of God And I wish to say to the Young Ladies when the
young Brethren make proposals of Marriage to them dont ask
them how many carriages they have got or how much gold
& silver, but ask are they virtueous, honest, industrious
are they Saints & willing to obey council if so marry
them & God will bless you. all the requirements in property
I have herd was that they should have 3 straw beds all
but the ticks. 7. Lay up your wheat I do not feel that
a great deal is necessary to be said upon this subject. I
think the visitation of the grasshoppers another year will
cause us all to lay up wheat if we can get it without much preaching
8. Learn to keep the law of Life. This is an important
subject I think we shall have to change our maner of
life in many things But I feel that BPresident Young is
better qualified to teach this principle than I am
9. & Last Elders teach what you know & not tell what
would would have been if Christ had not died, & Adam
feel, & if the world had not been made &c. I have always
had more of the Spirit of God in preaching the first princi-
ples of the gospel & testifiying that Joseph was a prophet of God
& the Book of Mormon true than in preaching many
Misteries when a Man goes into misteries he is in
the swamp & does not know what he is doing
Oct 8. Conference opened At 10 oclok Prayer By E. Snow E. T. Benson spoke 23 Minutes, President Young 15 on the word of wisdom Commanded all to keep the word of
wisdom & if the Saints trifled with this they would be
sorry And I say unto you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel keep the word of wisdom. Erastus
Snow spoke 16 Minutes, President Young 3 Minutes
Then the Names were called to go on the dixie Mission
Afternoon Prayer By L. Snow. The Authoridies
of the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S were pre[sen]ted
and recieved. The whole Church sustained the Presidency
& Twelve Apostles in cutting off LA Lyman of the Quorum
Oct 7, 1867
of God And I wish to say to the Young Ladies when the
young Brethren make proposals of Marriage to them dont ask
them how many carriages they have got or how much gold
& silver, but ask are they virtueous, honest, industrious
are they saints & willing to obey council if so marry
them & God will bless you. all the requirements in property
I have herd was that they should have 3 straw beds all
but the ticks. 7. Lay up your wheat I do not feel that
a great deal is necessary to be said upon this subject. I
think the visitation of the grass hoppers another year will
cause us all to lay up wheat if we can get it without much preaching
8. Learn to keep the law of Life. This is an important
subjet I think we shall have to change our maner of
life in many things. But I feel that President Young is
better qualified to teach this principle than I am
9. & Last Elders teach what you know & not tell what
would would have been if Christ had not died, & Adam
feel, & if the world had not been made &c. I have always
had more of the spirit of God in preaching the first principles of the Gospel & testifying that Joseph was a prophet of God
& the Book of Mormon true than in preaching many
Misteries when a Man goes into misteries he is in
the swamp & does not know what he is doing
Oct 8. Conference opened At 10 oclok Prayer By E. SnowE. T. Benson spoke 23 Minutes. President Young 15 on the
word of wisdom Commanded all to keep the word of
wisdom & if the Saints trifled with this they would be
sorry And I say unto you in the Name of the Lord
God of Israel keep the word of wisdom. Erastus
Snow spoke 16 Minutes. President Young 3 Minutes
then the Names were called to go on the dixie Mission
Afternoon Prayer by L Snow. The Authorities
of the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S were presented
and recieved. The whole Church sustained the Presidency
& Twelve Apostles in cutting off A Lyman of the Quorum
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," October 7, 1867 - October 8, 1867, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025, https://about.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/mZyO