Dec 19th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Sunday I met with the Twelve in the
morning & held a council, & in the evening I met
at Joseph's the Seer & herd a discours deliverd by
Elder Kimball who opened by prayer read a chapter
in the Book mormon & spake as he was led by the
Spirit of God. he spake of the parable of Jeremiah
of the clay in the hands of the potter: That when
it marreded in the hands of the potter it was
laid aside to go into the next batch & was a vessel of
dishonour but all clay that formed well in the
hands of the potter & was pliable was a vessel of
honour & thus it was with the human family &
ever will be. All that are pliable in the hands of
God & are obedient to the commands of God are
vessels of honousr & God will receive them [Jeremiah 18:1-6]
Joseph the Seer said the above was a true explai-
nation of the parable
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] (After Sidney Roberts had occupied
the meeting a season) Joseph the Seer arose & read a
chapter in the New Testiment containing the parable
of the vine & its branches & explained it much to our edif-
ication & said "if we kept the commandments of
God we should bring forth fruit & be the friends of
God & know what our Lord did [John 15]. "Some say Joseph is
a fallen Prophet because he does not bring forth more
of the word of the Lord" "why does he not do it
"are we able to receive it No (says he) not one in this
room. tHe then chastized us for orur wickedness
& unbelief knowing that whom the Lord loveth he
chasteneth & scourgeth evry son d& daughter whom
He receiveth & if we do not receive chastizements then
are we Bastards & not sons. [Hebrews 12:5-8] On Revelation He
said "A man would command his son to dig
potatoes, saddle his horse but before he had done
either tell him to do sumthing els. this is all considerd
right "But as soon as the Lord gives a command
ment & revokes that decree & commands sumthing
els then the prophet is considerd fallen &c"
Because we will not receive chastizment at the
hand of the Prophet & Apostles the Lord chast-
izeth us with sickness & death. Let not any man
publish his own righteousness for others can do that
for him." sooner let him confess his sins & then he
will be forgiven & he will bring forth more fruit
~ Sunday
Dec 19th Sunday I met with the Twelve in the
morning & held a Council, & in the evening I met
at Joseph's the seer & herd a discours deliverd by
Elder Kimball who opened by prayer read a chapter
in the Book mormon & spake as he was led by the
Spirit of God, he spake of the parable of Jeremiah
of the clay in the hands of the potter: That when
it marrd in the hand of the potter it was
laid aside to go into the next batch & was a vessel of
dishonour but all clay that formed well in the
hands of the potter & was pliable was a vessel of
honour & thus it was with the human family &
ever will be. All that are pliable in the hands of
God & are obedient to the commands of God are
vessels of honour & God will receive them
Joseph the Seer said the above was a true explaination of the parable Jeremiah 18
(After Sidney Roberts had occupied
the meeting a season) Joseph the Seer arose & read a
chapter in the New Testiment containing the parable
of the vine & its branches & explained it much to our edification & said "if we kept the commandments of
God we should bring forth fruit & be the friends of
God & know what our Lord did John 15:1-8, "Some say Joseph is
a fallen Prophet because he does not bring forth more
of the word of the Lord" "why does he not do it
"are we able to receive it No (says he) not one in this
room, He then chastized us for our wickedness
& unbelief knowing that whom the Lord loveth he
chasteneth & scourgeth evry son & daughter whom
He receiveth & if we do not receive chastizement then
are we bastards & not sons. Hebrews 12:5-11 On Revelation He
said "A man would command his son to dig
potatoes, saddle his horse but before he had done
either tell him to do sumthing els, this is all considerd
right "But as soon as the Lord gives a command
ment & revokes that decree & commands sumthing
els then the prophet is considerd fallen &c"
Because we will not receive chastizment at the
hand of the Prophet & Apostles the Lord chastizeth us with sickness & death. Let not any man
Publish his own righteousness for others can do that
for him." sooner let him confess his sins & then he
will be forgiven & he will bring forth more fruit
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"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," December 19, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 19, 2025,