26. A rainy day I spent the day mostly at home wrote to I F Carter
~ Friday
27. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 30. H. C. Kimball sealed 4 couple W. Woodruff 5
I attended the School of the Prophets in the Afternoon we
had speeches from President Young & the Bishops upon trading
with our Enemies
29. A vary cold day Sunday I rode with G. Q. Cannon & R. L.
Campbell to Mill Creek ward Meeting House we Met at 11 oclk
it was the first Meeting held G. Q. Cannon Prayed & dedicated
the House as far as it was finished W. Woodruff spoke one hour
& G. Q. Cannon one hour & R L Campbell 10 Minutes at
the close of the Meeting we took dinner with one of the Brethren
& then returned home the road was vary rough & we broak
one of the Iron Braces holding the Tongue to the carriage
31. I went to the Historians office & I Anointed Wm Reading & wife & James Hunting & wife In the after[noon]
I laboured in my Garden & spent the Evening at home reading
Thus Ends the year 1867 O how time flies and how rapidly
imporrtant Events are crowding upon Each other The signs of
the seconed coming of the son of man are manifest upon the
Earth & in the Heavens. Zion is growing & rizing & Great Babylon
is fast ripening in iniquity & preparing for her final down
Fall. I looked over my Journal & recorded on the following
page A synopsis of My labors in 1867
~ Tuesday
Dec 24, 1867
The Earth is soaked this morning with water. I went this morning
to the HO office & Anointed Thomas Boam & wife
& spent the day at home
~ Wednesday
25 Christmas I spent the day mostly at home
~ Thursday
26. [FIGURE] A rainy day I spent the day mostly at home wrote to I F Carter
~ Friday
27. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 30. H. C. Kimball sealed 4 couple W. Woodruff 5
I attended the School of the Prophets in the Afternoon we
had speeches from President Young & the Bishops upon trading
with our Enemies
29. A vary cold day Sunday I rode with G. Q. Cannon & R. L.
Campbell to Mill Creek ward Meeting House we Met at 11 oclk
it was the first Meeting held G. Q. Cannon Prayed & dedicated
the House as far as it was finished W Woodruff spoke one hour
& G. Q. Cannon one hour & R. L. Campbell 10 Minutes at
the close of the Meeting we took dinner with one of the Brethren
& then returned home the road was vary rough & we broak
one of the Iron Braces holding the Tongue to the carriage
31. I went to the Historians office & I Anointed
Wm Reading & wife & James Hunting & wife In the afternoon
I laboured in my garden & spent the Evening at home reading
Thus Ends the year 1867 O how time flies and how rapidly
important Events are crowding upon Each other The signs of
the seconed coming of the son of man are manifest upon the
Earth & in the Heavens. Zion is growing & rizing & Great Babylon
is fast ripening in iniquity & preparing for her final down
Fall. I looked over my Journal & recorded on the following
page A synopsis of My labors in 1867
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," December 24, 1867 - December 31, 1867, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/zpXY