to eat drink and sleep & this is all man knows
about God or his exhistance, except what is given
by the inspiration of the Almighty. go then to
the beginning that you may understand. I ask
this congregation what kind of a being is God?
turn your thoughts in your hearts, & say have any
of you seen or herd him or communed with him
this is a question that may occupy your attention
The scriptures inform us that this is eternal life
to know the ownly wise God & Jesus Christ whome
He has sent. [John 17:3]
If any inquire what kind of a
being God is, I would say If you dont know God
you have not eternal life. go back & find out
what kind of a being God is. If I am the man
that shows you what kind of a being God
is, then let evry man & woman sit in silence
and never lift up his hand against me again
if I do not do it, I will not make any further
pretentions to inspirations or to be a prophet
I would be like the rest of the world, fals teachers
& you would want to take my life. But you
might just as well take the lives of other fals teache[r]s
as mine if I was fals. But meddle not with
any man for his religion. evry goverment ought
to permit evry man to enjoy his religion. I will
show the world is ^w^rong by showing what God is
I am going to inquire after God so that you
may know God, that persecution myay cease
concerning me. I go back to the beginning to
show what kind of a being God was. I will
tell you & hear it oO Earth! God who sits
in yonderheavens is a manlikeyourselves
That GOD if you were to see him to day that
holds the worlds you would see him like a
man in form, like yourselves. Adam was
to eat drink and sleep & this is all man knows
about God or his exhistance, except what is given
by the inspiration of the Almighty. go then to
the beginning that you may understand. I ask
this congregation what kind of a being is God?
turn your thoughts in your hearts, & say have any
of you seen or herd him or communed with him
this is a question that may occupy your attention
The scriptures inform us that this is eternal life
to know the ownly wise God & Jesus Christ whome
He has sent.
If any inquire what kind of a
being God is I would say If you dont know God
you have not eternal life, go back & find out
what kind of a being God is. If I am the man
that shows you what kind of a being God
is, then let evry man & woman sit in silence
and never lift up his hand against me again
if I do not do it, I will not make any further
pretentions to inspiration or to be a prophet
I would be like the rest of the world, fals teachers
& you would want to take my life. But you
might just as well take the lives of other fals teaches
as mine if I was fals, But meddle not with
any man for his religion, evry goverment ought
to permit evry man to enjoy his religion. I will
show the world is wrong by showing what God is
I am going to inquire after God so that you
may know God, that persecution may cease
concerning me. I go back to the beginning to
show what kind of a being God was. I will
tell you & hear it O Earth! God who sits
in yonderheavens is a manlikeyourselves
That GOD if you were to see him to day that
holds the worlds you would see him like a
man in form, like yourselves. Adam was
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," April 7, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,