the quorum of the Twelve that left Nauvoo on this important
but the rest expect to follow us immediately. we rode from Commerce across a 16 mile
prairie & spent the night at Br Merills distance of the day 18 m[iles]
~ Friday
Oct ^Aug^ 9th Rode 10 miles to Brother Perkins. we Passed through Carthage I spent the day at Br Perkins
unteill 12 oclock during which time I was suffering under the power of the ague & fever & immediately
after the fever came upon me I got into the waggon with Br Perkins & rode to McComb from
thence to Br Carloss Smiths this was over a rough road of 25 miles & I truly suffered much this
day it seemed as though I should shake to peaces in the waggon with a heavy fever upon me
I spent the night in company with Br Taylor at Br Carloss Smiths. I commenced taking ^35 [miles]^
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
11th This is my day to be sick with the Ague & fever according to its usual course but blessed be the Lord
I have esscaped it this day. I have taken 14 of the sappingtons pills & they have entirely broaken
the ague entirely to all appearance. I attended meeting in the grove & herd a discours from
Elder John Taylor D. C. Smith & Samuel Smith & communed with the Saints and inasmuch as
we were without purs or scrip, they contributed to our necessities to the amount of $9.
Mr George Miller offered himself for Baptism after meeting. I rode to McComb firom then[ce] to
Father John Coltrins & spent the night. I was weak & feble with the exercises of the day distance 14 m[iles]
~ Monday
Aug 12th Br Taylor Baptized Mr Miller I spent the day with Br Zebedee Coltrin. I am gaining in strength
I spent the night at Br John Vance 8 m
~ Tuesday
13 I am still gaining strength I feel thankful unto the Lord for his mercies unto me in this thing
I spent the day at Coltrins. we have now concluded to accompany father Coltrin by land who
is going with a two hors waggon to Ohio & has offered to carry us which will assist us so much on
our Journey
~ Wednesday
14th Br George Miller gave us a horse & we started on our Journey travelled to the Illinois river &
crossed the river at Beardstown & continued 4 miles through the sand & spent the night with Mr Dew 38 m
~ Thursday
15th Passed through Virginia from thence to Springfield and attended meeting with the
Saints. I addressed the Church in few words & was followed by Elder Taylor. I felt wearied
with my Journey as I had ownly partially renewed my strength distance of the day 40 miles
~ Friday
16 Elder Taylor engaged a printer at Springfield to print fifteen hundred copies of a brief sketch
in pamphlet form of the persecutions & sufferings of the Church iof Jesus Christ of Latter day
Saints by the inhabitants of the state of Missouri I spent the day in Springfield
~ Saturday
17 I rode to Rochester with Father Coltrin and once more had an interview with some of our fox
Island friends. We stoped at Mr Carvers. I was pleased with an interview with Mother
and Sister Carver but esspecially with Br & Sister Thomas who had arived at Rochester since I
left. I had not seen him since we parted in Indiana last winter. I also saw Sister Brown who was
called to mourn the loss of her husband and oldest daughhter. Sister Brown was perfectly resig[ne]d
I spent the night with Br Thomas 8 miles
~ Sunday
18th I preached the funeral sermon of the wife of Br Zemira Draper who died at 4 oclok PM
on Saturday the 17th Aug aged 22 years Brother Charles Brown and his Daughter rebecaa
both died on the eve of the 6th Day of Aug 1839 Br Brown died at 11 oclock & rebecky at 12
and were buried the next day both in one grave. I accompinied the corps of Sister Draper
to the grave. I had an interview with most all of the Fox Island friends I spent the night with Elder Stephens 4 m[iles]
~ Monday
19th I spent most of the day visiting the Saints I rode to Mr J Coons at my old habitation
I had some peculiar feelings while visiting the place. I next visited Br Oudercark & Sister Smith
& their families. Br Smith had gone east on a mission number of those families were sick I
laid hands upon 6 of them & asked the Lord to heal them. Sister Brown was present she
accompanied me to the grave of her husband & Daughter. I then went to the house whare she
resided with Br Luce. I spent several hours with them. I left a blessing with Sister Brown
her children, & Br Luce & family. I then returned to Br Stephens from thence to Mr Alleys
and preached the gospel of Jesus Christ unto a congregation I was strengthend in Body &
mind many were effected on parting with me. I returned to Elder Wm Drapers spent the night 7 m
~ Tuesday
20th I was suddenly called upon in the morning to return to Springfield to attend an
Elders court accordingly I returned to springfield and met with the council of Elders at 11
oclok A.M. Elder John Taylor prefered a charge against Elder Almon babit for rejecting his
teaching in public when it was correct & for other improper conduct I was called to the
chair & opened the meeting by prayer. we had the testimony on the sudbject & with
other remarks the day was occupied untill the sitting of the sun. the Testimony was against
Elder Babbit & he finally made a confession & the subject was settelled. we had much other
matter to perform & but little time to do it in. Elder Taylor settelled with the printer, & we
sold our horse saddle & bridle for $23 dollars & we had some donations made us by the Saints
to assist us on our Journeys we took the parting hand with the Saints & rode to rochester
& spent the night with Br Nathaniel Thomas I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff & requested
her to write me in Buffalo & New York. Distance 16 mile
~ Wednesday
21st I parted with Mr Carver & family & Br & Sister Thomas & left Rochester & rode to the
end of the seven mile prairie & stoped several hours as father Coltrin was vary sick. from
thence we rode to Br Chenia's & spent the night distance of the day 28 miles
~ Thursday
22nd We crossed a twelve mile prairie & stoped several hours also a fourteen mile prairie we
found the flies bad upon the horses we spent the night at the house of Mr Shaws on the main
branch of the Okaw an indian name & (a hebrew) frase distance of the day 40 [miles]
~ Friday
23 Crossed one eighteen mile prairie & took breakfast & then rode across the fourteen mile
to Paris from thence to Mr G. Moke & spent the night distance of the day 40
~ Saturday
24th We left the state of Illinois & passed into the state of Ia. We crossed the wabash & spent
the day & night with Dr Modesett a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints. I was much
fatigued & had a fever. I had an interview during the evening with a Mr Adams that
had been a constant companion of Br Asahels for several years & appeared to be the most
capable of giving me a correct account conscerning him in evry point of view, of any
man in the West. He informed me that in the main point he was vary steady & temporate
in his habits, & did not believe in the principle of white lying or misrepresenting in order to
carry on his business or merchantdize. he got along well in his business untill the last year of his
life. he had bought a large quantity of Books & they did not sell as well as he expected & he was
not able to meet all of his payments. this was a source of much regret to him & the main cause
of his esstate becoming insolvent. During the last year of his life he manifested a desire to more
fully improve his mind than he ever had done. he read many of Thomas Paine's writing & they
more fully esstablished him in the gospel of Jesus Christ although hisPains writings were again[s]t
the gospel. Asahel considerd his writings eisily to be refuted. Asahel was more free to open
his mind to Mr Adams than any other man. Consequently he was more capable of Judging of
his views & feelings upon spiritual subjects he informed me that his mind was deeply ingaged
in the subject of the faith of the latter Day Saints. At first he said but little about it but before his
[sideways text]
[end of sideways text]
death he warmly contended for the principles & defended the cause of the Latter Day Saints when
it was assailed. Asahel (in one sens of the word) was not himself but another man during the last four
months of his life he was ab[s]ent minded & overwhelmed in deep study & thought for hours together
at times he would ride half a day beside Mr Adams & not utter a word, & at other times he would
speak to him towo or three times before he would notice him or speak to him. he lost his former
cheerfulness & during those four months he more freequently spoke of his friends & relatives
than before esspecially myself & most of father's family. he was making preperation to go east &
was ownly hendered by his sickness & death. He freequently spoke of Death & of the uncertainty
of life. he was teacher in the Sunday School in the Presbyterian church for a length of time
in Terr Haute though not a member of the church, by any means. He had freequently argured against
against the principles of Dancing schools, but got to attend a part of a quarter during this peculiar
state of mind and also some parties. But Mr Adams thought he would not have done it if he had
been perfectly himself. Mr Adams was absent from Terre Haute During Asahel's sickness
and Death selling Books for him. Asahel wrote him two letters And Mr Adams judjing
from the contents of these letters that he was evidently growing worse, immediately returnd
to Terre Haute & on his arival found that Asahel Hart Woodruff one of his most intimate &
best friends on earth was dead & buried. He immediately inquired into his sickness & death and
he thinks he would have been more comfortable if he could have been in a private family
& been kept from exposing himself to cold and damp air as he was in some degree while
under the operation of medicine. Mr Adams also confirmed the statement that his loss
was deeply felt in the west by all of his acquaintance & that those peculiar traits which
Asahel possessed that interested so many in the east had the same effect in the west. Asahel maintained
that the cause of the Latter Day Saints was worthy of a thorough investigation & ought to be carefully
searched into. Mr Adams was in Asahels employ untill his death & at the administrators sale he purchased
$1000 dollars worth of his books, & is now supplying Asahels former customers. Mr Adams gave me
some letters directed by Asahel to him distance of the day 20 miles
~ Sunday
25th Sunday I was exeeding feeble & weak & the weather was hot & it had an effect upon me the
Thermoneter stood 90 in the shade 112 in the sun. I walked to the grave Yard to visit Br Asahels grave
it exhausted me much. I spent the day at the doctors. I wrote 2 letters one to Sister Sarah B Foss & the
other to Sister Eunice I had a vary restless night
~ Monday
26th I rode out of Terre Haute 5 miles to Mr John Coltrins & spent the night I felt some better in
health. I mailed John Taylors Pamphlets to the following Persons Ezra Carter sen Ezra Carter Jr
Sarah B Foss, Luther Scammans, Col Solomon Copeland & Seth Utley, Azmon Woodruff. 5 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
27th We passed through Stilesville, Bellville & Bridgeport & spent the night with Mr Jesse Coombs 31
~ Wednesday
278 We rode through Williamstown & pleasant garden & other towns & spent the night 33
29th Elder Taylor had a poor turn & fainted to the ground he soon recoverd & was well at evening
~ Thursday
29th We passed through Indianapolis the capitol of the state rode two miles & stoped. But this was
a gloomy day to my soul & body both. Tehe enemy made a powerful grasp upon the life of Elder
^John^ Taylor he fainted several times & it seemed as though he would die. We were oblieged to stop
we called for a few hours in a house by the way side. we then took him into the waggon & drove
to Elder Eldridge & spent the day nursing Elder Taylor he took a course of Thompsonian medicine 10
~ Friday
30. Father Coltrin exchanged horses with Elder Eldridge. Br Taylor let Br Eldridge have 100 of his pamph-
lets & through the mercy of God Elder Taylor with the rest of us was enabled to start on onur
Journey. we passed through Cumberland, Greenfield, Kentstown, Middletown, & to Louisville & once
more had the privilege of seeing the family of Elder James Townsend, was not at home himself
we spent the night with his family. Elder Taylor & myself was both about sick for we had rode
40 miles over a rough road & we were terribly shaken in our weak state 420 m
~ Saturday
31st We still felt disposed to try to continued our Journey we passed through Cambridge & Dublin
at which place Elder Taylor procured some medicine of Dr Farnham he was vary sick we
continued to Germantown & was oblieged to stop & spend the day & night in consequence of
Elder Taylors sickness he suffered much he appears now to have the billious fever settelled upon
him I felt quite Ill myself this was a dark & gloomy day may the Lord have mercy upon us & not
suffer our way to be hedged up I pray 14 m[iles]
~ Sunday
Sept 1st 1839 This is the first day of fall Sunday. Elder Taylor felt much better we concluded to
spend the day in the place & preach to the people. It was a german settlement. I deliverd unto
them a discourse on the first principles of the gospel & other subjects Elder Taylor followed
me & spoke untill he was quite exhausted not realizing his bodily weakness, & I became chilled
myself & returned to Mr Waltz Inn & I immediately was taken with a shake of th[e] ague & was followed
by a high fever which lasted me mostly through the night
~ Monday
2nd This [FIGURE] was a painful day to my feelings in some respect. Elder Taylor is worse has a high billious fever
and cannot Journey. it is now evident, that he will have a course of the fever. Father Coultrin is to
continue his Journey & Elder Taylor is to be left & it was painful to think of parting with him & leave him sick
a thi[n]g I should not do was I able to take care of him myself but as my health would not permit of this
being vary feeble in body. Elder Taylor advised me to continue my Journey with father Coltrin & make the
best of my way to New York accordingly I did so. And after committing him to God I took the parting
hand with him & left him in Germantown Wayne County Indianna, in the hands of a merciful God & a
kind & benevolent family, who promised to do evry thing in their power to make him comfortable untill
his recovery which I have full confidence to believe they will do. The place is within 12 miles of Elder
James Townsend in Louisville. We rode from Mr Waltz in to Richmond & out of the state of Indiana
into the state of Ohio. I passed through the town of Eaton whare my wife suffered much (as we
Journied west last winter) with the brain fever. I noted thhe house in particular whare we spent four days
at which place Mrs Woodruff was healed by faith & the power of God. We passed through Eaton & spent
the night at Mr David Hecks distance of the day 45
~ Tuesday
[FIGURE] Sept 3rd I rode through Dayton 14 miles to Springfield 24 miles to Brition 13 & put up for the
night at the Inn of Mr Buckharts. I am again deliverd from the ague & fever
I have had none of it since the shake on Sunday distance 24 mile
~ Wednesday
4th We rode to Columbus the capitol of the state of Ohio here we left the National
road & continued to Blendon & spent the night at the inn of Osborn whare Mrs Woodruff
was taken sick. I spent the night 41 [miles]
~ Thursday
5th Passed through Mount Vernon & spent the night at Monroe distance of the day 41
~ Friday
6 Passed through Joackson Woster & Loudenville & spent the ninght at the Inn of Wm Elliot 41
~ Saturday
7 Passed through Jackson & Guilford & Brunswick & to Stronsville here Father Coltrins son's &
Daughters resided & they met together to day & thaire was much rejoiceing on their return which
ends my journey with them I spent the night with Br P Body 30
~ Sunday
8th I spent the day at Br P Bodies I wrote a lengthy letter to Br Thompson Woodruff & requested
him to write to me at New York
~ Monday
9th I spent the day at Br Coltrins folding my Pamphlets I found on counting them that
[I] had 460 of Elder Taylor pamphlets that I recieved from him spent the night with P Body
~ Tuesday
10th I left Stronsville & rode with father Coltrin to Cleveland & went on board the Robert Fulton
bound for Buffaloo we had a severe gale and a vary rough lake most all were sick on board
we run into fairport & spent the night amid a hard storm 47
~ Wednesday
11th The storm continues & the lake foams with such violence that we could not move out
into the harbor with any degree of safety. it was a dull day to me while crouded in the midst of deck passengers
~ Thursday
12th The captain left the harbor with his boat at 6 oclock AM the wind still was high &
the lake rough through the day we could not make any harbor untill we reached Buffalo which
was at midnight. the steem boat run into a schooner while entering a harbour which tore the
ganway fonders to atams of the fulton & instantly broke off the gib boom of the schooner
but I was truly glad to reach Buffalo after lying three days & nights from Cleveland to Buffalo 163
~ Friday
13th I took passage at Buffaloo for Albany on board the Col Worth on the Erie Canal at 1 1/2 cent per mile
for 365 miles to Albany we rode to Lockport 90 miles 90
~ Saturday
14 Rode to Palmira near the place whare the book of Mormon was found I was sick with the
chills & fever distance of the day 50 [miles]
~ Sunday
15 Rode to Canton we had four preachers of the sects on board of the boat they spoke of the
Book of Mormon & misrepresented it & also the character of the Saints I had the chills &
& fever to day was feble in body 56
~ Monday
16 Rode to Sarycuse to Rome & had the chills & fever to day 60
~ Tuesday
17 Rode to Utica & to fort Plain had chills & fever 53
~ Wednesday
18th Rode to the Aqueduct I had an exeeding sick day of chills & fever & faintness distance 58
~ Thursday
19 Rode to Albany mostly through Locks I had fever & ague was feble I called at the Hartford
and Albany stage house & took state at 10 oclock in the evening & rode all night & 11 oclok next dist[ance] 684
~ Friday
20 Rode to Avon & spent the night with aunt wheeler I suffered much in the stage with ague 40
~ Saturday
21 [FIGURE] Rode from Avon to Farmington Conn & once more had the happy privilege of beholding
A father mother & sister in the flesh face to face & spent the day at fathers house I had no
chill or fever to day but spent the day plesantly 6 miles
~ Sunday
22 Sunday spent the day at fathers house In the evening I took a walk with Sister Eunice
to Mr Chauncy Hills he had lost his wife Mary Ann was much out of health 2
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
23, 24 & 25 I spent the time at Father Woodruff I was still quite Ill I had an interview with Aunt Bulah H
~ Thursday
26 I rode with Mother & Aunt Bulah to Uncle Adna's Harts & we found Adna
sick & nigh unto death & probably will not live but few days. I here had an interview with
Sister Cossett I felt quite Ill while at Adnas we returned home & Sister Cossett accopmpanied
us Br Dwight Webster was at fathers house he called to have an interview with me I was truly
glad to see him he tarried about three days & when he left he was more esstablished in the
faith & dedermined to go forth & do his duty & honor the Priesthood which was confirmed upon him 7 m
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
84 27th Sept 1839 My Grand Mother Anna Thompson Died this day Aged 84 years^
27-28th I still continue at Fathers house was quite Ill. I parted with Br Webster
~ Sunday
29th ISunday I spent the day at Fathers I had an interview in the evening with Br Ozem
Woodruff I was truly glad to see him. he was strong in the faith & determined
to do the will of God & desirous to go to the Land of Zion he was expecting to work
for Father several days
~ Monday
I wrote a letter to Phebe I spent the day at Fathers I had a light turn of the Ague to day
~ Tuesday
Oct 1st I spent the day at Fathers & wrote a letter to Elder John Taylor & Mr Waltz we had
a number of friends in the evening called to see us viz Betsy Cossett, Jennett Stedman
& among the Number was Mr Chauncy Hills
~ Wednesday
I wrote a letter to Philo Vining & one to Sister Hannah Woodruff & spent the time at fathers
~ Thursday
3rd I spent the day at Fathers I was blessed with the happy privilege of once more administering
the ordinance of Baptism to one of my friends. I repaired to the water about the setting of the
[FIGURE] [sun] accompanied by a few friends & I administered the ordinance of Baptism to Cousin BETSEY COSSET
[FIGURE] Betsey Cossett in Farmington River In the Same Place whare father & his houshold & other friends
were baptized the year before
~ Friday
4th I spent the day at Fathers house. I walked in the evening to Jennett Steadmans & spent several
hours in conversation. Chauncy Hills is some delerious & it is feared that he will not live long &
it is some feared also that the Storms of Adversity that are falling upon Mary Ann Hills will carry
her to the grave soon, & while speaking of the afflictions of others I will return to ourselves
SINGULAR. Mercy Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Lot Thompson & Anna Thompson wife of Lot Thompson
all of one family Died at [FIGURE] 84 years of age.
Adna Hart
Died Oct 4th 1839
Aged 43 Years
Uncle Adna Hart died this 4th Day of Oct 1839 Aged 43 years
Thus our relatives with whom we have been associated from our youth up are droping
into eternity one after another But I thank GOD that theire is power in the plan of salvation to redeem
men from the grave I was Baptized for Adna Hart on the 26 Aug 1844
~ Saturday
Oct 5th 1839 I was called upon by my relatives to attend the Ifuneral sermon of Uncle Adna Hart
I had suffered with the chills & fever almost daily for about 15 days & to undertake to preach
a sermon in my weak state & to commence at the hour my ague was to come on required much
resolution confidence & faith. however I promised to Go & gave out the appointment. It was a
chilly day I rode in company with my Mother & Sister Eunice, 3 miles from farmington to Adna
Harts house in Avon the neighbors soon began to assemble & I had an interview with many friends
that I had not seen before for a long time viz Sister Hannah Woodruff Ezra Hart, Philo Vining
besides a large congregation of the Neighbors in the reigions round about. Adna felt before
his death that he had not lived as he ought for the last few years of his life, but before his
death he felt to repent of all his sins, & said & felt that he was perfectly willing to die & his friends
felt a great evidence that it was well with him. After singing & prayer I arose at the same
hour that my ague was to come on & I addressed the assembly an hour or more with such
remarks as I thought the subject required & dismissed the congregation. I took the last
look of the corps which was vary plesant & it was conveyed to the grave Yard whare my
Mother Grand father & many relatives were buried, & here Adna Harts body was committed to the
Tomb from the sight of many friends. I did not go to the grave myself, but after conversing
with Philo Vining upon the things of the Kingdom of God and also hearing Sister Betsey Cossett
express her joy at having obeyed the gospel & being baptized for the remission of sins, I took the
parting hand with those friends & returned to fathers House in Farmington being vary thankful to
the Lord for entirly delivering me from the ague & fever this day notwithstanding I had been
so much exposed & I had no more of it for many days 6 m[iles]
~ Sunday
6 Sunday I spent the day at Fathers I had a plesant walk with Sister Eunice in viewing the rivers & fields of
my youth &c
~ Monday
Oct 7th I took the parting hand with father Mother & Sister & took the stage to Hartford & went on
board the steemer Cleopatra for the city of New York at 2 oclok P.M. & we arived at the city N Y
at 6 oclok next morning the whole distance of the day 170 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
8th I called at the store of my brother in Law, Ilus F Carter in Bleacker st 118 cornor of woster
from thence to Br Richard Burdge 41 king st & to Br Wm Acker Charlton street No 65 I
spent the day with Br Burge. I had an interview with Elders Mullener & Wright I was glad to
see them 4 m
~ Wednesday
9th I visited Br James Pratts family in wats st 69 I also visited Elder Jacob W. Jenks owner
& capt of Sloop Seagul that plays continually between New York & sing sing 4
~ Thursday
I recieved a letter from Elder John Taylor I left the city of New York & took steem boat
Francisko for Sing sing. Sisters Wandle & Eager accompanied me to Sing sing we dined at the Inn
of Mr Thomas Eager I had the chills & fever hI had kind attention shown me by the friends
I called upon Br John Royce & spent the night distance of the day 36 mile
~ Friday
11 I spent the day with Br Royce I had the chill & fever I had a prayer meeting at Br Royce
~ Saturday
12th I visited Elder Jenks at his sloop & then walked up a hard hill as sing sing is a hilly place & visited
Br washburn & Br Cox had the chills & fever 2
~ Sunday
13 Sunday I addressed in the fore part of the day had the chills & fever in the Afternoon but met
with the Saints in the evening & broke bread unto them. my mind is much interested these
days in the gathering of the Jews for they are now fast fulfilling the scriptures by returning
to Jerrusalem
~ Monday
14th I walked down the Hill to Br Royce & spent the day I again had the chills & fever my mind was
unusaually impressed this morning about my family I pray the Lord to support them in all their
trials sickness or afflictions 1 m
~ Tuesday
15 I spent the day at Br Royce in reading the Church History of John Lawrence Mosheim D. D. I read all
under the 4th century during the reign of Constantine & also the first part of 2nd century
~ Wednesday
16th I spent the day at Br Royce. I missed my chills & fever
~ Thursday
17th I spent the day reading History I am improving in health I have not had chills for three days
Sister Royce has nourished me up much to my advantage
~ Friday
18th Spent the day at Br Royce
~ Saturday
19th I took the Parting hand with the Saints in sing sing. I went on board the sloop seagul
at 8 oclok & arived in New York at 11, but 3 hours on the way they tore the sail against the bomb [boom]
of a ship. I had a plesant conversation with Capt Jenks 36 [miles]
~ Sunday
20th I met with the Church in New York & spoke in the fore part of the day I felt thankful for
the privilege of once more meeting with the Saints in the city. I met with them in the evening
I had a plesant interview with Elder Foster the presiding Elder of the branch
~ Monday
21st I called upon Br Ilus F Carter from thence I called upon Sister Ellen Graham in 88 Bowery St
I recieved a letter from Mrs woodruff
~ Tuesday
22 I crossed the Eeast River & preached at night at the house of Elder Stones & spent the night at Br Sniders
~ Wednesday
I wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff & spent the night with Elder Foster 351 Broom st
~ Thursday
24 I was feeble in body I spent the day at Sister Grahams!!! To my great joy I have just herd
that Elder P P Pratt has just came to New York with his family & a number of the Twelve
are expecting to be here soon
~ Friday
25 I had an interview with Br P. P. Pratt & also with Br Hiram Clark who arived in the city today
~ Saturday
26 I spent the day at Sister Grahams I wrote a letter to Sister Eunice & In the evening I attempted to
visit Br Burge in king st 41 I walked from Bowery to Broadway & took stage to stop at king st
but the driver did not understand me & he left me a mile from Br Burge & in walking to the 4
place being weak In body I was flung into a great perspiration & I took a severe & dangerous cold which
settled upon my lungs I spent the evening at Brother Burge Br Parley & a number of other Eldrs wer present
~ Sunday
27th Sunday I attended meeting at the greenwich Academy in King St 93 P. P. Pratt
Preached three discourses during the day which was interesting
~ Monday
28 I spent the day at Brother McClains my cough is still severe. three men called in
the evening one of which was lame to have Elder Pratt heal him that they might
have a sign in order to believe the work of God, but a sign they did not get. I
had an interview with Br Lane, & spent the night at Br Albright 94 King st 2 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
29th I spent the day at Br Albrights. I sent a package to Ilus at his store by Br Clark
that was put into my hands by Br Parley from Phebe my cold is still severe
but the fever & ague appears to have left me.
~ Wednesday
30 I walked to Elder P. P. Pratts abiding place 109 Charlton St from thence to Br
McClains, & Ilus F Carters, from thence to Br Burge 41 King St & made some
arangements with the brethren that were to ship for England on the morrow
viz Elders Clark Wright & Mullenar & then to Br Albrights & spent the night 4 m
~ Thursday
I wrote a letter to Br Luther Scammans & Sister Foss
~ Friday
NOV 1st I accompanied the above named brethren on board the Packet ship
Tarolinta Capt Smith bound for Liverpool. they took steerage passage and
looked quite comfortable. After committing thes Beloved brethren unto God
I took the parting hand with them. I was expecting to go with them, but thought
it wisdom to tarry untill more of the quorum of the Twelve arived so that we might
hold a conference in New York before we set sail. May the Lord grant those Brethre[n]
a safe passage I Pray. I travled over the city much during the day. Sister Pratt had
a sick day with the chills & fever. his two children have it also 3 m
~ Saturday
I wrote a letter to Br Nathaniel Thomas.
I copied a short extract from A paper
as follows. Moses Montifier's brother in Law to Rothchild lately visited Egypt & made
three proposal to the Pacha of Egypt. 1st to esstablish a bank in Egypt with a Capitol
of $10,000000 dollars. 2nd To Purchase lands in Syria for the Jews. 3rd To make the
oath of the Jews Admitbable through Syria & Palestine
~ Sunday
3rd. Sunday I met with the Saints P. P. Pratt preached during the day. the evening
was spent in hearing from a Number of Elders by 2 m[iles]
~ Monday
4th I visited I. F. Carter Br Pratt & a number of friends. It is election to day 3
~ Tuesday
5th I left N. York. Crossed the south ferry to Brooklin & took the rail car & went to Hempsted at
which palace the car stoped I walked two miles to the toll gate kept by Br Selah Lane
I spent the night with Br Lane. I had a fair view of the country during the days travel
on Long Island. the serface of the earth is vary level resembling the Illinois prairies
we had a hard storm during the nigh[t]. I spent the day at 23 miles
~ Wednesday
6th I spent the day at Br Lanes. I held a meeting at the school house in South Hempsted
& spent the night at Benjamin Reymon's 3 m
~ Thursday
7 I spent the day at Br James Whaley
~ Friday
8 I held a meeting in Hempsted at the Inn of Mr John Ackley & returned to Mr Whaley 6 m
I saw Mrs Woodruff in deep affliction ian a dream at Montrose. I did not see Sarah Emma
~ Saturday
9th I
wrote a letter to Elder Milton Holmes & spent the day at Br Whaleys
~ Sunday
10th Sunday I rode to Rockaway & Preached in the fore Part of the day at Mrs D Motts
& in the Afternoon at the house of Lawrence Bond & in the evening again at Mrs D Motts 6 m
~ Monday
11th I spent the day at Mrs D Motts & in the evening I walked to Mr Jacob Brower
& spent the night. A number of the family belonged to the Church I had a dre[a]m
during the night & had an interveiew with Mrs Woodruff. Bud [But] did not see Sarah Emma
I travelled a distance with Judge Higby in a hard storm in my dream. I also saw Br David Patten
who was Martered in Missouri
~ Tuesday
12th I walked to Mrs D. Mott & spent the day in the evening I rode to Benj Reeynon &
preached at his house & returned to Mrs D Motts & spent the night 76
~ Wednesday
Nov. 13th I took a walk this morning in the Rockway burying ground. I visited
one grave eight rods in length in which was intered 125 bodies all at the same time
& 30 at an other making 155 in all. They lost their lives by being wrecked on Rockway
beach, by the ship Mexico on the 1st day of January 1837 & were intered on the 5 day
I spent the day at widow D Mott's the Lord is again restoring my health unto
me for which I feel thankful. Elder Orson Pratt had arived in New York
& came to me this day & spent the night with me
~ Thursday
14th We visited Mr Browers & preached at night at the house of Mrs D Mott
~ Friday
15th IWe preached at night to Mrs D. Motts to a large congregation
~ Saturday
16th I walked with Elder Pratt from Rockway to John Pettets we took a boat & had a sail
to the main beach. we saw the wreck of a ship that was flung upon the shore.
After returning Mr Pettit conveyed me to Greenwich P[o]int whare I spent the night the nigh 12 [miles]
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I preached 3 times at Mr Reymonds & rode to Mr John Ackleys & spent
the night I had an interview with Mr Edward Doughathy 3 m
~ Monday
18th Rode to New York with Mr Ackley I spent the evening at Br Pratts with a number of
Elders Benjamin Winchester among the number also a man from England a member
of Joanna Southcoat society. I recieved a letter from Eunice. Distance 23
~ Tuesday
19th CONFERENCE IN NEW YORK. I had an interview in the morning with Elder
James, & Albert Brown. I met in conference with the Elders & Church according to Appoint-
ment & after spending the day in transacting such business as was necessary Elder Lanes
case was brought up, & tried for being high minded trying to usurp power & taking an unwise
course in Preaching he confessed his fault & was restorded I spent the night at Br Albrights
~ Wednesday
20th I again sat in conference through the forenoon, in the afternoon Elder O Pratt & myself
left the conference & in company with Elder James we took the steem boat monmouth
for Middletown at which place we landed, 30 miles we then took the stage rode to Freehold
10 miles & spent the night 40 miles
~ Thursday
21st We walked 8 miles & rode 8 to Br James Ivins from thence to New Egypt 7 miles & stoped
at Mr Thomas Harrisons I preached in the school house to a large congregations from
Hosea 3rd 2 last verses I spent the night at the house of Abram Vintice 23 mile
~ Friday
22nd Elder Pratt & myself attended a debate in the methodist meeting house, between mr
Spear a methodist preacher & Elder James it was the 5th Day of the debate & it closed I
rode 7 miles & spent the night with J. Ivins 7 mile
~ Saturday
23rd I rode 3 miles & held a meeting in the Cream Ridge school house & also in the evening
Elder O Pratt preached & I followed him. I spent the night at the house of Mr James S
Lawrence the whole household were believing {Lawrence and Tilton were of the first class} 3 miles
~ Sunday
Sunday I held meeting at the school house. I wrote a lengthy letter to Mrs Woodruff and
enclosed $1 {dollars in money} we had a severe storm I spent the night at the house of Geo Woodword
~ Monday
I wrote A letter a letter to Sister Eunice. I Preached at the Cream Ridge Brick School
house at night & rode home with Br James Ivins & spent the night with him 4 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
26th I preached at the brick school house & returned & spent the night with J Ivins 6 m
~ Wednesday
27 I spent the evening preaching at the brick school house & spent the night with Elder
James at the house of Daniel Tilton. I had another attack of the chills & fever
During the night, it was brought on by being vary warm while Preaching & immediately
chilled afterwards 4 miles
~ Thursday
28th I spent the day at Mr Tiltons & the night, & had a dream while upon my bed and
in my Dream I saw Mrs Woodruff & notwithstanding we rejoiced much at having an
interview with each other yet our embraces were mixed with sorrow for after conversing
a while about her domestic affairs I asked, whare Sarah Emma was (our ownly child) She says
weeping ({and kissing me}) she is dead. We sorrowed a moment & I awoke. Phebe Also said she had
not recieved my letters. Is this dream true time must determin. ^This dream was a warning of
what was to come Sarah Emma Died 17th of July AD 1840^
~ Friday
29th I spent the day & night with Br John Woodward reading a debate between a Universalist
& prysbeterian
~ Saturday
30th In company with Elder James I held a meeting at Mr George Myres
~ Sunday
Dec 1st Sunday I Preached at the brick school house & communed with the Church & rode
to Hornerstown & Elder James Baptized two. I spent the night at Mr Wm Woodward 5 [miles]
~ Monday
2nd I spent the day at Mr Woodwords I wrote a letter to Sister Betsey Cossett
~ Tuesday
2 3rd A stormy Day which I spent at Mr Woodwards walked to the school house at night
through the mud but no meeting returned to Woodwards & spent the night 3 m
~ Wednesday
4th Attended a meeting at the brick school house. Elder P. P. Pratt preached to a large
congregation I spent the night at Br Samuel Mores 2 m
~ Thursday
I wrote a letter to Elder JOHN HERRETT. And walked to New Egypt & preached
to a large congregation & spent the night with Mr Abram Burtis 3
~ Friday
6 I walked to Hornerstown & spent the night with Br James Curtis 3
~ Saturday
I wrote a letter to Br Dwight Webster I walked to the school house held a meeting
~ Sunday
8 Sunday I preached at the school house. Rode to James Ivins & spent the night 4 miles
~ Monday
9th I spent the day conversing with Dr Ells
~ Tuesday
10. I spent the day in reading the researches and missionary labours among the Jews Meohomedan
& other sects by the Rev Joseph Wolff during his travels between the years 1831 & 1834
which I found highly interesting
~ Wednesday
Dec 11th I took the Parting hand with Elder James & James Ivins & left at 11 oclock A.M.
rode 16 miles to Freehold I there took the stage & rode to Middletown point 12 miles & then
took steem boat wave to New York. I called upon Elder P. P Pratt in Mott street
No 58, whare I found him & Elder Ball. I walked to the Post Office whare I obtained three
two for myself & one for O. Pratt from his wife, who stated that my wife & child
were both geting better. One letter was from Sister UnEunice Dated Dec 7th
the other letter was from Elder OMilton Holmes Nov 17th. I found New York full of soldiers
preparing to go to the Albany war to fight som[e] of the citizens of their own states, thus war &
rumours of war are heard. I attended meeting in the evening in Grand st in the Columbian
Hall & herd a lecture from P P Pratt on the authenticity of the Book of mormon & the
origin of the American Indians 58 mile
~ Thursday
12th I Mailed Papers to Fathers Woodruff & Carters & mrs Woodruff. I attended a conference
in Mott st 58 at P. P. Pratts In the case of Elder Joseph Ball & as a number of accusa-
tions were brought against him, I spent the night at Br Symons. I saw Ilus F Carter 4 [miles]
~ Friday
wrote wrote a letter to Mrs Woodruff & sent her $5 dollars. Elder Turley also wrote to
his wife. I again met in conference at 7 oclok at Elder Pratts. we had an interesting
time in our conference. Elder [FIGURE] John Taylor has Just arived in New York I had an interview
with him to day After passing through a severe fit of sickness he was enabled to continue
his Journey & has arived at the city And all the Twelve have had a sick hard time in geting along
on their mission this season. Elder Taylor spent the night with me at Br Symons 3 m
~ Saturday
I wrote a letter to Sister Eunice, & answered an important question. Walked to
Br Albrights & spent the night. however befor retiring to rest I walked about 1 1/2 miles in
the city to see a large fire in ceder street the first large fire I ever attended it commenced in
45 Ceder street & consumed it with all its contents also 49 both of which were large
buildings filled with cotton & dry goods the loss estimated at $300,000 dollars 3
~ Sunday
Dec 15th Sunday I spent the day with the Saints in the Columbian Hall No 263 Grand st &
preached in the fore part of the day, & Elder Taylor preached in the Afternoon, & P P Pratt
preached in the evening. I spent the night with Br Taylor at Br Holmes
~ Monday
16th I went on board the packet ship Oxford & engaged my Passage to Liverpool to
sail on the 19th inst. I also wrote a letter to Father & Mother Carter I spent the
evening in making preperations for our departure 6 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
I wrote A letter to Phebe, containing a short address to Br & Sister Smoot
I attended a meeting at night at the house of Br Nizbot in Houston Street. we
had a spiritual meeting. P. P. Pratt Prophesyed that the History of this mission of the
twelve should be known unto all Nations. I spent the night at Br Simons 2 m
~ Wednesday
18th I laboured hard all day to prepaire for our voyage. three of us got our baggage on
board viz Elders Taylor Turley & myself Elders Turley & myself sleped on board 4
~ Thursday
[FIGURE] Dec 19th 18439 The Packet Ship Oxford moved out into the stream with us on board
& the day was spent amid the greatest confusion & bustle that I ever witnessed
for they had taken many more passengers than births to lodge in & the cabin
was stuffed full of chests boxes barrels beds &c & many quarrelling for what they called
their rights
~ Friday
20th Bustle & confusion is not over the ship is still at anchor. At 12 oclok she spread her
canvass & set sail assisted a few miles by a steem Boat. She sailed well through the day
The Oxford had on board 64 steerage & 15 cabin Passengers, Capt John Rathbone, 1st
Mate Yates, 2nd Jones, 1 carpenter, 26 sailors, making 109 souls in all. fare for steerage $15,
cabin $1.40 including wines $1.20 without.
~ Saturday
21st A Stiff fair breeze but most all on board are sea sick. we see a sail south of us
she left N York the Time we did she is bound for London
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday most are still sick a high wind through the day & a high gale at night sea
vary rough & boat pitched badly
~ Monday
23rd Sea vary rough & winds high many still are sick our cabin is crouded & unholesome
~ Tuesday
24th The sea Runs mountains High & looks like the hills & valleys of Kirtland. we shiped
some heavy seas I got wet yet I sat upon deck untill late in the evening though it was
winter it was not vary cold
~ Wednesday
25th A calm in the morning yet the ship rocked bad upon the dead swells. the wind
soon rose & we sailed fast through the day & night
~ Thursday
26th A Rough sea & strong breeze we sail fast
~ Friday
27th Fair wind sail fast dut [but] do not know how many not [knots]. had a number of short squalls
we have got over our sea sickness & have good Appetite
~ Saturday
28 A vary rough sea, most of the day we saw a large school of porposes & Blackfish
all around the ship. we had a calm in the evening
~ Sunday
29 Sunday A Plesant day & a high breeze
~ Monday
30th A rough sea. A severe gale at night the ship rocked & pitched to such a degree it was with
much difficulty that we kept our births, trunks Boxes & barrels were tumbling about
the cabin.
~ Tuesday
31st The last day of AD 1839. Sea still vary rough, under closs reef top sails cloudy weather. their
is not much to interest the mind on a sea voyage while one is many days out of sight of land
except the rolling billows which are majestic. A person is freequently not ownly out of sight of
land but do not even see a sail or the sun, but have to be crouded together in a steerage like
hogos or stay upon deck in the mids[t] of spray wind & storm. This day leaves me in the centre of the
Atlantic from N Y to Liverpool whole distan[c]e 3800 miles half the distan[c]e sailed in Dec 1839 1,900 mil[e]s
A Synopsis of the travels and labour's of W. Woodruff in A.D. 1839
I travelled in ten of the United States and crossed one half the Atlantic making a distance of 4,626 miles
I held thirty four meetings | 34 Meetings |
I attended the baptism of a number of persons, but did not baptize but one | 1 Baptized |
I Attended seven conferences | 7 Conferences |
I Attended eight councils, with the first presidency & Twelve | 8 Councils |
I Ordained three Elders | 3 Elders |
[I Ordained] one Priest | 1 Priest |
I Administered to sixteen sick persons by the layings on of hands, many were healed. | 16 Sick |
I Wrote thirty five Letters | 35 Letters |
I Recieved six Letters | 6 Letters |
I recorded in this Journal one discourse from the Prophet Joseph to the Twelve. | 1 Repo[r]ted |
I confirmed one | 1 Conf |
I procured ^ten^ | 10 Subscribers |