January 1st 1841,
December 31, 1842.
Book of Mormon entered at Stationers Hall by
H C Kimball & W Woodruff in the name of Joseph
Smith jr left 5 copies paid 3/ on the 8th day of Feb 1841
But on the 15 day of Oct 1845 the records
were searched by E H Davis & it could not be found
it seems the clerk is guilt of a breach of trust
~ Friday
JAN[uary] 1st 1841
the heavens & Earth of the coming of the Son of
Man, & may thy will be done on earth in all
things as it is done in heaven. I ask all these
things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
gin shops in London during one week 142,000
men, 108,000 women & 18,000 children
Total 268,000, which esstablishments are the
resort of multitudes of wretched & emancipated beings
& their is upwards of 5,000 of these houses in the
city of London alone, which are licensed to sell intox
icating liquors, "The actual cost of intoxicating
liquors in England including their manufacture & the
duties paid upon them is upwards of Fifty Millions
Sterling annually. To this large sum may be added
Fifty Millions more, arising from the effectt.["] It
is reported to be 80,000 prostitutes in the Metropolis
It is also stated upon correct Data that there is
not less than 600,000 drunkards male & female in the
United Empire & that out of this number 50,000 die
annually, or 137 daily (See St Luke 21 ch 34. 35.)
This is truly a drunken generation, that will not
understand the day of their visitation.
I also read in the British And Foreign Temperance
Intelligencer Printed in London, Mr. J. S. Buckingham
Address, To the members of the Temperance Societies
throughout the United Kingdom, upon the subject of his
three years tour which he has just taken throughout
the United States of America, with the following
Motto Temperance—Education—Benevolence & Peace,
& had deliverd lectures in almost evry city & large
town in America. I found this address interesting
& I herd the same deliverd from Mr Buckinghams
own mouth before a large audiance assembled in a
Theater in Milton Street London on the 28th of Dec 1840
Mr J. S. Buckingham is one of the greatest Travellers
of the last. He has published his travels through India
Egypt & Palestine & many other parts of the world
which are quite interesting.
I wrote two letters to John Griffiths & John Rowley
~ Wednesday
of wickededness hypocracy & &he rejected
our testimony & opposed the work, in fact we
cannot go to teach in the city of London but
what the Devil comes also to oppose us thi[s]
accounts for my dreams about serpents. I
returned home fell asleep & again dreamed
of vast serpents both dead & alive some were of
Antique turned into stone, & many were alive about
20 foot long & Pitched at me like Draggons & I
fled from them & arose into the air & sailed a great
distance with the greatest ease & delight singing
Victory. I also saw large fruit tasted of it & it was
good, & a man tried to set his dog on me, but he soon
repented of his conduct.
On the night of the
forth I dreamed of seeing my wife & child. I had
a happy interview with them. I trust I shall
soon hear from them at least. 8 miles
~ Thursday
Elder Kimball got 5 letters & I received
one from Phebe Nov 2nd Br Kimble got
one from his wife & one from Robert B.
Thompson, & G A Smith one from Mr
[Jacob G. Bigler|Bigler]] Nov 13th It was truly a feast
to once more hear from our friends. Phebe
wishes me to come home as soon as it is the
will of God, & I dont wonder at it, for
considering all things she has bornurn my
absence like a good soldier, may the Lord bless
her & Willford Owen I pray & hasten me to
their embrace. DREAM I fell asleep soon
found myself in theA wilderness of wild pair trees
which were bending with wild pairs which were
the most beautiful of all fruit I ever saw
I tasted of it & found it delicious, & while I was
gazing with wonder & admiration upon it evry
pare instantly turned into a nisce fat dressed sheep
hung on the limbs head downwards I awoke
& the spirit said this is a token of fruit among
the Lamanites
~ Friday
I received one letter from Br Griffiths
& Elder Kimball 2, one from Elder Young
who informed us that the two Brethren
who went from Longton Lancashire to Nauvoo
to spy out the land had returned & was strong
in the faith. This is the coldest day & night that
London has seen for two winters & it is
also so smokey I cannot see but few yards
but as smokey & cold as it is we went to
the Tabernacle Square & I Baptized Sussanna
Album a daughter of an Independant preacher.
Elder Young says 500 Books of Mormon are
out of press & in the binding, we also con
firmed Sister Alburn 2 miles
~ Saturday
I wrote
23 letters to Lorenzo Snow ^to Mrs Watkins^ &
John Cheese.
I received 2 letters from John Chees
& Br Griffiths. I walked to Grace Church Street
with Elder Kimball he took the omnibus & rode
to Woolwich to hold a meeting & I attend to
the meeting in London, I returned home & spent
the night alone 5 miles
~ Sunday
the way was open she concluded to undertake it
She called for the Elders of the Church, & Elder J.
Blakesley prayed withed her & anointed her with oil
& she was carried on board of the ship with her
three children. No sooner than they hoisted siail & put
to sea it seemed as though all the Elements were
ingaged to destroye her, so rough a voyage the Capt
never knew, in his life, they had 35 days voyage
& 12 hours fair weather, for 15 nights in succession
it was one continual flash of thunder & lightning the
ship lay upon her side & drove under bare poles clear
to the Cape of good hope near all on board were
sick & expected to be lost except Sister Redman She
was immediately restored to health, & not sick at
all, the hatchways of the cabins were fastened down
& the passengers in the steerage suffered much thei[r]
provisions were destroyed by water for they were in
water most constantly. the seas broke through the
sky lig[h]ts & constantly poured in upon them, but she
landed in London dock safe no lives lost except the cook
jumped overboard in the storme he said a
little before he wanted to get away from the
devils that were on the ship. Sister Redman thinks
it is the hand of God, to bring her to London to help
rool on the work of God in this city. She has tried
to find us many days, but no one would tell
her. On Saturday night she dreamed if she would
go to Goswell Road she would see two women
& if she followed them it would lead her to the place
of meeting. She did so & herd my voice while
I was speaking & came into meeting & communed
with us It was a joyful meeting indeed. She
had a vision a few nights since of being called before
her Majesty, [Victor]the Queen Victoria & confined in
London Tower because of her religion. After meet-
ing Sister Redman took some refreshment with me
& attended meeting with me in the evening & I accom
panied her home to her family, which was at
24 Alderman Bury I saw her children. (I red her
some of My wife's letters she was much pleased
with them.) Sister Redman has traveled the world
much she has traversed the East Indies, & other
parts of the world, has been ship wrecked several
times, taken once by the Indians once by pirates
She is firm & unmoved in the great cause in which
she is ingaged. My prayer is that peace health &
strength may rest upon her & her children & may
the Lord make her usful, O Lord work by whome
thou wilt but work & send by whom thou wilt
but send, that thy cause may roll on in this city
& to thee O Lord shall be all the glory. Mr Album
informed the people he should soon be a member of
the Church of Latter Day Saints & wished others to
~ Monday
11th One year ago this day I set my foot upon the dock
at Liverpool, & I am now in the city of London & may the
Lord bless my labours while I am here
~ Tuesday
I received one letter from Amison & G A Smith
I wrote a letter to B. Young, & one to G. A. Smith
Elder Kimball returned from Woolwich bringing
4 persons with him to Be Baptized, he preached on
Sunday for the first time in that place & those per
sons offered themselves for Baptism & he walked up &
Down the River Thames untill 9 oclock but could
not get into the River because of the mud & Ice & so
they all came up to London to day to be Baptized
we Immediately repaired to our private Bath in
Tabernacle Squre, & Elder Kimble Baptized 5
persons the Last one was Doctor William Copeland
we truly had an interesting time & felt to thank [God]
to see the cloud begin to break for we had
struggled hard to do a littelle. we then retur
ned to our room & attended to the ordinance
of confirmation, & we had an interesting time,
the spirit & power of God rested upon us while
we confirmed 5. we met in prayer meeting
at 8 oclock had an interesting time I called at
Mr Albums had an interesting conversation with
him & family untill 12 oclock & returned home to
rest Sister Redman was at the meeting 3 m[iles].
~ Wednesday
13th [FIGURE] I received a letter from PHEBE Dated
N. Y. Dec 6th 1840. Strange things happen
in the last days, I was no little shocked & surprised
to received a letter from her Dated in N. Y. She
informed me that J. F. Carter & L. Scammans
had visited her, & wished her to accompany them
home & spend the winter at her Fathers House
& accompany me home to the west in the spring
which invitation she excepted, which accounts
for her being in the city of N. Y. May the Lord bless
her, & give her an agreeable visit with her frien[ds]
& give her with Willford health & strength faith &
grace according to ourtheir Day in all things, & hasten
the Hour when we may once more greet each other
& ever be supported to do the will of God in all
things untill our work is finished on Earth, &
then may we reign together in the Celestial
Kingdom of our God which Blessings I ask God
the Eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ
to grant & seal unto us this Blessing
I walked to Mr Pistrucci, to take a sitting but
returned with out it
P I had commenced a long letter to Phebe, & wrote
a few lines when I received her last letter which came
to hand this morning & as she had not received any
letter from me since the one Dated July 8th I commen[ce]d
& copied from my Journal from July 8th 1840 to
Jan 18th 1841 an account of all letters I sent her & all
friends in America, & all i had received, & all things
which I sent her, & spoke of a great variety of things
& affairs, & wished her to write & Direct to London
I mailed it on the 18th at Phillipps No 3. Georges Yard
Lumbard Street. Sister Redman & Br Kimball wrote
some in the Letter to my wife
~ Thursday
14th I spent the Day in writing in Phebes letter attended
meeting at night, Sister Redman was present
~ Friday
15th I spent the day in writing in the evening we went to
the Bath & Baptized 3 members of Br Morgans houshold &
confirmed them Elder K Bap[tize]d them. Mrs Sangiovanni made
both of us a present of a nice silk Handkerchief she feels bad
because her husband will not let her be baptized. Elder Kimb
all received 5 letters containing some tales of sorrow {A wounded spirit we can bear}
We eat a supper of sprats with Sister
Morgan they were small fish 2 Inches long & I fell
asleep & dreamed of cetching fish, many large ones
with my hands, I thought I told my Dream to a man
who was putting up a gate post & he told me the inter-
rpretation was for me to make hast & Baptize as many
as I could in London; & organize & set in order the
Church, seal up my testimony in the city & return
home in the spring.
~ Saturday
16th I spent the Day in writing
I received a letter
from Elder Daniel Browett containing £1 wishing me
to call & visit him before he left For America as he is
going the first of Feb. Elder Kimball left London & went
to Woolwich to preach on the Sabbath
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I met the Saints at our sitting Room in
the morning, & had an interesting & spiritual time. I broak
bread unto the Saints, in the afternoon & the Lord was
with us & we had a good time I preached again in the
evening had a full house many new hearers several
offerd themselves for Baptism after meeting, there
was 8 added to the church in London During the last
week, we have struggle'd hard in London to get the
work started & to do a little but the cloud begins to
break & the work begins to roll on & the Lord will spedily
do a great work in this city.
~ Monday
Elder Kimball received 4 letters to day one from
Elder Young who wishes us to be ready to set sail the
fore part of April, I mailed the letter which I wrote
to Phebe
I wrote two letters one to Daniel
Browett one to H. Glover.
I received a letter from Elder M Holmes
~ Tuesday
I wrote one Letter to Wm Pitt Elder
Kimball returned to London, we held a prayer
I received a letter from Elder Watts
~ Wednesday
I took my last sitting for my Portrait
with Mr Pistrucci He says it is an exact likeness
& says it is more exact than those which he
has £10 guineas for in consequence of my
sitting longer than others, I paid him £2.10
about $12 Dollars. He wished me to call upon
him, while I was in London & write to him
after I arived in America & If I ever returnd
to London to be sure & give him a call 8 m[iles]
~ Thursday
21st I called upon Br Biggs from thence to Mrs
Martha Johnsons residing in the chapel in King
Street, Hackney Road, she wished me to hold
meetings in the chapel. Among other things she
informed me, That Mr Reece Thomas Price
Died in Pennsylvania North America & left all of
his property to the amount of about £15,000
to the oldest & nearest of the family, & that it has
fallen to her Martha Price who has married
Edward Johnson. She was living in Antici Lanvill
Parish Montgomeryshire North Wales. But she
had not had any friend as yet to assist her to get it
I returned home, & read the 8 No of the Star
I then called upon Doctor Copeland, spuped with him
& preached in the evening at our room Elder
Kimball was sick not able to attend {Distance of the day} 6 m.
~ Friday
22nd I
Received a letter from Elder Kington &
wrote one letter to Elder M. Holmes Elder Kimball
took his last sitting for his portrat Elder Kingtons
letter contained a post office order of £1 pound for
Elder Wm Pitt.
~ Saturday
I wrote a letter to Elder Wm Pitt
{I bought} 2 {flannel shirts and Phebe a collar}
We took a walk in the afternoon with Doctor Copeland we
visited the largest Docks in London, we first visited
St Catherine's Dock, & after viewing the shiping &
freight of evry Description We then visited London
Dock, & among many other things we saw one of
the greatest curiosities in London or the world viz
the Eastern wine vault. This is much the largest
wine vault in the world, it is altogether under ground
& covers nine English acres the whole vault is supported
with tremendous arches & pillars, & lade of in the form
of streets, we had the streets & city overhead we walked
through the length & bredth of this vault with a guide
each one carrying a lighted lamp in his hand, this vault
was has been built 33 years. This vault alone contained
30,000 pipes of the best port wine & 6,000 pipes of
sherry & three others vaults of great magnitude filled
with the same article, besides many thousands of
pipes of wine, Brandy, Gin, & other liquors strewed thro-
ughed all the Docks wharfs & storehouses, we had a
tasting order & found the wine a good article, But
it seemed dreadful to see such vast sums of money
expended for intoxicating drinks when there are
thousands nearly starving for bread in the streets. We
left this scenery & called into a Jewish synagogue
[FIGURE] & attended a meeting of the Jews they all worship
with their hats on. We returned to our Room, I called
upon Mr Hender & he came Home with me. Soon Mr
James Albon came, & we all went to the Bath at Taber-
nacle Square, & I Baptized Mr Albon & Mr Hender, we
returned to our Room & confirmed Br Albon 10 mile
~ Sunday
24th we had a prayer meeting in the morning, & commun
ed with the Saints In the afternoon, confirmed one &
blessed one child, {There is some good to be done now to the [doer] for
It seemed as tho[ugh] all hell was let loose [invisibly] on me during the afternoon meeting} we took tea with Br
Albon & met a full house in the evening. Elder Kimball
preached & I followed him we had a good time & many
are believing
~ Monday
I wrote a letter to Elder Kington & one to Br
Amison & G. A. Smith we walked out & took tea
with a friend, called upon Br Album & returned to
our room & soon Br Wm Crook Priest called upon us
to make some arangments about his pension
~ Tuesday
26th Jan 1841 [FIGURE] This is a great day in
London as it is the opening of the house
of Parliament I started in company with
H. C. Kimball Doctor Copeland & wife, Br Crook
& sisters Mary Conner & Ellen Belfour Redman &
walked to Saint James Park, we arived in the park
at 1 oclock & found the citizens of London imbodying
by tens of thousands, for the purpose of having a
view of her Majesty Queen Victoria as she passed thro-
ugh the park to the House of Lords to open the Parliamen
in person. Long before 2 oclock the whole line from
Buckingham Palace through St Jamess Park along
Whitehall & Parliament Street leading to the House of
Lords, was one continuous mass of the inhabitants
of the Metropolis & of all classes. The windows of the
houses in Parliament Street Whitehall, & Richmond
terrace were occupied by fashionable Dressed ladies
while on Richmond terrace and on the steps at the base
of the Duke of York's column were immense bodies of people
(It was Judged there was from 3 to 400,000 persons
gatherd together on the occasion, yet notwithstandind
this immens Body of people we had the good fortune to
(through the favor of one of the Queens Horslife guards) to get
a place in the front line. Her Majesty started a quarter
before 2 oclock. The cortege consisted of five carriages
containing the attendants upon Royalty, & the state carriage
in which were her Majesty & Prince Albert who sat on her
left, & the Mistress of the Robes, & Master of the Horse
The Queen's Body Guard was formed by the Royal Horse Guard
(Blue) The life guards did duty on the line. The state carriage
containing Her Majesty & Prince Albert was drawn by
8 cream colored Hanovarian Horses
the whole train passed within 10 feet of us so that we had
a fair & perfect view of the Queen & Prince Albert
both going to & returning from the house of Lords. Her
Majesty is small in stature vary plain in features & Dress
Her costume was of white satin trimed with lace she wore a
necklace of brilliants. Prince Albert appeared like is
quite a good looking man. They Bowed to us as they passded
& we returned the compliment. It was the grandest
earthly scenery I ever beheld. Her Majesty was conducted
to the Throne by Prrince Albert & after she read
her speech she again returned to the palace and appeared
much fatigued
~ Wednesday
wrote two letters one to Elders Browett
& Jinkens one to Brs Harris & Holford we took
a long walk through parts of London, with Br
Crook to get his pensions we went to the Admiralty
from thence to the Tower of London, we
saw several officers at these places & we learned
for a certainty that pensions can no longer be
sold but they can draw a pensions in any part of
the world, through the British consuls Br Crook
will have to get his in some part of Canida, among
other officers we saw Lord John Russel &
Lord John Churchell, we returned to our room
& I then walked a distance with Br Crook &
parted with him & he started for home Sister
Redman walked with us & assisted in the busin
ess of the day
I received two letters one from Lorenzo
Snow, & one from Br Edward Oaky containing £1.10
in a post office order
~ Thursday
I received 2 letters one from Br James
Barnes & one From Elder Wm Players Brother
Players letter also contained a long interesting
letter from Sister Vilate Kimball to Brother Kimball
it was truly interesting & contained much information
that was gratifying to our feelings She informed us
that 109 of the English Brethren arived in Nauvoo the
last of Nov led by Elder Turley & the rest stoped in kirtland
She informed me that all the things which I
sent to Phebe had arived safe & were in her hands &
she would take good care of them untill we come
she informed us of the interesting meeting she had
with the English sisters, many of which were visiting
her. Sister Elizabeth Ravenscroft is making her
home with Sister Kimball, & is much pleases, cont-
ented & satisfyed with her situation. She also
speaks of the late Death of Her Father, & many other
things. I had just finished a short letter to Sister Kimb
all, about the things I had sent to Phebe & I wrot
2 pages to Sister Kimball & one page to to Elder
I also wrote a letter to Elder Levi
Richards, & preached in the evening & I Baptized
3 persons & we confirmed them had a good time
~ Friday
I received a letter from Elder Wm Pitt
I wrote 2 letters to G. A. Smith & Wm Pitt
I spent the night in copying a will for Br Thoms
~ Saturday
I wrote 3 letters one to James Barnes one to
Edward Oakey one to Br Benjamin Hill at Turkey Hall
Br Kimball received one from Sister Susanna Sanguavanni
who spoke of a Lady that saw us there & herd
our testimony & was now believing {She made me a present of} 2 {silk neckties}
~ Sunday
31st Sunday we met at our Room in the morning &
communed withe Saints at the Academy in the Afternoon,
& preached in the evening Br Album had some trials
~ Monday
Febuary 1st
I received 2 letters one from G. A. Smith
one from Eliza Bromley containing a remarkable dream
I also coppied into my Journal of 1840 a vary singular
dream of the late Dr. Philip Doddridge
I wrote a letter to Sister Jennetta Richards
~ Tuesday
I wrote a letter to Br Wm Pitt & notifyed
him to attend a conference in London on the
14th inst. We walked to Phinsbury Square here
we beheld a large fire it commenced at 10 oclock in
the morning it was mostly extinguished when we
saw it, two large brick buildings had burned downed
it snowed & was vary cold many thousands were
gatherd together on the occasion. We next went
to the Stationary Hall near Saint Pauls
Cathedral at which place all coppy wright's for
Books of all Kind's ^are secured^ Elder Kimball made inquiry
concerning securing the coppy wright of the
Book of Mormon or what would be required
& we were correctly informed that all that
was required was five coppies of the Book
& two shillings in money, or three shilling if
we had a certifficate.
We next called
at 46 Charlotte Street Fitzroy square upon Mr
Phillippo Pistrucci we saw our portraits & took
the dimentions of them thinking to get them fraimed
they were 20 Inches by 24 1/4 we next called
upon Mr Sangiovanni. A Miss Elizabeth Coleman
made Elder Kimball and myself eacch a present
of a nice silk hankerchief & 2/6 in money
Mrs Susanna Sanguavanni Did the same
& Also Sister Elizabeth Morgan gave each of us
a Hankerchief. we held a meeting in the evening
& had a good time, we appointed a committe of
three persons to hire a preaching room viz Dr
Copeland, Rev James Albon & Priest John Cooper
they all accepted their appointment & will report
unto us on Thursday evening at our meeting. Br
James Albon wished to make Elder Kimball & myself
a present of a nice quilt frame of his own work-
manship for our portraits worth £1.10 each which
we accepted of.
It gave me pain while pass-
ing through the streets of London this cold day to
see poor women & esspecially little children freez-
ing nearly to death without food, fire, & but little
cloathing but begging for a morsel to eat 10 mil
I received a letter from Elder T Kington in
Bristol. He informed me He had commenced building up a church in that large city had Baptized
5 & organized a branch of 9 members may the Lord
bless him & enable him to build up a large church
there I pray
~ Wednesday
3rd Doctor Copeland made us a present of a large
Hare caught in the noted Robinghood forest
I received a letter from Elder John Cheese sta-
ting that he would leave England for America in
Feb with the Saints I wrote A letter to Elder
T Kington & spent an agreeable visit at Br
Albums with Elder Kimball & Dr Copeland & Br Cooper
I also called upon Sister Redman at 22 King St 3 m[iles]
~ Thursday
I received 2 letters from Elder Wm Pitt
I wrote a letter to Br Wm Pitt jointly. Sister
Harriet Morgan is broke out with the small pox
Elder Kimball & myself went down into into the
room to her & lade down hands upon her which
was the first time I ever lade hands upon a person
with the small pox. Elder Kimball received 2 letters
one from G. A. Smith & one from Dea[con] Borough
containing £3 pounds in a post office order
{a wounded spirit and grief we can bear}
Sister Album sent us ^[FIGURES]^ two loaves of bread and
a lump of Butter. -[Elder Kimball & myself]- bought
each of our wives A Muslin DeLain Dress I also boug-
ht one of the same kind for Sister Eunice Woodruff all
three of the Dresses or the pattern was exactly alike we
{paid} 5 {sterling apiece [half] the summer dress} Also bought a foot rool rule a
pair of nut cracks, & twesers of Mrs Algood. We walked to
London Bridge & took the rail road, & rode to Deptford
from thence to Greenwich, which stands upon the banks of
the Thames & is the place from which European &
American Mariners take their longitude. We walked from
Greenwich to Woolwich which also stands upon the banks
of the Thames, & is the most important Military Post in England
it is an exceding cold day. we spent the evening with
Br Bates, all the Saints there was in Woolwich was present
but one. there is but six in all but they are firm in
faith. we spent the night at a publick house the whole
Distance of the Day 13 miles
~ Friday
5th A vary cold day we spent the forepart of the day
by the fireside at Br Bates, I read a Book most through
entitled the life & Death of John Fletcher. We spent
the Afternoon in visiting the town of Woolwich, which
was truly interesting to me. We first visited the
Artillary & Marin[e] Barracks, passed through & had a view
of their Drill & parade ground which I should judge to
be a mile squair it is the largest I ever saw. As cold as it
was their was a number of companies on parade & were
drilling new recruits, we saw many hundred cannon one
that measured 16 feet in length 3 1/2 diameter at the brich
& 2 at the mouth, we saw one horse company exercising.
We saw two soldiers buried under arms, the coffins
were ledt down into the grave side by side about an ounce of
dirt sprinkled upon them the priest read the funeral
prayers & ceremony. A company of soldiers then fired three
rounds over their grave & retired. We next visited the Dock
& prision yard, which is considerd one of the most interesting
Dock yards in the world. On passing through the gate in-
to the yard we entered our names & residence on Book, was
then conducted by Mr John Finsbury Polieceman to all parts
& branches of business in the yard. The government had in
their employ in this yard many hundreds of men besides
700 Prisioners who are ingaged in building vessels steem Boats
ships of war, making Anchors, cables, chains, Boilers,
shot, Balls, cannon, &c, the fires or Bellows were all
worked by steam the operation of the enigines were
pointed out unto us, among many other curiosities
we saw the Idrolick Press or pump, by which power
the strength of all the Anchors & chain cables are tried
with this small press they readily can break 150
tons wait, they will snap an Anchor into like a pipes stem
that will weigh 5 tons. it clearly shows the consentrated
power of the invention of men, we saw specemins of vari-
ous timbers which had been buried in the ground to see
which would stand the longest & it was found that English
Oak stood longer than fir or limcumvita. we saw the
boat in which Captain Ross & his comrads were saved &
lived in it a season after they were wrecked.
we went on to the upper Deck of the new 120 Gun
Ship Traflagar it has been upon the stocks a number
of years but is to be launched in May 1841, it is consid
erd as large as any ship upon the seas, her Keel
is 223 feet in length, has three fighting Decks, there
is a new hewn stone Dock made on purpose to contain
her, we also saw the ship which contains all the prisioners
by night. After having a view of these things we
left the Prision yard & took some refreshment at
Br Painters house & took Steem Boat for London
I should judge the pop[ulation] of woolwich to be 50,000, it is
a pleasant place esspecially in summer, it lies about
10 miles below London Bridge on the Thames, as we passed
up the River, we left shiping on both sides of us of
evry class & Description, both in the river & Docks from
Woolwich to London Bridge, we probably passed
not less than 1,500 vessels during that distance we
walked from London Bridge to 40 Ironmonger Row
Saint Lukes & spent the night at Home again 14 miles
We visited Harriet who had the small pox & found
her comfortable. She had had the kind or kow pox before
but it appears to be no preventative these days
~ Saturday
I got 3 letters from the postman one from Dr
Levi Richards, to me one from Sister Young to Elder
Young Dec 25th one to Elder Kimball, Sister Young
said Br Joseph was going to write for the Twelve to hold
a conference in England in the spring ordain as many
as they thought wisdom & send them to all parts they
could, & then for the Twelve to return to Nauvoo
We Baptized one in the evening. I perused the London
Weekly Dispatch, which gave an account of the wreck
of the Packet Ship Garrick of[f] Sandy Hook. Elders
Kimble & O Hide, crossed the Atlantic twice in her
when they first came to Eng & returned, her tonage
was 1010, was a new ship, the paper also spoak of
the bad state of affairs in America esspecially in the
money market, the Banks being rotten at the core
~ Sunday
7th This was an interesting day on some accounts
we spent the forenoon by going to the bath & we Baptized
Mrs Susanna M. Sangiovanni Elder Kimball baptized
Her, & I never saw a person Baptized in London tha[t] did
my soul more good than to see her go forward in the
ordinance of Baptism. She was the Daughter of David
W Roger of Montrose. She had an Italian for a
Husband who was a vary Jealous man & an unbeliever
in the Bible or any of the word of God, & he would
not grant her any religious privliges but she had a little
leasure time came three miles this cold morning to
be Baptized, after we Baptized her we lade hands
upon her & confirmed & Blessed her, & also the
sister we Baptized last evening. Sister Susanna
returned home rejoiceing in the Lord with her
whole heart.
We Dined at Br Albons, had for
our Dinner a nice hare pie it being the first English
hare I have eat, though I have freequently Dined upon
a rabbit.
We met with the Saints in the Afternoon
& communed with the Saints had a good time &
full house, Elder Kimball also preached in the eveni-
ng & I followed him the Lord was with us the house
was full & good attention we spent the day plesantly
~ Monday
I wrote a letter to Elder John Herrit we received
a package of 20 of the New Books of Mormon & two dozen
Hymn Books. I wrote Heber C. Kimball & Willford Woodruff
names in sum Books for Br & Sister Morgan, Elder
Kimball & myself then walked to S. E. Dean Tailor
113 Aldersgate Street City, here a young man
offered Himself for Baptism. We then walked to the
Stationers Hall & secured the coppy wright of the
Book of Mormon in the name of Joseph Smith jr
we left five copies of the Book & paid three shillings
was sick night unto Death we prayed with her &
lade hands upon her & rebuked her sickness in
the name of the Lord.
In the evening we
went to Tabernacle Square & Baptized 4 persons
one was Mrs Albon Br James Albon's wife, we also
confirmed her. Elder Kimball administered the
ordinance of Baptism. He also received 4 letters which
gave us information of the vast emegration of the
Saints Elder Young said 235 go on one ship & 100
more are going on another. Elder Thomas Smith
spoke of severe persecution arising in Clithero & round
about. 3 miles
~ Tuesday
9th Elder Kimball & myself spent the day in prepa
ring a pi[e]ce or small tract for the press to present to the
citizens of London before we leave it showing
in plainness the first principles of the gospel & the
commission given by Jesus to his Ancient Apostles [Matthew 28:19-20]
we had an interesting meeting in the evening
~ Wednesday
10th we spent the day in writing at Sister Ellen B.
Redman at No 22 King Street Persaval st Clark & Well
Parrish we took a walk out to the Hospital, with
Doctor Copeland & spent the evening at home
~ Thursday
11th We finished our peace for the press, Elder
Lorenzo Snow arived at our lodgings this
day from Birmingham to [take] charge of the church
in London in our absence as we shall leave it in
his care, I was truly glad to once more greet Br
Snow As I have not seen him before since 1837
I recived a letter from Elder Kington. Elder
Wm Pitt Also arived at our lodgings in the evening
we had an interesting evening meeting Elder
Snow preached Elder Kimball & myself followed
him we all spent the night at our logings 2 [miles]
~ Friday
I wrote a letter to Sister Eliza Bromley
one to Elder T. Kington & one to G A Smith
Elders Heber C. Kimball & Lorenzo Snow wen[t]
to woolwich. I received a letter from Br S^m^ith to Br
Snow. Their is great excitement at the present
time not ownly in the House of Parliament but throug-
out London in consequence of the Apprehension &
imprisionment of Mr MC Cleod a British officer
in Lockport Jail by the Inhabitants of the state of
New York who are trying him for Arson & Murder
& are determined to execute him if found guilty
this accusation is for the Burning of the Caroline
on lake Erie in 1837 during the troubles in Canida
England considers it a National & not an individ-
ual affair & that Mr MC Cleod acted in those
transactions by order of the British Government &
not upon his own responsibility, & under these consi-
derations Parliament is determined to demand his
release & defend his life even at the expens of an
immediat war with America; Parliament has
sent a special message & orders to the British Ambas
sador at Washington what course to persue in the
case. what will be the end of this matter time must
determin. One thing is certain, if America
haszards a war with England, she will find it to be
more than a Joke to meet so strong a foe & one tha[t]
is armed to the teeth for war, should truth speak she
would represent England liturally at the present time
the strongest among the Nations, & chief in power
& the main spring of the Gentile world, & she will
remain a little season as an instrument in the hands
of God, of Bringing to pass great events, in the resto-
ration of the Jews, & will be a scourge to the surro
unding Nations America not excepted, Not because
she is more virtueous or wrighteous, than the Nations
that surround her for in the midst of all her prof
essed wrighteousness her sins have reached unto
heaven & God hath remembered her iniquities
& she will soon feel the chastning hand of the
Almighty, & will fall in her turn & great will be
the fall thereoff. therefore O England thou chief
of the Nations of Baybylon prepare for thy DOOM
But O!! America America!! whose land is choice
above that of all the footstool of God, whose constit-
ution was framed by the spirit of inspiration
& whose Government was esstablished by the hand
hand of Omnipotent power, In the midst of thy
meekness, humility & virtue thou was oppressed in
thy weekness & unjustly grieved by thy mother
country, then that God who holds the destinies
of all nations, Deliverd thee from thine oppressers
& set thy nest on high & exhalted thee in the
eyes of the Nations, & poured upon thee without
measure the blessings of heaven & the bounty
of the earth, which thou hast for a long time enjoy
ed with none to molest or make afraid. O!!
America how is it with thee now!! How art thou
fallen, fallen, In the eyes of thy God, thy prot-
ector & deliverer who changes not, & who will
still avenge the Blood of the Innocent, Answer
the prayer of the widiow, regard the cry of the
orphan & take vengance on thee. Thy salt hast
lost its saviour, thy light hath gone out, Thine
Eagles crest is stained with innocent blood even
that of Saints. Thou hast made widows & orpheans
whose prayers & cries are assending into the ears of
the Lord of Sabaoth, who was once thy friend &
deliverer, But will now spedily pour out wrath
& indignation upon thee & teach thee their is still
a God in Israel. Americans A sound once delight
ful to my ear, dids thou not plough the ocean & seek
an Assylum in the western world, beyound the
reach of the Iron hand of oppression & tyranny to enjoy
an equal right in the worship of thy God, & the
Blessings of A republick, since thou has freely obtained
this Blessing, & drank abundantly of its sweet fount
ain which produced an inexhaustable fountain ^store^ for
the[e] & all thy citizens, why then hast thou
deprived a portion of thy countryman of those
glorious Blessings in which thou has so long shared
By Driving thousands of the Saints from place to
place, county to county, & state to state, spoil
ing their goods, burning their houses, robing the
fruits of their labours, & last of all spill their
Blood, & Marter them for the word of God & the
testimony of Jesus Christ, by so Doing thou
hast made hundreds of widows & orpheans whose
cry is assending into the ears of the Lord to
avenge the blood of their murdered Husbands &
Fathers & when they the persecuted have petitioned
to the rulers for redress of their rongs they have
turned a Deaf ear to their cries. O America it
is because of these things that thou art weighed in
the balance & found wanting. from this time forth
perplexity shall rest upon the nation, confusion
reign in thy government, wisdom righteousness & truth
will depart from thy senators & rulers, Discord
& folly shall shall sit in thy congress & senate, thy
shame shall be known among the nations of the
Earth thy pride shall be humbled in the dust & thy
haughtiness laid low, the heads of thy rulers shall
be cut off & lade in the Dust, it shall be a vexation to
understand the report of the sorrow pain & wo that
shall come upon thee by sword, fire, tempest, Earthqu
akes, & pestilence, from the hand of God even these
things shall come upon thee untill thy government is
broken up & thou art destroyed as a nation from
under Heaven: for thou hast not kept the command-
ments of the Lord but hast Broken them, Betrayed
the Constitution of the Land, Polluted thine inheritan
ts, robed the innocent, shed the Blood of Saints
& made many widows & orphans. Therefore from this
hour these things shall come upon thee & shall not
scease untill the whole is accomplished & fulfilled upon
thine HEAD
Omens In the fall of 1840 the great chandelier in the represe
ntatives Hall in Washington weighing about 6000 lbs, fell with
a tremendious crash & broke into a thousand atoms. About the
same time the female figure godess of liberty on the east side of
the capitol lost her hand that held the balances it broke of[f] itself
just below the elbow & it fell. April 4th 1841 President
Harrison Died in one month after taking the chair.
~ Saturday
I received 2 letters, one from Br Thomas
Smith, & one from Elder Young to Br Kimball
& myself I Also received the three first numb-
ers of the 2nd Vol of the Times & Seasons & it
was truly a feast to my soul to once more hear
from the Saints in that Land, & to hear of the pro-
gress of the work in that land I wrote a letter
to Elder Young one to Br Thomas Smith. I
went to Tabernacle Square & Baptized 2 persons
one was a Methodist classed leader. We have a conf
erence on the morrow which is the first conference
held in London
~ Sunday
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] Minutes of A conference held in LONDON
A conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints was held at Mr J. Barretts
Academy 57 King Square Goswell Road on Sunday
the 14th Feb 1841. There being present Elders H C. Kimball
W. Woodruff L Snow & Wm Pitt & 4 Priest
The meeting was called to order by Elder Kimball
at 2 oclock. It was then moved by Elder Kimball
seconded by Elder Pitt that Elder W. Woodruff
should be president of the conference. Carried unanimously
Moved by Elder Kimball se[c]onded by Elder
Woodruff, that Dr Wm Copeland be chosen clerk
Carried unanimously. The meeting was
opened by singing & prayer by Elder Kimball.
The president the[n] called upon the official members
to Represent their respective branches
The church at Bedford Represented by Robert
Williams, Priest containing 42 members, one Priest
7 Removed 2 Died.
The church at Ipswich Represented by Elder Wm
Pitt, consisting of 12 members, one Elder one
Priest, & one Teacher.
The church at Woolwich Represented by John Griffith
Priest, consisting of 6 members 1 Priest
The church at London Represented by Elder
Kimball consisting of 46 members, 1 Elder, 2 Priest
generally in good standing. Excellent prospect of
continued increase. Moved by Elder Kimball seconded
by Elder Woodruff, that James Albon be ordained
Elder. Carried unanimously
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder Snow that
Thomas Barnes be ordained Teacher carried unanimously
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder Pitt that
Br R. Williams be ordained Elder to oversee the
church at Bedford Carried unanimously.
Moved by R. Williams seconded by Elder Pitt that
Br Wm Smith Be ordained Priest at Bedford
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder Pitt that
Br Richard Bates be ordained a Priest in the church
at Woolwich Carried unanimously
Moved by Br R. Williams, seconded by Elder Pitt
that Br John Sheffield be ordained Teacher at
Bedford Carried unanimously
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Br Griffiths
that Br A. Painter be ordained a Teacher at Woolwich
Carried unanimously
The Above named persons were then ordained under
the hands of Elders Kimball Woodruff & Snow.
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder
Woodruff that Elder Snow be Appointed president
of this conference. Also to take the superintendicy
of the church in London. Much valuable
instruction was given by Elders Kimball & Woodruff
in relation to the Duties of the official members
It was then moved by Elder Kimball & seconded
by Elder Snow that this conference be Adjurned
to Sunday, the 16th of May 1841 carried unanimously
The conference was then closed by the
President by singing & prayer at half past five
W. Woodruff President
Dr Wm Copeland Clerk
106 members 2 E[lders]. 5 P[riests]. 1 T[eacher] .
We also broke bread with the Saints &
confirmed 4 we had a happy time through
the meeting. We again met & opened meeting
at half past six I opened meeting & was followed
by Elders Albon, Pitt, Williams, Snow, & H C. Kimball
we had the fullest house we have ever seen there
& a great prospect of the spread of the work one
came forward for Baptism. This is a day I have
long desired to see, for we have laboured exceding
hard to esstablished the work in this city, & in several
instances it seemed as though we should have to give
it up but by claiming the promises of God & holding on
to the word of God, the rod of Iron we have been
enabled to overcome, & plant a church & esstablish a
conference which we are enabled through the grace
of God to leave in a prosperous situation which has the
appearance of a great increase which church & confe-
rence we leave in the care of our Beloved Brother Elder
Lorenzo Snow may God bless him & roll on his work
in Mighty power in this city I pray, & raise up a great
people here to the Honour & Glory of his name
Thy Purposes O! Lord [FIGURE] must roll on. Thy Decrees are sure
[FIGURE] Wisdom how Precious thou [FIGURE] art.
~ Monday
Feb 15th Elder Kimball received a letter from his
wife Dated Nauvoo Dec 30th, she informed us that
[FIGURE] Joseph had written for the Twelve to come
immediately home for our personal safety, as great
Judgments are nigh in this land even at the Door. She
spoke of our families being well, as far as she knew
O! God hasten the day when we can behold the
faces of our wife's & children Prepare us O God for
evry event which awaiteth us, Deliver us O Lord
from evry evil for we are in thine hands. Thou know
est the integrity of our hearts & the sacrafizes
which we have made for thy cause on this mission
May all things work together for our good, help
us O Lord to keep the faith & overcome the world
that no man may take our crown, which I ask
in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
I Received 3 Letters one from T. Kington one from
James Blakesleey, one from Edward Oaky
I wrote a letter to Elder J. Blakesley. We
spent the evening at Br Morgans several of the
Saints were present we conversed about the
Things of God. We feel the forebodeings of the
things that are at the door, & spedily await the
world, their is no doubt but what troubles will
soon arise between England & America but may
the Lord prepare his Saints for the worst
~ Tuesday
I wrote a letter to Br Edward Oakey
I received a letter from Elder G. A. Smith
I walked in company with Elders Kimball &
Snow to Mr Pistrucci, from thence to Mr Sangiovanni
& took tea with Mr San him for the last
time, we returned to our meeting & meet with
the church for the last time as Elder Kimbal
will leave London soon. It was a melting time
we returned to our room conversed about
many things with the Saints, such as parting with
the Saints, Leaving London, the awful Judgm-
ents that await the Nations. War War is [at] the door
between England & America, O Lord Deliver us
~ Wednesday
17th Great excitement prevails throughout
London esspecially in the House of parliament
conserning the Imprisionment of Mr MCCleod
& the North Eastern Boundary Question, Parliame-
nt now seemeds determined on war to evry Human
appearance it cannot be evaded, But to the
reflecting mind it seems as though the Nations
at the present time, were Insane & their
Kings, Presidents & Senitors entirely destitute of
all wisdom. But they will all soon learn their
is a God in Israel who is about to take peace
from the Earth & cut of[f] Nations not a few
for Great Babylon is about to come in rememberance
befor God. It will be as much as we
shall do to Get out of Liverpool for New York
before war overtakes us. But my Prayer
is that God will spedily Deliver us & the Saints
I received a Letter from Elder Pitt containing
£3 & informing me that their was an appointment
for me to Preach in Bristol on Sunday I wrote
a letter to Elder Wm Pitt. Dr Copeland intr-
oduced us by letter to the overseer of the library
of Bartholimew Hospital which we visited this day
& was vary politetly conducted, by Dr Lyon
throug the various Appartments of the Hospital &
after visiting the Museum, lecture rooms & other
places, last of all we visited the DISSECTING ROOM
It being the first scenery of
the kind I ever saw, Elders H C Kimball & L Snow
was with me, the Dissecting appartment consisted
of three Rooms, which contained about twenty
Sudjects viz Human Bodies which the Doctors were
dissecting that lay upon tables. Some were just commen-
[c]ed upon while others were nearly finished our
stay was short as their was a great stench in the
room, limbs & parts of the body were hung in
all parts of the room. We returned home from
the Hospital to our room carriying the vision of
what we saw in our minds. I corrected the proof
sheet of our Address to the citizens of London
we had our siting Room full of Saints in the evening
as we were soon to Leave London they brought us
some money & presents for our wives & children Sister
Copeland gave me a hat for little Willford 4 miles
~ Thursday
Feb 18th
P I wrote a letter to Phebe requested
her to answer it & direct to New York in care
of Ilus F Carter & Just as I had finished it I
received A Package from Pickfords Boat on
opening it contained the 10 No of the Star several
of the Times & Seasons, one Letter from Sister
Eunice & Mother Woodruff which was vary interesting
Also one from my Friends in Maine written by Father
Carter, Freedom Molton, Phebe, Willford Owen Shuah
& Sister Foss, Dated Jan 10th. It was truly a feast
to me to hear from my Dear wife child & friend once
more after being seperated nearly two years
from them. May God hasten the day when I may
see them once more. I also wrote a letter to
Father Mother & Eunice Woodruff, I also received
a letter from Br James Barnes.
~ Friday
I received 2 letters one from Wm Pitt
one from E Oakey containing £2.
I mailed the two letters to Phebe & Father Woodruff
at Phillipps No 3 Georges Yard Lumbard Street. We
went to Tabernacle Square & Baptized 2 persons
a Jew & Jewess I packed up my things & put them into
Elder Kimball's Trunk who was going direct to
Manchester, we confirmed the two we Baptized
Elder Kimball administered Baptisms I felt quite
unwell in the evening
~ Saturday
20th I arose in the morning vary ill I walked to the
printing office & got 3000 copies of the Address
to the citizens of London by H C. Kimball & W Woodruff I
Paid the Bill whicch was
£3.3 three Guiney's I took the parting hand with
Elder Kimball. My Distress & pains of Body increased
through the day. My friends held a council upon
the subject & pronounced my Disese the small poxcks
as I had been much exposed to it. I told them I had rather
it would be that than the Ague so I went to bed & prepared for
it, had a dredful night of pain & distress
~ Sunday
21st Sunday grew worse through the day many friends
called to my bed side to see me, (as I was not able to set up
at all,) Among whome was Dr Copeland, who said it was
not the small poxck's but a hard attack of cold & fever
& they must change my treatment or I should should
soon sink they Did so, & I began to revive in the evening
& spent a little more comfortable night
~ Monday
22nd was much better & enabled to sit up, most of the day
~ Tuesday
23rd Arose in the morning refreshed by sleep s[t]ill felt
weak in body wrot a few lines in my Journal with
a feble hand,
Received 2 letters from E. Bromley & a
Brother in the Potteries. Elder Snow wrote to Elder
Young for me [FIGURE] J. S. B. Last evening the Noble spirited &
celebrated J. S. Buckingham, finished his course of
lecturs concerning his tour throug the United States which
was deliverd to a crouded Audience, while treating upon
the country, government, laws, customs, fassions, religions
sects, & a great variety of other subject, He omitted the
subject of the Mormons, or Latter Day Saints Although He
informed the publick he should speak upon that subject
this was omitted in consequence of receiving a letter the
day previous to his lecture from Dr Copeland inclosing
one of our addresses to the citizens of London, which
clearly showed him, that we were American citizens
Elders of the Church, were in the city, & would have a
knowledge of what he presented before the community
concerning us. Early this morning Dr Copeland recived
a letter from hism acknowledging his ignorance concer
ning our cause & vary much wished information by obta
ining our writings &c. So I made him a present of the
Book of Mormon, the Millennial Star, & other works
& my prayr to God is they may do good. I walked
out as far as Br Connor's & found myself still quite
weak {I saw Phebe time piece stand} many friends called to see
me in the evening, I had many Dreams at night, on one
occasion I was preaching on a plain with another Brother
to a large congregation of Saints who surrounded us when
on a sudden An army of men appeared against us
& we all fled to our village which lay a little Distance of[f]
we had a little boy & travling bag to carry to the city
for safety before I reached the city I awoke. I again
fell asleep & the house whare I was, I thought was
surrounded by a mob, we put our property out of their
way & they soon Dispersed. I then Dreamed of seeing
a prisioner [prisoner] of annother Tongue bound in Irons to be execut-
ed, about 20 of his own nation came around
him & kneeled down & spoke in their own
~ Wednesday
Feb 24th I felt able to walke into the city I
purchased a Thermometer, 4/6 A Pocket compass
3/6 2 Brass Boxes 1/5 one doz steel pens & cases 1/
I packed them into a parsel, with 100 add
resses to the citizens of London, 6 Hymn Books
all my corresponding letters & papers, & sent
them to 149 Oldham Road Manchester in care
of P P Pratt. I Also sent Elder Brigham Young
new watch in the same way to the same place
All in the Hands of Brother Hume I wrote
P P Pratt a letter upon the same subject
~ Thursday
25th I spent the Day in paying my last visit to the Saints in
London & preparing for leaving London I preached for
the last time in Londondon. I saw my pocket watch &
Phebe's House time Peace both of which was a splended
peace of work, which I leave in the hands of Br Connor to
pack up & send to me at Manchester I also bought
a silver watch guard of Br Connor {Paid} 15 {sterling for it}
~ Friday
26th I took the parting hand with Elder Snow & the
Saints & walked to the great western Railway station
& took rail road for Bristol, & took my farewell of London
for the last time, we rode on the raill road to Wootton
basset. 80 miles I then took coach & rode 36 miles (the
Road was bad), to Bath which is the most striking
place to the eye of the travler I ever saw, the city
commences on the top of two mountains of high hills
& fills the valley between, the city is a vary Ancient
Antique looking place & vary quriously situated
pop 75,000. I again took cars at Bath & rode to Bristol
12 miles. I called at No 12 Redcliff Cressent, Bed-
minster Parrish Bristol, whare I found Elder Thomas
Kington with all his houshold & also Elder Pitt they
made me welcome & I was truly glad to see them. City of
Bristol, is quite a noted place in England, with a
pop of 200,000 souls I found a little Branch of the
Church of L. D. Saints of 13 in No. Some believing came
in to convers with me in the evening. Distance of the day 120 miles
~ Saturday
I wrote 2 letters one to Sister Morgan at Garway
one to Elder Snow in London
~ Sunday
Fed 28th Sunday this is the last Day of winter, I still
have a severe cold. I preached this Day for the
first time in the city of Bristol, I preached in the
Theater in the afternoon & evening. The Theater
was crouded to overflowing several Hundred were present
& good attention was paid, many souls will embrace
the work in Bristol. After meeting we returned to Elder
Kingtons House & I broke bread unto the Saints had a
good time, one offered for Baptism. Bristol is a vary noted
place for Religion contains a vary great No of churches
& chapels of the various orders, it is a sea port town
it is the Harbour of the great western & many
other ships that sail to New York. I went through Red-
cliff Street Park st & Temple st.
~ Monday
March 1st 1841 Thus my Birth Day rolls around
again with the spring. I am 34 years of age this
day thus time rolls along & waiteth for no man
I am much troubled with a bad cold, I spent the
day at Br. Kingtons. We spoke much about going to
Nauvoo, I pray God to hasten the day when I may see my
wife & child once more
~ Tuesday
2nd It is rainy weather I still have a cold but am
some better than I was yesterday, I preached again
& for the last time, in the Theater in Bristol, many
strangers attended & gave good attention. I spent the night
at Br Kingtons
I wrote a letter to Br Oaxy
~ Wednesday
I received a letter from Elder Snow. I took a walk
with Elder Kington through the city of Bristol we visited
Mrs Clift, After which we visited the Noted suspension
Bridge now erecting across the River Avon, at St Vincens
Rocks Clifton, this suspension Bridge is 100 feet high
& 700 in length, their was a bar of Iron & two ropes extend-
ing across from pillar to pillar & persons could ownly
as yet pass over in a basket one or two at a time which
goes on rollers or wheels almost with the rapidity
of a steem engine. I saw several pass over in this way
their is some of the greatest curiosities in the known world
in the petrified stones formed from the various shells
fish, worms, & other living creatures of the sea which
were formed into stones of Beautiful figures & colors I
purchased some small specimens, & after walking over
& viewing the sea we returned having a look at the
great western as we passed along, we then returned
home & I walked to the pool & Baptized a Lady
by the name of Howell we returned to the room
& confirmed her, & had a good time I lade hands upon
many & blessed them, I Blessed Elder Kington &
all his household, & we had a good time the friends
contributed sumthing for my necessities
~ Thursday
4th I took the parting hand with Elder Kington
& household with all the Saints, in Bristol, & took
coach & rode to the passage over the river
Severn, here we left coach crossed one mile & half
in a boat with passengers & baggage over the
water we again took coach road to the town
of Cheapstow Monmouthshire Wales, I arived
in this town at 11 oclock I spent three hours in
this Noted town pop 6000 During which time I visit
ed the old Noted Cheapstow Castle, in which it
is said that Oliver Cromwell was improisioned for
a season, it was vary Antique & partly in ruins ther
are vary many castles in Wales of this kind, which
ware built to defend themself against the English
But it is evident from the manner of their constru-
ction, situation, & location, that they were not
calculated so much for Defence against canon Ball
as stones & arrows. I Dined in this town, ownly
half a crown 2/6 for Dinner & /6 six pence for
the waiter at table & another sixpens for a waiter
to the coach, whare I paid 4/ more to ride to
Monmouth the capitol of Monmouthshire 16 miles it
was exceding hilly & mountaineous which is the case
throughough Wales, much of this rout was by the
windings of the River Y, the coachman run his
horses Down the mountains which would much have
endangered our lives had not the roads been good, when
I arived in Monmouth, Elder James Morgan was waiting
my arival, had giving out an appointment for me to preach
in town at 7 o-clock. I preached at the house of Robert
Davis, the house was crouded & many that could
not get in, 4 offerd themselves for Baptism the first
opportunity their is many that will embrace the
work in Monmouth if it is attended to, their are calls
upon evry hand the harvest is great & labourers few [Luke 10:2]
I spent the night at the full Moon. Distance of the Day 35.
~ Friday
5th I arose refreshed by sleep took Breakfast with
Mr Maston & walked 10 miles through mud & water in the
midst of a driving March rains storm to Sister Mary
Morgan at little garway, whare I found a plesent family
of the Saints. we were drenched with rain, but
we found a good fire & spent the day comfortable. In
the evening I had an interview with Elder littlewood 10 m[iles]
~ Saturday
6th I spent the Day at Sister Morgans reading the history
of Rome which was truly interesting esspecially the history
of the twin Brothers of Romulus & Remus sons of Rhea
Sylvia, which she said was by Mars the God of war, they
war[e] flung into the river to be Drowned, but they wer saved,
suckled by a wolf, & brought up by Acca Laurentia.
After acting awhile the part of a shepherds they learned
their real birth, both were eager to reign & had a battle
Remus was killed, Romuleus being now sole comma-
nder and eighteen years of age laid the foundation of a
city that was one Day to give laws to the world it was
called Rome after the name of the founder & built upon
the palestine Hill on which he had taken his success
ful omen which was twelve vultures this city at first
was almost square containing about one thousand
houses about a mile in compass. Hannibal after fighting
nobly for his country untill he was old being persecuted
from country to country & Deserted by his friends he took
poison, & expired as he had lived with intriped bravery
Pompey's & Caesar career was noted in the history of Rome
Pompey was finally Defeated by Caesar Deserted by his
friend & murdered upon the sea shore in sight of his wife
his head taken off & presented to Caesar. Philip & an
other Roman soldier who had served under pompey in his
youth paid their last honours to his remains which laid
exposed upon the beach by burning his body & burying his
ashes under a little rising earth over which they pla
ced the following inscription "He whose merits deserve
a Temple can now scarcely find a tomb,["] & Caesar fared
but little better for after serving his country faithfully
& fighting near 200 pitched battles was assassin
ated in the Senate house among the conspirators was
Brutus his son. But Brutus & Cassius both sought Death
at the hand of their friends or soldiers & obtained
it becaus they [were] Defeated in battle. It is observed that
not one of those who had a hand in the Death of
Caesar Died a natural Death but either killed themselves
or were killed by others, in fine suicide was a
common thing among the grecian & Roman Generals
soldiers & poets, many Died by the use of hemlock
& other poisons, as well as by the Dagger. Cleopatra
sought Death by the sting of the Asp rather than to
have Augustus take her to Rome. Anthoony killed
himself with his sword, which left Augustus sole
master of the Roman Empire. He Died a natural
Death at 76 years of age after reigning 41 years &
having the affections of the Roman people, His
power began in slaughter & terminated in the good of the
people, so that it was said of him "that it would have
been good for mankind if he had not been born, or
if he never had deied.["] Tiberius next took the govern
ment of Rome many were executed During his
reign But he was smotherd or poisond in the 78
year of his age after reigning 22 years. It was
in the eighteenth year of the reign of Tiberus
that Christ was cruscified, shortly after his Death
Pilate wrote to Tiberus an account of his passions
resurrection, & miricles, & requested that Christ might
be accounted a God by the Romans. [FIGURES]
Caius Caligula reign was the most strange extravagant
inconsistant, & cruel of any tyrant that ever
reigned in Rome. He was killed with daggers by Cherea
& others at one of his games at 29th year of his
age after a short reign of three years ten months &
eight Days. Claudius next reigned in mildness he restor-
ed Judea to Herod Agrippa which Caligula had taken from
Herod Antipas his uncle the man who had put John
the Baptist to death. [Matthew 14:1-12] Nero began his reign in AD 54, though
but 17 years of age his reign was Dreadful tyranical
cruel & wicked, even with the Romans but more
esspecially with the Christians, among the many
Christians that were marterd in Nero reign was the
beheading of St Paul & crucifiing of St Peter
he also put to Death Seneca the philosopher & Lucean
the poet, & after gluting his ungodly passion
with the Death of thousands, he eagerly sought
Death many ways before the wrech could find it
& at last cut his own throat after reigning 13 years
7 months & 28 days. Galba next reigned 7 months &
lost his head. Otho took his place & was killed in
battle. Vespacsian was declaired emperor in AD 70 &
gave his son Titus command of the army that was
to lay siege to Jerrusalem, while John & Simon were
at war with each other in the city of Jerrusalem &
the roman army without, & the vengeance of God
from above the citiy was soon distroyed, the temple
not excepted, the number who perished in the
siege was above a million of souls & almost 100,000
led away catptive. Vespasion died a natural death
standing upon his feet. Titus Died from a fever a
little Distance from Rome. Domitian commenced
reigning AD 81, which was cruel & unmerciful he
was put to Death by Stephanus & succeded by Nerva
in AD 96, who Died of a fever after a reign of one year
four months & nine Days, he was succeded by Trajan
who has been noted for his perseverence in great under-
takings among which was the stupendeous work of build-
ing a bridge across the Danube, this amazing structure
consisting of twenty two arches a hundred & fifty
feet high & a hundred & seventy broad, the ruins of
this structure remain to this Day, & show modern
architects how far they were surpassed by the Ancients
both in the greatness & boldness of their Design. the chr-
istians suffered during his reign. Trajan died of
the apoplexy in AD 117 after a reign of 19 years 6 months
& 15 days. Trajan Column erected at Rome AD 114
after the reign of several others Maximin comm-
enced his reign in AD 235 this gigantic man was no less
than eight feet & a half high he had a body & strength
corresponding to his size, his strength was so great that
he was able to draw a carriage which two oxen could
not move. He could strike out a horse's teeth with a
blow of his fist & break his its thigh with a kick. He
genearally ate 40 pounds weight of flesh each day &
drank six gallons of wine, his guards finally slew him
with his son while they were asleep in their tent
Constantine the great commenced his reign in AD 308
He united church & state & acknowledged Christianity
At about 60 years of age after reigning 30 years he
Died of the ague, but was baptized & received the
sacramant just before his Death. The foregoing items
is taken from the history of Rome by Edward Coxe
After reading this History I walked to Br Thomas
Rooke & met in council with the officers had a
good time from thence to Br John Holley & spent
the night {Distance of the day} 3 miles
~ Sunday
~ Monday
we met again again at 3 oclock Elder Richards
spoke I followed him, After meeting the Saints con-
tributed £1 pound to help me on my Journey home I
then took the parting hand with the Saints After selling
them 3 Books of Mormon & 50 Addressies to the
citizens of London the Books of mormon were
five shillings each & the Addresses one penny, which
came to about £1 in all I walked with Br Levi
Richards to Br Holley's & spent the night this is
the first time I have seen Br Levi Richards for
about two years {Distance of the day} 5 miles
~ Tuesday
to be fals & so he arose & read the same old Spalding
story. when he got through Elder Richards arose &
informed the people that instead of its being a new
story it had been published for two years through
the United States & also through England, this creat
ed a great uproar among the people, for while some
were for driving the man out of the place for lying
others were crouding around Elders Richards
& Kay to hear them preach, but the croud was so excited
they left the ground with hundreds following them
their never was a time when the inhabitants of the
earth was so much stired up & wishing to hear the
Latter Day Saints as at the present time, it was hardly
expected we should get through the city without
having crouds around us, however we did, we had a
view of the Hereford Cathedral as we passed along. we
called at Sister Bufton's their is a small branch of 7
members in Hereford pop 20,000 we parted with
Br Pitt in this city & walked to Lugwardine met with
Elder Pitt on the way, who was going to Hereford to hold
a meeting, we called at Elder Greens found several
of the family sick we lade hands upon them & prayed
with them, I met with the church, in Lugwardine for
the last time I preached from the 24 ch of Isaiah,
the church contributed £0.12 shillings to assist me on
the journey we spent the night, at Br William Greens, 13 [miles].
~ Wednesday
10th We walked to Shucknell hill & had an interesting
meeting with the Saints I preached upon the gathering
to Zion & Jerrusalem & bid them fare well as it
was the last time I should meet with them they put
into my hands £0.3 shillings but were mostly poor 3 m[iles]
~ Thursday
11th We walked to Standly Hill, & Dined with Br
Edward Oakey, was truly glad to see this Brother
once more. He walked with us thrugh Standly Hill
we called upon Br Pullin & Badham & other Saints
it had been 6 months since I had been through this part
of the country, we walked to Ledbury & held a meeting
with the Saints. Sister Fidler was present it being the
first time I have seen her. She has been a member
of Lord Summers family from a child but is
now rejected for receiveding the fulness of the gospel
Lord Summers has Died since he rejected her
& now his son has commanded her soon
to leave she wishes to gather with the Saints
to Zion, the Saints gave me £0.7 shillings
we spent the night at Br Pullins. We herd
by letter from Elder Glover that Elders Orson
Hide & G J Adams had just arived from N Y 13 m[iles]
~ Friday
I wrote a letter to Elder Snow
& one to Elder Young walked to the Green way &
preached at Br Palmer on the parable of the prophet
Zenas, [Jacob 5] we then walked to Br Thomas Pitt, & to
Br Robert Clifts & spent the night we confirmed
one Blessed one child administered to 5 sick
persons had a pressent of 3 shillings 5 miles
~ Saturday
13th we had an interview with sister Margarett
Morgan who was firm in the faith & wished to gather
with the Saints, she asked some council which
we freely gave her we walked to Turkey
Hall Eldersfield Worcestershire & spent the
night at Br Hills I was quite Ill through the night
Distance of the Day 10 miles
~ Sunday
14th Sunday I Broke bread unto the Saints in the
morning & spoke upon the gathering in the afternoon
I preached to a large congregation upon the gathering
there seems to be many Saints desireous to gather
that are poor & have not means may the Lord deliver them
~ Monday
15th Conference at Gadfield Elm Chapel
The Bran Green & Gadfield Elm Conferen-
ce of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints was held at the Gadfield Elm Chapel
on the 15th Day of March AD 1841. Meeting
called to order by Elder Woodruff when
there being present 1 of the Travling High
Council, 1 High Priest, 10 Elders 21 Priest
6 Teachers & 1 Deacon. It was mooved by
Elder Richards seconded by Elder Horlick
that Elder W. Woodruff bye President of the
meeting, & Priest John Hill Clerk. Carried
Conference opened by Prayer & singing by
the President when the following churches
were represented 2 removed
E[lders] | P[riests] | T[eachers] | D[eacons] | ||
Branch at Lime Street numbers | 33 | 0 | 3 |
| 0 |
Haw Cross [numbers] | 18 | [0] | 3 | 1 | [0] |
Bran Green Represented | 14 | [0] | 3 | 1 | [0] |
Frogs Marsh [Represented] | 9 | 1 | [0] | [0] | [0] |
Deerest 7 Removed [Represented] | 21 | 1 | [0] | [0] | [0] |
Apperly 4 Removed 1 Died | 23 | [0] | 3 | [0] | [0] |
Walton Hill 3 [Removed] [Represented] | 9 | [0] | [0] | 1 | [0] |
Leigh 14 [Removed] [Represented] | 33 | [0] | 2 | [0] | [0] |
Norton [Represented] | 17 | 1 | 1 | 1 | [0] |
Twigworth [Represented] | 14 | [0] | 1 | [0] | [0] |
Cheltenham 5 Removed | 50 | [0] | 5 | 1 | 1 |
Dymock 5 Removed 2 expeled | 51 | 3 | 7 | 4 | [0] |
Kilcot [Represented] | 18 | [0] | 1 | 1 | [0] |
Forrest of Dean [Represented] | 12 | [0] | 1 | [0] | [0] |
Pinvin | 14 | 1 | 1 | 1 | [0] |
Nauton Beachom [Represented] | 7 | [0] | 1 | [0] | [0] |
Hill Common [Represented] | 14 | 1 | [0] | [0] | [0] |
Fly Ford [Represented] | 8 | [0] | 1 | [0] | [0] |
High Leaddon 1 Removed | 2 | [0] | [0] | [0] | [0] |
Removed 41 Total | 367 | 8 | 33 | 11 | 1 |
41 | |||||
Total | 408 |
Meeting adjourned to 2 oclock
Met according to adjournment opened by
singing & Prayer by Elder Levi Richards
Mooved & carried that Henry Webb be ordained
A Priest Elders Woodruff & Richards ordained
him confirmed one & blessed one child. Much
instruction & council was given by Elders
Woodruff & Richards, which gave much instru
ction satisfaction to the meeting which conclu
ded by singing & Prayer
[FIGURE] Willford Woodruff President
John Hill Clerk
We had a vary interesting time at the confere-
nce, had a large assembly of Saints. It is the last
conference I shall ever attend at Gad Elm Chapel
I had quite a time in taking the parting hand with
the multitude of Saints who were present, we
closed our meeting without any disturbance from
the mob who were present & was kept quiet by the
Poliece who were present, but dressed in disguise
After conference closed a scene followed not
easily described, I never saw a time when I needed
more wisdom in order to council in wrighteousness
than on this occasion or during my travels among
the churches, for the Saints universally feel
that the Judgments of God are near in this land
& are anxious to gather with the Saints in Nauvoo
as soon as possible but many are vary poor & see
no door open as yet, & some are placed in all the
perplexing circumstances that possible can be, & are
floccking around me by scorsees at a time & asking
council what to do. As soon as meeting closed multitu
des crouded around me, many hadnds were presented
on evry side to bid me farewell, many calling for me
to bless them before I leave them, others crying
out do lay hands on me & heal me before you go. Br
Woodruff I am turned out of Doors for my religion
what shall I do, I am all ready to go to Zion my wife
wont go with me shall I go & leave her. My
Husband beats me & turns me out of Doors because I
have been Baptized I have got money enough to
carry me & the children to Zion will you let me
go without hime, Br Woodruff one word with
you my Mother is over 80 years of age & has
willed me £60 pounds at her Death but will not
emigrate with me, now I want to go with the Saints
must I stay for her to die or may I go & leave her
Br Woodruff I have sold my little place shall have
£30 pounds tomorrow but must go out of the
house into the street, this will not quite carry
my family to America can you help me to a
few pounds or tell me what to do. An Elder
cries out how much longer must I preach In
England before you will let me go to America,
Br Woodruff cant you come & preach to us in
Cheltenham. wont you go home & take some tea with
me. My head is in great pain wont you heal me.
I want you to consecrate these bottles of Ioil before
you go. Good by, Good by, Good by, God bless you
Br Woodruff the friends are waiting a long time
for you. Are you going I want a little council
forom you. Br Woodruff may I go to America
with yoy. Say may we take an English ship to
Nauvoo via of Quebeck in Canida. Shall I be
Justifyed if I have an opportunity of Going to miss
of the opportunity for the purpose of tarriying
a while for my mother. Will you write to me.
Remember me to Mrs Woodruff (Margarett Morgan)
Good by, I have been waiting a long time to get a
chance to speak to you: THESE and a thousa
nd other questions were asked me in the term of
an hour or more, & I needed as much wisdom
as Solomon to be a councellor in the midst of such
a scene, And which when I left the chapel
many were still waiting for a little council upon a
variety of subjects which they did not get for
the want of time many parted with me with tears
in their eiyes, many of the Brethren & Sisters followed
me to Turkey Hall whare I spent the night, & filled
the house untill a late hour Begging council &
instruction at my hand among whome was a
Baptist Minister, who had just been Baptized
& ordained a Priest. In fine these sceneries of
meeting in conference & parting with the Saints
cannot be described. The Saints contributed
£2 pounds for my necessities. I wrote a letter
to Elders Young & Richards. distance 4 miles
~ Tuesday
16th I walked in company with Elder Needham
to Keysend Street
recieved a letter from
Elder G A. Smith who informed me of the Death
of Sister Bentley the widow of the late David
W. Patten one of the Twelve Apostles who was
martered in America I met with a crouded con-
gregation of the Saints, & preached unto them, my
mind is Deeply impressed with the necessity of urging
the gathering of the Saints, this at the present time
seems to be the most important & almost the
ownly subject that I feel to convers about while
among the Churches. The Saints contributed
£06 shillings for me I walked whome with Br James
Baldwin & conversed untill 2 oclock & spent the
night Distance of the Day 8 miles
~ Wednesday
17th {Sister} foxal {came and informed me that she had a vision while I was preaching last night.
Said she saw an angel stand on me clothed in a white robe} I conversed
with many Saints upon the subject of gathering
I walked to wind Point, while on the way I went
into the Gients Cave on Marlvern Hills it was
dug out of a solid Rock Dimentions as follows the
mouth was 6 by 4 feet. 12 feet in longth, & 7 high
the stone that coverd the mouth had rolled down
the Hill. After taking a view of this I went
down the Hill visited the Saints iat wind point from
thence to Colwall met with a large congregation
of Saints & preached to them upon the gathering
among whome was Elders James & Henry Jones
who like Paul had been great persecuters of the
Saints but had now embraced it & was preachin
the gospel which they once persecuted. the
Saints Donated £06 shillings to help me on
my Journey on my return home I spent the
night at Br Johnathan Lucy {Distance of the day} 5 miles
I recieved a letter from Elder L. Snow in Londn
he says the work is rolling on in that city he
Baptized 7 on Sunday we also recieved a letter
from Elders Young & Richards
~ Thursday
18th I had an interview with Elder Richards
I then walked over Marlvern Hill called upon Elder
Samuel Johnes, we walked throgh great Marlv-
ern, from thence to the bottom of the link &
called upon Elder Henry Johnes from thence to
Crowcut & held a meeting at Br George Brooks
& had an interesting meeting with a large
number of the Saints which I Baptized about
a year ago I spent the night at Hay wood Cross
at Sister Baylis {Distance of the day} 8 miles
The saints donated £05 shillings
~ Friday
19th Sister Baylis let me have a pair of Black
Kid gloves of her own make, I walked to Dunsclose
visiting many Saints by the way laying hands
upon the sick &c. All appeared happy to see
me, as I had Baptized most of them about
a year since. I preached at Dons Close at the
house of Edward Jinkins to a crowded cong-
regation a wicked rabble disturbed the meet-
ing much, I felt constraned to sharply reprove
them in the power of God. the Saints contri
buted £0.6 shilling for me I spent the night with Br
Rowley. Distance of the Day 6 miles
~ Saturday
20th A vary rainy Day Sister Mary Jenkins accom-
panied me as a pilot to Rough Leaser from thence
to Ridgway Cross as I did not know the road, here
I found Elder Thomas Chark at his stone quiry I
took several specimins of curious petrified stone
formed by the water, we then walked to Frooms
Hill, visiting the Saints by the way. I called upon
Priesthood Benbow & family & conversed some
with them, I spent the night with Br John Cole I feel
much at home there distance of the day 8 miles
~ Sunday
21st Sunday this is the last Sabbath I shall ever
meet with the Saints in Stanley & Frooms Hill
I met the Saints in the morning at Br John Coles
at Frooms Hill had a crouded House & good attent-
ion I preached upon the gathering of the Saints
I also met with the Saints in the afternoon
at Standly Hill, had a full house. I communed
with the Saints at the close of the meeting I
had a busy time in shaking hands with the Saints
& parting with them many wished me to bless a[n]d
others to heal them, the Saints gave me £0.10 54
10 shillings I spent the night with Br Levi Richards at
Elder Edward Ockey 3 miles
Minutes of the Standey Hill Conference
The Frooms Hill Conference of the Church
of Latter Day Saints met at the house of William
Field, Standly Hill Herefordshire, on the 22nd of
March 1841 at half past ten o-clock A.M there
being present one of the Travling high council, 2
High Priest, 20 Elders, 30 Priest, 9 Teachers & 2 Deacons
The meeting was called to order by Elder W.
Woodruff, when it was moved by Elder Woodruff
seconded by Elder Kington that, Elder Levi Rich-
ards be chosen president of the conference, carried
Moved & carried that Elder W Woodruff be
clerk of the conference
Meeting opened by singing & prayers by Elder
Woodruff. The President then called upon the
officers to represent the various churches
members | E[lders] | P[riests] | T[eachers] | D[eacons] | Rem[oved] | |
Elder Joseph Pullen represented the Stan Hill Branch as containing | 80 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
Elder Thomas Clark [represented] Froome Hill | 137 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 2 |
Timothy Gittins [represented] Ridgeway Cross | 49 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | [0] |
William Matthews [represented] Calwell | 23 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | [0] ^-1^ |
Thomas Jones P[riest] [represented] Pale House | 13 | [0] | 2 | 1 | [0] | [0] ^-1^ |
Priest Frances Pullen [represented] Ledbury | 42 | [0] | 7 | 2 | [0] | [0] |
P Robert Baldwin [represented] Keysend street | 78 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 1 | [0] ^-8^ |
P. Wm Matthews [represented] Wind point | 23 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | [0] ^-7^ |
E. Samuel Badham [represented] Wooferwood Common | 16 | 1 | 1 | [0] | [0] | |
P. James Williams, Dunsclose | 40 | 1 | 3 | 2 | [0] | |
E. James Jones [represented] Crowcutt | 36 | [0] | 4 | [0] | [0] | |
[E. James Jones represented] Old Starridge | 30 | 4 | 1 | [0] | [0] | |
P. James Jeff [represented] Shucknell Hill | 44 | 1 | 4 | 1 | [0] | ^-2^ |
Elder Wm Kay [represented] Lugwardin | 81 | 2 | 5 | 1 | 1 | ^-2^ |
[Elder Wm Kay represented] Mardin | 29 | [0] | 1 | [0] | [0] | |
Elder Wm Evans [represented] Stokes Lane | 65 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 5 ^-3^ |
Elder John Fidoe [represented] Bishop Froom | 13 | 1 | [0] | [0] | [0] | |
[Elder] James Jones [represented] Clifton | 32 | [0] | 2 | [0] | [0] | |
E Samuel Badham [represented] Bromyard Down | 19 | [0] | 1 | 1 | [0] | |
P. Samuel Williams [represented] Marlvern Hill | 25 | [0] | 3 | 1 | [0] | 1 |
[P. Samuel Williams represented] Powyek | 7 | [0] | 2 | [0] | [0] | |
P. Joseph Firkins [represented] Derly Common | 2 | [0] | 1 | [0] | [0] | |
P Henry Layton, Mathen | 32 | [0] | 3 | 2 | [0] | |
E. George Allen [represented] Bales Gate | 6 | |||||
[E. George Allen represented] Ivy house | 3 | [0] | [0] | 1 | [0] | |
[E. George Allen represented] Coomesmore | 4 | |||||
[E. George Allen represented] Bringsty | 1 | |||||
[E. George Allen represented] Bushbank | 1 | |||||
[E. George Allen represented] Worcester Broad Heath | 21 | [0] | 1 | |||
[E. George Allen represented] Kinnoson | 1 | |||||
E James Barnes [represented] Michael Church | 9 | |||||
[E James Barnes represented] Stoke Prier | 1 | |||||
Elder T. Kington represents Bristol | 14 | 2 | [0] | [0] | [0] | |
957 | 27 | 6 | 27 | 8 | 12 ^24^ | |
51 | ||||||
2 |
Moved & carried that Robert Gummerry be ordaind
to the office of an Elder. Also that Edward Philips
& John Spires be ordained an Elders also that
William Rowley be ordained to the office of a Deacon
Also that Br Thomas Bishop be ordained A Priest
the Above named persons were then ordained
under the hands of Elders Woodruff, Richards
& T. Kington.
Conference was then adjourned till half past
two o-clock
Met according to adjournment meeting opened
by singing & Prayer by the president. Elder
Kington then addressed the meeting was followed
by Elder Richards, after which Elder Woodruff
deliverd his farewell addressed to the conference
& Saints in general.
The meeting minutes were then read & accepted
by the conference, when the meeting closed
by singing & Benediction by Elder Wodruff
Levi Richards President
Willford Woodruff Clerk
After meeting Dissmissed I spent about three
hours in shaking hands with the Saints healing the
sick, giving council, concerning a thousand questions
& things that were presented before me by
the multitude which surrounded me many were
in tears as they parted from me, Nearly fifty saints
came to me & wished me to take them to Zion when
I had not means to take myself: I however gave
Sister Foxal £5 pounds to make up enough to
help her & her husband & children to the land of
America. She had £30 pounds but not quite
enough to help her family over, & she had used evry
exhertion for six months by puting faith & works
together to try to gather with the Saints, & this
was a donation from Elder Edward Ockey who
is imparting of his substance to help the poor Saints
It caused me peculiar feelings to part with these
Saint & to meditate upon the fruits of my labours
& what had followed in that field During 1840
The following is the sum Total represented in that region
members | E[lders] | P[riests] | T[eachers] | D[eacons] | |
Garway conference represented | 134 | 5 | 6 |
| 1 |
Gadfield Elm conference represented | 408 | 8 | 3 | 11 | 1 |
Standly Hill conference represented | ( | 27 | 6 | 27 | 8 |
Total [represented] | 1550 |
| 10 | 42 | 10 |
^1550^ | ^40^ | ^106^ | ^42^ | ^10^ |
Thus the Lord has given me the desire of my heart
& Blessed me far beyound my expectations
for I am now privleged of thleaving more
than fifteen hundred Saints in this interes
ting field which I first opened one year
ago the 5th of this present months, all of
which have embraced the work since that
Date many of which the Saints have gatherd to
Zion from that region & the rest are anxious
to go & ownly waiting for a door to be open for
them. I have never seen so many saints
receive the work of God in so short a time &
so many ordained Elders, Priests, &c as on
this occasion, & what adds much joy & conso-
lation to my mind while reflecting upon this
subject is that (with vary few exceptions) the
officers & members universally have maintained
their integrity kept the faith & are faithfully
passing through many trials for Christ sake
After Bidding the Multitude of Saints farewell
I went to Elder Edward Oakey to spend the
night I was accompanied by Elders Richards
Kington, & Kay. we had not been in the house but
a short [time] before three of Edward Ockey's Brothers
came into the house for the purpose of contending &
having a contest with me. Because their Brother
& sister had embraced the fulness of the gospel &
was about to gather with the saints of God, to the
land of Zion they manifested much wrath against
me, & after conversing about 3 hours upon various
subjects, During which time they brought railing
accusation against us, & after Br Ockey had
faithfully warned them & born faithful testimony
unto his Brethren of the truth of the work of
God & the fullness of the Gospel, they left the house
& we were once more in peace, & after convers-
ing together untill the third wach of the night
we retired to rest which closed the scenes of
one of the busiest days of my life 2 miles
[top of page blank]
~ Tuesday
March 23rd I arose in the morning refreshed by sleep
& after conversing several hours with Elders Richards
Kington, Kay, & Ockey & others I was under the ne
cessity of thaking the parting hand with the Saints in this
region, & among others with Br Edward & Sister
Ann Ockey, these are a Brother & sister of one family
& the ownly ones of the Ockey family that have
received the fulness of the gospel as they & their friends
are popular & welthy theiy have had many trials to
pass through in order to do the will of God maintain
their faith & Integrity & prepair to gather with the
Saints of God, for their Brothers are exceding mad
against them. But Br Ockey has maintained his int
egrity like a man of God, when his Brothers has come against
him in anger & abused him & the servants of God that
were in his house he has boldly stood up in defence
of the faith bore record of the truth of the
work & faithfully warned his Brethren to
obey the gospel, he is making evry preperation to
gather with the Saints & help as many as he can to
Do the same. Sister Ann appears willing to do the
same, But has some fears that her Brothers will
hender her getting ready & gathering with the
Saints. She wishes me to Pray that God will
deliver her. As I bid her farewell she put into
my hands £05 A crown & A Peace of paper containing
the following lines. To my Dear Friend
Oh say not we are Parted
While our souls can meet in prayer
Whilst there is a throne of love
And one hope unites us there
When the first light of the morning
First tints the east with red
I pray that heavens best blessings
May be showerd on thy head
And when evening's lengthning shadows
Recall the hour of Prayer
There is no mercy that I crave
But thy Dear name is there
(Good Bye)
When from the friend we dearly love
Fate tels us we must part
By words we can but febly prove
The anguish of the heart
And in soft words how'er sincere
Can half so much imply
As that suppressed & trembling tear
Which drowns the word good bye
The oceans may between us rool
And distant be our lot
Ah 'tho we part to meet no more
Dear Friend forget me not
A Ockey
A. O. to W. Woodruff
I then walked to Frooms Hill conversed with
the Elders untill 2 oclock I then took the parting hand
with Elders L. Richards T. Kington, Kay & others, & took
about 20 lbs wait oin my travelling bag & walked 15 miles
in four hours, to Worcester when I arived there I was
so vary lame with my heavy load & fast walking that
I could scercely walk. I then took the rail road &
arived in Birmingham at 10 oclock was exceding lame
& weary I spent the night with Elder James Riley,
chair maker 24 Park street Birmingham {Distance of the day} 40 m
~ Wednesday
24th I visited the Brass foundery in Birmigham then
travled to west Bromwich & called to Br Smiths then
to Greets Green & spent the evening at Br Walkers
I administered to 6 that were sick, returned & spent
the night at Br Smith {Distance of the day} 10 miles
~ Thursday
March 25th I took coach & Rode to Hanly & stoped
with Br John Taylor I hear great report of war
all through the country against America, I
wrote a letter to Elder Lorenzo Snow, I had
an interview in the evening with Elder G. A. Smith
we met a large congregation of the Saints in
the Hanley Room Elder Smith first addressed
the meeting & I followed him after meeting
was dissmissed, many of the Saints went with
us to Br Taiylors & we spent several hours in talking
& I read the 11th No of the Star which was
Interesting, it contained an interesting account
letter from President Joseph Smith to the
Quorum of the Twelve in answer to some which
we had written him. I then walked to Br
William Box In Picickidelly street Hanly &
spent the night with Br Smith, I am happy
to learn that the work of the Lord is rapidly
prospering in these Staffordshire Potteries
& many are added to the Church.
Distance of the day 45 miles
~ Friday
26th I engaged Elder John Taylor to make
make me sum clothing which consisted of
one Black Broad cloth Dress coat, waist coat &
Trowses, one Blue Broad cloth Frock coat &
silk velvet waistcoat. The cloth, trimings
& making with the additions of two shirts
amounted to £9.10, about $45 dollars
all of which I paid him, I persuied this course
as I stood in need of clothing & it being much
cheaper than it was in America. I walked to Sister
Mary, & Br Sampson Bridgwoods from thence
to Lane End & visited many of the Saints, I had a
plesent interview with Brother Noon I spent the
night at Elder Players he is a stone cutter & engraver
Distance of the Day 6 miles
~ Saturday
27th Before I took my leave of the Saints in Laneend
or Longton I went to the water & Baptized 7 persons
one was Alexander Barton A Potter, Artist & Modeller
I then parted with the Saints & walked to stoke
& dined with Elder Rowley then walked to
New Castle spent some little time at Father
Rowleys who was vary feeble. There is many
silk manufacterers in New Castle [FIGURE] I Purchased
15 yards of Black silk for a dress for Phebe at
2/2 per yard ^£1 12 6 + £0 2 7 1/2 = £1 15 1 1/2^ & 7 yards of lineing at /4 1/2
per yard this was considerd as
cheap as any could be bought
in England according to the quality I
walked with several Brethren to Hanley
& sat in council with many of the officers
among other business that was brought up
was the case of a Brother Mumford
who was ingaged in the Magic or Black art
fortune telling &c which prevails to a great
extent in this country but as he persisted in
his course after being laboured with the
council withdrew fellowship forom him, others
He was holding the office of a Priest
& one thing is worthy of notice that while the
Priesthood was upon him, he could not set
his maicjic glasses as before untill after he
ceased to fill the Priest office & rejected
our council I spent the night at Brother
Box who had been sorely tempted of the
Devil for many Days we lade hands upon
him & cast the Devil out, & he had peace. 10 [miles]
~ Sunday
Staffordshire Conference
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints met according to adjournment &
by appointment in the Majestrates assembly
Room in Hanley on Sunday the 28th Day of
March, there being Present W. Woodruff &
G. A. Smith of the Travleling High Council
& one High Priest 13 Elders 28 Priest 10 Teachers
& 8 Deacons the meeting was called to
order by Elder Woodruff at half past ten oclock
when it was moved by Elder Woodruff second
ed by Elder Simpson that Elder G A Smith
be appointed President of the Conference
carried unanimously
moved & carried that Br T. J. Filcher & O. Shaw
be clerks of the meeting.
Moved & carried that Brothers Player, Taylor
Simpson & Burrows, be appointed to assist in
the business of the Day keeping order &c
The President opened the meeting by singing &
prayer & then called upon the officers to
Represent the various Branches of the Church
when Elder Cordon read the minutes of
the Birmingham Conference which represented
member | E[lder] | P[riest] | T[eacher] | D[eacon] | |
Birmingham Conference | 112 | 2 | 11 | 5 | 2 |
[Elder Cordon represented] Leek Conference | 67 | 2 | 9 | 2 | 2 |
Elder R Steel [represented] Cox Bank [Conference] | 34 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
E Wm Bradbury [represented] Knutton [Conference] | 14 | 2 | 1 | ||
[E Wm Bradbury represented] Bradley Green | 7 | ||||
Elder Whittaker [represented] Longton | 102 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 1 |
H Booth [represented] Badley Edge | 19 | 1 | 1 | ||
E W. Smith [represented] New Castle | 14 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
E Rowley [represented] Stoke [Conference] | 19 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 |
E W. Bradbury [represented] Hanley & Burslem | 144 | 6 | 8 | 4 | 1 |
E C Stephenson [represented] Tunstall | 23 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Br Vernon [represented] Chesterfield | 10 | ||||
[Br Vernon represented] Minutes of Mac | 91 | 2 | 8 | 6 | 3 |
[Br Vernon represented] scattered | 7 | ||||
Total one High Priest | 663 | 17 | 54 | 25 | 14 |
^5^ | ^8^ | ^7^ | ^2^ | ||
^22^ | ^62^ | ^32^ | ^16^ |
T It was then moved & carried that Brothers
T. J. Fitcher J. Taylor O Shaw, W Ridge & H
Booth be ordained Elders. Also Brothers
W. Edwards H Simpson
Wm Bradbury J Robinson
E Parker Wm Evans
J Forister & J. Kent Be ordained Priests
Also J Johnson J. Ball
G Taylor J. Billington
T Silcock G. Grocott
& W. Alcock be ordained Teachers
Also R. Brown & H Billington be ordained Deacons
The conference then Adjourned untill half past 2
Met according to adjournment President
opened meeting by Prayer After which 15
of those named for ordination were ordained
under the hands of Elders Woodruff, Smith
& Cordon, Moved & carried that the remaining
ordinations nominated be attended to by Elder
The President then brought up the case of a Br
Mumford Moumford, who was holding the office
of a Priest, from whome fellowship had been
withdrawn by the council of official officers in
consequence of ^his^ practizing fortune Telling,
Magic, Black art &c & called upon Elders Woodruff
& Cordon to express their feelings upon the
sudbject when Elder Woodruff arose, & spoke
Briefly upon the subject, & informed the assemb-
ly that we had no such custom or practice in the
Church, & that we should not fellowship any
individual who Practiced Magic fortune Telling,
Black art &c for it was not of God, when
It was moved & carried by the whole Church
that fellowship be withdrawn from Br
Moved & carried that this conference grant
unto Elders Woodruff & G. A. Smith a letter of
recommendation, manifesting that the Church
in this region, accept of their labours & considerd
that that they have filled their mission with
honour & Dignity
Moved & carried that this conference
adjourn for three Months
G A Smith (President)
T J Fitcher
O Shaw (Clerks)
we had a vary interesting conference on
this occasion it being in the Majestrates assembly
Room which would hold about 800 which was
crouded but in perfect order much ^good^ feelings
was manifest during the Day & a prospect of
a continual increase in the Potteries. I dined with
Elder Taylor & spent the night with Br Box
~ Monday
I wrote a letter to Elder D. C. Smith at Nauvoo
~ Tuesday
~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
~ Friday
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
~ Monday
The following is the intire minutes of the
Business of the quorum of the Twelve for
several Days in success[ion]
Manchester England April 2nd 1841
This Day Elders Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson
Hide, Parley P. Pratt Willard Richards, Willford Woodru
ff John Taylor, & G. A. Smith of the Quorum of the
Twelve met together at the house of Br James Bewsher
Coachman No 4 Gray Street near Oxford Road in this
city in council after having been seperated & dispersed
in various countries for the last four years
To meet once more in council after a long seperation
and having passed through many sore and grieveous
trials exposing our lives & our characters to the slander
and violence of wicked & murderous men, caused our hearts
to swell with gratitude to God for his providential care
over us. Elder Young opened the council by prayer
Elders B. Young H. C. Kimball and P. P. Pratt the comm-
ittee appointed about a year ago to secure a coppy right
of the Book of Mormon in the name of Joseph Smith jr
Presented the following certificate
Feb. 8th 1841
Then entered for his copy the property of Joseph
Smith Jun the Book of Mormon an account writt-
en by the hand of Mormon upon plates taken from
the plates of Nephi. Translated by Joseph Smith jr
First European from the Second American Edition
Received five copies George Greenhill
The above is a true copy of an Entry in the Rejister
Book of the company of Stationers Kept at the Hall
of the said company
Witness my hand this 17th Day of Feburary 1841
George Greenhill
Warehouse keeper of the Company of Stationers
The quorum voted that they accepted the labours
of said committee
Resolved that as the quorum of the Twelve have had
nothing to do with the printing of the Book of Mormon
they will not now interfere with it, but that the said
committee settle the financial or business matters
thereof with Joseph Smith Jun to whom the profits
rightly belong.
Resolved that Elder Amos Fielding be appointed
to superintend fitting out the Saints from Liverpool
to America under the instructions of Elder P. P. Pratt
Resolved that Brother G. J. Adams go to Bedford
& Northampton and labour in that region.
Adjourned till 10 o-clock tomorrow A.M
Elder Kimball closed by Prayer
Orson Hide Clerk
~ Saturday
Manchester April 3rd 1841
This Day the quorum of the Twelve met pursuant
to adjournment. The President called upon
Elder Hiyde to open by Prayer, which was accordingly
done. The Quorum then signed a letter of comm-
endation to the Churches in England for Elder Hyde
The Business of Publishing the Star & Hymn Book
was then taken into consideration. Br John Taylor
moved that that those who have had the care and
superintendency of publishing the Star & Hymn Book
should dispose of them according to their own wishes
& dispose of the procedes in the same way, seconded
by Elder P P.O. Pratt and carried by a unanimous vote
Moved by Elder Young seconded by Elder Richards
that Elder Parley P. P. Pratt conduct the publication
of the Millennial Star as Editor and sole proprietor
of the same after the close of this present volumn
Resolved that Elder P. P. Pratt reprint the Hymn Book
if he deem it expedient—the hymn Book is not to
be altered except the typhographical errors, the
above resolve was moved by Elder G. A. Smith seconded
by Elder W. Woodruff carried Unanimously
Conference adjourned Orson Hyde Clerk
~ Monday
Manchester April 5th 1841 Met pursuent to adjo-
urnment. Elder Orson Pratt opened the council by
Prayer. It was moved resolved that the 17th day
of April be the day appointed for the Twelve who
are going to America to set sail from Liverpool
this was moved by Elder Richards and seconded by
Elder Woodruff & carried by a unanimous vote
Moved by Elder Kimball seconded by Elder Woodruff
that the Twelve do business at the Conference as a
quorum & call upon the Church or Conference to sanction
it. Adjourned till the 6th Inst to meet in general
Conference at Carpenters Hall at 10 oclock A.M.
O. Hyde Clerk
I wrote a letter to Elder John Taylor, Tailor
~ Tuesday
The council of the Twelve assembled at Manchester
in the Carpenters Hall, on the 6th day of April 1841 for
the first time to transact business as a quorum in a
foreign land; being the first day of the 12th year of the
rise of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Nine of the quorum were
present viz B. Young H. C. Kimball O. Hyde, P. P. Pratt
O Pratt W. Richards, W. Woodruff J. Taylor &
Geo. A. Smith.
President Young having
called the house to order & organized the conference
then opened by Prayer
Elder Thomas Ward was then chosen clerk
The President then made some introductory rema
rks relative to the organization of the Church in the
house of the Lord in America in refference
to the different quorums in their respective orders and
Authorities in the Church
The representations of the Churches & conferences
throughout the Kingdom were then called for
(which were represented as follows) [FIGURE]
Locations | By whom Represented | Members | Elders | Priest | Teachers | Deacons |
Manchester | P. P. Pratt | 443 | 7 | 15 | 9 | 0 |
Clitheroe conference | H. C. Kimball | 318 | 6 | 12 | 13 | 3 |
Preston [conference] | P. Melling | 675 | 11 | 15 | 13 | 3 |
Liverpool [conference] | J. Taylor | 190 | 9 | 8 | 4 | 3 |
Isle of Man | [J. Taylor] | 90 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 0 |
London conference | L. Snow | 137 | 3 | 8 | 4 | 2 |
Birmingham [conference] | A. Cordon | 110 | 4 | 13 | 4 | 1 |
Stafford^shire^ conference | [A. Cordon] | 574 | 19 | 49 | 28 | 16 |
Garway conference | W. Woodruff | 134 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 1 |
Gadfield Elm [conference] | [W. Woodruff] | 408 | 8 | 33 | 11 | 1 |
Frooms Hill [conference] | [W. Woodruff] | 1,008 | 27 | 67 | 27 | 8 |
Edinburgh (Scotland) | O. Pratt | 203 | 6 | 9 | 6 | 2 |
Glasgow, Paisley, Johnstone Bridge of Weir and Thorney Bank | R Hedlock | 368 | 12 | 15 | 13 | 11 |
Ireland | T. Curtis | 35 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Wales | J Burnham | 170 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 3 |
New Castle upon Tyne | A Fielding | 23 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Alston | J Sanders | 26 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Brampton | [J Sanders] | 46 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Carlisle | [J Sanders] | 43 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Bolton | Elder Crooks | 189 | 1 | 11 | 8 | 1 |
Duckinfield | J Albertson | 120 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Stockport | Elder Magan | 161 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 2 |
Northwich, Middlewich &c | S. Heath | 112 | 2 | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Oldham | Wm Black | 86 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 2 |
Eccles | [Wm Black] | 24 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Pendlebury | [Wm Black] | 62 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Whitefield | [Wm Black] | 41 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0 |
Radcliffe Bridge | [Wm Black] | 18 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 5814* | 136 | 303 | 169 | 68 |
*Near eight hundred Saints have emigrated to America during
the past season who are not included in this representation
After these representations the conference adjourned
at 12 o'clock till 2 P.M.
The conference met pursuant to ajdjournment. Opened
by Prayer
Scattering members were then represented consisting
of near 50 not included in any of the Above branches
The President then proceded to make some remarks
on the office of Patriarch and concluded by moving
that Elder Albertson be ordained to that office.
This was seconded by Elder Kimball and carried unanimou-
Resolved that
D. Watt Thomas Richardson
G. J. Adams James Whitehead
Amos Fielding Thomas Dunville
Wm. Kay James Galley
John Sanders & George Simpson
J. Riley Be ordained High Priest
Resolved that the following persons be ordained Elders
viz Wm. Miller, Joseph Brotherton
Wm Leach Richard Benson
John Sands, Theophilus Brotherton
Wm Moon John McIlwrick
Wm. Hardman & Wm Green
Wm. Black
John Goodfellow ***
The council then proceded to organize all the
churches into conferences throughout the Kingdom
& appoint presiding Elders over them
The conference then adjourned till 7 o-clock
Met pursuant to ajdjournment open by prayer & singing
The Patriarch P. Mellen was then called upon to pronou
nce a patriarchal blessing upon the head of John Albertson
Previous to his being ordained to the office of Patriarch
He then laid his hands upon him & Blessed him ** See
Millennial Star 303 page
The Twelve then lade hands on J. Albertson & ordained him
to the office of Patriarch
The High Priest & Elders were then ordained, & much
council was given from the President & others of the Twelve
A vary richly ornamented cake a present from New York
from Elder Adams wife to the Twelve was then exhibited to
the meeting. This was blessed by them & distributed to all
the officers & members & to the whole congregation
consisting of about seven hundred people. A large fragmen[t]
was left for some who were not present, while the cake
was passing P. P. Pratt composed the following lines
When in far Distant regions
As strangers we roam
Far away from our country
Our friends and our home
When sinking in sorrow
Fresh courage we'll take
As we think on our friends
And remember the CAKE
Elder O. Hide appealed powerfully
to the meeting & covenanted
with the Saints present in a
bond of mutual prayer During
his mission to Jerrusalem and the
east which willas sustained on
the part of the hearers with
a harty Amen
Elder Joseph Fielding made
some remarks, & spoke of
the rich cake, considered it
a type of the good things of
that land from whence it
came & from whence they
had received the fulness of the
gospel** After a hymn was
sung, Elder Young blessed the
congregation and dismissed them
Brigham Young Chairman
Thomas Ward Clerk
The number of official members
present at this conference was then
taken viz
Quorum of the Travelling High Council | 9 |
Patriarchs | 2 |
High Priest | 16 |
Quorum of the Seventies | 2 |
Elders | 31 |
Priest | 28 |
Teachers | 17 |
Deacons | 2 |
~ Wednesday
April 7th I called at Elder P P. Pratt's Book store
47 Oxford Street & found his house full of Elders
many of whom were about parting to go into
their field of labour. The clerk of our conference
was sumwhat in trouble as he had this morning
lost all of the minutes of the conference, & had
to write them over before they could go to press
The Twelve spent a little time in council in the
fore part of the Day. In the afternoon the
Twelve and all the American Brethren, went to Br
Millers & took tea & had an interesting visit
together. Before we left, the Twelve lade hands
upon the head of Elder Kimball Orson Hyde
& Blessed him in the name of the Lord, as he had
been set apart by the first Presidency to take
a mission to the Holy land, the city of Jerrusalem
whare Jesus Dwelt, for the purpose of laying
the foundation of a great work in that land, this
is the first mission that any man has taken to
the land of Asia belonging to the Church of Christ
of Latter Day Saints. Much of the Spirit of
God rested upon us when we blessed him Elder
Kimball was mouth & Elder Taylor scribe
I walked Into the city with Br Young & we
bought each of us a pair of Pebble specticeles for
the eyes Also a small spy glass, pebbles were
14/ shillings, the spy glass 3/6. I wrote a letter
to Sister Margarett Morgan
~ Thursday
~ Friday
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
11th Sunday I preached in the Carpenters Hall
oin the morning was followed by P. P. Pratt. I dined
at Father Brothertons. The sacrament was adm
inistered in the Afternoon many testifyed of the works
of God. Elder O. Pratt preached in the evening
from Daniel on the kingdom & the four beasts represe
nted the first beast kingdom of Nebuchednezzar 2nd
Meeds & Persians 3rd Macedonian, & 4th the Roman
Kingdom he spoke of this work, of the last days
he was followed by Elders Kimball Young &c we
spent the night at Br Brewshers
~ Monday
12th I accompanied Elders Young & Kimball to P P
Pratts 47 Oxford street P P Pratt gave me £3 for
40 Hymn Books we then went to No 1 Oldham street
& purchased such articles as we stood in need
of in the family the following isare the things i bough[t]
1 shawl | 6/ | 6 | |
1 [shawl] | 9 | 5 | |
1 [shawl] | 4 | 6 | |
3 yards linen | 2/2 | 6 | 6 |
20 [yards] Flannel | 1/1 | 1 1 | 8 |
1 Veil | 12 | 6 | |
1/4 lb silk | 2 5/6 | 6 | 4 |
1 Ball Twist | 3 | 3 | |
1 l | 4 | ||
2 pair of stockings | 1/3 | 2 | 6 |
2 [pair of stockings] | 1/6 | 3 | |
2 [pair of stockings] | 1/5 | 2 | 10 |
2 cotton Kankerchiefs | 2 | ||
1 Dress Pattern | 4 | 7 | |
£4 | 9 | 7 1/2 |
I also received
a present of a
dress pattern
& 4 spools & 6
Balls of cotton
thread, both
from Sister
Martha Brotherton
also a sort of a
work bag. we
dined at Brother
Brothertons &
then returned
to Br Bewsher's
took tea we then
walked out into
the city & spent
the evening, together after which I spent the
night with Br R. Hedlock at Br Jones Cookson st
distance of the day 8 miles
I received a letter from Edward Ockey
I wrote a letter to Elder Kington.
~ Tuesday
I wrote a letter to Elder E. Ockey
took a walk in the afternoon through the
Manchester fair, in company with Elders Young
& Smith saw a great variety of things, one man
8 feet high weight 450 lbs & one pig 1200 lbs
one living skeleton, a great variety of wild beasts
the largest Elephant in Europe, Lions Tigers &
leapords all in one cage, with a man playing with
them all, & lying in the midst of them. I
attended a wedding in the evening & spent the
night at Br Brewsher's 5 miles
~ Wednesday
14th I spent the night day counting out the
Millennial Stars, I obtained for my share 76
whole volums, I bought 2 cases of raisors 6/6 one
box Iron with 2 heaters, 3/, 5 pair of sissors 3/ one
nail hammer 2/ & Elder P. P. Pratt says if I ever
carry my hammer to America he will give me a
£1 a sovreign the first time he sees me at Giberalter
will it be in 1844. I had a present of a nice
silk work bag & needle dball from Sister Martha
Brotherton I spent the evening preparing my things
for going to Liverpool, I was called to administer
to Sister Smith who was vary sick. I spent the
night at Br Bewshers
15th we sent our trunks & baggage on the baggage
cars & we bid old Manchester with all their was
in it farewell left Elder P. P. Pratt his wife &
children in good health & spirits Sister Olive frost
was with them in good health we left them
with a store of Books of Mormon Hymn Book
voice of warning, Poems, tracts, & Stars for
sale. Elders Young O. Pratt, myself, G A Smith
& Levi Richards, took cars & rode to Liver-
pool. G A Smith & myself took up our abode at
Br Harringtons milk house top of Gunville street
near Mill end Scotland Road Liverpool, we arived
Just in time to attend a splended tea meeting
of the Saints at the music hall Liverpool, 200 Saints
sat at the table, the Saints have rented this
hall for their meetings it will seat about 2000
this is the first time I have visited Liverpool
since I first landed. It gave me peculiar feelings
to sit down with 200 Saints in this place think-
ing that when we first landed that [there] was not one
in the city but ourselves, after tea we were
introduced to this intelligent body of Saints &
the quorum of the Twelve addressed them in
few words, after which we were dissmissed our
quorum met a few moments, & concluded
to sail on Tuesday which will make us vary
busy untill that time
I received a letter
from Elder Kington
16th this is an extream busy day many things to
do & little time to do it in the Saints are com-
ing in from various parts of England to sail
for New York on bor^a^d the Ship Rochester
with us among whom is Br Edward Ockey
& friends, & Br Fidoe & family. I went to Br
Armstrong & got measured for An overcoat
& a dress Black, coat & summer Pantaloons
& waistcoat, I visited the Agents of the
ship which we were going on with Elder
Taylor & we detained the ship one day
on our account, this company will do all
they can to favor us for it is for their
interest as we have already given them many
passengers & shall probably many more
they give us with all our company the second
cabin & do of a seperate room for our
quorum the fare of each person is £3.15
& our quorum half price, their is a great
difference between our landing as we
did in Liverpool on the 11th of Jan 1840
as a stranger in a strange land & peneless
& our setting sail on the 20 of April 1841
with a ship load of Saints & all that we
need of this worlds goods to make us comfo-
rtable, & having an influence sufficient
to detain a ship a day or two on our account
truly the lord hath blessed us in a manner
not looked for it hath truly been a miricle
what God hath wrought by our hands in
this land since we have been here & I am
asstonished when I look at it for during
our stay here we have esstablished church
es in all the most noted cities & towns in
this Kingdom have Baptized more than 5000
souls printed 5000 Books of mormon 3000
Hymn Books 2,500 Volumes of the Millennial
Star & about 50,000 tracts, & gatherd to
the land of Joseph 1,000 souls & esstablished a
great influence among those that trade in ships
at sea & lacked for nothing to eat drink or
ware truly the Lord hath been good
Sister Ann Ockey accompanied us they
much desired to sail with us to America, with
their Brother Edward but they were not ready
I retired to my room & bed at midnight vary
weary with my days labour distance 15 mile
18th Sunday I Preached to about 200 saints
& some of the world in the music Hall in bold st
Liverpool in the morning, in the afternoon the
Twelve bore testimony of the work of work of God we
communed with the Saints in the evening elder
Taylor preached I spent the evening at 68 Leeds st
with Elder Edward Ockey & his sisters & Br Fidoe
& family
Books of Mormon | ||||
12 Moroco | 9/ | £5 | 8 | 0 |
25 gilt edge | 7/ | [£]8 | 15 | 0 |
89 marble edge | 6/6 | [£]28 | 18 | 6 |
35 sheep | 5/ | 8 | 15 | 0 |
£51 | 16 | 6 |
Ezra Carter & family lettered | 9 Morocco |
Aphek Woodruff & family & other Connecticut friends | 5 Moroco lettered |
W. Richards 2 gilt edge, 6 marble edge, 4 sheep | 12 |
G. A. Smith 4 marble edge 2 sheep | 6 |
R Hadlock 4 marble edge | 4 |
one Moroco to E. Ockey Eliza Brewer Ann, & Elizabeth Ockey Total | 4 |
One | 2 |
Making in all A present of Books of mormon to friends | 42 |
I Bought of Br Armstrong one overcoat | £3 | 15 | 0 |
one Dress coat | £2 | 15 | 0 |
one waist coat | 10 | ||
one pair of summer trouses | 10 | ||
£7 | 10 | 0 |
I Bought the following Articles
1 shall [shawl] | £0 | 14 |
1 [shawl] | [£0] | 14 |
1 [shawl] | [£0] | 6 |
2 pair of Drawers | [£0] | 9 |
1 [pair of Drawers] | [£0] | 3 |
2 flannel shirts | [£0] | 10 |
1 Box steel pens | [£0] | 6 |
1 [Box steel pens] | [£0] | 2 |
1 [Box steel pens] | [£0] | 1 |
4 cards of pens | [£0] | 4 |
1 Doz pen cases | [£0] | 1 |
1 Inkstand | [£0] | 1 |
Total | £5 | 15 |
Sister Elizabeth
Ockey presented me
with a nice neck scarf
And Sister Ann Ockey
presented me with a fine
silk neck hankerchief
& gold pin. I took tea
with them. I presented
each of them with a
Book of Mormon, Moroco
bound & gilt with their
names upon it, Also
Edward Ockey & Eliza
Brewer Elder Edward
Ockey has done much for
the cause of God has helped many families to go
from England to Nauvoo of the Saints & has paid
out 2 or £300 pounds of late for this purpose besides
he has this day presented me as a present to assist
me to return home, A purs of gold containing £50
sovreigns about equal to $250 Dollars, truly this is
liberality, charity & Blessings not often met with, &
As some of my Brethren were ready I gave A porti
on of it to them As follows B Young £5, W. Richards
£5, And G. A. Smith £5, &c.
Truly the Lord hath been good unto us all during this
mission & given us all things we needed for which bless
ings I feel to offer up the gratitude of my hear[t] to my
heavenly Father
Seven of the Twelve with 120 Saints & 160 other
about 280 in all got our baggage on board of the ship
to set sail, but the wind being contrary we staid on shore
We drew out into the river Mercy & cast anchor in sight
of Liverpool & spent the day & night. It was with some
difficulty that we could get the baggage stowed away
so that we could make our beds however we lay dow
n & slep well
~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
~ Friday
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
~ Monday
worse in any sickness, was thankful that my
wife & children was not with me to share in such
sufferings, the sun is plesent today we have
still west head winds & rough sea. Their has
been some fears that several children would
die on board being vary sick, we got together
& prayed the Lord to have mercy upon us all &
spare the lives of our company, & the sick began
to amend truly we have perils by sea as well
as by land [FIGURE] Two years ago this day the
Twelve held ther conference on the building
spop [spot] of the house of the Lord in the city far
west on which occasion I was ordained to the
quorum of the Twelve in company with G A. Smith
& we started on that day to take our foreign missi
on & thank God we are now on our return home
& are still alive & through the mercy of God are
like to live. ** We had a still night
~ Tuesday
~ Wednesday
surge be hurled with all their force into the births
of the men, women, & children which would endanger
the lives of all on seeing the foundation of this mass
give way Elder W. Richards & myself sprang to
this place of danger & braced ourselves against the
barrels & held them for a few moments untill it
was a little secured I then went on deck to the
Captain & informed him of the situation of things
below & he sent the sailors with some ropes & secured
the pile which was endangering the lives of many
After this was done I again repaired to the Aft quarter
deck to behold the raging of the tempest & the wonders
of the deedp & the movements of the ship which was the
greatest scenery I ever beheld upon the water
Elde[r]s Young, Kimball, Richard's & Smith was with
me on deck for a time but all had now gone below
except Elder Richards & myself & the officers &
crew, we were shiping heavy seas it was now
about sun set I stood in the middle of the aft quarter
deck holding the Captains speaking trumpet in one
hand & holding to a fast bench with the other when
we shipped a tremendious sea on the windward
side of us which passed clear over the quarter deck
on which I stood. On seeing that we could not esca-
pe it Elder Richards flung himself close under the
Bulwarks & the body of the wave went clear over
him without wetting him but little but as I could
not take the same advantage I flung myself
upon the deck & held upon the fast seat whare I
remained untill the sea passed over me & left me
drenched in the surge I now thought it time for
me to leave my seat of observation for the day
& go below as I was thoroughly wet with salt water,
I went to bed but did not sleep but little for
the ship rocked at a dredful rate boxes, barrels,
& tines were tumbling from one end of the
cabin to the other. And in the steerage about 15
Births were flung down 9 at one surge with
all the men women & children flung into a pile in
the midst of the berths but no lives lost or bones
broken. This is the 8th day in succession that we
have had strong headwind
~ Thursday
~ Friday
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
several times about 20 rods from the ship, we are
drawing near the banks of Newfoundland. Sunday
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
~ Friday
who interfered we had the roughest night at
sea which we have seen since we have been on
the voyage the spars & other things were afloat on
the main deck
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
~ Monday
gallant sail about 100 feet from the upper deck
which was the top of the rope ladders I could go no
higher without climing a single bear rope so I retu-
rned to the deck I found it required some presens
of mind & caution to go up & down the riging of a ship
as she was waving in the air we had a calm night
~ Tuesday
~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
~ Friday
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
We came in full view of the Jersey shore & 10 or 15 sail
in the afternoon I felt to rejoice to once more behold the
America shore my native country after being absent from
it 16 months we had a view of Barnagat Lighthouse as
we passed along
~ Wednesday
the latest news. The Editor Paid $45 dollars
for the steem boat to bring him down to the ship
to get the news we have been 29 days from Liver-
pool to our casting Anchor this morning, we raised
our Anchor in the afternoon & went in with the
tide on to the quarentene ground & again droped
our anchor the physician came on board searched
the passengers & found them well, But we shall
be quarrenteened untill tomorrow now is the time
we need much patience & long suffering in bearing
one with another in taking out our baggage going
through the Custom House & getting settled in
New York. the Captain went on shore at night
~ Thursday
night. I was the nearest tired to death by fatigue
& labour that I ever was in my life for I was
continually loading & unloading boxes chests,
barrels & trunks from sunrise untill 10 o-clock
at night, without eating or drinking. I took
a hearty supper about midnight & lay down in
a room whare their was two children expected
to die hourly. I did not sleep a moment arose
in the morning & again commenced carting
baggage. I truly felt to rejoice to once more
step upon our native shore I thank God for
sparing my life & giving me such a blessing
we spent the night at the Battery Pavilion
Distance from Liverpool to Yew York is 3,500 miles
~ Friday
I received 2 letters from Phebe one contained
a page from my mother giving an account of the
Low state of health of Sister Eunice
~ Saturday
Married in New York City May 22nd by Elder
W Woodruff Mr. Edward Ockey to Miss Eliza
Brewer both from Castle Froome Herefordshire Eng.
the day following their arival. This is the first
time I have had the honour of officiating at
a marriage ceremony. this was at the house of
Elder J. W. Latson's in the presence of the quorum
of the Twelve.
Br & Sister Irskine lost
a child this day which was buried
~ Sunday
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
I took 76 Vols of the Star to be bound by Mr
Joseph A. Clussmans 465 pearl st corner of
Chatham I preached at night at J W. Latsons
~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
appartments of the steem ship of war now
building for the Emperor of Rusia, it is to
be finished in the greatest elegance & stile it
is strong, large, mounts 14 guns & cost about
$500,000 dollars it contains a large two headed
eagle standing under a crown both on the
bow & stern, its state rooms and cabins are finished
with the best of Mahogany. [FIGURE] We also visited the
Custom House & merchants exchange
~ Friday
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
~ Friday
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
~ Monday
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
~ Friday
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
[upside-down text]
^Russian steam ship Camchatskia. Main shaft
eleven tons. It is 235 feet in length, 40 foot beam.
Carries 16 guns, 12 & 32 Pounders. 4 cannonades.
Cost $500,000. requires 500 men to arm her [FIGURE]^
[end of upside-down text]
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
~ Friday
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
~ Friday
by refering to the French Government & other
afairs which was as foreign from the subject
as Heaven is from Hell. & among many other
absurdities his declaration is that the Turkish
empire & Government will be destroyed in (1840)
& the Second Coming of Christ will be in 1843
~ Saturday
26th I re^a^d the narative of the life and medical
Discoveries of Dr SAMUEL THOMPSON which
were truly interesting & beneficial to mankind I
have no doubt but that his invention theory & pra-
ctice of administering roots barks & herbs as
medicine, is a great blessing to mankind & is one of
the greatest improvments of the last days & is
causing a great revolution throughout America in
the mode of practice, by which means he has drawn
down a flood of persecution & slander upon his head
I copied Dr Thomsons instructions on preparing medicine & administering it
~ Sunday
27th I remained at Father Carters through the day
I read A narative of the ship wreck, captivity and
sufferings of HORACE HOLDEN & BENJ. H. NUTE
who was cast away in the American ship Mentor on the
Pelew Islands, in the year 1832 And for two years
afterwards were subjected to unheard of sufferings
among the barbarous inhabitants of Lord North's
Island. In North Lat 3°3 and East Long 131°20'.
This was truly an interesing but painful narrative
~ Monday
I wrote a letter to Elder M. Holmes Inform
ing him that I would meet him on Tuesday the 6th
of July at 11 o-clock AM at S Wilders Hotel No 11
Elm street Boston the Lord willing. I also wrote
Luther Scammans name in a copy of the Millennial
Star and gave it to him
~ Tuesday
29th I rode to the beach & went into the salt
water with several others the water was vary
cold. {Phebe and the lady went in [illegible shorthand]} spent the day at Sister foss
~ Wednesday
30th ^
^ I received a letter from Eunice & Mother
Woodruff informing me that Sister Eunice
was nigh unto death had a relaps of her
sickness & also informed me that Br Webster
had returned, & visited them. It seemed
from the Import of the letter that it had been through
a great struggle, exercise of faith, & the mercy
of God that Eunice was in the land of the living.
I immediately carried her case befor the Lord
& plead in her behalf & I was blessed with
a testimony that she would recover & that
I should soon see her face to face
[FIGURE] I also recieved 2 New York Papers from
Ilus one of which contained an account of the
taking of President Joseph Smith, b^y^ a writarrant
of Governor Carlin under the requisition of the
Governor of Missouri, & was however brought up
on a hab habeas corpus the intent is to deliver
him to the governor of Missouri the paper
also stated that their was much excitement
among the Saints upon the subject &c.
The spirit of persecution has been kept alive
against the Saints in all ages of the world
& will not long sleep untill the Ancient of Days
shall sit. I spent the day at Sister Foss
~ Thursday
July 1st I visited some of the Neighbours
& spent the remaining part of the day
at father Carters. I procured two good
calf skins of father Carter, & Fox Lovett
made me two pair of Boots one of cow
Hide one of calf skin & also made Phebe two
pair of shoes
~ Friday
2nd I rode to Br Luther Scamman visited about
about 3 hours returned to Sister Foss (spent about
3 hours with Br & Sister Edward Milliken they
being the ownly persons I have seen from Buxton
since my arival in Scarborough they sent
several articles by me to Sarah Milliken viz one
Letter, one oil cloth, 2 pair of stockings for
Arthur, & one muslin collar.) I returned to father
Carters & spent the evening at John Fabyans
Ezra Carter Jr was present this closes my visiting
in for the present 8 miles
~ Saturday
July 3rd I spent the day at father Carters we
had a Number of visiters among whom weere
Freedom Moulton & his two sisters
~ Sunday
JULY 4th 1841 Sunday I spent the
Day at fathers Carters. Mr Lowel & wife were
present & Luther & Rhoda Scamman were
at fathers on a visit. I Paid Luther Scamman
$10 ten dollars for money which he paid
for Phebe on the passage home
~ Monday
5th I took the parting hand with Father Carter
& his houshold & rode with Joseph F Carter to
Portland. Spent several hours with Ezra Carter jr
we then went on board of the steamer Bangor
& spent the night 12 miles
~ Tuesday
6th We left Portland at 7 o-clock on board the
Bangor the sea was rough & most all was sea
sick we arived in Boston at 6 o-clock in the
evening we spent the night in Boston at the
Layfaett Hotel, I had a vary interesting time in
the evening with Elder Freeman Nickelson Sister
Vose, (57 Temple Street) Sister Cobb & others who
called at our room & spent the evening they were
vary anxious that I should stop & preach with
them but my circumstances would not permit
the distance of the Day 110 miles
~ Wednesday
7th I sold Elder Nickison $23 dollars worth of
Books of Mormon, Stars, &c. I parted with the friends
& took the Woster rail road, & road to woster
from thence to Springfield, at which place I took
Steem Boat & rode to Hartford & spent the night
at the Hartford Hotel distance of the day 130 miles
~ Thursday
8th I took stage & rode to Farmington to my Fathers
house & was made welcome once more to the house
of my friends I found Sister Eunice recovering
from her sickness but was still low. Mother appeared
worn down by fatigue but was enjoying good health
Fathers health is good but he feels his age 10 miles
~ Friday
July 9th I
recieved 2 letters from Elder W. Richards
I perused a letter from Br Azmon Woodruff & one
from Thompson Woodruff I was truly glad to hear
from them once more. We had a visit from Miss
Jennet Stedman & MrMr. Burgess & Mrs Burgess
~ Saturday
10th Spent the day at father Woodruffs
~ Sunday
11th Sunday Spent the day at father Woodruff
~ Monday
I wrote a letter to Sister Betsey Cossett &
sent a paper to our friends in Maine
I wrote two verses in Mrs Mary Ann Hills Album
shall I behold the Nations doomed &c
~ Tuesday
13th I spent the day at Father Woodruff
~ Wednesday
14th I wrote the following lines in Eunice Woodruff Album
Not all the wealth of earth combined
Can give content like the innocent mind
Who in the flower of youthful bloom
Can taste the joys of a rural home
Free from borrowed care and anxious thought
Contentment reigns in the peasant's cot
As natures wants are few they'r soon supplied
Without the aid of crime or pomp or pride
Innocent as the flowers that bloom in spring
She shares in all the Joys that time can bring
While nature in her lovliness here doth act her part
Her unstudied posture speaks the language of the heart
O! reader learn wisdom from the PEASANT COT
And be content with thy future LOT
I rode to West Hartford with Br Webster & Sister Eunice 5 miles
I wrote the following lines in sister Eunice Woodruff
Album in Formington July 18th 1837
{True friendship is eternal}
Esteem those virtues that ornament the human soul
Upward seek for aid while dangers round the roll
No power can guard thee like a friend divine
Increase thy joys or ornament thy mind
Celestial joys and peace may God on the[e] bestow
Even when called to part with friends below
While kindred love our consanguine hearts unite
Oft will the scenes of life our sympathy invite
O do not withhold a charitable generous hand
Distress releave, Good bestow when it's at thy command
Remember WILLFORD whose mission is now abroad
Unto the Nations beyond the rolling flood
For thy salvation HE will ever pray
For God to save thee in ETERNAL DAY
Eunice Willford
~ Thursday
15th I spent the day at Father Woodruff Elder Olivor
Olney spent the night with us & left us this morning
~ Friday
16th I spent the day at father woodruff
~ Saturday
17th I spent the day in writing
~ Sunday
18th Sunday I preached at 5 oclock P.M. at Father woodruff
house the people gave good attention
~ Monday
19th Br Dwight Webster & Sister Eunice woodruff
rode into Hartford to do some tradeing & among
other things they purchased their wedding Dress
[FIGURE] I filled a page in Phebe's Album
~ Tuesday
20th I spent the day at father Woodruff
~ Wednesday
21st I had an interview with General Soloman
Cowles 85 years of age we conversed some upon
religion he invited me to visited him
~ Thursday
July 22nd I spent several hours with Elders Burgess
& Carter from Kirtland at father Woodruffs house
I received a tetter from Sister Phebe Wheeler
I wrote A letter to Sister Phebe Wheeler
I also wrote a letter to cousins John, Seth, & Melinda
Woodruff. I had a visit from Mrs Mary Ann Hills
Also from Aunt Anna Cossett
~ Friday
I wrote a letter to cousins Betsey, Ann, &
Cyrus Cossett
~ Saturday
24th I spent the day at Fathers in reading
~ Sunday
25th Sunday I Preached at 5 o-clock at father wood-
ruff house
~ Monday
26th I carried Eunice out to a ride I received a letter
from cousin Betsey Cossett, & the 17 No of the times &
seasons which was interesting
~ Tuesday
27th I spent the day at father Woodruff
~ Wednesday
28th I preached at night at father Woodruff
~ Thursday
29th I spent the afternoon on a visit at Miss
Jennett Stedmans in company with Phebe, Eunice,
Aunt Cossett, & Mother Woodruff
~ Friday
I rode to Avon, called upon uncle Ezra
and Aunt Lydia found Ezra some out of health
I then passed by the farm, Hills & Mills, & house &c
the place of my birth & nativity it brought fresh
to mind the scenes of my childhood & youth I
called upon Mr Horris Judd's family spent a few
moments. I also called upon Aunt Wheeler &
dined with her. I had an interview with Luther, I then
rode to Symsbury & spent the night with Aunt
Cossett, & family. Aunt Bulah Hart was also present
distance of the day 12 mil
~ Saturday
31st I rode from Simsbury in company with cousins
Betsy & Ann Cossett to Canton called upon uncle
Alson Thompson, Also upon uncle Ozem & his
family I then returned to Farmington in the
rain & spent the night at my fathers Elder Dwight
Webster being present with us distance 12 m
~ Sunday
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
~ Wednesday
There was between 40 & 50 persons attended the
weding most of which were our relatives which gave
me the privilege of an interview with many friends
among whome was Uncle Ozem Woodruff family
John & Seth &c Also Bulah Hart, Ezra Hart, Lydia Hart
Betsey & Ann Cossett & others we spent the time [FIGURE]
agreeable while together though our interview was short
Sister Eunice Health is not vary good as yet
~ Thursday
~ Friday
sold to some Spaniard who sailed for the United
States when four days out at sea the Africans
arose & killed the captain & crew except two
who they preserved to steer the ship they were
taken, of Long Island N. Y. & had their trial at
Hartford, & CoNewhaven Ct were set free, taken
to Farmington to be educated, I conversed some
with Cinque the Leader of the company they
make good proficiency in learning, many take
deep interest in visiting this school.
After spending an hour or two in the school we
returned to Mr Burgess & took tea. Early in the
evening Dr Noah Porter entered the room with
his heart filled with madness anger & subtlety
against the fulness of the gospel, my testimony
& Joseph Smith &c he commenced conversation
vary adruptly & we continued our conversation
without sceaseation untill near 10 oclock I bore
testimony unto him of the work of God Book of
mormon &c but he rejected my testimony in the
strongest term & evry thing in the form of
Prophets, Apostles, revelation, Inspiration or the gifts
of the Holy Ghost, Healings Miracles tongues &c
seemed to be much stired up because the work
had come to Farmington, but I done my duty
answered my mind, bore testimony of the truth.
After he left the house I prayed with the
family & those present could see the spirit manifest
in Dr Noah Porter was dictated by the powers
of Darkness I was glad to have this opportunity
of bearing testimony to Dr Porter of the work
of God that he might be left without excuse
I returned to my Fathers house but before retiring
to rest I repaired to the river & cleansed my feet
with water in testimony against Dr Noah Porter
In obediance to the commandment of God that my
garments might be clear of his blood & I say
in the name of Jesus Christ that if he does not repent
of the course he has perisueed in this thing, he will
no longer Prosper but the judgments of God will
be upon him
~ Saturday
Cousin Betsyey Cossett parted with us to day
& returned home.
~ Sunday
I have conversed much with Aunt Bulah Hart
concerning the fullness of the gospel she appeared
to received my testimony
~ Monday
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
~ Sunday
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
~ Friday
It had been about 15 years since I had been in
New Haven I was truly pleased to once more see the
capitol of my native State the citizens are building
a large expensive wall around their burying ground
to keep the dead bodies from going to the medical
colledge 40,000 dollars has been expended & more
is needed, I left the canal took coach rode to the
steemer New York & went on board 15 miles
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
& fals rumour from Priest & people of evry sect
and party who hav^e^ deluged the whole land with tracts
pamphlets & newspaper stories against the Saints
but notwithstanding this the work still progresses
throughout that land it is doing well in London
Manchester & many other places in England, Scotland,
Wales &c Elder Hyde has gone to Germany on his
way to Jerrusalem, Elder P P. Pratt also informed
us in his letter that 50,000 persons have met at
a time in Manchester concerning the corn laws Also
chartist meetings that blood is shed at these cases
& great excitement Prevails
against us of the Blackest die untill one is ready
to conclude the day has come when "men are left
to believe a lie that they might be damned
because they have pleasure in unwrighteousness
and believe not the truth.["] [2 Thessalonians 2:11-12] After the labours of the
day I was weary & retired to rest
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
~ Wednesday
~ Thursday
~ Friday
~ Saturday
From this morning papers it seems
the country is still in agitation Mob & Lynch
law seems to rule through the land, I read
in this mornings Sun an advertizment for
me to preach in the National Hall to morrow
I suppose this is the production of Elder Foster
~ Sunday
~ Monday
~ Tuesday
~ Wednesday
fare $1 when I landed I found Elder Hulse
& Priest Robt P. Wilson were waiting for me
I rode with them to Br Wilson & spent the
night. The New York Sun of to day contains
a most singular phenonimen ever recorded
in the last days A shower of flesh & blood, A
pillar of smooke, & a shower of manney.
I was introduced for the first time to Elder
2nd Quarters S. Sparks who I found was presi-
ding over about 40 Saints at Setauket I
preached in the evening at Stoney Brook &
spent the evening with Br Wilson
~ Thursday
~ Friday
~ Saturday
~ Sunday
~ Monday
Sept 6th I took the steem boat Comet in
company with Elders Sparks & Hulse, & Mr
Bacheler & sailed to New York found
my family well went to a wedding with
Mrs Woodruff & saw Elder Foster solum-
nize the marriage cerimony returned
home & spent the night. distance 70 m[iles]
~ Tuesday
7th I recieved $2 dollars of Harmon Bayles for
the Zerehemla Standard to Be sent to Harmon Bayles
Seteauket Long Island, N. Y. Elder Foster
Paid me $47.25 for 20 Books of mormon
bound in calf $1.75 cts each, 6 Ditto sheep bound
1.25 each & 8 Millennial Stars $1.50 cts each I
allowed him $7.50 cts for selling the whole
amount was 5$54.50 deduct 7.50 leaves
$47.00 which was paid me by Elder Foster
which settles the above
~ Wednesday
8th Wars & rumours of wars earthquakes tempest
pestilence & great fires, connected with almost
evry kind of wickedness distress & destruction
is begining to be heard throught almost evry
land & nation
I had a busy day I bought 11 1/4 yards of
Broad cloth 1.75 per yard $30.95, 16 yards of
Sattonett 70 cts $11.20 Total $42.14
one Bunnet $4.50 one hat $3.50
~ Thursday
9th I recieved $40 dollars of Dr John M
Bernhisel for President Joseph Smith ^176 Hudson St^ also
Stephens travels in Central America
in 2 volums olso one letter. This is one of my
days of perplexity & confusion as I am to leave
the city to day & have as much business to attend
to in 6 hours as I ought to do in two days
it seems to be my lot thus far in life to be hurried
& crowded along as though I had but few mom-
ents to live. I spent the fore part of the day
in packing trunk's beds &c I lalso called upon RL R Foster
NB Sept 9th Received of Willford Woodruff
15 Books of Mormon bound in calf $1.50 cts each | $34.50 |
4 [Books of Mormon] bound in sheep $1 [cts each] | 4.00 |
28 Millennial Stars bound $1 each | 2 |
$66.50 |
The above is to be paid to Willford Woodruff
when called for or the Books returned
L R Foster
After labouring exceding hard throught the
day I took the parting hand with the Saints at
186 woster & other places, & started for the {steam}
Boat Sanduskey Ilus F Carter carried me to the
Boat with 533 lbs of baggage we got Blockaided
in the street on the way which made us trouble &
detained us, but after much perplexity we got
on board of the boat at 6 oclock & departed for
Albany on our road for Nauvoo our little comp-
any of Saints consisted of 6 persons viz—
Willford & Phebe W. Woodruff, Henry H. & Mary
Moore, Mary M. Wheeler & Mary E Nelson
Sister Wheeler had 600 lbs baggage
I found on looking over my expenses including
all I had paid out while in New York was $88.36
After getting under way & aranging matters I
being vary weary I lay down & had a comfortable
nights rest
~ Friday
10th I arose some unwell in consequence of the
labour yesterday, found myself at west point in
its is a pleasent day we spent the day plesently the
land present quite an intesresting and romantic scenery
from N Y to Albany
~ Saturday
11th Arived in albany, this morning being one day
& two nights from New York about 36 hours when
the regular time of steem boats is 12 hours the
cause of this delay is taking so many boats in tow
inform Dr Bernhisel that it would be wisdom for
the Saints to take a steem boat that will come thro
ugh in 12 hours to Albany, if the luggage is no more
than what the captain will carry for it is better
to give $1.50 cts to Albany in 12 hours than 50 cts
in 36 hours & pay 1.50 cts for board during that
time also inform the Saints not to pay through at
the commencment but from place to place & athat
at the end of the journey which will save emegrant
s from much insult & some expens their is
nothing gained by dragging out a long time on
tow boats & slow lines distance to Albany 160 m[iles]
11th We made an agreement to go to Buffaloo on
the New York & Buffalo line, Erie transportation
company, name of boat C M Reed, Capt Lines
we are carried for $2.50 each allowed 100 lbs
baggage each person & pay 405 cts per hundred
for all extra baggag had good boat & comidations
just as we got ready to put out who should
come on board to go to Nauvoo But A Mr
Roberts who a short time since came near
upseating the whole Church in New York by
giving way to the power of the deDevel and
whole Church in to the same spirit which
broat great reproach & injury upon the
Saints in that city I was sorry to see him & did not
wish his company. But I feel dispose to get along the
wisest way I can in all such cases we left albany at
about 8 oclock & arived in Schencetady in the morning
~ Sunday
12th Sunday we tarried in Schenectady untill 9 oclock
received an addition of several passengers & proceded
on we passed Rome during the night. in the
evening we sung a few Hymns & as soon as we
closed Mr Roberts broke out in a tremendious
noise which he called tongues I reproved him before
the whole company for his folly & impoliteness his
conversation had been such that the passengers would form
an idea that he was in part a representative of the Latter
Day Saints I wished to change that Idea in the minds of
the company for it was fals he was not a member of the Church
~ Monday
13th I spent the day in reading the 1st vol of
Central America Chiapas AND Yucatan
BY JOHN L STEPHEN'S Author of "Incidents of
travels in Egypt, Arabia PetrÆa and the Holy Land
Illustrated by numerous engravings in towo vol
I felt truly interested in this work for it brought to light
a flowod of testimony in proof of the book of mormon
in the discovery & survey of the city Copan in
Central America A correct drawing of the monume-
nts, pyramids, portraits, & Hieroglyphics as executed by
Mr Catherwood is now presented before the publick
& is truly a wonder to the world. their whole travels
were truly interesting
~ Tuesday
14th our babe was quite unwell with the bowel complaint
I continued reading Stephens travels & felt hi[gh]ly inter
ested in them
~ Wednesday
I wrote a letter to Br Azmon & Thompson W.
~ Thursday
16 I perused the 2nd Vol of Stephens travels
In Central America Chiapas & Ycucatan & the
ruins of Palenque & Copan It is truly one of
the most interesting histories I have ever read
~ Friday
17th We arived in Rochester this morning & spent
several hours there Phebe & Sister Nelson visited
the Rochester falls [FIGURE]
~ Saturday
18th We got into Lockport in the morning I dreamed
of seeing many snakes last night enemies are at
hand from some quarter I left Lockport in the
morning at 11 oclock in company with Mrs
Woodruff & Br & Sister Moreore took the rail cars
& rode to the far famed Niagiary falls it was
truly a splended & magnificent sight we went
over goat Island, desended 100 steps went under
the falls we had a good view of them. we went
on to the monument we here had a view of the
Ship Detroit that fought in the battle of Lake
Erie on the 10th Sept 1815 & was set afloat
with all her sails set in order to send her over
the falls dand dash her to peices this was done
by the Americans on the 15th Sept 1841
three days before we were there but she
lodged on the rapids & did not go over the falls
her sails, mast, riging, & bulwarks were all
gone nothing but her hull left when we saw
her. after spending 2 hours at the falls, we
took the rail road to Buffaloo, & spent the
night the Boat containing our freight &
chi[l]d & the rest of the company did not get
in untill in the morning. Distance from
Albany to Buffalo is 365 miles
Expenses for myself & family as follows—
fare 2.50 each | 5.00 |
533 lbs freight | 1.50 |
for provisions | 2.12 |
passage on rail road from Lockport to Buffalo via the falls | 4.50 |
Sundries | 5.31 |
total | 18.43 1/2 |
~ Sunday
Sept 19th Sunday we unloaded our freight
from the canal Boat onto the steem Boat
Chesepeak bound for Chicago we paid our
fare & took tickets I paid for myself & wife
we took steerage passage which was $20.00
$10 dollars each cabin was $20. we had a
good state room for our families
~ Monday
20th We spent the day in Buffalo we made
preperations to cross the Lakes to Chicago
~ Tuesday
21st We left Buffalo at 11 oclock & arived
at Cleavland in the morning
~ Wednesday
22nd Elder MHenry Moore & wife stoped at
Cleavland to spend a little season in Kirtland
we spent about 2 hours in Cleavland & continued
our journey {There is my [house] it now is [illegible shorthand] [mostly] on the [ground]} 20; [FIGURE]
had a storm in the night & cast anchor & spent
the night in Detroit river
~ Thursday
23rd spent 2 hours in Detroit I went through
various parts of the town it being the first
time I ever was in the state of Mishigan it
cleared off this morning & we had the sun
~ Friday
24th We passed through Lake St Clair & St Clair
River & Lake Huron to Mackinaw Straits we tarried
here an housr saw many Indians who ketch many
salmon trout in these straits which is the best blace
for trout in America we bought a number of them
that would weigh 6 or 8 lbs corned for 6 cts each we
had a rough night in lake Michigan ({I caught bad chills})
~ Saturday
25 A vary rough morning all sea sick we stoped at
Manitou Island cooked dinner on land & lawy by the
wharf untill sun set ^4 oclok^ & started on the jour
ney untill 12 oclock at night when a [FIGURE] tremendious
storm & wind arose which made the lake
as rough as it could be by the force of wind
& such a scenery as quickly followed I nev
er before witnessed in all my travels either by sea or
land on water or earth. The captain of the
Chesepeak with other officers, hands & passeng
ers mostly expected to go to the bottom to have
Judged from outward appearances I should
think there was twenty chances of being
lost to one of being saved yet I did not once
expect during the whole scenery to be lost for
I expected & felt that the Lord would savae
us from a watery grave by some means we
were about 40 miles from land at about 12
oclock at night when I was awoke from a
sound sweet sleep in my birrth by the cry
of some one yaying we shall all be lost the
first thought that entered my mind was I
make No calculations on being lost I however
leaped out of my birth onto my feet & went on
to the uper deck I immediately saw we were
in eminant danger of being wrecked the wind
blew almost a Huricane & the waves were
running over her bow in a dreadful manner the boat
was rather heayvy loaded. their was about 300
passengers on board with a large quantity of
luggage 8 Jack Asses some geese & piggs were
standing on the bow of the boat next to them
was 40 cords of wood piled up this with
other loading okept the bow down in such
a manner that it was judged their was
50 tons of water on her bow deck at a time
at one time the bow run under water & some
thought she would never right one wave
that broke over set the Asses afloat
broke the petetion between them & the steerag
cabin & washed two of the Asses down
threw into the births among men woman &
children it killed one of the Asses in the
fall the Asses & water together drove all the
steerage passengers out of their cabin on
deck about this time while the boat was
labouring hard against wind & water she
broke one of her wheel chains I then herd
the cry all is lost, but about 30 of us
passengers caught hold of the 2two detached
ends of the chain & held them together
untill they were mended with ropes the bote
lay partly upon her side it tore up the floor &
broke down the births in the steerage state rooms
oposite of us & we expected evry moment
ours would share the same fate in one instance
the waves broke over the upper deck it took
four men to manage the wheel they tried to
turn the boat three times but could not untill
day light when it was accomplished & returned
to the manitau Island at about 3 oclock being
about 24 hours in the gale they again took on
40 cords of wood as they had flung 20 cords
overboard in the storm to lighten the bow of the
boat orders were given to that effect we rem
ained at the Manatau Island untill next morning
I felt thankful to God to once more set my
foot on land I felt that the Lord herd our
prayrs & deliverd us. their was praying, crying,
singing & swaring at the same time in the
mids of the storm it was a trying time to all
~ Sunday
26th Sunday morning turned back for the Island
reached at 3 oclock & remained untill morning was
thankful to once more set our feet upon land
~ Monday
27th Monday left manaitau Island at 7 oclock
to try again to Go to Chicago the wind soon
arose & we had a rough sea we stoped at
Millwaukie & left about 75 passengers & much
baggage upon sa small sloop toating upon the
waves in an dredful manner no boat had been to
them for three days ie the hand on the boat
whether the passengers ever got to shore I know
~ Tuesday
^28th^ we passed by Rhacene & arived in
Chicago at 1 oclock & truly rejoiced to get on
shore we put up for the night at the Illinois
exchange by J. Brown, recommend friends there
their was 50 teems in with wheat. we saw two
families from England got two teams to carry
them to Stephenson on the Miss[issippi] River the
whole distance we came from Buffalo to Chicago is
1047 miles
~ Wednesday
289th I hired Mr J. B Collins of Princes Grove
Illinois to carry me & Sister
Nelso & my family & 800 lbs of baggage to Nauvoo
for $21.00 or $2 dollars per cwt Mr Sidney Roberts
engaged a man to carry him at the same rate
we loaded our baggage & left Chicago at 10 oclock
had a vary bad road first 12 miles rode 27 miles &
spent the night at Mr Gates Inn 27 m[iles]
~ Thursday
230th We rode 33 miles passed through Napersville
Cain County & Kendle Co & spent the night
at the Inn of P. F. Hummel De Kalb County 33 m
~ Friday
Oct 1st We crossed the sammonook river Indian
creek passed by Paupau grove a 12 mile prairie
in Ogle County spent the night at Roth's Inn
distance of the day—Greenfield 38 mile
from Chicago we passed the Des plain River
Brush Hill, east branch of the Dupage, west branch
of the Dupage, Fox River, Blackbury Creek
Little Rock Creek, Big Rock Creek, Sammonock
creRiver & RBig Indian Creek.
~ Saturday
Oct 2nd Passed through Dover, Princeton
county seat of Berureau Co crossed Beureau
Creek, Indian town & spent the night at
Mr John A. Griswold Inn Boyds grove 33 m[iles]
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday rode to camping grove crossed two
12 miles prairie & arived at Mr Collins home at
2 oclock his wife & family appeared glad to
se[e] him by request I preached in the evening
at the house of Elder Phineas Brunson the
people gave good attention I spent the night
with Br Brunson & my family with Mr Collins 25 m
~ Monday
4th We parted with Mr Collins & family &
continued our journey with his teeam attended
by Br Amos Brunson rode from princes
grove & princeville crossed spoon river &
spent the night at Knoxville county seat
of knox co at the house of Mr Amos Stodard
his wife & Mother were Saints {Distance} 30 mile
we stoped & picked up 1/2 bushel of crab Apples
their was many bushels in the orchard
~ Tuesday
5th We passed through Colebrook & called
at Monmouth bat[h]ed our horses & had an inter
view with Mr Albert Scamman from mon-
mouth county seat of warren we rode crossed
the south fork of Henderson to Ellisson
Creek & spent the night with Mr Nathaniel
Master {Distance of the day} 38 miles
~ Wednesday
6th We rode to Hoppers Mills I there had an
interview with Br Haws who informed me
that the conference in Nauvoo was passed
so we had missed the privilege of attending
it I felt sorry that we could not have got
throug in time we rode across a prairie &
came to Nauvoo It gave me peculiar feelings
to once more enter this city after being
Absent more than two years when I left their
was not more than a dozen houses in the town
but now their was more than a dozen several
hundred we passed by the temple as we passed
along & had a view of it soon called at the
house of Elder Young & spent the night with
him he was sick. Elder Kimball was with
him & also Elder Richards we lade hands on him
& he soon recoverd I saw many of my old
friends & acquaintance & I was informed that
many of our old acquaintance & friends are
dead & quite a number among the english emigra
nts Elder Kington's mother & wife, Elder Glover
& many others. distance of the day 35 m[iles]
~ Thursday
7th I met with many friends during the day
I also sat in counsel with the Twelve & was
happy to once more meet with the quorum I
moved my things to Elder Kimball house & spent
the night my wife & child was both sick I called
upon Elders Kington & Brewet & Pitt & Stephen
Luce & many others & spent the night at
Elder Kimball's
I received a letter from J Turpin
I paid $10 to E Robeinson for the times & seasons
~ Friday
8th I am quite undecided which way to turn
or whare to settle myself the temporal business
of the Church is laid upon the hands of the
Twelve it has been thought best by some to
of our quorum for me to go to Warsaw with
Elder Richard. Sister kimball deliverd to us all the
things which I had sent to Phebe from England
by Elder Turley which were left in her hands
I paid R Cahoon $5 dollars for Dwight Webster
for the house of the Lord
On looking over all my accounts & expenses
from New York to Nauvoo & I found that all
the expenses of my family travelling expenses
&c from the 20th Aug in New York to the 8th Oct
in Nauvoo amounted in all to $238.21 cts
I met in conference with the Twelve & among
other business they voted that I should locate
myself in Nauvoo. I looked over my accounts
with Sister Nelson & she is indetted to me $1 dollar
~ Saturday
Oct 9th I met in council with the Twelve
at President Youngs we had an interesting
time & conversed upon a variety of subjects
~ Sunday
Sunday 10th I met with the Twelve for the
purpose of a council but we spent most
of the day in visiting the sick
~ Monday
I received a letter from Jesse Turpin
wishing to repeal his case to the Twelve
for a rehearing as he had been cut of[f] from
the Church I moved my trunks & goods
to a house under the bluff at the house of Brother
Tracy which I purchased of him for $85
Phebe has gone over the river with Br Clark
to see to her things in Iowa
~ Tuesday
12th I cut two loads of wood & drew to the
door It being the first work I had done for a long
time with my hands I felt sore
~ Wednesday
13th I went 6 miles out on a prairie & cut a
load of hay with Br Albert Smith & drew it home
for my cows 12 miles
~ Thursday
14th Spent the day mowing & drawing hay 12 [miles]
~ Friday
15th I cut & drew another load of hay mak
ing 3 loads of hay about 2 1/2 tons which I have
cut & drew home in three days It makes me
quite sore to mow
~ Saturday
16th I went over the river to see my family
& while on the road I met with a number of
my old friends & acquaintances among the
number was Elders Nobles & Wm Clayton. Br
Clayton & family were in a distressed situation
with sickness I lade hands upon him. I went to
Father Clarks found my family & spent the night
Willford was some better than he has been
but is still feeble distance 8 miles
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I was feeble in body yet I preached
to a large congregation at Br John Lovorns returned
& spent the night at Br Clarks
~ Monday
18th A cold stormy day I went with Phebe to
collect her houshold furniture which she left in
Ioway when she went to Maine we first went to
Zarahemla swaw many old friends among them
was George A. Smith, John Smith, Samuel Smith, father
Hawley, & many others Br Abbot &c I returned &
spent the night at father Clarks was quite unwell through
the night with the bowel complaint 12 mi[les]
~ Tuesday
19th We left Br Clarks to return to Nauvoo with
a load of goods we left our cows for a season as
they did not give milk we had some difficulty
in crossing the ferry in consequence of the wind
it took 3 skiff loads to carry us & our things over
I then took them in a waggon & carried them
to our house I was sick But I felt to rejoice to
spend a night with my family under a roof of my
own it being the first time that I have ever
injoyed such a privilege since we were married [FIGURE]
~ Wednesday
220th I lent B. Young $2.50 he returned me 75 cts
~ Thursday
21st B. Young let me have 6 bushels of lime
~ Friday
22nd I Bought 1500 Brick of Br Coltrin the
Brick & bringing it to our door was $7.84
which I paid in a pair of pantaloons & shaws
~ Saturday
23 Br Hodson put in a window for me I& let me
have 25 feet of walnut lumber
~ Sunday
24th Sunday I have had a visit forom father
Luce & his family &he sgot in last night [with] Sister
Foxal who by faith came to Nauvoo from
~ Monday
25 I got a load of corn potatoes &c from
over the river had to bring it over in
two skiffs
~ Tuesday
26th got my brick & mortor on the ground
for a brick chimney & oven but got disap
pointed in a mason to do the work to day
I walked 15 miles after masons was
vary feeble in body with the bowel
complaint & piles 15 [miles]
~ Wednesday
27th Mr Treat & Coulton came to
put up my chimney I was feeble in
body but laboured hard
~ Thursday
28 was quite Ill but laboured hadrd in
tending mason
~ Friday
29th finished my chimney & paid $4
for building it it was near midnight
before I got cleared away so as to lie
down we had a heavy thunder storm with
hail the Twelve had a council I was
not preasent was much out of health
~ Saturday
30 [Joseph Smith Papers Document] [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Their was two companies of the
Nauvoo Legion called out to remove a
grog shop out of the way. Elders Brewett
& Price assisted me make some doors I
am still unwell feel feeble. The City Council
met in the evening [FIGURE] & during their business
31st Sunday I met in council
they Appointed me as a maember of the
City Council of the city of Nauvoo I
was notifyed of my appointment in the morning
~ Sunday
31st Sunday I met with the Presidency &
Twelve at Hiram Smith office & spent
most of the day in council Joseph severely
reproved Benjamin Winchester for getting
out of his place & doing wrong after which
Joseph taught us principle for several hours
which was interestings. He spoke upon the
gathering of the Nations, building of the kingdom
of God, the traditions & wickedness of this
generations &c I was sick had hands laid upon
me returned home & went to rest
~ Monday
NOV 1st I was sick & confined to
my bed through the day The City Counci
l met for business. I was not able to attend
~ Tuesday
2nd I was still sick & confined to the
house Br Hodson assisted me in some tempo
ral business
~ Wednesday
3rd I am some better able to do some business
~ Thursday
4th I am gaining in strength it is quite cold
~ Friday
I wrote a letter to Dr Bernhisel & also
one to Father & Mother Carter
~ Saturday
6th [FIGURE] [Joseph Smith Papers Document] I attended the City Counsel for the
first time & was sworn into my aoffice as
counsellor I found that those meetings will
be a profitable school unto me in giving me
a knowledge of parliamentary rules law &c
~ Sunday
7th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Sunday I first called upon Br Joseph
with some of the Twelve from thence to B.
Young from thence to the meeting ground near
the Temple whare I found many hundreds of
Saints Elder Wm Clark preached about 2
hours when Br Joseph arose & reproved him as
pharisaical & hypocritical & not edifying
the people Br Joseph then deliverd unto us an
edifying address showing us what temperance
faith, virtue, charity & truth was he also said
if we did not accuse one another God would not
accuse us & if we had no accuser we should enter
heaven he would take us there as his back load
if we would not accuse him he would not accuse us
& if we would throw a cloak of charity over
his sins he would over ours for charity coverd
a multitude of sins & what many people called
sin was not sin & he did many things to break down
superstition & he would break it down he spoke
of the curse of ham for laughing at Noah while in
his wine but doing hino harm [Genesis 9:20-27]
After this meeting closed I met with the Twelve
& High Priest quorum: the word of wisdom was
brought up B Young says shall I Break the
word of wisdom if I go home & drink a cup of
tea: No wisdom is justified of her children [Luke 7:35]. the subject
was discused in an interesting manner all concluded
that it was wisdom to deal with all such matters accor-
ding to the wisdom which God gave that a
forced abstainance was not making us free but
we should be under bondage with a yoak [yoke] upon
our necks. I walked out & spent the night at
Br Allexanders
~ Monday
8th A rainy day I worked upon my house
~ Tuesday
9th I went to Peter Shirts lime kill [kiln]
~ Wednesday
10th I drew about 800 lath for my house
~ Thursday
11th I spent the day in lathing my house
~ Friday
12th I drew home a load of lime & boards
~ Saturday
13th I spent the day in lathing & night in the City Council
~ Sunday
14th Sunday I met in counsel with the Twelve
visited the sick spent the evening at Malitire
Luce from fox Islands had an interview
with Capt Justus Ames & Elders Benbow
Oakey & J Hill dined at my house I am now
in the midst of hundreds that I have Baptized
throughout America, the Islands of the
Sea England &c that have been gatherd
together to Nauvoo through the influ
ence of the gospel. Joseph preached to
a large congregation at the Temple
~ Monday
15th I laid a floor in my bedroom
~ Tuesday
16 I run 12 bushels of lime for plastering & rode in
company with J. H. Hale 2 1/2 miles on the prairie
to Br Zerah Pulsiphers I bought four acres of land
of him in section 32 for [FIGURE] $44 dollars I paid him
$20 dollars in silver & am to pay him the other $24
dollars in a year the ground is ploughed. I met in
the evening with the company owning the land they
appointed me to sell some of the land to raise the
money to pay Brother Daniel S. Miles part on the land
~ Wednesday
17th I sold 5 acres of Daniel S. Miles land in section
32 for $10 dollars per acre to Sister Mary Pitt for
which she paid me $50 dollars in goold which
money I deliverd to Zerah Pulsipher as one of the
committee of the company he gave his recept for
the same
~ Thursday
18th I spent the day in lathing
~ Friday
19th I assisted Daniel S Miles in selling 16 acres of
land in section 32 for $10 dollars per acre
I also bought of Daniel S Miles 5 acres of land in
section 32 at $10 dollars per acre am to give my
notes when I get a bond for a deed
~ Saturday
20th I spent the day making lime morter &c
I attended the city council at night
~ Sunday
21st Sunday I met in council with the Twelve at
Elder B. Youngs then attended the general
Assembly near the Temple he^a^rd a discours by Elder
Taylor followed by President Hyram Smith I
then met the Twelve at B. Youngs untill 4 oclok
at which time we repaired to the Baptismal
Font in the Temple for the purpose of Baptizing
for the dead, for the remision of sins & for
healing it was truly an interesting scene it
was the first FONT erected for this glorious
purpose in this last dispensation. it was dedicated
By President Joseph Smith, & the The Twelve
for Baptizing for the Dead &c & this was the
first time the font had been prepared for the
reception of candidates on the Sabbath a large
congregation assembled. Elders B. Young H. C.
Kimball & J Taylor went forward & Baptized
about 40 persons. Elders W Richards, G. A. Smith
& myself assisted in confirming them. I then
spent the evening with the Twelve at Br Kimball
~ Monday
Nov 22nd I got my Bedroom plastered by J. Hodson
~ Tuesday
23rd I spent the day to work at home
~ Wednesday
24th [FIGURE] I commenced taking charge of
the provision store for the committee of the
Nauvoo House I also cut & drew two loads
of wood to my door
~ Thursday
25th I spent a part of the day at the store we have
a severe snow storm. About 200 Saints have
just landed at Warsaw from England it is bad for them
in this snow storm
~ Friday
26th A cold morning I spent the day at home
I mailed a letter to father Carters family
~ Saturday
^27^ [blank]
~ Sunday
27^8^th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Sunday I spent the day at B. Young in
company with Joseph & the Twelve in
conversing upon a variety of subjects it was
an interesting day Elder Joseph Fielding was
present he had been in England four years
we also saw a number of english Brethren
Joseph said the Book of Mormon was the most
correct of any Book on earth & the key stone of
our religion & a man would get nearer to
God by abiding by its precepts than any other Book
29th I had an interview with Elder Morgan
forom Garway Wales many are emigrating from
foreign Nations
~ Monday
29th It is still cold weather I am now spending
my time in the provision store
~ Tuesday
30th I spent some time with Joseph & the Twelve
Joseph says Sister Hyde must live with
Br E. Robinson & if they receive them kindly
and patiently it shall prove a great blessing
unto them {If not they shall do no honor}
~ Wednesday
Dec 1st A plesent day I spent a part of the day
in writing
I wrote a letter to L. R. Foster 13 Oliver st N. Y
& requested him to send me some money
After retiring to rest at night I was called upon by
Brother Meeks to go with him to lay hands upon
his wife who was possessed with a devil I went
with him to his house & found his wife foaming in
great agony I lade hands upon her & rebuked
the devil & he came out of her & she soon fell
asleep & I returned home, & If I had judg-
ed from outward appearances I should thave thought
the devil followed me home & entered into
our cat for she made the most awful noise through
the night I ever herd I also had a disagreeable
dream, {between Joseph and myself} which I considerd to be from
the devil. I met in council with the Twelve in evening
~ Thursday
2nd I drew home from D. Chase saw pit 232 feet
of flooring with Br Mills team
~ Friday
3rd A rainy day I laid my chamber floor & spent
A part of the day at the meet store
~ Saturday
4th spent a part of the day at the store did not
attend the city council but was called away
to visit the sick most of the quorum of the
Twelve went to Ramus to hold a conference
with that stake
~ Sunday
5th Sunday I walked with Mrs Woodruff &
Sister Kimball to Br Rushtons & spent a part of
the day with a number of the Pottery Saints, &
In the evening we walked to Br Joseph's & spent
several hours at his house, on a visit & had a plesent
^time^ with him & Sister Emma Br Joseph had commenced
this day to proof read the Book of mormon that it
might be sterotyped he read 60 pages. he rehearsed
over the Missouri transactions spoke of the death of
David W. Patten & the REQEST which he made of him
in his last dying moments JOSPH will grant it if God will
~ Monday
I wrote a letter to Father & Mother Wood-
ruff Br & Sister Webster spent most of my time in the
~ Tuesday
Dec 7th I spent most of my time in the store but in
the evening I attended meeting & herd a discourse
deliverd by Lyman Wight who declaired some
most stirling truths concerning the building of
the Temple & the Nauvoo House if the Saints did
not do it they would be rejected as a Church with
their dead saith the Lord we should again be driven
&c [Doctrine and Covenants 124:31-32] he spoke in truth & the Spirit of God
~ Wednesday
8th I spent most of the day in the store &
to work on my house
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
9th 10th 11th spent in the store & work on my house
I pspentd about two hours in the store at noon
& two at night
~ Sunday
12th Sunday I met in council with the Twelve
in the morning Joseph preached in the forepart
of the day at Br Sniders & had an interesting
meeting. I again met with the Twelve in
the evening at Br Kimball's Elder B Young
informed me that the Lot I was on was
BLOCK 106 NO 1st on Hotchkiss & Durfee strea[t]
~ Monday
13th I had an interview with Br Ebenezar
Robison he wished to hire me for the season
to assist him in writing & in other business
I spent my time as usual in the store
~ Tuesday
14th I had an attact from Mr Davis said I
was trespassing on him for cutting some wood
which I had bought of others
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
15 & 16th Sawed down the corners of my house &
attended as usual to my business in the store
~ Friday
17th Br Fulmer gave me the privileg of selling several
lots of land with the intention of giving me some
Benefit. he promises me a deed of a building spot
near his house
~ Saturday
18th I spent several hours with Philo Dibble in
viewing his lot of land he promises to give me a deed
of one acre of land & gives me the privilege of selling the whole
~ Sunday
Dec 19th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Sunday I met with the Twelve in the
morning & held a council, & in the evening I met
at Joseph's the Seer & herd a discours deliverd by
Elder Kimball who opened by prayer read a chapter
in the Book mormon & spake as he was led by the
Spirit of God. he spake of the parable of Jeremiah
of the clay in the hands of the potter: That when
it marreded in the hands of the potter it was
laid aside to go into the next batch & was a vessel of
dishonour but all clay that formed well in the
hands of the potter & was pliable was a vessel of
honour & thus it was with the human family &
ever will be. All that are pliable in the hands of
God & are obedient to the commands of God are
vessels of honousr & God will receive them [Jeremiah 18:1-6]
Joseph the Seer said the above was a true explai-
nation of the parable
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] (After Sidney Roberts had occupied
the meeting a season) Joseph the Seer arose & read a
chapter in the New Testiment containing the parable
of the vine & its branches & explained it much to our edif-
ication & said "if we kept the commandments of
God we should bring forth fruit & be the friends of
God & know what our Lord did [John 15]. "Some say Joseph is
a fallen Prophet because he does not bring forth more
of the word of the Lord" "why does he not do it
"are we able to receive it No (says he) not one in this
room. tHe then chastized us for orur wickedness
& unbelief knowing that whom the Lord loveth he
chasteneth & scourgeth evry son d& daughter whom
He receiveth & if we do not receive chastizements then
are we Bastards & not sons. [Hebrews 12:5-8] On Revelation He
said "A man would command his son to dig
potatoes, saddle his horse but before he had done
either tell him to do sumthing els. this is all considerd
right "But as soon as the Lord gives a command
ment & revokes that decree & commands sumthing
els then the prophet is considerd fallen &c"
Because we will not receive chastizment at the
hand of the Prophet & Apostles the Lord chast-
izeth us with sickness & death. Let not any man
publish his own righteousness for others can do that
for him." sooner let him confess his sins & then he
will be forgiven & he will bring forth more fruit
when A man is chastized he gets angry & will
not endure it. The reason we do not have the
secrets of the Lord revealed unto us is because
we do not keep them but reveal them. we do not
keep our own secrets but reveal our difficulties
to the world even to our enemies then how would
we keep the secrets of the Lord Joseph says I can
keep a secret till dooms day
He spoke of
love what greater love hath any man than that he
lay down his life for his friend [John 15:13] then why not
fight for our friend untill we die & many other
things of interest was spoken
Elder B Young arose & said one thing lay with
wait on his mind ie that we should be prepared
to keep each commandment as it came from
the Lord by the mouth of the prophet & as the Lord
had commanded us to build a Temple we
should do it spedily
~ Monday to ~ Friday
20th 21st 22nd, 23rd & 24th was exceding cold I spent the
week as usual at the store & to work at my house
~ Saturday
25th Christmas Day was an interesting day indeed to
the Twelve we were invited to a Christmas supper
at Mr Hiram Kimball's it was excellent slaying &
I got a horse & slay & & carried the wives of the
Twelve to Mr Kimballs & home again to the after
our meeting broke up our company consisted of
B Young H. C. Kimball O. Pratt W. Richards Jo. Taylor
& W. Woodruff All with our wives except W. Richard
who waited upon Sister Hyde we had an
excellent feast & before we left Mr Kimball made
each one of the Twelve a present of a lot of land
& mad[e] out a bond for a deed of the whole quorum
each lot worth $50 making $3600 dollars in
all. My Lot was No 4 Block 12 in kimball second
Addition to Nauvoo A warrent tee deed to be
given on or befor the 5th day of June AD 1842
A year ago this Christmas I was in London Eng &
took dinner with Br & Sister Morgan in company
with Br Kimball but we are now again with our families
~ Sunday
Dec 26th Sunday I visited the sick in the morning &
spent the forepart of the day in writing I recevived
A letter last evening from Br Azmon Woodruff
of South Richland under Date Nov 15th 1841
Joseph the Seer called upon me & others of the Twelve
to attend meeting at his house we did so in the
evening & herd many good principles presented
by presidents Joseph & Hyram Smith such as the
following s^p^eak not in tongues to your orwn nation
but to those of annother tongue then if one
of another tongue interpets it will be a sign to the
unbeliever, & then it would condemn those who
heard if they rejected it for the Lord does not
work in vain. Joseph spoke upon the 124 ch
1 Cor—prophesies will scease &c ie A person will
scease or stop prophesying & not continue all
the while &c untill we come to perfection or
a fulness then part work will be done away
~ Monday
27th [FIGURE] The Twelve or a part of them
spent the day with Joseph the Seer & he unfo-
lded unto them many glorious things of the
kingdom of God the privileges & blessings of
the priesthood &c. I had the privilege of
seeing for the first time in my day the
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
28th 29th 30th & 31st I spent the week as usual
ingaged in my daily labour
on friday the 31st I looked over my Journals
recorded on the following page an account
of my travels & labours in the ministry During
[rest of page blank]
A synopsis of the travels & labours of
W. Woodruff In AD 1841
And visited the following towns & cities
Townes & Cities | populations | Shires & States |
[FIGURE] London the Metropolis | 1600000 | Middlesex Co |
Bristol | 200000 | |
Liverpool | 2 | Lancashire |
Preston | 60,000 | [Lancashire] |
Manchester | 350,000 | [Lancashire] |
Staffordshire potteries | 70,000 | Staffordshire |
Wolverhampton | 30,000 | [Staffordshire] |
Birmingham | 300,000 | Warwickshire |
Worcester | 45,000 | Worcestershire |
Hereford | 50,000 | Herefordshire |
Ledbury | 8,000 | [Herefordshire] |
Marlvern Hills | 3,000 | [Herefordshire] |
Gloucester | 40,000 | Gloucestershire |
Cheltenham | 40000 | [Gloucestershire] |
Oxford | 36,000 | Oxfordshire |
Woolwich | 50,000 | |
Monmouth | 8000 | Monmouthshire Wales |
New York | 350000 | N. Y. |
Portland | 16,000 | Maine |
Boston | 100,000 | M.S. |
Hartford & New haven | 12000 | Ct |
[FIGURE] Albany | 50000 | N Y |
Buffaloo | 20,000 | [N Y] |
Detroit | 10,000 | Mich |
Mackinau | 1,500 | Wisconsin |
Chicago | 10,000 | Illinois |
[FIGURE] Nauvoo | 10,000 | Illinois |
Also A vast number of smaller towns lying
Between the above named places
Travelled | 7062 | Miles |
Held | 83 | Meetings |
Attended | 10 | conferences |
Baptized | 21 | persons |
Assisted at the Baptizing of | 18 | others |
Confirmed | 46 | |
Ordained | 11 | Elders |
[Ordained] | 13 | Priest |
[Ordained] | 10 | Teachers |
[Ordained] | 3 | Deacon |
And | 1 | patriarch |
Blessed | 5 | children |
Healed | 22 | sick |
Married | 4 | persons |
Wrote | 100 | Letters |
& Received | 67 | Letters |
I reported and recorded in this Journal three sermons of Joseph the Seer | 3 | Recorded |
~ Saturday
JAN[UARY] 1st, 1842
I spent this NEW YEARS DAY in company
with the quorum of the Twelve & with our wives
in the city of Nauvoo at Br S. Stodard's
it was an interesting day unto us to once more
assemble to a feast with our quorum & our families
in a city of the Saints in the midst of peace & love
we more highly prized this privilege as we are
called to be seperate so much while in the vineyard
of the Lord. We have been spared to commence
annother new Year while many of our near & dear
friends are dead [and] sleep in the grave. Whare the
next new Year will find us the Lord ownly knoweth
I pray my Heavenly father in the name of Jesus
Christ to keep us from evry vain speculation & evil
& give us wisdom to govern us in all our temporal
affairs as well as spiritual, that we may not run
into any sins, evils or snares. It now seems to
be my privilege & lot to spend a season at home & pro-
vide for my family it being the first time I have
had the privilege since I have been in the Church as
my lot has been cast in the vineyard most of the
time for the last eight years. As we have now a
commandment from the Lord resting upon us to
Build the temple of the Lord & the Nauvoo house it is
probable that our quorum will spend most of the
time in Nauvoo untill the Temple is built & I shall
endeavour to record those things spiritual & temporal
which I consider the most beneficial to mankind. . .
I spent the evening in the City Council untill near midni-
ght then parted with each other & returned to our homes
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I attended meeting at the house of Jose-
ph the Seer. President Hyrum Smith preached
I followed him with an exhortation. I also preached
in the evening at his house
~ Monday
Jan 3rd I spent the day drawing wood for Albert
Smith from the Island across the Missisippi river
on the Ice
~ Tuesday
4th I drew wood from the Island for myself
one man while crossing the river broke through
the Ice & lost his whole esstablishment under
the Ice ie horses harness & slay
~ Wednesday
5th I spent the day drawing wood for Br Smith
~ Thursday
6th I crossed the Miss River in company with
Elders Hyrum Smith, H. C. Kimball, & John Taylor. it
was thawing & much water on the Ice we got our
feet much weet but we went to Zerehemla held
A CONFERENCE, discontinued the stake appo-
inted A presiding Elder over the branch, saluted
no man by the way dind not eat or drink & retur-
ned not by the way we went. walked in all 10 miles
~ Friday
7th Spent the day about home & at the store house
~ Saturday
8th I spent the day in the Nauvoo store & at home
I visited Josephs store & found it throng'd
~ Sunday
9th Sunday I preached in the forepart of
the day at Br Freemans to a full congregations
& had a good time. I called upon several
friends in the afternoon & spent the evening
at home in writing
~ Monday
10th I sold Br John Horlick the South
half of Lot No 4 Block 12 in kimball second
addition to Nauvoo for $50 dollars I spent
the evening at Br John Taylors in company with
Elders Young, Kimball, Taylor, Clayton, Fielding
& others with our wives had an interesting time
I Bought two lots of Hyrum Kimblall for
two hundred & fifty dollars I paid him $50
dollars down in cloth & a watch & the other
is in two annual payments they were
Lots No [blank] in Block [blank]
~ Tuesday
11th I walked across the Missisippi river on the
Ice to Father Clarks & spent the night 12 mile
I dreamed Br Azmon was in prison with his head off
~ Wednesday
12th I led my cow home from Br Clarks to
Nauvoo. 12 m[iles]
~ Thursday
13th I took my note up of $20 dollars which
I gave to Br M Luce I felt quite sunwell with
a cold
~ Friday
14th I drew home a load of plank 211 feet 1 1/2 inch
& 90 feet inch Boards
[FIGURE] our cow had a
nice heaifer calf this day
~ Saturday
15th The two Brother Freemans gave me a days
work, laid me a stable floor killed me two
pigs (rather than to build a pen for them) &
assisted in other work
~ Sunday
16th Sunday I preached at Br Freeman to
an attentive congregation & in the evening I
married Thomas Jones & Mary Mayle
~ Monday
17th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] I spent the day butchering 20 hoggs for
the Nauvoo house I attended council at Joseph
office with the Twelve
~ Tuesday
18th I had a hard days work in the Nauvoo house
~ Wednesday
19th I spent the day in the Nauvoo house
~ Thursday
20th I attended a general ^special^ conference of
the Church called together in Nauvoo met
at the house of Br Edwards to take into
consideration the conduct of Dr Isacc Galland
who is wronging the Church out of much property
~ Friday
21st I spent the day posting Book at the
Nauvoo house
~ Saturday
232 I spent the day labouring at home
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I preached a[t] Joseph's the
Seers from the Book of mormon & was
much blessed in my mind
~ Monday
24th I spent the day visiting the sick
~ Tuesday
25 I spent the day in the Nauvoo store
~ Wednesday
26th I took a walk with Br Daniel Bullard
through various parts of Nauvoo [FIGURE] I bought
a house & 1/4 acre of land of Br parsons & am to
pay him $100 dollars for it 20 in April I am to let
Br Bullard have the rent of the lot through the
season as he wishes to work on the Temple
~ Thursday
27th I spent the day with Br kimball
~ Friday
28 I spent the day in the store
~ Saturday
I received a letter from Mother Woodruff
spoke of the Ill health of Sister Eunice I
spent the evening at Joseph store [FIGURE]
I wrote a letter to Br Dwight Webster & mother
wewsters ^Woodruff^
~ Sunday
30 Sunday I rode to Br John Benbow's on the prairie
6 miles from Nauvoo & preached at his house
& spent the night this was the first time I had been
to his house since my returne to Nauvoo I spent the
time vary plesantly while there his farm looked almost
like the garden of Eden I never had seen more
work done in one year on a prairie farm than on his
he had usurrounded it & crossed it with heavy ditches
& planted thorn hedges his dwelling, barns, sheds, garden
yards, orchards, &c waere all beautifully aranged
it much resembled some of the fairms of old England
it will be a plesant retreat for a summers ride
from Nauvoo the little Neighbourhood now consists
of five families from England all well united excepting
Wm Benbow who has denyed the faith & is a family by
himself I spent the evening about conversing with the
Brethren 6 miles
~ Monday
31st I paid $200 dollars to Br John Benbow for presiden[t]
Joseph Smith & endorsed it on his note I then left the
friends & rode to Br Pulsiphers dined at his house & returned to Nauvoo 6 miles
~ Tuesday
Feb 1st I assisted in drawing up from the river two
large stones to the Nauvoo house ^for the^ threshholds of doors
~ Wednesday
2nd Elder pitt assisted me in painting my house
~ Thursday
Fedb 3rd 1842 Thursday [FIGURE] [Joseph Smith Papers Document] [Joseph Smith Papers Document] A Revelation was given a
few days since for the Twelve to obtain the printi-
ng esstablishment of E Robinson & govern the
printing of the Times & Seasons & all the Church
publications as they are directed by my Holy
Spirit in the midst of their councils saith the Lord
After consulting upon the subject the quorum
appointed TElders J. Taylor & W Woodruff of
the Twelve to Edit the Times & Seasons & take
charge of the whole esstablishment under the
direction of Joseph the Seer. Accordingly I left
my station at the Nauvoo provision store &
commenced this day to labour for the Church in
the printing esstablishment. Elder Taylor &
myself spent the afternoon in taking an invoice
of the printing esstablishment & met in council
in the evening at Joseph store
~ Friday
4th I spent the day with Br Taylor in finishing the
invoice of the printing esstablishment Books &
stationary & in the evening we again met at Josephs
store & E Robinson made out the deed to W
Richards of his lot & house containing the printing
esstablishment & all Appurtenances belonging thereto
Amounting in all to $6,600 dollars
~ Saturday
5th Saturday this is tithing day I Assisted Elder
W. Richards in taking in the tithing for the Temple
it was a busy day. we took in $1000 dollars of property
or more I spent the evening with Joseph & Elder
Richards at the printing office
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I spent the day at home writing Elders
Young & Kimball have gone to La harp to hold a two days
~ Monday to ~ Friday
Feb 7, 8, & 9 ^10 & 11^ I spent in the printing office &
was busy in setting in order many things about
the office
~ Saturday
102th I attended the City Council it was an
interesting day the subject of our rights was
discused & among other things a Law passed
regulating Hawkers pedlers Auctioneers &c
~ Sunday
13th I preached on Sunday toat Br Israel Barlows
to a full house & had an interesting time
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
14th 15, ^&^ 16 was spent at the printing office
labouring in the temporal concerns thereof
~ Thursday
17. A Special City Council was called & among
the business of the day A Law was passed
regulating marriage Joseph the Seer made
many interesting remarks concerning our
privilliges Council adjourned to next day
~ Friday
18th City Council met at early candle light
according to adjournment After some
business on roads was performed Joseph the
Seer took the floor & followed Gen Bennet
concerning law our rights &c his speach
was truly interesting & powerfull
~ Saturday
19th This was a busy day in each department of
business it being tithing day for the temple their
was much business done at the store property brought
in &cy. We sent about two bushels of the Times
& Seasons to the post office to send to our patrons
I received 3 papers from Mr Ezra Carter jr
which contained much intelligence of various kinds
It is truly interesting edifying & glorious to conte-
mplate the great & mighty work which God has
set his hand to esstablish in these last days by revealing
the fullness of the everlasting gospel as recorded in
the Book of mormon & esstablishing his church &
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] kingdom as at the Beginning which is according to the
order of heaven with Seers prophets, Apostles, Elders
Priests, Bishops, Teachers, Revelation, Administering
of Angels gifts, graces, Knowledge, wisdom, tongues
healings &c. &c. Truly the Lord has raised up Joseph
the Seer outf the seed of Abraham out of the loins
of ancient Joseph, & is now clothing him with mighty
power & wisdom & knowledge which is more clear-
ly manifest & felt in the midst of his intimate friends
than any other class of mankind. The Lord is
Blessing Joseph with power to reveal the mysteries of
the kingdom of God; to translate through the Urim
& Thummim Ancient records & Hyeroglyphics as
old as Abraham or Adam, which causes our
hearts to burns within us while we behold their glori-
ous truths opened unto us.
Joseph the Seer
has presented us some of the Book of Abraham which
was written by his own hand but hid from the
knowledge of man for the last four thousand years but
has now come to light through the mercy of God.
Joseph has had these records in his possession for
several years but has never presented them before
the world in the english language untill now. But
he is now about to publish it to the world or parts
of it by publishing it in the Times & Seasons, for
Joseph the Seer is now the Editor of that paper
& Elder Taylor assists him in writing while it has fallen
to my lot to take charge of the Business part of
the esstablishment. I have had the privilege this day
of assisting in setting the TIPE for printing
the first peace of the BOOK OF ABRAHAM
that is to be presented to the inhabitants of the
My soul has been much edifyed of late from
time to time in hearing Joseph the Seer convers
about the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. truly
GOD is with him & is making him mighty in wisdom
& knowledge & I am convinced for myself that
none of the Prophets Seers or Revelators of the Earth
haven ever accomplished a greater work thatn
will be accomplished in the Last days through the
mercy of God By JOSEPH THE SEER
~ Sunday
Feb 20. Sunday
I spent the day at home reading & writing
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
21 22 323 24 25 & 26 Was spent in the printing
office Nothing remarkable transpired with us
during the week excepting we prepared A
plate for making a cut at the commencment of
ofthe Book of Abraham which is to be published
in the 9 No of the 3 vol of the Times & Seasons
which will be interesting to many of the inhabitants
of the earth.
I have read the life of Wm Colbett
during the past week & in many respects find
to be interesting
~ Sunday
27th Sunday I spent the day at home writing
~ Monday
28th Spent the day at the printing office
~ Tuesday
March 1st 1842 My Birth Day
I am 35 years of age this day as the
spring enters. And thinking I could not
celebrate my Birth day more effectually than
to meet my best friends I killed a Turkey made
a feast & invited some of my friends to
attend some came & some could not The
company consisted of Joseph the Seer & Lady
Elders H. C. kimball & Lady J. Taylor & Lady
& Mother, Dr W. Richards & John E. Page.
After supper the evening was mostly spent in
hearing Joseph the Seer convers about the
blessings of the kingdom of God much to our ediyfy-
~ Wednesday
March 2nd I spent the day as usual at the office
~ Thursday
3rd was spent at printing office
~ Friday
March 4th 1842. Phebe A. Woodruff
was Born this morning 30 minutes past 10 o'clock
unto us a child is given! unto us a daughter is born
Mother & babe doing well. May the LORD be praised
for all his mercies unto us
After leaving my family comfortable I spent a
busy dat at the office making up the Mails or prep-
airing papers for it
~ Saturday
5th I attended the City Council through the day
& past some important Laws such as recording
deeds & other instruments of writing in Nauvoo
& bought a lot of land of Hyram kimball
~ Sunday
6 Sunday I preached at Br Maththews House
~ Monday
7th I visited the Block of land north of the Temple
which I bought of H. Kimball & spent part of the
day in the printing Office
~ Tuesday
8th I spent the day getting wood out of the
river cutting it & getting it home I drew ita
cord & a half to my door & spent some time in the office
~ Wednesday
9 Spent the day at the printing office & in the
evening attended Court at Hyrum Smiths office
whare Lysander M. Davis was found guilty of
slandering the character of Joseph Smith & was
bound over to keep the peace under $100 bond
after court was over Joseph &Smith & the Twelve
suped upon a rost Turkey with Sister Hyde
~ Thursday
March 10th I spent the day at the printing office
~ Friday
[FIGURE] 11th The Nauvoo Legion met on parrade
this day I rode in the Legion in company with the
quorum of the Twelve as assistant chaplain It
was the first time I hasd seen the Legein on parrade
& it caused peculiar feelings to rest upon me while
gasing [gazing] upon this Legion & contemplate the past present
& to come.
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] After the business of the day was closed, I attend the
trial of Elder Gladden F. Bishop at President Joseph Smith
House, & it was an interesting time. Gladden had
set himself up as some great thing for 8 or 9 years
& the Church had been so much troubled with him
by his foolish conduct that he had been cut off a num-
ber of times from the Church & restored, & he had
now set himself up as a prophet & Revelateor to the
Church & a number of his revelations were brought
forward & red before the congregations & it was
the greatest Bundle of Nonsens ever put together it
would have taken Gladden Bishop ten thousand Years
to have accomplished the work which he said in
his pretended revelations he should perform he took
the name of God in vain & his crime was so
great in his Blaspheming God in his pretended revelations
that Joseph the Seer said that nothing would
excuse him in the sight of God & angels in commiting
the unpardonable sin ownly because he was a
fool & had not sens sufficient for the Holy Ghost
to enlighten him. After his Revelations were read
condemned & commited to the flames he was cut off
from the Church & given over to the buffetings of
Satan untill the day of the Lord Jesus
~ Saturday
12. The Court Marshall of the Nauvoo Legion met
at Gen Joseph Smith I attended the rank rool was
made out so that each officer might know his
place I spent part of the day in the priniting office
~ Sunday
13th Sunday I spent the day at home with my family
& wrote some in my Journal
~ Monday
14th Spent the day in printing Office
~ Tuesday
15th [FIGURES] [Joseph Smith Papers Document] The Nauvoo Masonic
Lodge was formed esstablished and organized
this day. The p[r]ossession was formed at half
past one oclock at Joseph's store & marched in
p[r]ossession to the grove in front of the temple &
organized the lodge & an address was deliverd
by the Grand master of the Masonic Lodge
of Illinois good order prevailed it was judged
their was about 3000 citizens assembled
on the occasion
Received a letter from Br Wedster which
brought information from my fathers house
~ Wednesday
I wrote a letter to L R Foster spent day in printing
~ Thursday
I wrote a letter to Dwight Webster
~ Friday
18th I spent the day in the printing office
~ Saturday
19 [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Spent the day in the printing office we struck
off about 500 No of the 10 No 3 vol of Times
& Seasons which contained athe portion of
the Book of Abraham that gave his account of
Kolob, Oliblish, God siting upon his Throne
The Earth, other planets & many great & glorious
things as revealed to Abraham through the
power of the priesthood. The truths of the Book
of Abraham are truly edifying great & glorious
which are among the rich treasures that are
revealed unto us in the last days
~ Sunday
March 20th Sunday. Sermon of Joseph the Seer
A large assembly of Saints gather together at
an early hour to hear a discours deliverd upon the
subject of Baptism by Joseph the Seer, but ats a
young child was dead & his bcorpes presented in the
assembly it called forth many remarks from JThe
speaker upon death & the resurrection which were
in the highest degree interesting & his remarks
upon Baptism was truly glorious to the believer
in Jesus Christ. The following is a brief synopsis
of some of the items presented in the discours
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] The speaker read the 14 ch Revelations. And sayes
"we have again the warning voice sounded in our midst
which shows the uncertainty of human life. And
in my leasure moments I have meditated upon the
subject, & asked the question Why is it that, infants
innocent children are taken away from us, esspeci-
ally those that seem to be most intelligent beings"
Answer "This world is a vary wicked world &
it is a proverdb that the world grow weaker &
wiser, but if it is the case the world grows more wicke[d]
& corrupt. In the early ages of the world A rich-
eous man & a man of God & intelligence had a better
chance to do good to be received & believed that [than] at
the present day, but in thiese days such a man is
much opposed & persecuted by most of the inh-
abitants of the earth & he has much sorrow to pass
through, hence the Lord takes many away even in
infancy that they may escape the envy of man,
the sorrows & evils of this present world & they were
two pure & to lovly to live on Earth. Therefore if
rightly considerd we have, instead of morning we
have reason to rejoice, as they are deliverd from evil
& we shall soon have them again. What chance
is their for infidelity when we are parting with
our friends almost daily none at all. The
infidel will grasp at evry straw for help untill
death stares him in the face & then his infidelity
takes its flight for the realities of the eternal
world are resting upon him in mighty power &
when evry earthly support & prop fails him, he
then sensibly feels the eternal truths of the imm-
ortality of the soul. *Also the doctrin of Baptizi-
ng children or sprinkling them or they must
welter in Hell is a dectrin not true not supported
in Holy ^w^rit & is not consistant with the character
of God. The moment that children leave this world
they are taken to the bosom of Abraham. The
ownly difference between the old & young dying
is one lives longer in heaven & Eternal light
& glory than the other & was freed a little sooner
from this miserable wicked world. Notwithstanding
all this glory we for a moment loose sight of it &
mourn the loss but we do not mourn as those
without hope.* (We should take warning & not wait
for the death bed to repent) As we se[e] the infant
taken away by death, so may the youth & middle aged
as well as the infant suddenly be called into
eternity. Let this then proove as a warning to all
not to procrastinate repentance or wait till a death
bed, for it is the will of God that man should repent
& serve him in health & in the strength & power
of his mind in order to secure his blessings & not wait
untill he is called to die.
"My intention (says the speaker)
was to have treated upon the subject of Baptism.
But having a case of death before us I thought it
proper to refer to that subject. I will now however
say a few words upon that subject ^Baptism^ as intended
God has made certain decreas which are fixed & unalt-
erable. for instance God set the sun, the moon,
the stars in the heavens, & gi[v]en them their laws
conditions, & bounds which they cannot pass except
by his command. they all move in perfect harmony
in there sphere & order & are as wonders, lights &
signs unto us. The sea also has its bounds which
it cannot pass. God has set many signs in the earth
as well as in heaven for instance the oaks of the forest
the fruit of the tree, the herd of the field all bear a
sign that seed hath been planted there.
for it is a decree of the Lord that evry tree fruit
or herb bearing seed, should bring forth after its kind
& cannot come forth after any other law or princi-
ple. upon the same principle do I contend that
Baptism is a sign, ordained of God for the
believer in Christ to take upon himself in order to
enter into the kingdom of God. "for except
you are born of the water & the spirit you cannot
enter into the kingdom of God, saith the Savior, [John 3:5] as
It is a sign of command which God hath set for
man to enter into theis kingdom of God those who
seek to enter in any other willay will seek in vain, for
God will not receive them neither will the angels
acknowledge their works as accepted, for they have
not taken upon themselves those ordinances & signs
which God ordained for man to receive in order to
receive a celestial glory, & God has decreed that all
that ^who^ will not obey his voice shall not escape the
damnation of hell. what is the damnation of
hell, to go with that society who have not obeyed
his commands. Baptism is a sign to God, to Angels
to heaven that we do the will of God & their is
no other way beneath the heavens whareby
God hath ordained for man to come to God & any
other cource is in vain. God hath decreed &
ordained that man should repent of all his sins &
Be Baptized for the remission of his sins then he
can come to God in the name of Jesus Christ in
faith, then we have the promise of the Holy Ghost
What is the sign of the healing of the sick?
the laying on of hands, is the sign or way
marked out by James & the custom of the
ancient Saints as ordered by the Lord & we
should not obtain the blessing by persuing any
other course except the way which God has marked
out. [James 5:14-15]
What if we should attempt to get
the Holy Ghost through any other means except
the sign or way which God hath appointed, should
we obtain it certainly not all other means would
fail. The Lord says do so & so & I will bless so & so
their is certain key words & signs belonging to
the priesthood which must be observed in
order to obtaine the Blessings
The sign of Peter was, to repent & be baptized
for the remission of sins, inowith the promise tof the
gift of the Holy Ghost & in no other way is
the gift of the Holy Ghost obtained. [Acts 2:38] Their is a
difference between the Holy Ghost & the gift of the
Holy Ghost. Cornelius received the Holy Ghost before
he was Baptized which was the convincing power
of God unto him of the truth of the gospel, but
he could not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost
untill after he was Baptized, [Acts 10:44-48] & had he not taken
this sign [or] ordinances upon him the Holy Ghost
which convinced him of the truth of God would
have left him, untill he obeyed these ordin-
ances & received the gift of the Holy Ghost by the
laying on of hands according to the order
of God he could not have healed the sick or
command an evil spirit to come out of a
man & it obey him for the spirit might
say to him as he did to the sons of Scavey
Peter I know & Christ I know but who
are ye [Acts 19:13-15]
It matereth not whether we live long
or short after we come to a knowlede of these princi-
ples & obey them. I know that all men will be
damedned if they do not come in the way which God
has appointed
As concerning the resurrection I will
merly say that all men will come from the grave
as they layie down, whether old or young their
will not be added unto ther stature one cubit neither
taken from it. All being raised by the power of God
having the Spirit of God in their bodies & not Blood
Children will be enthroned in the presence of God
& the Lamb with bodies of the same stature that
were on earth. Having been redeemed by the
Blood of the Lamdb they will there enjoy a fulness
of that light Glory & intelligence which is receiv-
ed in the celestial kingdom of God. "Blessed are the
dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their [Revelation 14:13]
labours & their works do follow them [Revelation 14:13]
The speaker before closing, called upon the vast
assembly before him to humble themselves in faith
before God, & in mighty prayer & fasting to call
upon his Holy name, untill the elements were
purified over our heads & the earth sanctified under
our feet that the inhabitants of this city may
escape the power of the disease, pestilence & destroyer
that rideth upon the face of the earth & that the
holy spirit of God may rest upon this vast multitude
A[t] the close of the meeting President Smith informed
the congregation that he should attend to the
ordinance of Baptism nearin the his ho river near his
house at 2 oclock. And at the appointed hour
the Bank of the missisippi was lined with a multitude
of people & President Joseph Smith went
forth into the river & Baptized with his own
hands about 80 persons for the remission of
their sins & what added Joy to the scene the
first person Baptized was Mr L. D. Wason a
nephew of Sister Emma Smith the first of
her kindred that have embraced the fulness of
the gospel. At the close of this interesting scene
the Administrator lifted up his hands towards
heaven & implored the blessing of heaven ^God^ to
rest upon the people, & truly the Spirit of
God did rest upon the multitude to the Joy &
consolation of our harts. After Baptism
the congregation again repaired to the grove
near the Temple to attend to the ordinance of
confirmation & notwithstanding president Smith
had spoken in th[e] open iaair to the people & stood
in the water to& Baptized about 80 person about 510
of those Baptized received their confirmation
under his hands in the after part of the day, &
during the intermission of these meetings their
was probably as many more Baptized & confirmed
for their Dead relatives at the Font By the Twelve
And those who wish for further information
concerning the scenes of the Sabbath in Nauvoo
or any other day in the week I would say to all
such come & see. W. Woodruff
H. C. Kimball Baptized abot 40 in the font I assisted
in confirming abotut 20 It was truly an interesting
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
March 21, 22, & 23, I spent in the printing office
~ Thursday
24 I spent the day geting out manure upon my
garden & I laboured so hard it made [me] sick I could
not rest at night Br & Sister Benbow spent the night
with me or evening rather
~ Friday
Willford Owen met with a sad accident
this day he drank a strong lye by accident
& came near killing him it eat his lungs throat &
mouth vary bad we were fearful he would not
recover if he follows my footsteps he will have
many hard accidents to pass through in life for
I have been vary unfortunet in my childhood &
youth, in breaking my bones & run many hair bredth escape
~ Saturday
26. Willford is still vary poorly I spent the day in
the printing office
~ Sunday
27 ^Sunday^ [FIGURE] [Joseph Smith Papers Document] This was an interesting day A
large assembly met in the grove near the Temple
Br Amisa Lyman addressed the assembly & made
many interesting remarks. He was followed by
Joseph the Seer who made some edifying remarks
concerning Baptism for the dead. He said the Bible
supported the doctrin, "why are ye Baptized for
the dead if the dead rise not &c" [1 Corinthians 15:29] if their is one word
of the Lord that supports the doctrin ist is enough to mak[e]
it a true doctrin. Again if we can baptize a man in
the Name of the Father of the Son & of the Holy Ghost
for the remission of sins it is just as much our privilege
to act as an agent & be baptized for the remission
of sins for & in behalf of our dead kindred who have not
herd the gospel or fulness of it. After meeting
closed the congregation again assembled upon the
bank of the river & Joseph the Seer went into
the river & Baptized all that came unto him &
I considered it my privilege to be Baptized for
the remission of my sins for I had not been
since I first Joined the Church in 1833 I was
then Baptized under the hands of Elder Zerah
Pulsipher therefore I went forth into the river
& was Baptized under the hands of
JOSEPH THE SEER & likewise did Elder
J Taylor & many others & Joseph called
upon me to assist him & I did so & went in &
Baptized 12, & then Joseph lifted up his hands
to heaven & blessed the people & the spirit of God
rested upon the congregation we then again
repaired to the place of meeting near the Temple &
Elder Taylor & myself was confirmed by
the laying on of hands we then commenced
confirming others who had been baptized I
confirmed about 20. Some remarks were made
by Gen Bennett & Elder Taylor & the meeting
Baptized 12 & confirmed 20
~ Monday
28th Willford is still feeble but appears some better
I spent the day at the Printing office
Elder L. Wight has just landed in Nauvoo with
about 170 Saints mostly from England & about
$3000 dollars worth of Goods for the benefit of
the Nauvoo House & Temple. the Temple is progressing
well at the present time
~ Tuesday
29 spent the day in my business in the printing office
except in the morning I sowed some inoions, beets
& peas in my Garden Willford Bleeds much at
the nose which makes him vary week
~ Wednesday
30 & 31 I spent the time in the printing office
~ Thursday
31. Rode out onto the prairie & laid out the ground
for ditching the front of my lot visited many
sick & lade hands upon them
~ Friday
April 1st Spent the day at the printing office
counting over Hymn Book forms
~ Saturday
2 Spent the day at the printing office
~ Sunday
April 3 Sunday I spent the day in writing in
m[y] Autobiography
~ Monday
4th Spent the day in the printing office
~ Tuesday
5 Spent the day in the printing office
~ Wednesday
Minutes of The
Held in Nauvoo April 6th 1842
It being rainy the fore part of the day
conference did not meet untill 1 oclock PM
President Hyram Smith occupied the time
mostly through the day giveing instruction to
the Church
~ Thursday
7th rainy in the fore part of the day conference
opened at 1 oclock president J. Smith H. Smith
Wm Law & the Twelve took the stand
& opened meeting & spoke upon a variety
of subjects & called upon those who wished
to be ordained to the office of an Elder to come
forward & have their names taken many
came forward
~ Friday
8th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Sun roes plesent & conference opened at
10 oclock. Elder L. Wight Presidents J Smith
& Hyaram Smith & others spoke then those
that were to be ordained Elders were req-
uested to remove from the rest of the congre-
gation by themselves they did so & six
of the Twelve viz B. Young H. C. Kimball, O.
Pratt, L. Wight, W. Richards G A Smith &
myself went forward & inordained 275
two hundred & seventy five to the office of
This was truly an interesting time more
Elders were ordain on this occasion than were
ever ordained in the Church of Latter Day Saints
in one day before while this was going on
Elder Taylor was delivering a discourse from
tohe stand to the multitude, & also their was
baptizing and confirming (from or) at the font
in the afternoon Elders Amiza Lyman & Wm
Smith, occupied the stand in the afternoon &
was followed by Joseph with few remarks & the
conference closed
~ Saturday
9th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] T[h]e Saints in Nauvoo assembled inat the house
of president Marks at an early hour in the mor-
ning to pay their last respeck to the Body of
Ephraim Marks son of President Marks who died
on the evening of the 7th A large poroscession
formed two by two & walked to the grove a large
concorse assembled President Joseph Smith
spoke upon the occasion with much feelings & inter
est among his remarks he said it is a vary solumn
& awful time I never felt more solumn it calles
to mind the death of my oldest Brother who died in
New York & my Youngest Brother Carloss Smith who
died in Nauvoo It has been hard for me to live on
earth & see those young men upon whome we have lean-
ed upon as a support & comfort taken from us in
the midst of their youth. yes it has been hard to
be reconciled to these things I have sometimes felt
that I should have felt more reconciled to have been
called myself if it could have been the will
of God, yet I know we ought to be still & know
it is of God & be reconciled all is right it
will be but a short time before we shall all in
like manner be called. It may be the case
with me as well as you. Some has supposed
that Br Joseph could not die but this is a
mistake it is true their has been times when
I have had the promise of my life to accomplish
such & such things, but having accomplish those
things I have not at present any lease of my
life & am as liable to die as other men
I can say in my heart that I have not done any
thing against Ephraim Marks that I am sorry for
& I would ask any of his companions if they
have done any thing against him that they are
sorry for or that they would not like to meet at
the bar of God if so let it prove as a warning to
all men to deal justly before God & with all men
then we shall be clear in the day of judgment
When we loose a near & dear friend upon whom
we have set our hearts we can never feel the same
afterwards knowing that if we set our hearts upon
others they may in like manner be taken from us
President Smith made many other interesting
remarks & left it for President Rigdon to close
President Rigdon arose & also said many interes-
ting [things] & among other said that when we see a princi-
ple that makes us the most Happy if we will cultivate
that principle & practice it ourselves it will render usothers
Happy for that course of conduct that pleases you will
please others. I would say to the morners that
death has made his heaviest stroke at you for should
he take either of the parents away from the rest
of the family it would set them down in the king-
dom of God with their son Ephraim. the speaker
remarked that the death of this young man had made
a vacancy in his heart that nothing could fill untill
it was filled by restoring the society of the same
person in eternity which is the case in loosing any
friend All the remarks were vary appropriate that were
made on the occasion. The Body was then conveyd
to the grave in solemn silence & each as they pass-
ed by droped in a branch of evergreen into the grave
the Body was then coverd with earth which closed
the scenery.
The City Council met at 2 o-clock I stayed a litt
le season & came home with a hard headacke but
notwithstanding this illness I set out a bed of english
strawburies & 150 stocks of english red raspberrys in
my garden which closed the business of the {day}
{We set} (3) {ponies loose}
~ Sunday
April 10th Sunday
[FIGURE] A plesant morning A large congregation
of Saints met at the grove President William Law
addressed the assembly for about 1 hour
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] tThen Joseph the Seer arose in the power of
God reproved & rebuked wickedness inbefore the
people in the name of the Lord God. He wished
to say a few words to suit the condition of the general
mass. And I shall speak with authority of the
priesthood in the name of the Lord God, which
shall prove a savior of life unto life or of death
unto death. [2 Corinthians 2:16]
Notwithstanding this congregation profess to be
Saints yet I stand in the midst of all characters
and classes of men. If you wish to go whare God
is you must be like God or possess the principles which
God possesses for if we are not drawing towards God
in principle we are going from him & drawing towa-
rds the devil. yes I am standing in the midst of
all kinds of people. Search your hearts & see if
you are like God. I have searched mine & feel to
repent of all my sins. We have theives among us
Adulterers, liars, hypocritts. if God should speak
from Heaven he would command usyou not to
steal, not to commit Adultery, nor to covet, nor
deceive but be faithful over a few things
As far as we degenerate from God we desend
to the devil & looses knowledge & without knowle-
dge we cannot be saved & while our hertarts are filled
with evil & we are studying evil their is no room
in our hearts for good or studying good. is not
God good, theyea then you be good. if he is faithful
then you be faithful. Add to your faith virtue, to
virtue, knowledge, & seek for evry good thing [2 Peter 1:5]
the Church must be cleansed & I proclaim
against all iniquity. A man is saved no faster
than he gets knowledge for if he does not get
knowledge he will be brought into captivity by
some evil power in the other world as evil
spirits will have more knowlede & consequent
ly more power than many men who are
on the earth. hence it needs Revelation to
assist us & give us knowledge of the things of
God. What is the reason that the priest of
the day do not get Revelation. They ask ownly
to consume it upon their lust their hearts are
corrupt & they cloke their iniquity by saying
that their is no more Revelations. But if
any revelations are given of God they are univers
ally opposed by the priest & Christendon at large
for it reveals their wickedmess & abominations
many other remarks of interest were made
by the speaker I truly felt in my own heart
that it was a profitable meeting
on my return home I was soon met by one of
my old school mates & neighbours by the name of
Lewis Allen native of Avon Connecticut he had
called to visit Nauvoo & inquire into the principles
of the Latter Day Saints he herd Joseph the
Seer preach during the day & seemed much
better satisfied than he expected. he spent the
night with me & I lade before him the first
principles of the Gospel
~ Monday
April 11. I spent the day at printing office Mr
Allen was sick with the ague at my house
~ Tuesday
12 I spent the time as usual at the printing office
Mr Allen was better of his Illness called at
the printing [office] & I gave him 1, 2, & 3 vol of the
Times & Seasons | $4.00 |
To 1 Gospel Reflector | $1.25 |
To 1 M | $1.50 |
Total | $6.75 |
^I met in the Lodge with Joseph & the 12
see Church History^
I made him a present of the above works
so that he might have a knowledge of our
principles as they exhist he spent the night with me
~ Wednesday
13 I walked with Neighbour Allen at noon, walked
to the ferry Boat at noon & took the parting
hand spent the day in the printing office
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
April 14th 15 & 16
Spent the time in the printing office
[sidways text]
^see May 29^
[end of sideways text]
~ Sunday
17th Sunday [FIGURE] I spent the day in
company with W. Richards & Hyram Smith
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
I was Baptized on the 21st for my Mother & two Brothers
18, 19 20 & 21, was spent in the printing
office during the evening of the 21 I was attacted
with the fefver & ague with all its force & power
I had a sick night
~ Friday
22 had a vary sick day with the fever
~ Saturday
23rd was still sikck with the ague & fevar
~ Sunday
24th Sunday Elder B. Young called upon me in
the morning wished me to go with him & visit the
sick I told him I was sick myself he lade hands
upon me & prayed for me & I felt Better & got
into the wagon with him & rode 5 miles on the
paririe to visit a sick Brother I felt much better
on my return
~ Monday
25 Spent the day in the printing office
~ Tuesday
26 April 1842 TUESDAY
Spent the time in the printing Office
~ Wednesday
27th [FIGURE] I received a leteter from Elder
Dwight Webster containing A Note on
Hartford Bank Ct of $50 dollars
Nov 1, June 34. 895 check letter A.
for which I am to forward him my Note in
a letter
~ Thursday
28th THURESDAY Spent the day in the printing offic
~ Friday
29th [FIGURE] Spent most of the day in the office
~ Saturday
April 30 Spent part of the day in the office
& drew home three loads of wood & ploughed
part of my Garden which took me untill in the
night I got exeeding warm & my Blood heat which
gave me excessive head acke
~ Sunday
May 1st Sunday I wrote some in my accounts
Books & Journal
I wrote two letters one to Ezra Carter Jr
& one to Ilus F. Carter
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
2 3 & 4 spent in the printing office
~ Thursday
5th Met on parade in the morning in the officer
drill of the Nauvoo Legion spent part of the
day in the office
~ Friday
6th Met again ion parade answered to my
name & was dismsmised planted corn on
the kimball Block & spent part of the day
in the office
~ Saturday
May 7th 1842
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] The whole Nauvoo Legion met on parade
this day consisting 23 companies & they
truly made a splended appearance the
whole Legion that were on parade were
not much less than two thousand, &
mostly well dressed in uniform Gen. Joseph
Smith prepared a splendid dinner for
the whole staff intire with their Ladies
A Steem boat Landed under the salute
of their music at noon near Gen Smiths
& landed about 40 Saints mostly from
Herefordshire England
*to the font & in company with Br C. C. Rich
I Baptized about one hundred for the remis-
sio[n] of sins the healing of the Body & the dead
while Elder Young & others confirmed them as
they came out of the water & Before leaving
I went into the pool & was Baptized for
My Great Grand father Josiah Woodruff
& My Great Grand Mother wife of Josiah Woodruff
making five of my
dead relatives which
I have been Baptized for
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I attended meeting with
my whole family a large congregation were
assembled President Rigdon addressed the
assembly upon the subject of Religion his
discourse was much to edification others
followed after meeting many were
Baptized in the font & also in the river
~ Monday to ~ Friday
9th 10th 11th 12 & 13 was spent in the printing office
~ Saturday
14th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Saturday I attended the City Council
through the day It was the most interes-
ting council I ever attended in some respects
I wrote 2 letters to Isaiah Madison to
come to Nauvoo. The Twelve had
a council in the evening & silenced Benjamin
Winchester untill he made satisfaction
& discountenanced the council held in
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I attended meeting at the grove
Elders L. Wight & B. Young spoke in the fore
part of the day & I addressed the congrega-
tion in the afternoon the first time I had
spoken to the assembly at large for more
than two years. after meeting I went *2
Vengance is mine I will repay saith
The Lord. [Romans 12:19]
Sunday True information
has Just reached us that the Noted Governor
Boggs of Missouri who By his orders expeled
ten thousand Latter Day Saints, Has just Been
assassinated in his own house & fallen in
his own Blood three Ball wer short through
his head two through his Brains & one
through his mouth, tongue & throat. Thus this
ungodly wretch has fallen in the midst
of his iniquity & the vengance of God
has overtaken him at last & he has met
his Just deserts though by an unknown hand
this information is proclaimed through
all the papers & By dispatched messengers
& hand Bills through the land Thus Boggs
hath died as a fool dieth & gone to his place
to receive the reward of his works*
I attended meeting at the grove in the
forenoon Elders L Wight & B Young preac-
hed & in the Afternoon I preached it being
the first time I had spoken to the Church
for more than two years. At the close
of the meeting I went to the pool & Baptized
in company with C C Rich about 100 persons
mostly for the dead & was also Baptized
myself for My Great Grandfather
Josiah ^Medad^ woodruff and his wife my Great Grand
^Azmon says our G Grand Fathers name was Medad^
^*Boggs was shot but did not die but has sinc recove[red]
from his wounds.^
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
May 16, 17, 18, & 19 I spent in the printing
office as usual
~ Friday
I received a letter from L. R. Foster
New York containing $30.00 dollars on
what he owed me for Books
I wrote a letter to Br Dwight Webster
acknowledging the recept of $50 dollars
which he lent me & sent him a note for
the same I attended a general meeting
of the Nauvoo Lodge
~ Saturday
21 I spent the day at the printing office
we have had a cold rain for three days
~ Sunday
22 Sunday I spent the day at home writing
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
23, 24, 25 Spent the time in the printing office
~ Thursday
I wrote a letter to Elder L R Foster
~ Friday
27th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] The first Presidency The Twelve &
High Council & virtuous part of the Church
are making an exhertion abot these days to
clense the Church from Adulterors, fornicators
& evil persons for their are such persons
crept into our midst. The high council have
held a number of meeting of late & their
researches have disclosed much iniquity
& a number been cut off from the Church
I met with the High Council to day on
the trial of L. O. Littlefield Joel S Miles
& Darwin Chase the two former were cut
of[f] for Adultery & the case of D Chase was
put of till tomorrow
~ Saturday
28th The case of D. Chase was tryed & he
restored to fellowship by the majority of own[l]y
1 vote I wrote a letter to Sister Shuah C. Carter
~ Sunday
29th Sunday I spent part of the day at home
writing nin the evening I went to the font &
[FIGURE] Baptized Elder G. A. Smith for the restoration
of his health I also Baptized my wife, Phebe
W. Woodruff for three of her dead kindred viz
her Grand Father &Joshua Fabyan & Grand Mother
Sarah Fabyan & Great Uncle John Fabyan
I was then Baptized under the hands of Elder
G. A. Smith for & in Behalf of my Grand Father
Eldad woodruff & Grand Mother Dinah Woodruff
^Also for the wife of uncle Samuel Woodruff^
Phebe was Baptized for & in Behalf of her
Grand Father Ezra Carter, & Grand Mother
Phebe W. Carter, on the 21st of April
the same day that I was Baptized for my
Mother & two Brothers
~ Monday
30th I was Baptized under the hands of
G A. Smith for my Great Grand father
Thompson & my Great Grand Mother Thompson
Also for My Grand Father Lot Thompson
& my Grand Mother Anna Thompsons
I Baptized Phebe W Woodruff for her
Uncle John Fabyan Aunt Sally Fabyan
Uncle George Fabyan Uncle Joseph Fabyan
I also Baptized Br John Benbow fo[r] six of
his dead kindred Also Sister Jane Benbow
for six of her dead friends
~ Tuesday
31st Spent the time in the printing office
~ Wednesday
June 1st spent the time in the printing office
~ Thursday
June 12nd I carried all of my family out to John
Benbows for them to spend a few days with them
& during the night I was taken vary sick
~ Friday
23rd I returned to Nauvoo went to court
Marshall but being sick went home was
confined to my bed through the day
~ Saturday
June 34th I felt some better in the morning
went to the printing office & maidde mail
through the day
~ Sunday
45th Sunday my wife & one child came
home with Br Benbow I had an exeeding sick
day & among other afflictions the ague
~ Monday
56th I arose vary feeble in the morning not
able to get out
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
7 8& 8th 9th was still sick suffered much pain
with the ague, fever, Bowel complaint &
piles all upon me at once
~ Friday
10th I was enabled to get to the printing
office but was vary feeble
~ Saturday
11th I attended City Council part of the day
& the printing office the other part
~ Sunday
12th Sunday I attended meeting in the fore
part of the day & herd O. pratt preach
upon the subject of building up Zion
~ Monday
13 I spent the day in the printing office
~ Tuesday
14th I met in conference with the Twelve
in the evening we decided that Elder
Hiram Clark should go to Liverpool
and take Elder Amos Fielding place &
that Elder fielding bring his family to Nauvoo
~ Wednesday
15th Spent the day in the printing office
~ Thursday
16th I attended the Nauvoo Masonic Lodge
during the evening
~ Friday
17th I spent the day making Mail
[FIGURE] Ilus F. Carter address is No 460
Pearl St near Chatham New York City
~ Saturday
June 18th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Saterday The Citizens of Nauvoo
Both Male & faemale assembled near the
Temple for a general meeting many
thousands were assembled Joseph the
Seer arose & spoke upon several subjects
Among other subjects he spoke his mind ^rebuking^
in great plainness concerning the iniquity
& wickedness ^& corruption^ of Gen John Cook Bennet,
& exposed him before the public. He also
prophesied in the Name of the Lord concern-
ing the merchants in the city that if they
with ^and^ the rich did not open their hearts
& contribute to the poor that they would be
cursed by the hand of God & be cut off
from the land of the living. The main
part of the day was taken up upon the
business of the agricultural & manufactur-
ing society ie we have a charter granted
us by the Legislator of the state for that
purpose & the time has come for us to make
use of that charter it is divided into stock
of $50 dollars each share. any person owning one
share became a member of the society a stock-
holder, each share is entitled to one vote this
is esstablished with a view of helping the poor
arangments were entered into to commence
operations immediately ^under the charter granted by the
Also Joseph comm-
manded the Twelve to organize the Church more
according to the Law of God that is to requi-
re of those that come in to be setteled according
to their council & also to appoint a com-
mittee to wait upon all who arive & make
them welcome & council them what to do
B Young, H. C. Kimball G. A. Smith & Hyrum Smith
was the committee appointed to wait upon emig-
rants & settle them
~ Sunday
19th ISunday I attended meeting in the fore
part of the day herd a discourse deliverd by
Elder James in the afternoon I Joined
Mr Dunn & Miss Snyder in the Bonds of
Matrimony iat my house
~ Monday
20th I spent the day in the printing office
~ Tuesday
21st A large meeting was again assembled
& addressed by president Smith concern
ing emigration agriculturall & Manufacturing
persuits & was followed by the Twelve & others
~ Wednesday
22 Spent the day in the printing office
~ Thursday
23 Spent the day in the printing office
~ Friday
The Nauvoo Masonic Lodge assembled
at 9 A.M. at J. Smith store received the
visiting Brethren, formed processin &
marched to the Temple or stand near the
Temple it was judjed their was about
six thousand persons present we herd an
address deliverd by President Rigdon
appropriate to the occasion we then retu-
rned to the Lodge & dispersed for two
hours to take refreshment met at two
oclock spent two hours in the lodge we
then dispersed.
I called upon
Mr A. Crane MD professo[r] of Phrenology
who accompanied me to my house &
examined my head & the heads of my
family & gave us a chart of each head
~ Saturday
June 25th
I spent the day in the printing Office
~ Sunday
26th Sunday I attended meeting & had
an interesting time our congreagations
are increasing
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
27, 28, 29, 30th Was spent in the printing office
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
July 1, & 2nd I spent my time in the office
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday was an interesting day about
six thousand persons assembled at the place of
meeting in Nauvoo & was addressed by
Joseph the Seer much to our edifycation
He read the 7th ch of Daniel & explained about
the kingdom of God set up in the last days
& said many things which were truly edifying
~ Monday
4th JULY
The Legion met as usual & celebrated
the day fourth of July & had an interesting
~ Tuesday
5th Met in the City Council passed laws & ordinances
~ Wednesday
6th Spent the day making mail
~ Thursday
7 Spent the day making mail
7 Spent the day in the printing office
~ Friday
8 Spent the day in the printing office
I wrote a letter to Milton Holmes
~ Saturday
9th I attended City Council
~ Sunday
10th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Sunday I preached forom the stand in
the fore part of the day & spent the latter
part of the day at home
~ Monday
July 11
I spent the day at the printing office
~ Tuesday
12 I attended the City Council
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
13, 14, 15, & 16 I spent in the printing Office
~ Sunday
17th Sunday Elder John Taylor preached in
the fore part of the day. I preached in the
Afternoon & expressed my feelings in plain-
ness upon various subjects. Afeter meeting I
repaired to the font & confirmed about
one hundred who were Baptized mostly for
their dead relations
~ Monday
18th Spent the time as usual in the printing office
~ Tuesday
Received a letter from Br Webster who
informed me that Sister Eunice had given
Birth to a son but that she was exceding low
& weak from her lungs complaint
~ Wednesday
Received a letter from L. R. Foster N. Y.
~ Thursday
21 spent the time in the printing office
The time has come when their is again great
excitement throughout the land against the
Saints. This excitement has arisen partly beca-
use the Saints feel dispose to exercise those rights
which the Constitution & Laws of the United
States guarrentee unto us equal with all other
citizens in attending the elections & voting
for whom we please
Also Dr John Cook Bennet has been base wick
ed & corrupt & has been expeled from the Church
& has gone forth abroad in all the land
& is stiring up strife against the Saints by
lying against thJoseph & many others of the Church
offences truly come but wo unto those through
whom they come
~ Friday
22 Spent the time in the printing office
~ Saturday to ~ Wednesday
JULY 23rd
The time had come when we were under the
necessitiy of having a new stock of paper & other
materials for the printing office & Book Binders
which could not be purchased short of St Leowis
& Joseph appointed me to go to St Leowis & purchase
the articles & as it fell to my lot to perform
the journey & business, I aranged my affairs
& on Saturday this 23rd of July I went up to
the steeam Boat landing to watch for a Boat.
I stoped at Br L Wights which was near the landing
at which place I spent four days & nights
watching for a boat expecting one evry hour. about
noon on the 27th a boat hove in sight which we
were truly glad to see it was the Galena we hailed &
she stoped & took three of us on board, viz Messrs
Ashton, Moulton, & myself. we found the boat
to be heavy loaded with led having 7000 pigs on board
& the water being low we soon saw we should have
a slow journey the boat crossed the river to Montrose
stoped & empted the boat of its load into lighters
& the hands had a tremendious fight while doing it
spent the night at Montrose
~ Thursday
28th Left Montrose & rode to Nashville this made
five days in sight of Nashvill Nauvoo after leaving
home we left Nashville & went over the rapids to
Keokurk 12 miles we run on to the rocks many times
& spent the day getting off
~ Friday
29th Friday left Keokurk rainy morning stoped
at warsaw. we past Tully run ton to a sand Bank
about dedrain & lay till morning
~ Saturday
30th Got of[f] the sand bank at 7 oclock passed Dedran
& Marion City run on to another sand bank which
hendered the boat 6 hours
I took a severe
cold which settelled into the Billious fever &
I was exceding ill the remainder of the journey
we passed by Hannibal which looks like a flourishing
town we run onto another sand bar about dark
~ Sunday
31st Sunday we stoped at Louisiana for refreshments
passed by Knoxville & run on to a sand bar & lay all
day & night but lighted the boat bduring the time
~ Monday
Aug 1st An exceding cold day & night & morning
as for myself I am in almost evry kind of trouble
A severe cold has settelled throughout my body
I have the Rheumatism, teeth ake, head ake, bones ake,
have got the musketoe fever, Bilious fever, & sick
stomack, & am fearful that if we run on to many
more sand bars & am many more weeks getting
to St Louis & if the Musketoes do not favor me
more than they have done, that it will be a question
whether I ever reach home or not but I hope for the
best. H [blank] we have run smash into another
sand bank we have not gone more than 3 miles
since we left the other that we was on the whole
day this is election day in Illinois Nauvoo &c.
I wish I was there but here I am fast on a sand bar &
like to be we are both out of provisions & wood I think
sumthing will be done for the hands have gon on to the
Island cutting wood, got a lighter & took of[f] some
of the led we then got off the bar & soon got
on another soon got of[f] & sailed 3 miles up the river
& down again in another channel, then tied up
to a wood pile & spent the night
~ Tuesday
2nd Start well in the morning, the Musketoes
have spotted up my face in a dredful manner
after running aground twice we passed Alton
& the mouth of the Missouri River & arived in
St Louis at 12 oclock AM we stoped at the
American House. After Dining one of my
busy scenes commenced notwithstand[ing] my ill
state of health with the fever raging upon me
I had much to do & but 24 hours to accomplish
it in I bought my stock of paper & other
articles & walked till 10 oclock at night was
tired out returned to the tavern & went to bed
sick with severe pain in the head I did not
get sleep untill 2 oclock
~ Wednesday
3rd Was awoke in the morning by bleeding at
the nose bled 1 pint felt vary weak much paine
in the head not seen a well day since I left
home. Commenced business before breakfast
continued at it untill 2 oclock got all goods &
things on board the steem boat Rapids
& Bills of Ba Fraiate made out got dinner went
to bed tired & sick enough. Left St
Louis at 6 oclock PM
~ Thursday
4th Traveld well through the day run on to
some sand Bars had to got a lighter & light of[f]
from one of them I contined to suffered much
with pain in the head & canker in the mouth
I killed the kcanker by chewing a piece of tobaco
~ Friday
5th Friday nose bled considerable in the morning
we sail well passed Marion City, do
Quincy at 2 oclock arived at Keokirk in the
~ Saturday
6th I left the Boat took stage arived at
Montrose in the midst of a Masonic possession
A lodge was institutioned in Montrose I had an
interview with Joseph then croossed to MNauvoo
home again & was thoroughly pickled with the
Billious fever but notwithstand[ing] my sickness
I could not stop to rest for on my return I
found the printing Office had stood still for
about 10 day for the want of paper & the
Boat was 5 days getting over the rapids during
which time I went down the BRiver with
a skiff 6 miles to the Boat & got what paper
we needed for the present use. we were
untill midnight rowing over the rapids
back again & in addition to my fever I
had a sever cough. ^distance to St Louis & Back 400 miles^
~ Wednesday
As soon as the Boat
arived at Nauvoo & landed our freight &
I saw it distributed to its several places
whare it Belonged I went home & retired to
my bed & passed through the severest
fit of sickness I ever experience in life I had a
thorough course of the Billious fever I was
Brought exceding low & for several days I strugled
between life & death I felt some of the time
like gathering up my feet & sleeping with my fathers
~ Wednesday to ~ Monday
I was confined to my Bed or house from the
10th of Aug to the 19th of Sept making 40 days
during my sickness the Twelve came & anointed
me & lade hands upon me & rebuke my
fever & I felt a tesstimony that I should recover
after I Began to recover I had a relaps twice which
put me Back much. In one instance I was
requested to attend a conference or council of the
quorum of the Twelve in the case of Orson Pratt
I was weak & feeble yet I thought I would try to
meet with them with the expectation that they
would meet at Elder John Taylors who was
also vary low with the Billious fever But on our
arival at his house he was so vary feeble he was
not able to have it there so it was remove to
President Hyram Smiths office Elder B. Young
conveyed me in his carriag to the place of
meeting but I had not Been in the house more
than 10 minutes before my strength began to
fail me I lay down upon a bench but had no
sooner lain down than I was gone my breath
stoped. my Brethren raised me up took me to the
door into the air & with the assistance of water
air &c I was brought to Breath again but not without
a hard struggle between life & death the Breth-
ering lade hands upon me & Br Hyram Smith
prayed for my recovery I soon began to breathe
free but I was deprived of all my strength
they convey me home. it being a warm time
I was much troubled for Breathing through most
of the night & it took me several days to recover
my former strength.
During my sickness there was some important
thinkgs transpired in the Church we received
the word of the Lord concerning the
Elders of the Church (through Joseph the
Seer) The Lord manifested that it was
his will that the first presidency, the
Twelve, The High Council The quorum
of High Priest, and the Elders quorum
as a general thing should go into
the vineyard. The instructions were
for the Elders to confine themselves to the
to the free states & mostly to New England
o& the Canidas not to go to any of the indians
ofr slave states
The result was that a
special conference was called & three or
four hundred Elders were called upon to
go into the vineyard & about 400 Elders have
since gone & many others are going their
has never at any time been as great a
turn out into the vineyard since the
foundation of the Church. Br J. Taylor & my-
self are the ownly ones of the Twelve that
have not gone out into the vineyard we being
sick could not go besides it was thought
wisdom for us to continue in the printing
There was a counsel of the
Twelve held for four days with Elder
Orson Pratt to labour with him to
get him to recall his sayings against Joseph
& the The Twelve but he persisted in his
wicked course & would not recall any of his
sayings which were made in public against
Joseph & others sayings which were unjust
& untrue. The Twelve then rejected
him as a member of their quorum & he
was cut off ^from the quorumChurch^ Dr John Cook Bennet was
the ruin of Orson Pratt. ^He was cut off from
the Church Aug 20, 1842^
President Joseph
Smith has been much persecuted of late
by being hunted & sought for by sheriffs
& officers from Missouri & Illinoise
by the orders of Governors Reynolds &
Carlin under pretence of taking him to Missouri
to try him for being accessary to the shootin
of ex Gov. Bogg but it is no more or less than
the spirit of persecution But though Joseph
has been deprived of the privilege of appearing
openly & deprived of the society of his own
family Because sheriffs are hunting him to
destroy him without cause Yet the LORD is
with ^him^ as he was upon the Isle of Patmos
with John. Joseph has presented the Church
of late with some glorious principles from the
Lord concerning Baptism for the dead
& other interesting subjects. he has appeared
occasionally in the midst of the Saints which
has been a great comfort to the Saints But
I was deprived of attendedings as I was confined
with sickness.
I wrote a letter to Br Webster in answer to one
I received from him
I also received a letter from Br Turpin
~ Monday
Sept 19th I commenced work this day for the
first time for 40 days I had made arangments
with Brother Bullard to do my fall work, with
his teeam but he informed me this morning that
he would returned to Iowa & what use I
had of his team I must use it during the week
As I had been sick so long I had eat out &
Burned out as it were not having any wood I
turned out to work. I cut one acre of corn
during my first days work & stooked it up
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
20th & 21st Spent these two days drawing wood
to my door
~ Thursday
232nd Spent the day choreing about home I had
an interview with Elders Young & Kimball
who had returned home for a few days
to get some printing done they were going
out again in few days to hold conferences
through this state. they had met in council
with Joseph who thought it wisdom for
Elder Taylor & myself to remain at home
& attend to Printing. The Lord hath opened
a door within a few days for puting the
town of Keokirk into the hands of the Saints
& Joseph's council was for me to go to keokirk
& publish a political paper & Elder Taylor
publish the Times & Seasons in Nauvoo so I
am aranging the affairs of my family to
do as the Lord may direct. In addition to
my own &c sickness Mrs Woodruff has had
a rising on both of her thumbs which appears
to be a species of the fellen which has caused her
much pain for two or three weeks. Also our Babe
Phebe Amelia has been quite sick for two or
three weeks & for two days has been considerd
~ Friday
23rd I spent the day drawing corn on the stock
I drew one acre of corn 1 mile & put it into a rick at
home, & felt exceding weary at night. The officers
of the Nauvoo Legion met for training during the
~ Saturday
24th I spent the day drawing rails & wood The
whole Legion met on parade. my child seems
to fail. [FIGURE] I rented my house to Br [blank] for $3 per month
pay provisions store pay &c
~ Sunday
25th Sunday I went down early in the morning
to the printing office & Baptized Brother
Amiza Bonney & while absent from home our
child had a poor turn & Phebe thought it would
die before I reached home But she revived yet
had a sick day I spent the day at home writing
in my Journal I ordained one Priest to the
office of an Elder. Brother Morley Joined me in
anointing & laying on of hands upon my child
& she began to revive from that moment
Br Joseph qappeared upon the stand & addressed
the Saints much to their edification though
quite unexpectedly to them
~ Monday
26 Monday I commenced labours this day
again in the printing office the first time
I have been to the printing office for 40 days
our babe is still vary sick
~ Tuesday to ~ Friday
27, 28, 29, & 30 & 31 was spent in the printing
office most of the time Posting Book
~ Saturday
Sept 1st Was spent in the printing Office
~ Sunday
SepOctt 2 Sunday Elder John Taylor
called upon me & informed me that I
was not going to Keokurk But Joseph
wished me to Assist in the printing in
Nauvoo. Elder Allexander Arived from
the south & called upon me. Our Babe
has been preserved unto us she appeared to
be deliverd from her fever & is fast recover-
ing. it has been vary healthy in Nauvoo
this fall untoill within a few days many
have been taken sick & a Number of deaths
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8, was spent in the printing
~ Sunday
9th Sunday walked to Brother Burgess & visited
a number of sick persons & administerd
unto them {Spent some part of the day in cutting on corn}
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
10 & 11 Spent as uasual in the printing Office
~ Wednesday
[FIGURE] 12 [Joseph Smith Papers Document]
BrJoseph the Seer is driven from
home & deprived of the society of the Church
& his family because of falshood, slander
& Persecution from the hands of Governors
rulers & wicked & ungodly men. He is in
exhile sumthing like John on the Isl of patmos
I wrote a letter to Joseph & sent
him some papers & sweet potatoes
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
13 14 & 15 was spent in the printing office
~ Sunday
16th Sunday I preached in the fore part
of the day to the congregation of the
Saints & warned the Church against
councelling against the interest of
the Church but to take a course that
would help Joseph while in exhile or
being driven from home by wicked
& ungodly men
in the after part of the day I walked
a mile north to preach a funeral sermon
but when I arived preaching was omitted
as their was no more than time to
bury the dead
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
17, 18, 19, 20 21 & 22 Was spent in the
printing office abot my daily labour
as usual
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I spent in transacting
some business of importance in behalf of
Keokuck with Mr Ramek
~ Monday
24th We had a fire in the upper part
of the printing office this morning & we
came near burning down one minute
delay more & we should not have saved
the building
~ Tuesday
25 I went out to John Benbows to
get our son Wilford Owen he had been
choked near three days & had not
swallowed any thing during the time. when
we got there he had got relieved & could
swallow we brought him home. distance 12 [miles]
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
26 287 28 & 29 was spent in the printing
office as usual
~ Sunday
30th [FIGURE] For the first time the Saints
of God had the privilege of meeting in
the Temple of the Lord in Nauvoo A
temporary floor was laid within the
unfinished walls which & seats prepard
which would seat about 3000 persons &
the room was crouded & the walls coverd
Joseph the Seer had returned to the city
of Nauvoo & was expected to preach to the
people but ill health & other things prevented
~ Monday
Oct 31 I attended City Council at night
Spent the day in the printing Office
~ Tuesday to ~ Saturday
Nov 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 [Joseph Smith Papers Document] I spent the time in the
printing office days & evenings I spent
at Elder Wm Claytons drawing off the
Times & Seasons Mail Book Elder Wilard
Richards returned from the east with his
family to Nauvoo on Sunday Oct 30 he came to
NMy house Monday night was taken at 2 oclock
with the cholera Morbus & was exceding sick I
was with him for several hours. he was low for
several days.
On Tuesday morning our son
Wilford was taken vary sick with the croup & it
seemed as though he would die for a little time
& was sick for several days & then recoverd
The Twelve returned home on friday
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I spent the day in company
with Elder Clayton Elder H Smith preached
in the fore part of the day
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Was spent in the printing office
& in the City Council. Elder Taylor & myself
had an interview with Joseph Smith & he wished
we us to take the responsibility of the printing
office upon usourselves & liberate him from it
he proffered to rent the property to us for simple
interest & we concluded to take it. We spent
several days in the City Council passing a law
relative to writ of Habus Corpus. After it was
passed Joseph felt secure to stay at home as
the law protected him as well as all other
~ Sunday
13 Sunday I spent most of the day at the
printing office
~ Monday
14th Spent the day at the printing office
~ Tuesday
15 An exeeding severe snow storm the worst
I ever knew in the western country at the
season of the year
~ Wednesday
16th The snow storm continues an exceding
cold day both man & beast suffer exeedi
ngly [FIGURE] We got out the 1st ^No^ vol 4 of the
Times & Season Edited By John Taylor &
Published By John Taylor & W. Woodruff. I
commenced making Mail
~ Thursday
17 Cold weather still continues many are
suffering for the want of wood & provisions the
early winter has cought many unprepared
~ Friday
18th Spent the day in the printing Office
~ Saturday
19 Attended City Council in the morning trave[le]d
through town during the day on business saw
Br Pullin from Ledbury Eng told him he might go
into my house which was empty A man had just
left it been in one month & 20 days drent due $5.00
Mr Nigh the grand Master of vermont Lodge deliverd
a olecture at the Lodge room in the upper part of
J Smith store which was quite interesting
~ Sunday
20. Sunday I spent the day at home writing
~ Monday
21st Two of our Brethren was found frose
to death on the prairie, Alphesus Harmon & his
Nephew were the persons they were found severa[l]
miles apart. I spent most of my time in the
Printing Office
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
22, 23 Spent most of my time in the printing office
I assisted in lawying out one of the corps
of the Harmons
~ Thursday
24th I preached the funeral sermon of
the Harmons it was vary cold
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
25, 26 I spent the time in the printing offic
~ Sunday
27th Sunday I went over the river on the ice
with Wm W Phelps
~ Monday to ~ Wednesday
28th, 29, 30, Spent the time in the printing
office & running about town to get a team ready
to go to St Louis for paper we had another
severe snow storm on the 29th on the 30th A
team & man came to the printing office to go
to St Louis but Wm W Phelps who was going
was sick & postpond it tuntill the day following
~ Thursday
Dec 1st I met at J. Taylors in company with
Wm W Phelps & Br Taylor & myself put into
Br Phelps hand $2.53 dollars to go to St Louis
for paper & other materials he started with a
waggon in the snow
~ Friday
2nd I spent the day taking a schedule or einvoice
of the property of the printing office
~ Saturday
3rd Also & to try to settle affairs with Joseph
but as he was wvary busy in attending cort
we progressed but slowly with it
~ Sunday
4th Sunday I spent the day at the print-
ing office
~ Monday
5th A rainy day but a busy time with me I
spent the day in looking & counting over
the property Hymm Books Books of Mormon
&c to be made out in the schedule
~ Tuesday
6 Spent the day in printing office
~ Wednesday
7. Elder O. Hide returned to Nauvoo this day
after being absent two years & a half on a
mission to eEngland JGermany Asia Jerrusalum
he visited Mount Olivet &c he was the first Elder
of the Church of Latter Day Saints that ever
visited Jerrusalem
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
8, 9, 10 was spent in the printing office
& preparing a writing toas an article of agreement
between Taylor & Woodruff & J Smith
in renting the printing theoffice
~ Sunday
Dec 11 Sunday Elder Orson Hyde deliverd
an interesting discourse at President Joseph
Smiths giving an account of his travels at Jerrus
alem & home again which was interesting
he saw the medeteranean & dead sea at the sam
time from mount Olivet saw smoke or
fog continually arising from the dead sea
spoke of the sepulcher & many things that
put him in mind of the days of Christ he
published our principles in the German
language & circulated them among
the various nations
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. I spent my time as usual in
the Printing
~ Sunday
18th Sunday spent the day at home
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
19, 20 21, 22, 23 24. Spent the week in the print-
ing offie
~ Sunday
25. Sunday spent the day at home writing
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
276, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 spent the time in the printing
office. this closes the year of 1842 thus
year after year is rolling away into eternity
the commeenrcing of the year foungd me in the
city of London & the end in Nauvoo, printing
As the Lord has been meerciful & preservinged my
family & my own life from death, &so may the
Lord still preserved us for the year to come
from Death, sickness & evry evil & enable us
to do the will of God & overcom the world
I Procured 24 subscribers for the T & Seasons
[FIGURE] Synopsis of procedings of Wilford Woodruff during
The year AD 1842
Trav | 450 | Miles |
Held | 10 | meetings |
Attended | 2 | confere[nces] |
Councils | 4 | |
Baptized ^130^ for the dead & ^13^ remission of sins | 143 | persons |
Was Baptized for dead relatives | 1 | |
Confirmed | 140 | persons |
Ordained | 75 | Elders |
Married | 4 | persons |
Attended City Counci | 12 | da |
Wrote Letters | 15 | |
Received Letters | 10 | |
I Reported & recorded in this journal six sermons or addresses from President J. Smith | 6 | recorded |
Spent most of the time during the past [year] in
the printing office attending attending to the
printing of the Times & Seasons & wasp &
Book of Mormon keeping & posting Books &c
I Procured 24 subscribers for the Times & S | 24 | subscbs |
[Written by John McEwan in 1844]
Instructions delivered by Prest. Joseph Smith
before the Female relief society of Nauvoo,
Prest J. Smith arose & called the attention of the meeting
to the 12th Chap. 1st Corinth "Now concerning spiritual gifts" &c,
said that the passage which reads "no man can say Jesus is
the christ but by the Holy Ghost," should be translated, no
man can know, &c. [1 Corinthians 12:3]
He contind to read the chapter & give instructions re-
specting the different offices, & the necessity of every individu-
al acting in the sphere allotted him or her, & filling the several
offices to which they were appointed—spoke of the disposition
of men, to consider the lower offices in the church dishonorable
& to look with jealous eyes upon the standing of others, that
it was the nonsense of the human heart, for a person to be aspiring
to other stations than appointed of God—that it was better
for individuals to magnify their respective callings, & wait
patiently till God shall say to them to come up higher.
He said the reason of these remarks being made, was, that
some little thing was circulating in the Society, that some
persons were not going right in laying hands on the sick &c.
said if he had common sympathies, would rejoice that the
sick could be healed, that the time had not been before that
these things could be in their proper order that the church
is not now organized into its proper order, & cannot be until
the temple is completed
Pres Smith continued the
subject by adverting to the commision given to the ancient apos-
tles "Go ye into all the world &c"—no matter who beleiveth;
these signs, such as healing the sick, casting out devils &c,
should follow all that beleive wether male or female. [Mark 16:15-18]
He asked the society if they could not see by this Sweeping
stroke that wherein they are ordained it is the privilege
of those set apart to administer in that authority which is
conferred on them & if the sisters should have faith to
heal the sick, let all hold their tongues, & let every thing
roll on.
He said if God has appointed him, & chosen him as
an instrument to lead the church, why not let him lead
it through? Why stand in the way, when he is appointed to
do a thing? Who knows the mind of God? Does he not
reveal things differently from what we expect? He remarked
that he was continually rising—altho' he had every thing
bearing him down, standing in his way & opposing—after all
he always comes out right at the end.
Respecting females laying on hands, he further remarkd
there could be no devil in it if God gave his sanction by healing
that there could be no more sin in any female laying hands
on the sick than in wetting the face with water that it
is no sin for any body to do it that has faith, or if the sick
has faith to be healed by the administration.
He reproved thatose that were disposed to find fault
with the management of concerns—saying if he undertook to
lead the church he would lead it right—that he calculates
to organize the church in proper order &c.
Pres Smith continued by speaking of the difficulties
he had to surmount ever since the commencement of the
work in consequence of aspiring men, "great big Elders" as he
called them, who had caused him much trouble, whom he
had taught in the private council; & they would go forth into
the world & proclaim the things he had taught them; as
there own revelations—said the same aspiring disposition will
be in this Society—& must be guarded against—that every
person should stand & act in the place appointed, & thus
sanctify the society & get it pure.
He said he had been trampled under foot by as-
piring Elders, for all were infected with that spirit, for
instance P. Pratt, O. Pratt, O. Hyde & J. Page had been aspiring
they could not be exalted but run away as tho' the care &
authority of the church were vested with them—he said he
had a subtile devil to deal with & could only curb him
by being humble.
He said as he had this opportunity he was
going to instruct the society & point out the way for them
to conduct, that they might act according to the will
of God—that he did not know as he should have many
opportunities of teaching them as they were going to be
left to themselves. they would not long have him to
instruct them, that the church would not have
his instruction long, & the world would not be troubled
with him a great while, & would not have his teaching
He spoke of delivering the Keys to this Society & the church
that according to his prayers God had appointed him
He exhorted the Sisters always to concentrate
their faith and prayers for, & place confidence in those
whom God has appointed to honor, whom God has
placed at the head to lead that we should arm them
with our prayers, that the keys of the kindgdom are
about to be given to them that they may be able to de-
tect every thing false, as well as to the Elders.
He said if one member becomes corrupt & you
know it; you must immediately put it away. The
Sympathies of the heads of the church have induced them
to bear with those that were corrupt; in consequence
of which all become contaminated, you must put down
iniquity & by your good example provoke the Elders
to good works, if you do right no danger of going too fast;
he said he did not care how fast we run in the path
of virtue, resist evil & there is no danger, God, men, angels,
& devils, cant condemn those that resist every thing
that is evil—as well might the devil seek to disthrone
Jehovah as that soul that resists every thing that
is evil.
The charitable Society, this is according to your
natures, it is natural for females to have feelings of charity
you are now placed in a situation where you can act
according to those sympathies which gGod has planted
in your bosoms.
If you live up to these principles how great &
glorious! if you live up to your privilege, the angels
cannot be restrained from being your associates—
females if they are pure & innocent can come into
the presence of God, for what is more pleasing to God
than innocence. you must be innocent or you can
not come up before God. if we would come before
God let us be pure ourselves. The devil has great
power, he will so transform things as to make one
gape at those who are doing the will of God.
you need not be teazing men for their deeds, but
let the weight of innocence be felt, which is more
mighty than a mill stone hung about the neck.
Not war, not jangle, not contradiction, but meek-
ness, love, purity, these are the things that should
magnify us. Achan must be brought [Joshua 7:19-26]
to light, iniquity must be purged out, then the veil will
be rent and the blessings of heaven will flow down
they will roll down like the Mississippi river. This
Society shall have power to command Queens in their
midst. I now deliver it as a prophecy that before ten
years shall roll round the Queens of the earth shall
come & pay their respects to this Society. they shall
come with their millions & shall contribute of their
abundance for the relief of the poor—If you will
be pure, nothing can hinder.
After this instruction you will be responsible
for your own sins. it is an honor to save yourselves
all are sresponsible to save themselves.
Prest. Smith after reading from the above
mentioned chapt. continued to give instruction respect
ing the order of God, as established in the church,
saying every one should aspire only to magnify his
own office &c.
He then commenced reading the 13th chapt
"Though I speak with the tongues of men &c"; & said
dont be limited in your views with regard to your
neighbors virtues, but be limited towards your
own virtues, & not think your selves more righte-
ous than others. you must enlarge your souls to-
wards others, if you would do like Jesus, & carry your
fellow creatures to Abrahams bosom.
He said he had manifested long suffering
& we must do so too—Prest Smith then read
"Though I have the gift of prophecy" &c. [1 Corinthians 13:2] He then
said though one should become mighty, do great
things, overturn mountains &c & should then turn
to eat & drink with the drunken; all former
deeds would not save him, but he would go
to destruction!
As you increase in innocence & virtue
as you increase in goodness let your hearts
expand, let them be enlarged towards others
you must be long suffering & bear with the
faults & errors of mankind. How precious
are the souls of men! The female part of
community are apt to be contracted in their
views. you must not be contracted,
but you must be liberal in your feelings.
Let this society teach how to act towards
husbands to treat them with mildness & affect-
ion. When men is borne down with trouble
when he is perplexed, if he can meet a smile,
an argument, if he can meet with mildness
it will calm down his soul & soothe his feel-
ings. when the mind is going to despair
it needs a solace.
This society is to get instruction thro'
the order which God has established, thro' the
medium of those appointed to lead & I now
turn the Key to you in the name of God & this
society shall rejoice & knowledge & intelligence
shall flow down from this time—this is
the beginning of better days to this society.
When you go home never give a cross
word, but let kindness charity & love, crown
your works hence forward. dont envy sinners,
have mercy on them. God will destroy them
Let your labors be mostly confined to those
around you in your own circle; as far as
knowledge is concerned, it may extend to
all the world, but your administrations
should be confined to the circle of your
immediate accquaintance, & more
especially to the members of the society.
Those ordained to ledad the society
are authorised to appoint the different
offices as the circumstances shall require.
If any have a matter to reveal,
let it be in your own tongue, do not indul
ge too much in the gift of tongues, or the
devil will take advantage of the innocent.
You may speak in tongues for your own
comfort but I lay this down for a
rule that if any thing is taught by the
gift of tongues, it is not to be received
for doctrine.
Prest Smith then offereed instruct
ion respecting the propriety of females
administering to the sick by the laying
on of hands, said it was according to
revelation &c. said he was never placed
in similar circumstances & never had
given the same instruction.
He closed his instructions by ex-
pressing his satisfaction in improving
the opportunity.
The spirit of the Lord was pour'd
out in a very powerful manner, never
to be forgotten by those present on that
interesting occasion.
[FIGURE] Copied by John P. McEwan
Augt 27th 1844.
Testimony of Mother Lucy Smith.
Mother Smith rose & said she was glad the
time had come that iniquity could be detected
& reproach thrown off from the heads of the
church. We come into the church to be saved
that we may live in peace & sit down in the
kingdom of heaven. If we listen to, & circulate
every evil report we shall idly spend the
time which should be appropriated to the
reading of the scriptures, the Book of Mor-
mon—we must remember the words of
Alma pray much at morning, noon &
evening [Alma 33:3-11]—feed the poor &c. She said she
was old could not meet with the society
but few times more, & wished to leave her
testimony that the book of mormon is
the book of God—that Joseph Smith is
a man of God, a prophet of the Lord
set apart to lead the people. If we
observe his words it will be well with
us; if we live righteously on earth, it
will be well with us in Eternity.
[rest of page blank]
The following are the names of the persons
that Phebe W. Woodruff has been Baptized
for in the font in the Temple of the Lord in
Nauvoo in 1842 ^under the hands of Wilford Woodruff^
[sideways text]
(W. W.)
[end of sideways text]
Relationship | Names of the Dead Baptized for | Dates | |
Grand Father | Ezra Carter | April | 21 |
Grand Mother | Phebe W. Carter | [April] | 2 |
Grand Father | Joshua Fabyan | 29 | |
Grand Mother | Sarah Fabyan | [April] | [29] |
[sideways text]
(W. W.)
[end of sideways text]
Uncle | John Fabyan | 30 | |
| Sally Fabyan | [30] | |
Uncle | George Fabyan | [April] | [30] |
Uncle | Joseph Fabyan | [April] | [30] |
[sideways text]
(W W)
[end of sideways text]
Great Aunt | Olive Moulton | July | 18 |
Great Aunt | Elizabeth Hagget | ||
Great Aunt | Mehettable Bracket | ||
Friend | Betsy Hagget | ||
Uncle | Edmund Eastman | ||
Aunt | Ruth Eastman | ||
Uncle | Moses Farnum | ||
Aunt | Rhoda Farnum |
The following persons were baptised for by Phebe
W. Woodruff under the hands of Wilford Woodruff
in AD 1844
[sideways text]
(W. W)
[end of sideways text]
Cousin | Olive Libby | Aug | 25 |
Cousin | Sarah Pierce | [Aug] | [25] |
Cousin | Ezra Carter | [Aug] | [25] |
Cousin | Sophia Carter | ||
Friend | Rachael Smith | [Aug] | [25] |
The following are the names of the dead that Elder
Wilford Woodruff was baptized for in Nauvoo
in the River in AD 1844
[sideways text]
Geo. A. Smith
[end of sideways text]
Gnd Father | Asahel Hart | Augt | 26th |
[Gnd] Mother | [blank] Hart | [Augt] | [26th] |
Uncle | Asahel Hart | [Augt] | [26th] |
[Uncle] | Joseph Hart | [Augt] | [26th] |
Aunt | Sophrona Hart | [Augt] | [26th] |
Uncle | Adna Hart | [Augt] | [26th] |
Aunt | Eunice Hart | [Augt] | [26th] |
Friend | Robt Mason | [Augt] | [26th] |
Uncle | Erastus Hart | [Augt] | [26th] |
Cousin | Milla Woodruff | [Augt] | [26th] |
| [Augt] | [26th] | |
[Cousin] | Henry Woodruff | [Augt] | [26th] |
[Cousin] | Laura Hoskins | [Augt] | [26th] |
[Cousin] | Marietta Hoskins | [Augt] | [26th] |
Uncle | Wakeman Standley | [Augt] | [26th] |
The following are the names of the
Dead that Wilford Woodruff & Phebe W was Baptized for in the font in
the house of the Lord in Nauvoo, in 1842
Relationship | Persons Names Baptized for | Date | Dats |
H C kimball | |||
Mother | April | 21 | |
Brother | Philo Woodruff | [April] | [21] |
Brother | Asahel H. Woodruff | [April] | [21] |
[sideways text]
(G. A. S.)
[end of sideways text]
Great Grand father | Josiah Woodruff | May | 15 |
Great Grand Mother | [blank] Woodruff | [May] | [15] |
[sideways text]
[end of sideways text]
Grand Father | Eldad Woodruff | 29 | |
Grand Mother | Dinah Woodruff | [29] |
[sideways text]
[end of sideways text]
Great Grand Father | [blank] Thompson | May | 30 |
Great Grand Mother | [blank] Thompson | ||
Grand Father | Lot Thompson | [May] | [30] |
Grand Mother | Anna Thompson | [May] | [30] |
[sideways text]
G. A. S.
[end of sideways text]
Uncle | Eldad Woodruff | July | 18 |
Aunt | Lewy Woodruff | [July] | [18] |
Uncle | Amasa Frisby | ||
Aunt | Elizabeth Frisby | [July] | [18] |
A | Achsa Woodruff | ||
{[illegible shorthand]} sw Aunt | [blank] Woodruff | [July] | [18] |
The following persons were babtized for by W Woodruff
in the river In AD 1844, in Nauvoo
[sideways text]
G. A. S.
[end of sideways text]
Uncle | Cyrus Thompson | Aug | 25 |
Aunt | Amna Thompson | [Aug] | [25] |
Aunt | [Aug] | [25] | |
Cousin | Hyram Barber | [Aug] | [25] |
Cousin | Electa Woodruff | [Aug] | [25] |
Farewell of Wife—on mission
Early ^up^on the morning of August
8th, I arose from my bed of
sickness, laid my hands upon the
head of my sick wife, Phoebe
and blessed her. I then departed
from the embrace of my companion
and left her almost with out
food or the nescessities of life
She suffered my departure with
the fortude that becomes a saint
realizing the responsibility of
her companion. I quote from
my journal "Phoebe farewell
be of good cheer, remember
me in your prayers. I leave
these pages for your perusal
when I am gone.
I shall see your face again
in the flesh
I go to obey the command
of Jesus Christ"