16. Saturday I spent the Early morning in getting Wilford
& wife to start on their Journey They left my house
at 8 oclok Wilford was well fitted out with a good pair
of Mules A New waggon & harness his load weighed 1443 lbs & his fit out cost $1108.00 I spent
most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 51. H. C. Kimball sealed 2 couple Brigham Young jr 9,
W Woodruff 23, G Q Cannon 17, & Joseph F Smith 1, total 52
19, 20 & 21. we had a great stock drive this week
I spent the time Hunting stock & Butchering I had
2 Beeves killed which I cut up & salted
~ Friday
22nd I went to the field & salted some Beef & spent the night
~ Saturday
23rd we had a rainey night & cloudy this morning I
spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endow[men]ts
to 40 persons H C Kimball sealed 7 couple W Wood-
ruff 20 couple & Joseph F Smith 15 couple total 42
~ Sunday
24. Sunday I attended the Prayer circle, and
wrote An incident of the History of Joseph published in
the Juvinile Instructor concerning a day of Gods power
~ Monday
Nov 11. 1867
[FIGURE]Wilford & myself went to the field to get his waggon Box
& returned to the cityI Anointed Wilford Woodruff Jr & wife
~ Tuesday
12 I spent the day in assisting Wilford to get ready for
his Journey
16. Saturday I spent the Early morning in getting Wilford
& wife to start on their Journey. They left my house
at 8 oclok Wilford was well fitted out with a good pair
of Mules A New waggon & harness his load weighed
[FIGURE] 1443 lbs & his fit out cost $1108.00 I spent
most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 51. H. C. Kimball sealed 2 couple Brigham Young jr 9,
W Woodruff 23, G Q Cannon 17, & Joseph F Smith 1, total 52
19, 20 & 21. we had a great stock drive this week
I spent the time Hunting stock & Butchering I had
2 Beeves killed which I cut up & salted
~ Friday
22nd I went to the field & salted some Beef & spent the night
~ Saturday
23rd we had a rainey night & cloudy this morning I
spent the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 40 persons H C Kimball sealed 7 couple W Woodruff 20 couple & Joseph F Smith 15 couple total 42
~ Sunday
24. Sunday I attended the Prayer circle, and
wrote An incident of the History of Joseph published in
the Juvinile Instructor concerning a day of Gods power
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," November 11, 1867 - November 24, 1867, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/rk9E